FORMER President Rupiah Banda’s son, Andrew, says anyone in the UPND refusing to forge a union with other opposition political parties will be isolated.
And the Alliance for a Better Zambia (ABZ) says if the UPND does not want to work in unity, it will go it alone.
Mr Banda told the Daily Mail yesterday that no single political party – including the PF – can win elections by 50-percent-plus-one vote.
He was reacting to the UPND’s assertions that it will field its own candidates in the forthcoming Katuba, Mkushi South and Solwezi Central parliamentary by-elections slated for February 25.
Mr Banda, NAREP president Elias Chipimo and ABZ’s Frank Bwalya have called for the opposition to unite and field one candidate in the by-elections.
“We need to unite as opposition. I am a founder member of UPND and so we will isolate anyone against the idea of unity,” Mr Banda said.
He said the countdown to 2016 is on, hence the need for unity.
And ABZ secretary general Eric Chanda says his party is enjoying massive support and will thus go it alone if other political parties do not want unity.
Mr Chanda, who described President Sata as a political heavyweight, said his party, though in its infancy, will take on the PF.
“Ba Shikulu ba Sata is a very experienced and seasoned politician and the PF is a very strong party but we will take it on,” he said.
Mr Chanda said ABZ will not force any political party to partner with it.
“ABZ has been on the ground and we will test our popularity by participating in the Katuba by-election,” he said.
Mr Chanda has wished the UPND luck as they go it alone in the elections.
“We shall meet the UPND in the battlefield,” he said.
Mr Chipimo is among those who have called for unity among the opposition but the UPND has opposed the idea.
Well done UPND. Dont EVER BE cheated again by these PF Sponsored and PF user friendly parties. You CANT TRUST NAREP, ABZ, etc who essentially are friends of SataN. They will let you down and send you in disarray towards the time of election – dont even listen to them. You are better of with what you can control than with the “sea” which wants to tie and control you.
Can you trust Chipimo, Bwalya, Mumba? Of course NO!! Dont even listen to them Bemba Parties!! You have been conned once by SataN, Nawakwi, etc so dont ever ever be conned again. Zambians are old enough to have learnt a good bloody lesson from voting for liers in PF and will vote for you?
Very eloquently put Chilyata. I like.
go it solo and you are dancing to the tune of the devil. no single party can dislodge PF from power
u may win one or two seats in these bye elections but verily verily i tell u thats it and never the presidency.
Chilyata with your UPND,don’t be a chumbu munshololwa.You always think that UPnD is always rite.In UDA,HH was the combined candidate of UNIP,FDD,UPnD.Who coned who here?HH always wants to be at the top.You don’t get Wisdom from school.Wisdom is from God.Plz UPnD try to get wisdom.Unfortunately a mansonist does not serve God Jehovah,but the devil.So it’s very unlikely that Wisdom will come to UPnD Leadership.
ba chilyata why speek with bitterness just advise wisely
This is music to our ears, it will be a stroll in the park come 2016. We’ll walk it easily. ROLL ON 2016.
UPND can go solo and be a provincial opposition party for eternity.
DONT kill Andrew and father bwalya!! the story is from the zambia daily mail ment to cause confusion!!! you should know better
Bushe ba Andrew ni ba UPND mwaa!
Old broken record. Next topic please.
Let them first prove that they have a following then they can approach serious parties like MMD and UPND for unity. They are failing to win even one seat and want to create an imp[ression they have so much support.
UPND should only think of MMD, not the one man parties because some of them have been sent to spy and copy. You lose nothing by refusing to work with NAREP.
with hine hine at the helm of upnd,the party will never win an election,as one bloger put it,they might win some parliamentary seats but the presidential nada.This hine hine is very selfish,how many pacts has he been in and has always found faults in the others?
@ Judge u r right. PEOPLE LIKE CHIPIMO behave like Cosmo we not forgotten did he not go to BRAZIL with SataN.
I like Fr Bwalya. He is honest we trusted Sata but he let us DOWN and Fr Bwalya just comes OUT and says this is NOSENSE. We want leaders like tht.
Moral Authority has to deal with your CONSCIENCE which MARTIN LURTHER followed.
