Friday, March 14, 2025

Copy of the Draft Republican Constitution as of August 2013


Below is the link to the Draft Republican Constitution as of August 2013. It might not necessary represent the full final copy handed to the President of Zambia



    • Chumbu Munshololwa is afraid of this clause:

      74. (1) Elections to the office of President shall
      be conducted directly, under a majoritarian electoral system
      where the winning candidate must receive more than fifty
      percent of the valid votes cast, and in accordance with Article

    • 50+1 and Dual Citizenship!! Way to go Zed!! Looks to me like all what PF wanted are in the constitution, so whats the problem?

      Bob Marley sang “u can fool some people sometime but u cant fool all the people all the time”. We the pipo have now seen the draft.

      Next step is defining the adoption process, will it be by a Referendum or Parliament?

    • Mwelaa weka weka. State House once again shaken by ZWD. They have infiltrated the system, including state house. You can fool the people sometimes, but you cant fool the people all the times.

    • @Sun – of – a – beech

      That was actually Peter Tosh who sang that verse,…. But yeah, it was ‘Get up Stand up’ by Bob Marley….!

    • I have an issue with the “Christian nation” clause.

      The declaration is contradictory and flies in the face of the right of religious freedom that is laid down in clauses immediately following it.

      It also is unchristian because ” by their fruits you shall know them”, not by empty declarations.
      This declaration therefore amounts to taking the name of the Lord in vain (commandment number 3) and to adopt it would be to open the flood gates of hell upon ourselves. We already have many fake religious organizations and fake pastors legally registered and abusing our most vulnerable people, but this is nothing compared to what awaits us should we adopt this pseudo-christian declaration.

      You have been warned.

    • Mulenga snd Jelita,

      No one who consider themselves sane in Zambia, is going to agree with you. The point you raised is valid. It is unchristian to declare a nation Christian. However, note that Christianity is being primed to be vogue in Zambia. You are considered odd if you don’t punctuate your sentences with the Christian mantra such as ‘we thank god,’ ‘praise the lord,’ ‘amen’….and all the useless sayings that people use but don’t really mean. It is actually this hypocrisy that is going to do us in.

  1. Too slow LT. This is when you are releasing the draft constitution? ZWD released it yesterday. Or is it that you have copied it from the ZWD site?

  2. Where’s impeachement,50+1 votes and a degree requirement clauses for presidential office candidates?.Never again shall we be led by a clueless class7 villager,NEVER,EVER AGAIN.

    • Minimum of a grade 12 certificate in the education requirement of the president is not enough. A president must have gone through and completed higher education to avoid another CNP or Cumbu Mushololwa. Any Kaponya can have political experience nowadays in Zambia, just look at the numerous councillors and ward chairmen in this government who are busy fighting each other.

  3. I have read it, its very very fair, atleast 1 shud have a G12 certificate to b President, True, coz u will b brain stoming in state hse, not jt any 1, awe, its a good one, that’s now a pipo driven cons… But y is pf not officially realising it, wat do they want to change? Don’t change it, jt officially realise it, realise, sing wit me
    Freeeeeee……National constitution…
    Freeee it to the zambians……….
    We want to see it working in Zambia.

  4. Wapaya munzi. I had a discussion with friends over the weekend and one of them made an assertion that has kept me thinking there could be a grain of truth in it. His view is that the Panga Family could be holding on to the constitution because they are under pressure from the western world to include a clause on homosexuality in the constitution if Zambia is to continue receiving budget support and similar aid, and therefore the hijackers are trying to weigh the consequences of either route – giving Zambians the document as developed buy the TC or doctor it as demanded by the western world. Kaya ine nimvelako cabe.

  5. OK this is great. Pa ZED palashupa. Modern technology at work no wonder they want to take us backwards to local languages where it will be difficult for our children to explore things.

