Saturday, March 15, 2025

PF MP Steve Chungu sues Kambwili for calling him car thief at a public meeting


Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili
Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili

LUANSHYA Constituency Member of Parliament (Mp) Steve Chungu has sued his Roan Constituency counterpart Chishimba Kambwili for defamation.

According to a statement of claim filed in the Kitwe High Court dated January 20, this year, Mr Chungu as the plaintiff, has sued Mr Kambwili as the defendant for allegedly defaming him during a public meeting.

Mr Chungu stated that on January 6 this year, Mr Kambwili at a gathering in Luanshya, attended by numerous people including Journalists, falsely and maliciously defamed him by allegedly referring to him as a ‘car thief’.

He said the words spoken by Mr Kambwili were published in the POST Newspapers, on January 7 this year and in their natural and ordinary meaning the words complained of, meant and were understood to mean that he was a criminal involved in stealing cars.

Mr Chungu said in the consequences of the words spoken of by the defendant, his personal, political and business reputation had been seriously damaged.

He said he had suffered considerable distress and embarrassment and that the words were calculated to disparage his business and political career as well as his character.

Mr Chungu is seeking damages for slander, compensatory and an injunction restraining Mr Kambwili from future reference to him as a former car thief or criminal.


  1. This is the worst government in Africa . They mean they cannot sit and resolve like friends. Whoever voted for you must be regretting. You cant even talk about progressive plans for the people. All we hear are quarrels, bye elections and borrowing. It is regrettable that Zambia will have to be stuck with you until 2016.

  2. I know it is difficult for you two Guys to like men, sit together and resolve this issue without a neutral mediator, but going to court will only worsen your already broken down friendship.

    Super Ken, can you sit these two boys together and teach them how to reconcil!!!!!.

    Even if that reconciliation will just be skin deep

  3. Ba Kambwili ukulandalanda.

    I think it is a lesson to those who resigned from other political parties to join PF. We told you this is a useless party.
    My appeal to oppositions, please form a coalition and le Gen.Miyanda be a President.

    • I think Miyanda should earn the Presidency and not just ti sit home, write a few articles on online websites and challenge sim-card registration. Politics is an expensive and risky business. People leading these parties together with their management teams have sacrificed a great deal of their resources, time and energy to be where they are for them to just handover to someone who only gets busy when elections are around the corner. He has no structures anywhere apart from himself. Governance is team effort lest we help another dictator ascend to power for the umpteenth time!!

  4. This is the leadership we have, but then one cannot blame them, their leader SATA is on record to be in the habit of demeaning others. One example among others is where he called the late Levy P Mwanawasa (MHSRP) as incapable and one who snows among others – those care to know should watch his speeches on youtube. He (SATA) is on record to have called the late FTJ (MHSRP) “Mad” it is little wonder that his (SATA) disciples would be any different from him.

  5. Kambwili is very arrogant. I hope the high court will ask for a big compensation package so that he is declared bankrupt. This will teach him to think before he opens his mouth next time. No wonder Sata was also on him after belittling the new home affairs minister as not capable.

  6. These thugs………..the other one is a former car thief while the other is a former jerabo, what do u expect from them?

  7. oh no, bekabeka lets get this party out of powe
    r immediately. I can’t stand them and look who is speaking all of the had been thieves at some stage.

  8. Can someone please dismiss that case and get Chungu fired?! Why are these people behaving so primitive? Awe but am hurting, you mean people cant come around issues as mature as they seem in their ages and portfolios? So embarrassing if yyou ask me, or is it about showing who has more ego? These men have failed Zambia really, they are all bickering as if they were on strong hormonal medication!

    • @ CINDY
      Chungu fired from what portfolio?
      He is just an MP, he’s not a Minister. Firing him from the party will mean another by-election.

    • @ Chosen,
      Thanks, but can they sort him out without incurring any extar costs?
      It’s just so stressful, fighting like kids day in day out instead of doing their jobs like normal people do.

  9. Ba kambwili,account for stolen tax payers money u gave to your youth groups without procedures, as revealed by Auditor General’s Report,account for those ramshackle trucks you have acquired dubiously in a shot period? clean up your self b4 pointing a finger at your friend.


  11. In the 50-year history of Zambia PF government leaders are by far the most useless, none of them including their boss has any leadership qualities. They don’t seem to realise that the people of Zambia are fed up with their long list of fights among themselves. They do not devote their energies to plan and do the work they were elected for but instead their plans are about attacking each other. Shame!

  12. Cindy! I hv always had an impression that u are above board. How wud u call for Chungu to be fired. For wht offense?? Let’s not analyze issues like PF caders. If it were u. Wht wud u do if I called you in public a thief? Worse. Car thief. Unless u are one you wud kip quit. By going to court Kabwilie wil be given an opportunity to avail facts on how Chungu has been stealing
    cars. Less to tht such statements are slander colleagues

  13. Enemies of Hardworking people,
    There is a syndicate within PF that want to hound out capable people from ruling PF and these are working with Winter Kabimba. I told PF cadres here in Samfya that the next target for these Winter Supported PF hooligans will be Kambwili and that has happened. They started with Given Lubinda then GBM and more founding fathers and earliest financiers of PF will be targeted. You opportunists who wants to be reaping where you did not sow. Leave capable people alone alone

  14. Steve Chungu is a thief Mr Kambwili is dead right and no one should be surprised about this . This is the price you pay when you run for public office with crooked and dubious past .He used be what they were calling, a dealer , a polite way of saying a thief. He became an MP because Luanshya is a dead town.When Luanshya was a town he would not have in his wildest dreams dare stand.

  15. @ Janet and Gadaffie
    What you must know is that Mr Kambwili and Mr Chungu grew up together in LYA.He knows his crooked past has a car thief and all us who lived in LYA in the 1980s. My advice to you and the rest of the young bloggers is that a good name is better than silver and gold.Everything we do in life is accumulative and you can never discounts your bad past behavior and expect people to only accept your good side.The past will come and haunt you at the most crucial time. Do you remember Mr Mazoka?He was a very brilliant leader, who up to now, i still feel could have been the best Zambia president but his action to have stolen cattle brought an end to his presidential bid.

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