Friday, March 7, 2025

LCC owed over K183 million by institutions & individuals


The Lusaka City Council (LCC) says it’s owed over K183 million by different institutions and individuals.
The council has since warned that it will take legal action against the defaulters.

Council Assistant Public Relations Manager, Brenda Katongola in a statement issued to QFM News states that according to the debtors list of January 16, 2014, the Council is owed over K84, 000 in ground rent, over K73, 000 in rates, over K13, 000108, in commercial properties and over K12, 000 in Billboards advertising bringing the total amount to K183, 473, 388.98.

Ms Katongola says the Council has is offering an incentive of 25 per cent discount on those who clear their ground rent balances.

She has encouraged people to honour their obligations and pay what they owe the Council so that they can be able to offer quality service delivery to the community and also to enable the local authority meet its operational costs.

Ms Katongola says the Council will soon commence legal action against billboard debtors and other defaulters.

Meanwhile, the Lusaka City Council has acquired two compactor trucks, 112 rel skip bins and 20 closed roll-on bins at a cost of K4.999 million to ease problems of garabage collection in the city.

Ms Katongola says the trucks are expected in country soon.


  1. I think that LCC like many other institutions in Zambia are being run by people who don’t care what goes on and all they know is take legal action as if that costs nothing. LCC should spend day in day out working out modalities, putting in systems and reviewing those systems, making risk assessments and re-assessments on who owes them and how the money will be recovered.

    It is not enough to keep threatening that you will go to court and even then you dont even write to the debtor but you just issue a statement to the press. In Zambia there is a dangerous growing culture of issuing press statements to mean that someone is doing something. Sometimes I wonder when my country will change for the better.

  2. LCC, what exactly do you do with the monies you receive? For instance, we pay for parking in the CBD, even though its clear that money isn’t going in to anything constructive. The streets are still filthy, people park anywhere and anyhow…..where is that money going????

  3. Why not not use baillifs. Most of those debts are non compromising. Problem is most of those business owners most probably bribe the bosses to forget about debts. Thats a lot of money ground rates-landlords are pocketing everything, rates why waste time. For bill boards they are even put recklessly creating dangers and RATSA is ndwiii mu Zambia awe mwandini yalikosa. People report in offices to be seen and go to facebook.

    Also commercial rates you mean their are no legal contracts or even bonds work up, think dont just seat thats a lot of money you didnt even need to offer 25% whatever over what belongs to you.

    Sue them all

  4. LCC should get the ground rent money from the companies they have contracted to collect garbage in the city on their behalf.
    Reason being that the amounts charged by these companies are almost 80% -100% of the rates due to the council.
    Now like l said before rates value include provision of a lot more services by the council and that gabbage collection is just one of them.
    LCC is together with its compatriots are obtaining money by false pretences by forcing innocent people to pay to the co-owned gabbage collecting companies.
    Other councils in the country are collecting gabage as it Is their responsibility.
    Dont threaten people with punitive action because already life is hard, money is hard
    to come by ,cost of living is high. business is tough and jobs are scarce .

  5. And you are busy blaming leaders crying how they are not doing their jobs?! All that many could trigger good and better service and save lives if you did your Job! I think it’s just about time people became responsible and paid bills.
    This is what I mean when I say everyone has contributed to Zambias poor economy, why are we even borrowing when there is money lying idle? People need to be educated on the importance of paying taxes, billls. Zambians need to become stingy with money, I like one bloggers line which read ” Rich people have money because they spend it as if they are poor”! I just love that and that is exactly how rich nations behave too, they are vigilantes when it comes to collecting taxes, bills etc!

    • Yes corruption has swindled the nation and so has those not paying taxes and bills. I think it’s just about that time government carried out country wide workshops on Building a healthy nation for the people by its own people! This is were you will teach citizens how a strong economy is built, talk about health environment starting from homes, were you discuss dumping, littering etc, teach them basics on managing funds from a 2 kwacha to a thousand bucks! They dont need to be practically involved in a bizzness ventures to know how to spend, discourage them spending on wants but needs.
      Am just saying all these problems Zambia has been facing originated from ignorance.Hard to change mind set but can be done, if too late for the old then go learning institutions, from nursery to…

    • This has really even made me realise something, People are busy crying foul over Zescos Load shedding, ummmm……. how much out standing bills are there? Sometimes standing from afar makes it easier to blame officials.
      I think this is the reason why all serving presidents with a history of being vocal and hard knock slanders when in opposition become deaf and dumb! Yes am revolving around the subject with politics because everything is intertwined, My point is, the entire country need to stop talking too much and just learn how to be responsible because quiet frankly no one is going to do it for Zambia, loans will surge, but as long as people dont learn how to create and multiply a 2 kwacha, we wont go anywhere.

  6. Indeed paying bills is the right thing to do for as long as it is a correct bill.
    Zambians have been paying and continue to pay bills without much ado but that which is wrong must be subjected to scrutiny and those responsible must be made to account.
    Stealing hard earned money from innocent people through bogus companies and contracts is what we shall not sit down and watch.
    Bottom line is that those companies collecting gabbage in the city of lusaka on behalf of the council must be paid by the council because the people have already paid the council for that sercvice through rates .

  7. Indeed paying bills is the right thing to do for as long as it is a correct bill.
    Zambians have been paying and continue to pay bills without much ado but that which is wrong must be subjected to scrutiny and those responsible must be made to account.
    Stealing hard earned money from innocent people through bogus companies and contracts is what we shall not sit down and watch.
    Bottom line is that those companies collecting gabbage in the city of lusaka on behalf of the council must be paid by the council because the people have already paid the council for that service through rates .

  8. By the way Minister has been informing the media that she is up to date paying salaries when facts on the ground are that workers have not yet got the December 2013 pay. These are kind Ministers who mislead the President that all is well when the opposite is obtaining. Please this is January 2014 and we have obligations to pay. We wonder when we are going to get our January 2014 pay, probably March 2014. No wonder the government can not retain qualified people with this kind of mediocre leadership.

  9. It’s not like we are really seeing the value out of paying the money anyway. The drains are clogged, the turn offs have bushes growing which makes driving dangerous. No pedestrian crossings on any new roads or even speed humps to slow drivers down where kids pass from schools, street lights not even working, no public toilets and even if there are, hardly ever maintained. If the people saw value out of their payments, maybe then they would be willing to pay.

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