Friday, March 7, 2025

Kaingu questions Gender Ministry’s silence over his daughter’s case, while the boy involved was shielded


Iris Kaingu being whisked away after being released
FILE: Iris Kaingu being whisked away after being released

MMD vice-president Michael Kaingu has demanded justice to prevail against the man who was involved with his daughter Iris in her pornographic video which did the rounds online in 2011.

Dr Kaingu, who is also Mwandi MMD member of Parliament (MP), told a parliamentary Watchdog Committee on Legal Affairs that while he did not condone what his daughter did, he did not also support the freeing of the man who was found in the act with her.

Dr Kaingu said it was disheartening that while his daughter was dehumanised and made to pay heavily for that act, the boy she was involved with was left scot-free.

This was when Ministry of Gender Permanent Secretary Daisy Ng’ambi appeared before the committee at Parliament.

“There was a terrible report in the Press concerning Iris Kaingu, my daughter. I do not condone the misdemeanor that she was involved in but what is of concern to me is that the Ministry of Gender was quiet, when you know it takes two to tangle Tango,” Dr Kaingu said.

He said Iris was involved with a known boy and it was sad that up to now nothing had happened to him as regards facing the law.

“When we compare and contrast, we wonder whether the Ministry of Gender has gone to sleep. Your ministry seems to be very silent on the boy,” Dr Kaingu said.

Police arrested Iris and her alleged lover “Teddy Malekani”, previously identified as “Nathan Silenga” on November 2, 2011 for appearing in obscene material.

Iris and her partner appeared in a 16-minute sexual video that had been circulated all over Zambia and was available on the internet.

Zambian laws prohibit the production and distribution of pornography.

Iris, a former ZCAS student, was found guilty of producing pornographic materials by Lusaka magistrate Prince Mwinga in 2012 and was fined K10.8 million cash.

Iris was also detained several days at Lusaka Central prison, lost her career at ZCAS, suffered public ridicule, and her case had been widely publicised.


  1. God forbid. The father should not even talk about the so called act with the daughter. Oh god. Hope he hasn’t watched it in the name of justice. Igu ku the ja. The Nigerians say. What a taboo!!

    • Honestly you’re very thick! Which part of his statement haven’t you understood? He has condemned what his daughter did. But he does not understand why a Ministry that purports to promote Gender Equality was silent when justice was selectively applied! Is their anything wrong in saying this , really?

    • Sweet mother of Jesus! I can’t believe he’s bringing this shameful story up again. Please Bo Kaingu let it go.

    • We hear of so many women being arrested for prostitution.. But how many men have been arrested for having sex with prostitutes? Talk all you want but most of the time men are not charged for “crimes” involving sex.

    • @Cat Power, just by bringing in that Nigerian language shows how degraded you are by watching Nigerian movies like Sata.
      I can’t even commenting on Mr. Kaingu’s advocacy will just waste ink on your printer. I know you print-out my comments and keep in file.

    • He has a valid point… its like in the Muslim Sharia Law world where a woman victim of rape ends up being jailed and his rapists male perpetrators go scot-free.

      This is entire Kaingu case exposed the hypocrisy of the so called women rights movement, including NGOs who get rich by pretending to represent the rights of women. They failed to turn up when one of their own needed them.

      At a higher level, it was ridiculous that this barbaric colonial era law was even applied to in this case. The jungle law was made long before the Internet existed. If I make a private video in my own home and someone steals it and posts it online, why should I go to jail? It’s possible Iris wasn’t even aware the video would be posted online.

    • Only in Zambia they don’t arrest guys. Here in the USA everyone involved goes to jail. It is called solicitation for prostitution.

    • @ Cat,
      You must realise that this man is a parent, father before everything else and for that matter his heart and soul lies entirely to protect his daughter no matter how grave the crime maybe just as nature requires him to! This is how every parent has been created like it or not.
      I salute him for coming out and talk about the injustice done to his daughter, yes she was blind to trust people close to her, but then again isnt that how we Africans have been naturally formed to trust even strangers? What happened to her was very unfortunate, it can happen to anyone, you, your sister, your wife, your daughter even to me! She did what every teanager /adult is doing today day in day out! The difference is that for now, none of us has been betrayed.

