Friday, March 14, 2025

Governemnt appeals to parents to support the introduction of local languages in schools


Dr Kaseba-Chibefwe School pupil's in Mkushi
Government has appealed to parents to support the introduction of local languages at Pre School and primary school levels.

Education Deputy Minister David Mabumba has told Qfm that the policy revision has been well researched by the ministry of education and other NGOs and has concluded that it will be of benefit to the children.

Mr. Mabumba says many countries world over have invested in the use local languages for teaching purposes while English is used as a transitional language.

He notes that Zambia has so much freedom to the extent that parents can demand that the learning of local languages be optional, which he says should not be the case.

He says that when parents give their children to the ministry of education, it is the ministry’s responsibility to take care of them and use the language they believe is necessarily for their educational growth.

Mr. Mabumba states that the use of local languages to a large extent will help build a strong educational foundation.


    • I feel for the man who will have a child with you. That’s why they made condoms to stop people like you from procreating. Tell Nick to use them.

  1. Rubbish thinking by the govt. One can never go wrong with english. THese *****s should be removed from power , we did not put you there to dictate to us but to carry out our wishes. PF, MARUBBISH YEKA YEKA!!!

    • 100% correct. these ass- holes should not just dream policies and rush to implement. these nonsense will just bring tribalism, regionalism and confusion. Why cant PF listen to the people for once. Does it mean that all of us, 13 million Zambians are so stupid we don’t need to be consulted on these policy changes? The next government should reverse this and other stupid policy pronouncements made by these Pathetic Failures. This policy require that people are prepared psychologically, capacity to teach local languages is built and avoid, by all means possible, domination of one language over others. Any, chaps we gat in government never listens until this bomb explodes in their face.

  2. Why ask for support after a decision has been passed. I believe PF GRZ must have consulted before coming up with such retrograssive ideas.

  3. Mr Mabumba why are you allergic to people’s freedom? language is supposed to enhance communication. In a competitive global world we are supposed to teach global languages. Indeed, I would suggest we include Chinese or Mandarin on the curriculum as the language of the future. For some of us English at school was the only way we practiced it. I think this move will have serious repercussions.

  4. This is one of the worst PF policy that is silly.

    Zambia does not have one universal indigenous language like there are in China, Japan, France or maybe East Africa (Swahili).

    When children begin education in grade 1 in Chipata, and their parents get a job transfer to Kalabo in grade two, how do they continue their education? Do they have to re-learn years 1 and 2 in say, Lozi to transit into year three?

    The PF lack serious analysts. They have too many emotional “fikaisova” people in government.

    The policy must be put on hold, and be reviewed again or even scrapped all-together.

    • It is not as if transfers are commandments from God. In interest of the child, parents should not be transferred until children are in grade. In addition, once the local governance system is fully devolved, there will be no transfers since each local government will employ its own employees

    • @thick madam is your skull that thick that you have stopped reasoning…What mischief are they trying to remedy by this policy????? why didn’t the just make it compulsory for a child to take a local language as deducing from the above statement the ill they sought to remedy is local language being optional…Dumbest thing that has ever happened in Zambia in years…its an oil from grass story

  5. When I went to school English was the main medium of teaching but we learnt local languages by the side and we moved quite all over Zambia. Four different provinces in my seven years of primary school, I don’t know what I would have done being taught in four different languages and expected to write an exam in one of them…PF feel pity for families that move around due to parents’ job commitments.

  6. If it aint broke,dont fix it. What was wrong with a local language being an option,
    Have they even considered what happens if a family relocates frm 1 province to another…the children will be lost.
    I cant trust government on this one.After all,even the teachers dnt knw some languages theyr suposed to teach in.

  7. …this is the most misplaced, senseless legislation/policy one can ever bulldoze on our children in this modern Zed. I wonder if the policymakers/implementers really had the interest of the vulnerable children – children from ‘poor’ families.
    This is somehow meant to segregate children from the rich to those from the ‘poor’. Most if not all policymaker’s children and grandchildren go to private schools. In fact all their children are not affected, they are all grown ups.
    Whenever we mingled with pupils from Convent, us from government schools used to feel inferior bcos we could not articulate in English as good as our colleagues. We used to shy away from participating in any topic for the fear of being laughed at.
    So, is the policy a hit or a miss..?..for me, definitely a miss

  8. They are copying a policy from countries which have one dominant language spoken by all. Wait and see if their children will be taught in Bemba.

  9. In Lusaka, Children will start learning in Chewa. A language originating from Malawi and parts of Eastern Province – Total Rubbish!! My little ones are not Chewa. They are Lenje. So they have to learn in this stinking Chewa??? ‘Kodi Dzina lanu ndinu yani? What rubbish – and what will they call Penis in Chewa??

  10. PF Govt. has introduced local languages in Schools, This is what you should except !!!!!!!!

    Teaching computer lesson in the new curriculum at primary schools.