Most of the MORALLY UPRIGHT in Govt PORTIFOLIOS r surprised hence they r quiet, Simusa, Sichinga & so forth…
Viva Fr Bwalya Viva HH Viva UPND.
Please let us unite. There will be NO progress without UNITY.
there is no need to unite with family parties, who do not even have a Councillor. what value will they bring in the unity? zuug. UPND just continue going it alone. those insinuating that no single party can dislodge pf are defenders of pf. its people to decide who to vote for. pf dislodged mmd what can stop UPND to do the same?
UPND wont unite with other parties becoz they feel they are the real deal and this is pure sign that the chaps are very greedy…very greedy.
No need for alliances.Participate on your own accord.Iam also forming my own party and i will not need an alliance.Thats the beauty of democracy.Why team up?Cowardice!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
UPND GO it ALONE in all the bye elections. U will never know your weaknesses if u continue with this merging thing. If Zed people will not make of your massege then be it. Maintain your intergrity by being yourself and not another. U are UPND and not the UDA or UPND/PF pact. Preach your massege of hope to the Zambians and one day they will see sence in your and its very soon. I LOVE UPND and HH.
No single opposition party can unseat PF in 2016, some form of unity will be required. Let us learn from the past. Our objective is for PF to lose come 2016.
UPND is open to any party that is willing to joine them.Those saying that UPND should create marriages of shipikisha witought proper economical agenda are aportunist .Interested only in removing PF but puting a president in state house with no economic agenda for Zambians .WE want quality leadership not Sangwapo.
So, let me get this straight…….. It’s either you are with us or against us or is it by force? So whats the meaning of this merging if “someone” cant decide for themself?! The whole purpose of UPND making their choice is now tainted for if they decide to come in, Bandas words will always echo somewhat at the the back.Politicians indeed are born from the same mother, is there anyone else with a diffrent approach?
It is already wrong and enough to do wrong, but it is worse to feel proud of it.
SATA is so proud of wrong doing; the man enjoys wrongs and clearly celebrates when others suffer or are in trouble.
What spirit is at work if SATA enjoys and celebrates evil, wrongs he does and suffering of other people.
Prayer for the Nation is vital and a must for our future.
Zambia has been temporarily besieged and captured by a strange being (spirit) which must be rooted out.
Yes, this is temporary.
The mistake made was that the same was endorsed by some people from the pulpit. Thus the church authority and power was compromised, and so prayer offered could only hit the roof.
Thank God, the church has began to repent – those who endorsed him have seen their errors are regretful.
Therefore prayer…
HH will not be president anytime soon…
what has chipimo and fr bwalya got to unite with? Any political party less than ten years old is not worthy it.
These rookie political parties should be talking of rallying behind the bigger parties like upnd and mmd.
Practically if upnd and mmd united pf is nothing. The bigger question remains however, how practical is the upnd /mmd relation?
All politicians are selfish,and mergers in Zambia do not work.HH and other parties should just got it alone.
@adwika,you are not God.be reasonable.Thats exactely what mmd zealots were saying about sata.you may not vote HH or maybe you don’t like him or you are a bemba tribalist,but listen you vote and mine may not make any difference when compared to other votes from the 13million Zambians out there.dont be misled by your egos.If sata has given you a job,keep it and your family but you see their are thousands of other young people who wants jobs and your hero sata has failed to even create hope in the young people.spare us please.
the spoiler for UPND is MMD; UPND can beat PF given that they are the contenders in the ring
I think Nevers has the winning card. Whichever party he’ll put his card on will carry the day…
Mr Banda sir I don’t think it is wise like to push u p n d to the wall.U are being unfair to u p n d . u left the u p n d when your father became president.So wat has really changed in u p n d which you didn’t see the time u ditched them?If u p n d wants to go solo in the comming elections then let it be.After all its part of a democratic process.They say once beaten twice shy and am made to believe that the u p n d has learnt its lessons through unsuccessfull marriages in the past.They are experienced enough to know fake and genuine mergers.So, amudala you might think that you know it all but the u p n d seem to be hundreds of yards ahead of you.Pliz Pliz respect their decision.Most people. are now cautious of these Bemba parties .All they think of is dominance and it is a pity that…