    • To Cat and others,
      This girl is has been abused, from my understanding, she didnt post that tape online, she never did what she did to make profits out of it, unless you are telling me it’s a crime to have $ex at her age?! I doubt she may even have suggested to have them taped. The only culprit is the person who took it to the public period!
      Now I hear all you screaming for Mr Kaingu to speak qietly were this matter is concerned so nobody hears him? Utter nonsense! The man is right justice has been not been delivered here, the guy must have judged the same way Iris was judged! As a woman am afraid we are being used to the species which without women could not survive on its own! We are looked at as objects and not partners.

    • CNTD:
      Mr Kaingu, politician or not is a father who sees his daughter as a sweet little girl he saw when he first held her in his arms which will remain like that for ever. What you and the rest of the men see is an attractive beautiful woman who by being virtue of that should not be protected as long as she falls victim to a man!
      I feel so terrible at how the Zambian womans mind set has been programed! It surely boggles the mind to see and hear women in the forefront insulting and condeming fellow women! They should be the ones speaking out like Mr Kaingu!

    • Men and women lets talk about these issues as loudly as we can! I find it amazingly wrong how people avoid to even speak about $ex education to their own children. In my own opnion in todays world we should be speaking about these topics without looking away, in homes, at schools, media forums etc!
      The womens organisation has failed in all areas, I wonder what they are there for! In the devloped world girls and boys start learning about such things at a basic tender age of 7 or so. A childs mind is as curious as a cat from the time they are in the womb, so you can imagine how curious they get when they get to the real world! They see and hear things, so to give them a safer world is to start when they actually are still looking, for they will look till they find from whoever and…

    • To Mr Kaigu,
      Go on and talk about it, infact I will help you scream about it on LT. Glad to know we have fathers like you!

    • Lets imagine what happened to kaingu’s daughter happened to Sata ‘s daughter. What do you think would have happened to the boy and his parents?

  2. If I was Dr. Kaingu I would push this saga under the carpet really. The embarrassment to his family was too big to be reintroduced to public.

    • No my dear justice was not done. They were two people involved in that Act. You’re a typical Zambia who shies away from righting injustices in the nation because of supposed ’embarrassment’ to the ‘family’ . You’re the type who hide rape , incest, spousal abuse, child abuse etc for fear of ’embarrassing the family’. The boy who was involved with Iris deserves the same punishment as her. Besides what is the Ministry of Gender for other than to promote gender equality?

    • That’s the problem with brainless people like you!! This is a serious issue of unequal treatment that should be raised and debated! Keeping silent wont solve anything and will in fact re-inforce the injustice!
      It is the same as prosecuting a person just because they are Ngoni while a Bemba is let off for the same offence!
      Well done Dr Kaingu for speaking about this – you are truly a leader because you dont want another girl to be victimised while the boy goes scott free!!

    • You like pushing things under the carpet!! One day you will push your own life under the carpet. How can you pretend to mourn more than the bereaved? Abash hypocrisy. The Ministry should be impartial.

  3. Credit to Dr Kaingu for coming out and demanding and explaination. It’s quite sad that women are the ones who get to suffer while the guys move on without any trace of ridicule or embarrassment. I was equally shocked how our vocal womens movement couldn’t pick this one up to demand fair justice. It takes two to tangle.

  4. I raised the same issue way back while the trial was going on. LT in their wisdom refused to publish it. I was aghast at how a woman who I thought in all innocence never expected the tape to be released could be so villified and humilated in Public even when it came out that the person who actually sent the tape online went scot-free and never mentioned again. I also askd what the women organisations were for if they couldnt see the merits of such a case.

    • You people have short memories. The boy who was involved in that saga with Iris did not go scot free. He admitted the case when he was charged and actually paid K10,000 for admission whilst Iris denied the charge and decided to go to court. That is where she was found guilty and also paid K10,000. Where is the bias here????

    • @CAS- The student who was earlier fined K10,000.00 readily admitted the offence. But he is not the one who was involved with Iris; there were several cases. The one who was in the video with Iris is Nathan.

  5. Hon Kaingu, let the sleeping dog lie. People have forgotten about that international embarrassment and you are rekindling it.

    • Only Zambians mind about how the international community looks at them. Members of the international community, on the other hand, don’t care what Zambia thinks about them. When shall we focus on cleaning up our house because we want to be clean and not wanting to clean up to please Queen Elizabeth? Malabishi!

  6. Unfortunately this seems to be the trend even in the bible only the woman was brought to Jesus, you would wonder were the man was.
    i also wonder what Iris is doing now and if she is able to walk in public..

