MINISTER of Finance Alexander Chikwanda has called on Patriotic Front (PF) members to focus on activities that unite rather than divide the ruling party.
He said PF members should love one another and put the interest of the nation at heart in order to foster economic development because hatred is nothing but retrogressive.
“Let us work towards the promotion of peace and stability in the party,” Mr Chikwanda said. “Let us inculcate the spirit of love. If we plant hatred we shall harvest hatred and if we plant love we shall harvest love…I have never invested in hatred but I have invested in love.”
The Finance Minister, also a close confidante of President Sata said, “I have invested in love, affection and honest. We must be in the fore-front of providing love to anyone. Me, I have shown love to everyone in government whether there are in higher positions or not.”
He said the ruling PF is a big family and that members must emulate President Sata’s love for the country instead of sowing seeds of division.
Mr Chikwanda said love should conquer all.
He also urged PF members to stop fighting for positions which are not vacant in the party but remain united behind President Sata.
Mr Chikwanda was addressing PF members in Kawambwa district in Luapula Province where the Zambia Forestry and Forests Industrial Corporation plantation is expected to create over 4,000 jobs.
He said PF members ought to love one another the same way President Sata loves the Zambian people.
Mr Chikwanda advised party members to settle their differences without going to the public.
He wants PF members to be role models for other political parties by avoiding unnecessary confusion.
He also called on all peace-loving Zambians to continue supporting President Sata in his quest to cut poverty and create jobs.
Old F.O.O.L
what sort of love?
Why is this man disgracing himself? Can PF ever exhibit love for one another? The PF is a party for thugs. Who tells Chikwanda that Sata loves the people of Zambia? Please don’t insult Zambians. Sata is full of hatred and he only favours those who come from his tribe. Do you call this love? Mr Chikwanda must desist from making a fool of himself and remain a dignified citizen that he is. Leave PF before you dent your image because when the wave comes, it will sweep all of you who will be found on the other side of the majority. This is a timely warning.
Yaba, these old men are really a problem to our country. Whatever happened to growing old gracefully??? Ati Finance Minister
Appears someone’s cleaning up their Image, before leaving a Sinking Titanic,
so people cannot include him in atrocity allegations, once the worst party in
Zambia’s history is out of office. We all know Chikwanda included that P.F
the party of indiscipline has FAILED!
Ba Alex the best you can do is either advise your own nephew, MCS, to learn to love or just shut up! It is public knowledge that Zambians were lied to by your nephew that he would rule Zambia based on the Biblical Ten Commandments but from first day in State House it has been revenge, hatred , anger, tantrums, stupidity!
From the last time I checked the Biblical Ten Commandments love for one another is one of the 10 commandments which your nephew has never been able to show! Your nephew did not vie for presidency for the love of the country, but for the love of power!!!!
Honestly, can the counrty develop with such empty heads in government ? Zambia is in trouble.
glorified kaponyas
Old man please step down from your portfolio and spare us economic ruin!
Zaffico is bad?
Walk your talk, how do you sideline GBM and preach fairness and friendship,I do not agree with your sentiments and now think you are playing to the gallery.bo ma inonge advised as national chairperson leave GBM alone those kasama central thick heads still went the wrong way…& today you preach peace how?
Cant believe the comments on this blog. There is serious hatred in our country.
Wise words, good advice to PF.
Now please focus on turning our economy around — we are in trouble. Gas is at K10, the Kwacha is lossing value faster than a pair of jeans.
Shape up or ship out
Uncle, you started on the right path but spoiled when you said Sata loves everyone.
“…He said PF members ought to love one another the same way President Sata loves the Zambian people…”
The moment you mentioned the name of yo nephew everything you said got spoiled coz yo nephew dosent love the pipo zambia.
Sata does not love , has not loved and will not love the pipo of zambia, he only loves ‘power’ nothing more. The country is experiencing the worst politics.
they need to polish up human management but in project management the PF is performing beyond expectations.Thats why Evans the Livingstone MP feels proudly today to belong to the action party and not any other .