Saturday, March 15, 2025

SIM Card Registration: Kasebamashila replies to comments


One of the new associations on the Zambian media scene called Zambian bloggers Network was among the groups that participated in the 2013 World Press Freedom Day celebrations in Lusaka

SI 65 of 2011 and ICT 15 of 2009 aliteracy — Diaspora locus standi or ultra vires

I read with interest the comments to my “Why I support….” I later chatted with General Miyanda (on ZICTA SIM unregistered cards) who read my posting and your comments plus SI 65 of 2011. He replied, “Thanx…that you understand.” I thank him too. I thank you all for replies, especially comments of good faith, empathy, humanity and conscience.

I again noted no one from both the pro and con SIM registration indicated reading the 6 papers of SI 65 of 2011 or ICT 15 of 2009, the constitution and other law as basis of the argument.

Those in support of SIM registration seemed charged (crap, fuuz, nonsensical/yawn, wasted, theories, no brainer) or argued not only outside SI 65 of 2011 but also outside ZICTA arguments, that is, from personal wisdom or opinion not facts. For example, someone with “very little to fear” (even not understanding fear, privacy, secrecy/confidential or concealment) signed his comment with a false identity as did most comments.

While I usually don’t acknowledge those in agreement with me, their comments generally seemed sober as much as they are the affected and concerned. On the other hand, it is clear comments were sharply split between pro and con, the comments were few compared with relatively high readership that does not reply or debate.

Therefore, I thought both pro and con have a responsibility to answer questions, doubts, fears and suspicions of others than just attend to self interests. In other words, let’s allow space for neutrals.

Similarly, self interest made no one acknowledge another campaign in The Post, “Social media poses several challenges, dangers – Mwape” and editorial “Use of social media needs temperance.” This campaign was to reappear on ZWD and LT.

Some bloggers are enjoying their privacy or self interests to extents of pseudonyms (false names) even without realising they are the ones accused in the other campaign of being “dangers to the Zambian youths” for “hiding” or gossiping either from abroad or behind pen names while asking and chanting down others with “what do you have to hide?”

Anyhow, a typical Diaspora discussion is on the constitutional dual citizenship and the local ICT poor quality of service. On the contrary, I seemed to read [cadre] diplomats who defend a party manifesto over policy, the process or the rule of law, even without reading while using better ICTs.

I actually read an irrelevant “cut and paste” repeat argument of “everyone knows everything” while changing the pen name from side arguments and other fora.

How can one work in “Tanzania, Middle East, China and Kenya” to witness SIM registration and not the quality of service and cost or care for the process or details or Wifi on matatus (mini buses)? Tell me about quality of thought.

Lastly, those abroad may have no loci standi (place to stand i.e basis) to argue or sue as they are not affected by ZICTA or 31st January, 2013 deadline, MSPs and that courts and laws have no jurisdiction over them. Those who registered but do not work for ZICTA or MSPs too may have little right to defend or represent ZICTA or MSPs with salaried staff to defend their organisations. Yet we allowed them the right to argue (even illiterately) while denying us our rights. Please, allow others enjoy the same right you are enjoying.

Otherwise, special thanks to LT for the right of reply and self expression.
Happy Jubilee Year!
Kasebamashila KASEBA, Lusaka subscriber


  1. What a waste of time this dude is. What’s the point of responding if he can’t add a single layer of flesh to his objection of sim registration. Who cares about your discussion with Miyanda, just tell us why you still think your freedoms will be affected

    • flag msana wanzili this “dude” has more balls than you and never mind that she is a lady! I fully support her argument Despite that I am away from Zambia as we still have to communicate with our kinfolks back home! I shall be in Zambia and I look forward to meeting Kasebamashil and providing support as I have always been involved in “bridging the digital divide”. This is one matter that improves people’s well being, access to information and helps break down distance and off course provides real-time solutions. Kasebamashil aluta continua! Abash ignorance!

    • MB
      Who’s ignorant here, the paranoid who’s got no problem having a registered sim when overseas but not at home or the one who’s recognised the world has changed and that we need to keep in step with the rest our securing our borders. Don’t ask me how registering a sim card enhances our nation’s security because that would be stnpid.

    • I thought this dude will argue out his point today but has instead ended up removing even the little benefit of the doubt we gave to his article.The only clear thing he has said here is his meeting with Miyanda.I have just wasted 5 minutes of my life reading a bunch of garbage.Smh

  2. Zambians argue just about everything. They don’t see anything right in anything new. That’s why we can’t move forward as fast as we should. One such Zambian is Gen. Miyanda who just waits to shoot other people’s ideas and has never produced his own apart from his failed village concept. It’s high time we started to scrutinise our personal contributions to the country rather than just being unnecessarily critical of everything newly introduced in Zambia.

  3. Have you really looked and analyzed what Kaseba has written? I thought people who well knowledgeable in these issues could have sat to look at whether Miyanda and Kaseba are right or not.

    I wish everything is done in transparent manner, this is the country.

  4. only a retard would say miyanda is back wards infact you the scum that doesnt exmine anything thats why someone will bonk your wife and you ll say its okey as long as its a of official you *****s they are no officials in kaponya kingdome

  5. What is he talking about?? This guy has wasted my time reading his crap. Tell us how you will be affected when you register your SIM card please. Not this rubbish you are vomiting.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  6. I was trying to get the point of this reply but to my suprise,it seems useless and a waste of time and resources.You have not added anything to the current argument.

  7. Iwe stop wasting our time with your crappy articles.We told you last time that your arguments leaves a lot to be desired.Trust me whether you will register your sim card or not your life will continue being the same.It won`t put bread on your table .I propose you channel your energy into something productive.Leave us the people with nothing to hide to register our sims.Some of us have moved all over the globe and have seen the advantages sim registration brings.High time you tamed your fears.

  8. why should a normal person read something to deliberately waste time and further write an email to complain of wasting time. the best definition of wasted life.

  9. Use a village address for the extra SIM where there are no streets etc, make up a Reg No, those kids selling Sims can simply vouch they sighted the Reg – who will prove they didn’t – they have no capacity to cripple the SIM card market, the sellers will riot!!

  10. Infact, it will boost the prices of sim cards, they sellers will happily accept a few more quid to vouch they sighted the required documentation!

  11. I love that T-Shirt : Zambian Bloggers Network, where can I source one, or if that is difficult is the copyright free?

  12. Lets improve on the validation and compliance levels on submitted documents for registration to avoid misuse of other peoples documents to register others as seen in other countries on major transit centers and service providers side by side often at a few contrary to the data protection act

    Then the process should reduce on the number of appointed agents to ensure that protection and validation process is enshrined

    You may consider to public the register when exercise is complete as seen elsewhere with private restriction for those who may wish that will help you to ensure completeness and assurance of the intended objective

  13. I am sure you have seen ladies with sim packs and talk time with access to data bases with a minute and without a document one is registered at a fee at some major transit centers This process often involves some use of other peoples data and is often a compromise to the process of validation verification and use of numbers by individuals

    Up compliance levels and avoid use of too many non service fully employed registration agents especially for now and even later with carefully spread fully employed registered agents

    if the data base of registered is to be correct as may be validated other wise a business of fee charging agents will take the opportunity and often with compromise

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