Saturday, March 15, 2025

DEC nabs 70 people for cultivating, trafficking in cannabis



Over 70 people have been arrested around the country for unlawful cultivation and trafficking in more of than 600 kilogrammes of cannabis in the last ten days.
Among those arrested are Webby Kapaipi aged 50, Misheck Kikwili 39 and Shadreck Mulombe 34 all of Kasempa district in North-Western Province.

Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) Public Relations Officer Theresa Katongo, who confirmed the development to ZANIS in a statement in Lusaka yesterday, also named Davies Kwanza 42 of Mpika district as among those arrested.

Ms. Katongo further said the Commission has arrested Evans Kalwila 31 of Masala Township in Ndola and Davies Simangolwa 34 of Mine Township in Chilabombwe in the Copperbelt Province.
Also arrested and jointly charged in trafficking in 7.5 kilogrammes of loose cannabis is an 18 year old juvenile and Andrew Phiri aged 19 both of Ndola.
Ms. Katongo said in Mazabuka district in Southern Province, the commission has arrested Mike Halute 39 and Patricia Cheelo 30 both of the same area for trafficking in 1.8 kilogrammes of loose cannabis.

Meanwhile, the DEC has warned all peasant farmers to desist from engaging in illegal farming activities involving cannabis cultivation because this might threaten the food security of the nation.



  1. Ulubangula muti, has perfect medicinal properties that could cure even ailments like ukupukuta which medical institutions the world over have failed to cure. If God the all mighty didn’t want this wonder shrub, he wouldn’t have created it in the first place. Ni fwaka yabwino .

  2. Its sad with all the accIdents caused by drunk driving, the murders committed by drunk people, immoral behaviour that leads to contracting Aids as a result of beer drinking, misconduct we see everyday exibited by drunk adolescents and elders alike, the broken families as a result of fathers, mothers and children who drink booze too much and yet canabis is seen as more dangerous than alcohol??? Even developed countries are moving to legalise it, there is need to open debate on the use of it, by all accounts Castle and Sabmiller have caused more deaths and problems than a poor villager growing cannabis to send her 7 kids to school. DEC you are the real problem, how dare you imprison a poor mother of 7 children for 5 years for this, God himself will judge you hyporcritic people at DEC.

  3. just legalise it and get tax to boost your revenue. nothing wrong with it all u need put up good control measure. send yo agriculture technocrates to uruguay to study how its happening there and come up with what siuts you

  4. Dont burn ganja dont burn ganja… legalise Mr Minister!
    Have you guys any idea how much tourism will be boosted if this stuff become legal? We wont have to get loans from China, they got it going through other means, lets get it going throw ganja!

  5. Just legalise it…learn from the nertherlands and Colarado….it could change alot of people’s lives and probably contribute to the country’s revenue!!!!!!!! DEC what about Chibolya????

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