    • Teaching our children our mother languages in the task of parents. It’s a pity that we Zambians suffer inferiority complex. We have discarded our languages in preference for the queen’s language. Let the schools continue teaching English and we parents should do our part to teach our children our languages. Let’s be proud to be Zambian and of where we hail from.

    • Job 13:13
      It is ‘teaching in,’ not ‘teaching the’
      English has no room in a country of self respecting people with so much cultural wealth such as ours that boasts of 7 broadly spoken languages. We can pick three or four national languages – One from the North, East, West, and South.

      Contrary to popular baseless arguments, English is not a panacea for success. All countries that are giving the west a run for their money have national languages that are not English. Clearly, English is not a critical economic success factor.

  6. can someone help me to locate where the retirement age is, 55 or 65, i cant find anything in the constitution please.

  7. The good thing is that there is no homosexuality cause in the constitution.
    The nigerians have passed a law barning any form of same sex marriages or relationships.
    Let no donor hold our country to ransom over gay rights with Donor Aid otherwise let them keep it there will always be a way out.
    Anglo America walked out on us but other players came on board and Zambia is still alive.

    • “Clause or cause?” You are right, Zambia still stands… Homos have no place in Zambia but in hell. One! One! OOOOOOOOOOOOnnneee!!!!

  8. No one can beat Sata to this one. You guys are playing with fire. MCS is so experienced for the lazy and divided opposition.

  9. But why give us the August draft when Zambian Watchdog has already given us the one that was submitted to Sata? We don’t need your un-updated document as we have something updated from Zambian Watchdog.

  10. Most of the bloggers think that when the clause 50+1 is included in the constitution, then they have the state house at their disposal. Well wrong again. It will be more difficult for other parties to even dream of leading this nation. Most bloggers think that UPND and MMD and few other parties can merge and dislodge the sitting government. Well you better think again because soon you will regret even having put 50+1 in the constitution because it just won’t work for others. Whether there is 50+1 or not, certain parties will be perpetual losers. We have seen their selfishness together with their fellow bloggers and their insults. The insults from certain tribal bloggers makes me NEVER to vote for their leader, ever.

    • Well then if what you are saying is right then it would favor PF. Right? Why then are they hiding it instead of rushing to have it. That’s what anyone would do if they thought they could easily win not delaying the process. Unless one had no brain

    • My dear Kanguade, the constitution is not only about the 50+1. There are a thousand other more important issues to deal with the 50+1. Sometimes the government is under pressure to include other unafrican stuff being imposed by donors thus causing the delays. I can tell that the 50+1 will always favour the sitting government because they have the resources to entice anyone to their side. But my point is the constitution is more than 50+1. Gooday

  11. CNN,
    Who wants certain parties to win? The understanding and purpose of the 50+1 is to ensure the man in plot 1 is popularly elected by the majority of the electorate. The advantage of this is that this person so elected will be more accountable to the people and the people in turn will have more confidence in the government that he/she forms. Why go into a diatribe over simple issues, or have you already developed dysentry over the constitution leakage?

    • Ba Survival Zero, let me tell that I have no interest in politics but i do like to make intelligent observation on my own. And I am not a lazy punk like you guys who are always yapping and zero work performance. That is why people from countries like Europe etc tell you that Zambians are lazy but hard working on verbal diarrhea. Developing dysentry for what? The fact is that certain parties think that once a 50+1 is passed, then their party will sweet talk other less formidable party to join and beat the 50+1 threshold thereby entering plot 1. You think I just yap. I travel a lot and I hear what people say and their intentions to group together as opposition and remove the current leadership. For God’s sake reduce your talk and do some work. Zambians talk too much and lazy. You wor

  12. It’s too early to be excited about this draft which is being released from all sorts of sources. The fact that there is so much hide and seek regarding the draft constitution means that the tampering of the document by the president cannot be ruled out, he is the all-powerful and has the final word.

  13. We are the change we seek. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the Zambian Watchdog you seek. We, ourselves, are Zambian Watchdog; The voice of the voiceless.

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