    • She is in Malaysia studying. She is a strong girl and has put all this behind and moved on. Most of us are happy for her. Lesser people would have broken down.

  7. Same way Sharia Law is applied, stone the woman to death but let the man go scot free and yet Zambians condemn it but that’s exactly what happened with this case

  8. Its quite surprising that these women organizations claim to be a voice for the voiceless women, but when serious issues come up they turn a blind eye. The guy deserve a fair share of being in the spot light. Worse still its because of his stupidity that resulted in the video going viral.

    • The so-called women’s organizations only jump up and down if it is a political issue where they expect donor funding! Or if it involved some well known politician like GBM because then they can feel “empowered” by appearing to humiliate him in public. You must also notice that the leaders of almost all of these so-called women’s organizations are from failed or broken marriages! I rest my case.

    • …they just use the NGOs to milk donors for funding – but in fact do nothing for locals! Ask Beatrice Grillo – just getting FAT from donations but actually doing nothing.

  9. Very unfortunate. There were many on LT who showed unprecedented support and questioned the disappearance of the boy from the equation. If memory serves me correct it was his lap top or his friends that accessed the video from his lap top so it sounded like others were shielded alongside him and the girl and family left to face the public. Good on the father for providing this type of support and taking a responsible stance.

  10. If I was Kaingu myself, I could have resigned from all my political engagements including being MMD vice President and MP in shame. What Iris did was wrong and enough evidence to ‘hang’ myself as a father and parent (in the African context) and could have resigned myself from public eye for good.

    Unfortunately for Kaingu this is normal and life goes on. He has no morals himself anyway considering, he is polygamous with many girl children roaming Lusaka City at night with no parental care to speak of. Little wonder I nearly hit him with my Putter for making noise when I was about to ‘sink’ a birdie at a Lusaka Golf Club.

    • @Mwape – A lucky bas.ta.rd yourself! A product of an wasted spe.rm, are you not ashamed that you dont even know your father? Iris has a father to take care of her but what about you…monkey!!

  11. I have always thought that Iris was unfairly treated over this matter-I don’t understand and see why the boy just walked away without paying. Was justice influenced by the fact that M’membe vigorously covered Iris’s case with the intent to discredit Dr kaingu thereby having judges carried away by his hate for Dr kaingu and MMD?

    I’m a man but on this case, call me a feminist!! We need justice!


    • But you are even duller by posting in all-caps. It does not make you look any more intelligent by writing with your paw stuck on the all-caps button on your keyboard.

  13. Bo ndate Kaingu! You cant be blamed for what Iris and boy friend did. Your only option is to initiate civil suits against the boy for damages and embarrasements caused to your daughter and family. If the courts cant provide remedy go to the village and consult …………. Finish!

    • I think you are disabled mentally!
      Cant you see thar Dr Kaingu is raising issues of inequality and prejudice BUT you are talking about compensation? He is not looking for money or compensation!

      Surely how can you advise Dr Kaingu who is far enlighted than than you “mushroom”? if the state prosecuted Iris for the same offence she did with the boy, why shouldnt the state prosecute the boy?

  14. What an !d10t this man is! When his daughter was enjoying the ‘light, camera, action’ didn’t she know that what they were doing was illegal? Worse still she went on to waste the courts time! Judging from that video it’s not the first time she has done it. I bet she is even worse where she is. Probably done 10 videos by now. Maybe we should send him the link so he can watch and judge for himself before he opens his trap again.

  15. Ba Zed Samurai please, which voiceless? What were the women’s organizations supposed to say or speak on behalf of that arrogant Iris of a women when she had a loud voice thru her father speaking on her behalf!! Please leave the innocent organizations out of this, ta ba fishibe!!

  16. Am abit lost here, we heard the boy admitted and fined the same 10000 while iris kept wasting the court’s time by initially refusing before courts found her wanting and charged. Ndate kaingo you are not a good person your self,your driver had an accident and put him in cells where he was sodomised and fail very ill & almost died in hospital, while you didn’t even want to pay for his operation.Equally terrible things will continue in your life…Shame on you to bring a resting issue surely after 2year do you seek political publicity using your child’s behavior or what’s cutting here?

    • @ Chinyama
      That was a different case, it involved a NIPA student! The NIPA case is different from Iris’s ZCAS case except they happened during the same period.

    • Bt how did this kaingo take 2years to realize that Iris was not alone in the Video didnt the judge tell him since he watched it?

