THE Managing Director of Fidelity Security Services, Noah Pasvani has been deported to Zimbabwe.
Immigration Department public relations officer Namati Nshinka said in a statement yesterday that Pasvani, 50, was deported on Friday last week to Zimbabwe because it was believed that his stay in Zambia was a danger to peace in the country.
“Pasvani, a Zimbabwean national was deported under a warrant signed by the Minister of Home Affairs as there were reasonable grounds to believe that his continued presence in Zambia or conduct was likely to be a danger to peace and good order as provided for under section 39(2) of the Immigration and Deportation Act no. 18 of 2010,” Mr Nshinka said.
He said Pasvani is alleged to have knowingly acted deceitfully when he applied for an employment permit as managing director for Fidelity Security Services Zambia Limited, a company which he infact helped to form and in which he is a share holder.
The purpose of Pasvani’s actions was to avoid the immigration requirement to show proof of investment amounting to $ 250,000 which applies to all foreign nationals wishing to start a company in Zambia.
Mr Nshinka said Pasvani’s six year stay in Zambia has been marred with controversies ranging from allegations of employing unqualified Zimbabweans in his company to bouncing cheques.
The statement also said a South African and six Zimbabweans were also deported to their countries of origin on Friday.
And a Ugandan deportee, Ahmed Ddunga, 29, was arrested in Lusaka on Friday when he attempted to flee upon seeing Immigration officers.
Ddunga was deported in 2009 after serving a 9 months custodial sentence for entering Zambia without proper travel documents.
Meanwhile, 16 Egyptians were arrested on Friday in Chalala during a sting operation.
Of the 16 arrested, four had no travel documents, eight had overstayed and the other four did not follow proper immigration procedures to acquire temporary employment permits.
The foreigners, who are in the carpet vending business, are currently in detention at Kamwala Remand Prison pending further immigration formalities and possible prosecution.
Zambia is too porous …foreigners come and go , and can live at will. Please chase all those who dont have proper permits. They do not allow us to live in their countries at will , why should we allow them? well done immigration.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
What a xenophobe country, Zambia is
I hope you face racism when you come to glasgow and UK
When are you going to deport the Tanzanian in statehouse who is more of a danger to our country?
@ Mushota – You comment is very stupidd and offensive as it borders on celebrating racism. This comment has the potential of scaring away visitors to Glasgow especially now that the commonwealth games are around the corner. Glasgow relies on visitors for its revenue and any reasonable man reading this will most likely not come and this is tantamount to economic sabotage to the country that has given you shelter. You either need to remove this remark and apologies or you get reported.
She can’t remove it herself even if she wanted to, she can only apologise if that would be enough for you. She’s a good girl generally bar a few loose screws here and there upstairs.
This is just a small percentage of these unqualified aliens working in this country without qualifications at the expence of qualified Zambians and our tax money that fund unemloyed university graduates. Unfortunately these aliens are being helped by few of our corrupt Zambians. What makes it worse is that they treat us badly when we go to their countries even just to visit.
This is just a tip on the iceberg . Go out there for those Congolese Rwandese in the markets and t ntemba all over the compounds.it seems to me all the Ntembas in the compounds are run by people from Rwanda..do these people meet the criteria of staying and trading in Zambia?? are they Investors?? Do they have valid papers…i doubt
Chaisa compound is full of somalians whose presents in Zambia needs to be thoroughly checked.
Some of them could be members of extemist organisations staying in this country illegally and possibly fundraising for thier illicit activities.
Kenya is a case in point and we can take a leaf from that fatal occurance.
Random company checks and house checks of all foreign nationals should be done. We are always reminded to have proper documents outside Zambia. Thumbs Up to the police though there is a lot to be done.
Is this not a case of fraud and breaking immigration laws? A danger to peace in Zambia is in my opnion is something else!
Perhaps it is his chosen line of work that is at the heart of the matter. One would think failure to tick all legal boxes would have caught him out earlier. It should be a concern that he was able as a foreigner to set up a security company. What other rules would he have secretly broken in an industry where businesses, individuals, government and foreign diplomats could be your clients and must be able to trust you. He was at the helm and able to hire others.
these Egyptinas who sale capets in zambia depot them ASAP vry stuped
There are very few countries which have no illegal immigrants.The USA,UK,Italy and other developed countries with advanced border monitoring systems still have illegal immigrants.Go to Botswana,South Africa,Malawi and even countries where the economies are struggling like in Zimbabwe ther are illegal immgrants there!!
Sorry but what are you trying to say? Are you drunk.
@msana wanzili- Well spotted!
Look how long it took the UK to realise how many Aussies, Saffers and the like were illegal. Now the Aussies are stating the Brits are biggest culprits of flouting immigration laws there. A check on all foreign nationalities should be conducted but more telling would be the South Africans who boast of being Zambian after shelling out for passports. It has been going on for so long it is embedded in the system’s DNA.
What about foreigners working as Accountants in Zambia without ZICA clearance?
The immigration in Zambia is too corrupt.An Accountant is firstly supposed to be cleared by ZICA before working in Zambia but many of them with big titles are working illegally because of corrupt Immigration Officers who don’t care about the Accountants Act 2008
Those are good grounds for deportation, being accommodating is OK but Zambians sometimes take being friendly too far and thus these foreigners who treat us like sh!t in their own countries come here and with impunity open up any business or trade they want.
Zambian are really dull! They have even given the job of running the country to a TANZANIAN!
@ Ben: so, useting´a Zondwa Ukwa Satana?
Hahahaha, it’s like putting a monkey to look after your maize field, isn’t it?
@ mushota you dont sleep, wake up and do constructive works but you always insinuate and and talk nonsense instead. You always portray glasgow as heaven, and remember when you die you will come back as cargo instead of a passenger. You always talk negative about zambia, I even wonder if you are a true zambian wekapubawe, ukucitafye ubuhule ukokwine ku uk.
It would help if the facts were made more clearer? Security is cleared by all wings of the regulatory arms of government. I smell a rat and sense clandestine individual motives here. What roles were these unqualified Zimbos occupying and what were their qualifications? If cheques were bounced bt the security company, why were fraud charges not preferred as is usually the case? The name Fidelity is also in South Africa. Is this not the result of soured boardroom fights which have been bought by some interested Zambians who are opportunistic and want to reap where they did not sow? This article brings more questions than answers? ???
@Naison Phiri- Your points certainly do seem like coming from someone with inside information. Can you shed more light?
What about Masais at Comesa?
@kayombo- Are there Masais at COMESA? They must be fake. Real Masais are supposed to be looking after their animals. Progressive Masais who have given up looking after animals would rather go into sophiscated things than COMESA.
at what point where these cheques supposedly bounced and why not charge him under the law for this.this just does nt sound right.but hey this is zambia…………..
No wounder some come and steal from ATMs …