Saturday, March 15, 2025

PAZA insists on a press conference as the best avenue for pressing national issues


President Michael Sata at Statehouse
President Michael Sata at Statehouse

The Press Association of Zambia (PAZA) has said that the most preferred avenue for the Republican President to deal with pressing national issues remains through press conferences and not his newly openned facebook page.

PAZA Executive Secretary Patson Phiri told Q fm in an interview that while it is a progressive idea for President Michael Sata to open a face book page, it is not entirely true that the face book platform is better than holding a press conference which the people of Zambia have been crying for.

Mr. Phiri stated that the quality of a press conference is that people are assured that they are speaking to the president directly and getting responses there and then as opposed to a face book page which can be run by anyone who may not necessarily reflect the president’s position on particular issues.

He added that at a press conference people are also assured that issues will be dealt with in a clear manner with no doubts on who is speaking, as opposed to face book page.

Mr. Phiri further noted that less than three million Zambians are on face book while press conferences can carter for over six million people who have access to the media in the country.


    • as paza have said, sata will not be the one responding to the queries on fb. besides I am sure sata does not know how to hit the keyboard. this is ruling the country through remote and I dont think this is the model zambians envisaged for in 2011. president sata please address the country through a press conference to be aired on radio and tv kwasila

  1. Come on you just misquoted Shamenda`s statement.He meant it literally.Whose president can substitute press conferences for FB ? Even Obama is an ardent user of fb but that hasn`t taken away his national address routine.Give Sata a break and instead just like his FB page for better information and progress !

  2. Saulosi whatever! How about those posted in the rural areas who can only catch radio 4? What is this president with press conferences? He is the kind of person who shows a brave face in public when in actual fact he is scared of the crowd!

  3. Saulosi shut up, you are just an annoying cadre who follows Sata blindly. The fact of the matter is that Sata is incapable of delivering an oral statement that can inspire the masses. That is why he is being shielded because he is dull.

  4. Truly, he is dull and cannot face the public with his Shallow English. On facebook, he is not the author because other people write on his behalf.

  5. Are we still dragging this issue? I bet we will hear 60 more organisations with their own views on it this week, then next week opposition leaders, that other week Yes Bwana individuals, the week after, cadres till our eyes and ears hears no more!
    Otherwise, I would also like to say something about it, which I have already but as you already have guessed, it fail on deaf ears, my point is, we all know there will never be any such thing as a press conference from his Mcs for reasons best known to himself and if it is in our best interest, well and good ( read btwn the lines pls)!

  6. The biggest question WHY NO PRESS CONFERENCE SINCE PF CAME TO POWER??. I believe one of the duties of the president is to address the nation on issues affecting them and the best forum is the press conference and not fb. How can the whole president with the media (Radio & TV) at his disposal , opt to use fb to address the nation. He can be on fb its fine but let serious matters be dealt with though a press conference. I was dissapointed when an elderly person like Shamenda can think so low as to replace a press conference with fb. I think Zambia under pf should be the only country in the world where there has never been a press conference. What are our leaders afriad of?? Even in a home we talk to our children and solve issues, why cant’ the father of the nation talk to the nation!!!

    • The clear answer is that the president’s handlers do not want the Zambian people to have a clear glimpse of the nonsense that is sata. A press conference would expose all of sata’s shortcomings and inadequacies. Therefore these other guys will answer all questions on his behalf on fb and through chellah’s press conferences. On the other hand it is possible that hemcs is undergoing intensive training and maybe in 2042 he will be able to address a press conference when he learns his Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu!

  7. While it is imperative for the head of state to regularly update the nation on the state of the nation and to show a semblance of accountability through the direct answering of pertinent national issues primarily at press conferences and also through various other avenues. I feel that sata has nothing new to say, nothing intelligent to say, nothing credible to say. It is for that reason that I believe that we should spare the zambian nation of a live demonstration of the shambles that they voted in govt! Leave the chipuba alone or just impeach him!

  8. You condemned Dr kaunda for press conferences. Now mr sata is making life easy for everyone. Does the information not reach the intended persons? lets work and better this Zambia….

  9. You just want to use some of the common errors to get to him. Silence is golden but speech is silver. Zii maningi mdala. Less umulomo and bickering

  10. Waste of time advising him on the best method to address the nation. Isn’t he on record of earning some nickname. Oh you think he has changed and now you can advise him.

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