Saturday, March 15, 2025

High Court challenged to exhibit transparency as to when Zambian Airways re-trial will begin


High Court

The Judiciary has been challenged to exhibit transparency and expediency in the matter concerning the Development Bank of Zambia vs Zambian Airways, a case that has been sent back to the High Court for retrial.

Civil rights activist Brebner Changala and Zambian Voice executive director Chilufya Tayali noted that it has been well over a month since the Supreme Court Judgment that demanded a retrial of the case at the High Court was passed but that no action had thus far been taken on the matter.

They duo wondered why it was taking so long to begin proceedings in the matter and that this would impede many with intentions to follow proceedings and wishing to join the case.

There are many parties who are interested in joining the court proceedings to ensure that DBZ was paid back the public funds owed by the defunct Zambian Airways’ directors.

Changala said as a matter of national interest, the Judiciary should make public particulars of the processes to be undertaken and the Judge(s) to be assigned.

“Can the High Court update the nation on the processes about the DBZ case sent for retrial as it was a matter of national interest?

We expect the matter be allocated to a Judge as soon as possible so that other parties interested in the case could commence their applications to join in.

There are many parties interested in the case and they would like to know where the matter is and how far the proceedings have gone,” he said.

He said the Bank should also make public its position with regards to the Ministry of Finance after the government’s earlier application to have the matter withdrawn from the courts.

And Tayali said it was about time the matter was allocated and proceedings lined up for a retrial in the High Court.

Tayali explained that as it was, the situation was still unclear as to whether there was a new Judge-in-charge appointed to handle the matter since the current in-charge at the Commercial Courts, Judge Albert Wood was party to the matter.

He explained that there was no information to indicate where the matter was at the moment as the Judge-in-charge at the Commercial Courts Judge Wood could not handle the case and yet the Supreme Courts had already sent the case to the lower court.Tayali has since called for transparency in the process to allow for interested parties follow the proceedings.


    • Correction: Judge Wood is not a party to the matter. The parties are DBZ as plaintiff and JCN Holdings, Post Newspapers Limited and Mutembo Nchito as defendants.

      @Luapula Premier
      I do not see anywhere in article where the duo have sked for govt intervention!

    • Wood and Nchito are friends and partners in business. Nchito and Mmembe are also partners in business and Membe is connected to DBZ.

    • @ St. Jude
      How can you argue with “learned” Luapula? You should know that he is well versed in the maters of world economy, democratic rights, good governance, rule of law, parliamentary procedures, human rights, absence of corruption and many more. I almost forgot, he is also classical example of brainless indoctrinated bone-head paid to make *****ical comments.

  1. It’s up to the parties to the case to chase up and not for the court to lead the way. This is a civil matter and as such it’s party driven.

  2. Most cases ve taken yrs and some innocent people re behind bars yet these ticks chooses to take personal issues with the case that does not even involve them. How shrewd.

  3. IS LT

  4. When are we ever going to have a government that will be of the people for the people?
    A government of today is a government of the people and not for the people. When the people are elected, they become pompous and tend to shun to work for the people who made them to be the people.
    I am sure and understand that the delay in this matter, there is an interest of “the people” to tend it swerve the hearer until it is thrown away. Look at the boy who was killed during PF fracus, Kampasa killing and many more other cases, do we have any touch on it to see the end point? Kaloba alaloba Mwana ng’anga ashala.

  5. Changala and Tayali are just attention seekers with brains the size of peanuts! Every case is important, there are many cases pending at the court, why should this case jump the queue? It is *****s like these two, why we have people waiting for longer times to have their day in court! Pushing this case to fit in the present court calender will mean delays for those in detention waiting to go to court!
    MMD politicised this case by pushing for a biased judge to handle the case and look at what has happened and the same thing will happen if more people who are not part of the contract start involving themselves in this case just to push their political agendas. DBZ knew the the risks of venture capital, you win some , you lose some, that is the risk of the business not politics!

  6. I am surprised with the postings on this. This matter involves our money and we should all be united to ensure that it goes back to DBZ. The Post is always insulting people who they perceive to have stolen public resources, but in this case its them who stole and dont want to pay back.

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