  17. “There was a terrible report in the Press concerning Iris Kaingu, my daughter. I do not condone the misdemeanor that she was involved in…”
    Kiangu deserves the support of every well meaning citizen. Looking at the above statement, when most parents could have cursed their daughter and distanced themselves from her due to the shame involved, yet this man with his head up, he’s able to confidently bring up the subject not necessarily in her defense but in the the midist of all the attraction this case brings, he proudly calls her “my daughter”. Kaingu is a proud father who loves his children. Friends no one is in control of what children do outside home. You can only do your part.

    • While I agree, it is also important to move on unlike trying to rekindle political millage using child’s story of gross indiscipline.shem

  18. This is a result of sleeping in parliament, he should have raised this issue in parliament! What is wrong with Zambian MP’s, his daughter is a member of his constituency, he should have fought for equality in the house, they is why he was chosen to represent them!


  20. I also feel that the matter is too explosive to be rekindled publickly again. The best thing would be to let the matter fade. She was young and made a mistake which cost her a lot of shame and pain. I guess she has learnt her lessons and needs to be forgiven and supported along the way. I’m happy to hear she had to leave Zambia to study abroad, that will help her to bury her past and start afresh.

    • I still don’t think you are the same Nine Chale we crowned as blogger of the year some time back. Unless things have gone terribly bad and you no longer thinking rationally. Vielleicht sollten wir bei einer nüchtenen Tasse Kaffee darüber sprechen. Ich komme gerne zu dir, denn Süddeutschland ist nicht weit von hier.

    • Bwalya, Du bist herzlich wilkommen, mein Freund. So ist das eben mit Meinungen – für vernünftig halten wir immer nur diejenigen, die unserer Meinung sind.

  21. Much as i sympathise with mrKaingu,i would have loved to have him represent a list of the many other voiceless women whose cases are not heard because they lack influencial people as in the corridors the honourable walks.Mr Kaingu your daughter is just one example you should have learnt a lesson from about the justice system.It would have been more justly on your side given the privilidge you have to represent others too.I find it selfish of you to talk only about your daughter instead of taking the opportunity to bring to the attention the many more daughters of the nation passing through the same pain.I think leaders should be leaders for all.

  22. She would have saved herself from the embarrasment by quickly pleading guilty; like the boy did. No lengthy court appearance.

  23. Never say late in raising issues that hinge on gender welfare! There was misapplication of justice and as already mentioned certain sectors of the media were out reporting with the sole purpose of discrediting Dr Kaingu as a politician! The issue here is with the gender ministry’s inaction and I’d have loved to know the response given. Any other political leader could have raised this issue but like many of us felt it did not affect them as it did Dr Kaingu so he took it up himself! Bravo to all that have come out in support of Dr Kaingu’s candidness, all women organizations must reflect on it. If the gender ministry is oblivious to such issues then its existence has no justification! Where is gender equality? The ministry has supported male supremacy!

  24. Thanks Cindy. Always on point. Are you by any chance in future going to consider being one of our representatives in parliament? Know this is not straight forward but will you try?

    • @ Njangwa,
      Thanks for the compliments! I have never thought of joining politics though the only thing I would do, is to write about things that would help all of us. Any how, never say never, otherwise, life is full of surprises, you never know.

  25. People make me understand here, the Doc brought out this issue when the parliamentary committee sat for many other justice issues. Why did have to wait for all this time to complain to the ministry when infact, as a law maker he knows and or understands the procedures to address what he is talking about today? Supposing this forum was not there we wouldnt have heard about Dr. kaingu’s cry? I am not a legal expert but i believe there are legal procedures like judicial review, appeals where the learned Kaingu would have hilighted all these issues way back just after the verdict was passed.

  26. The Kaingu family wanted publicity while the boy’s family opted for peace and quiet. I say so because why should Mr Kaingu bring this topic which to some, is dead and buried. He is looking for publicity yet again.

  27. Mwape Mbokeme…U are not serious….! why shud Kaingu the father of Iris resign cos of his dota´s unfortunate situation? can u resign from your job just cos your brother is involved in mischievious things…..stealing or whatever…selling marihuana?……. EXCUSE ME!!
    Mr Kaingu should voice out cos there are a lot of men OUT THERE who get away with such nosense even if it could have been them initiating the idea….!
    yes Womens org, where are U? voice out let the man also be charged!!

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