Saturday, March 15, 2025

Court advise Father Bwalya to seek court protection after he complains of threats on his life


Fr Frank Bwalya at Kasama Police station after appearing before Magistrate court a case of defaming the republican President Michael Sata in Kasama
Fr Frank Bwalya at Kasama Police station after appearing before Magistrate court a case of defaming the republican President Michael Sata in Kasama

THE Kasama Magistrate’s Court has advised Alliance for Better Zambia (ABZ)leader Frank Bwalya to seek police protection if he feels his life is in danger.

Kasama Principal Resident Magistrate Vincent Siloka said as a Zambian citizen, Father Bwalya is entitled to police protection whenever his life is threatened.

Magistrate Siloka said this in his ruling when Fr. Bwalya complained to the court that some unknown people were allegedly after his life.

This was when the ABZ leader appeared in the Kasama Magistrate’s Court for mention yesterday in a case in which he is charged with defamation of the president and proposing violence contrary to the laws of Zambia.

During the court proceedings, Fr. Bwalya claimed that some unknown people were trailing his vehicle from Lusaka up to Kasama, where he was due to appear in court for mention.

He said following the ordeal, he does not feel safe, alleging that some people wanted to harm him.

Fr. Bwalya further claimed that a lot of mysterious things were happening in his life, hence making him insecure.

At the last court hearing, Fr. Bwalya pleaded not guilty to defaming the president and proposing violence in the Kasama Magistrate’s Court and was granted a K10, 000 bail with two working sureties.

Particulars of the offence are that in the first count, Fr. Bwalya while on a live programme on Radio Mano in Kasama is alleged to have uttered defamatory words with intent to put the name of the President into ridicule, hatred and contempt contrary to the law.

In the second count, Fr. Bwalya is accused of proposing violence through his utterances during the same radio programme.

Trial in the matter will commence on February 6.


  1. What a distance to trail somebody? If they had ill intentions they could have completed their mission well before Kabwe from Lusaka. Are you becoming a cry baby Father?

  2. Nobody and I say nobody is more Zambian than others. To those who are after Father Bwalya’ s life, let me warn you, if anything misterious at anytime shall take place to his life in the course of these events, Zambia will be on fire and it will be a total catastrophe for the first time in this country. This shall be so because some people have become so s.t.u.p.i.d thinking that they own Zambia. We are not quiet for the sake but we are watching every event which is unfolding in this country.

    • I totally agree. If anything happens to Fr Frank Bwalya or indeed any opposition political leader, Zambia will erupt and the PF will not quench the fires. This Zambia is for all of us and these people in government should not think they own the country. We also want to caution Stella Libingani and Sillyman Jelly to begin serving the people of Zambia and not the PF thugs in government. If these tow top cops do not change, they will also be answerable to us Zambians because we are watching your every move. idi.ots.

    • Freedom of speech has limits!I dont think insulting pipo in public is freedom of speech!!Bwalya thinks insulting da President & proposing violence will make him popular,I dont think so.This guy has no substance in his politics.He is a novice with no clear idea of what it takes to be a president.He thought by helping the PF win elections he would benefit by getting a position in the PF government.Sour grapes & bitterness is consuming him.He is not different from HH!!He is a hypocrete & a fake!!

  3. Hamajor Hamubanga, your former Faza is just afraid of his own shadow. Look at how your kindis using his careless uterrances on the net daily rediculing the President. Thank you to your kind n fellow illede chaps for making your now buddy to thicken his case. I am sure the prosecutors n the judges read your rubbish on watchgalu n this sites.

  4. The freedom of speach must be fought for in this country for our independence to have any meaning. It is unfortunate if people are trying to harm others for exersising there freedom of speach. God Help Zambia, We are under siege by old fashioned politicians.

    • See people if we are going to say we are under siege by old fashioned politicians, what is it that we are doing as young leaders when given the opportunity to lead? Are we alive to the challenges or we just know whats happening in lusaka, copperbelt lets face the facts.

  5. He ceased to be a Father a long time ago unless someone out there tells me that he has now a child otherwise what mr frank bwalya is experiencing at the moment is a self made situation. Honestly, how can a normal thinking person choose politics at the expense of serving the Lord?

    • To Mighty Shansha

      My brother comment honestly, the titles in catholic church remain for life unless someone commits an of-fence and is dis ordained. I believe father Bwalya has committed no sin. I also advise you to study the bible wholeheartedly and stop misleading the nation because governance (politics) were created by our heavenly father. Do you believe those in politics are not Godly. Think twice and polish your opinions and repent.

  6. Father please take a breath and come down to earth, yes you may seem what might be a flicker of light for Zambia, but you know very well how Zambias can turn into a chameloen.
    I see this going bad, please lay low for a while something maybe calling you, but whatever it is, take a step back so you can see what it is exactly, for it can be something you may not be expecting. Just chill a little bit till you are sure it’s safe to go out! I dont like the smell of all this.

  7. Father Frank Bwalya we love you.
    Some people will do anything for money, so please Father be very careful. This is the
    Joshua generation, we PRAY AND FIGHT.

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