    Bemba computer language
    1. Start – Ukutampa
    2. Do – Ukucita
    3. Undo – Ukucitulula
    4. Tools – ifibombelo
    5. Desktop Computer – Cisolobelo ca pa cipampa
    6. Laptop – Akasolobelo kapa matanta
    7. Print – Ukufwatika
    8. Printer – Icakufwatikilako
    9. Document – Icitupa
    10. My documents – Ifitupa fyandi
    11. My Recent Documents – Ifitupa fyandi ifyanombaline
    12. My Pictures – Ifikope fyandi
    13. My Music – Inyimbo shandi
    14. My Computer – Icisolebelo Candi
    15. My Network Places – Isumbulyancito lyandi lya mu ncende
    16. Video – Ubunkolanya
    17. Video CD/DVD – Iseleti lya bunkolanya
    18. Audio CD/DVD – Iselet

    • 19. Toolbar – Umungwala wa fibombelo
      20. Network – Isumbulyanchito
      21. Enter – Ingila
      22. Keyboard – Akapampa kanfungulo
      23. Enter key – Infungulo yakwingila ko
      24. Escape – Fyuka
      25. Mouse Pointer – Ichakusontela koswe

    • My brother you may take it as a joke but the Zulu language has already done what you are illustrating. There is even google Zulu version. If something is unfamiliar that doesn’t mean it should be ridiculous

    • However you two guys with Bwana Mkubwa have fallen into the classical trap of translating literally. Some words will need the meaning behind them so as to be understood

    • @Umwina Zed. I live in Tshwane, Sunnyside, Walker Street, Near Barclay Square. My Children – 1 is at Oost Eind Primary School and 2 and at Hamilton (in Visage Street).

      None of them have learnt in seTswana or seSotho from Grade 1 to Grade 4. They take those (and/or Afrikaans) as 1st Home Language and 2nd Home Language.

      So what is your point?

  11. Microsoft – Akanono akanakanaka
    20. Microsoft Word – Ishiwi lya kanono akanakanaka
    21. Page – Ibula
    22. Ctrl – Alt – Del – Ukulungamika – Ukupindulula – Ukufuta
    23. Run – Ukubutuka
    24. Internet – Isumbu lyakonse konse
    25. Intranet – Isumbu lya mukati
    26. Browse – Ukuumbaumba
    27. Folder – Akacola
    28. Windows Messenger – Kabilo wansolokoto
    29 Insert – Ubika pakati
    30. Finish – Ukupwisha
    31. Mouse – Koswe?

    • Ukwalinsoke, walipena boyi…..I can see you can do better as bemba teacher. come back from the diaspora, you already have a job waiting for you

  12. Do private schools also have to follow this directive or this is only for the government schools? If Private and International schools are excluded, has anybody thought about the long term impact of a two tier educational system, one relevant only in what seems to be the mind of the PF government and the other which should be adaptable and relevant elsewhere. Of all the things to do couldnt they have introduced mandatory computer literacy in all government schools, just how backward do we really want to go?

  13. A serious communication gap is about to be created.. We will soon start using sign language to our children the moment we support this primitive policy….

  14. My language is not one the major ones, tell me why my child must learn other people’s language instead of mine? Which strong education foundation!, when my child will only use that blood local language from Pre – school up to grade 4 and never use it again? If you had only mentioned this when you were campaigning we would have known how to handle you chaps. Anyway I will create a school for my children and some relatives where my children will learn in English through out. I’m not going to be part of this “Very hard stone age.” Leaders who just impose everything as if you own us, my God!

  15. It appears that PF is itching to be booted out of office in 2016. If not then, going by the horrendous policies coming out Education, Justice and Finance ministries, it is evident that these ministries are being overseen by people who do not know what they are doing (the sh*t they are putting their govt into) and should be fired!

  16. My understanding is that English will still be there and therefore I see no reason for apprehension. Local language will help learners to connect theory with reality quickly. I remember when I was learning wood work in grade eight or nine and simple terms like dove tail joint seemed abstract at first.

  17. Its all fine but all PF Ministers must have their registered children educated in zambia with out compromise and other citizens are free to send out their kids. Citizens are free and not to wrong theories . wake up zambia

  18. This is a very stupid and useless move by a government lacking direction at all. A fish rots from the head. What do you expect from a president with a rotten head.

  19. I had an interesting conversation with an educationalist in the UK a few years ago. He told me that African children uprooted from their countries of birth were struggling in British schools and were generally behind in reading. He was asking parents to set up after-school clubs where the children would be taught to learn to read in their own languages first. He contended that this would get them into the habit of reading and would in fact help them learn to read English quicker. At first I was skeptical but he showed me evidence from around London which seemed to bear this out. I personally learnt to read in vernacular well before I started grade 1 – before I learnt a single word in English.

  20. …. also I worked with a young man from Sri Lanka who told me that he had been taught in the local sinhalese language throughout his school life and that he had only learnt English a year before entering University in the UK. He graduated with flying colours in Physics. This got me thinking. How is it that all non-African countries teach maths and sciences in their own languages and yet we seem incapable?

  21. I expected this level of hostility for this idea, but not the lack of critical thought. I still believe that it is better to learn to read in Lozi at grade 1 rather than to go through primary school without being able to read at all.

    • What is the familiar language in Kaoma, Mpulungu, Muyombe, Chongwe? In Isoka, we use Namwanga but we will not teach in namwanga! It is just a mess!

  22. Typical of PF, their policies have often been Prompt, Un-researched and retrogressive. This particular one sounds like a one orchestrated by nostalgic individuals with a hangover from the effects of colonialism; angry and hateful. But PF should become current in thought and action. When students at college level could not even spell correctly you even break down the backbone of kids future mode of education. Instead of spending money on tools that will improve educ such as computers you force Lenje speaking people to learn in Chewa, a language they will not use for the rest of their education. One more foolish policy which need to be reversed!

  23. No seriousness here.They could have transferred their children from English international school to chibolwa school and teach them local languages

  24. For once, this discussion has made a unanimous decision to do away with a policy that does not make sense.
    How do we lobby against this clearly horrible decision by government before it is too late for our children?


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