Concerned citizen Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda has said that the mandate for the registration and custody of information about citizens is the preserve of the Ministry of Home Affairs and not foreign companies like MTN and Airtel.
In his update statement on SIM card registration, Brigadier General Miyanda questioned the justification for ZICTA to include Voter’s card information in the documents for SIM card registration and asked whether the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) was consulted.
Brigadier General Miyanda argued that by delegating the registration and custody of citizens’ private information (including their physical addresses) to Mobile Service Providers, which could potentially be linked to foreign security agencies, ZICTA was committing a serious breach of security bordering on criminality.
“Detailed particulars should be only with the National Registration Department, presumably not compromised with or linked to foreign security agencies. ZICTA has delegated this function to the MSPs to create, maintain and keep in their custody,” the statement read.
Below is the full statement.
[By Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda – 26th January 2014]
This statement follows earlier ones on SIM card registration. Opposing views in support of registration have been considered though not reproduced. One internet blogger using the pseudonym ‘Cat Power’ (Lusaka Times) posted “Now let General Miyanda be the only subscriber who isn’t registered in the country and see how it benefits him as the only unregistered user, silly isn’t it?” I am NOT doing this for myself but for others who are yet to experience the brutality of African despots. I have been hunted like an animal for more than thirty years, so they have all my details. What is silly is for Zambians to naively be vigorously agitating for the so-called new constitution WHICH IS NOT YET LAW but refusing to protect and defend the existing one which is being butchered left, right and centre!
The major complaint is the mishandling of private and personal information as well as deactivation of unregistered SIM cards by attaching registration as a condition precedent to the enjoyment of fundamental rights and liberties enshrined in Part 111 of the Constitution. By deactivating SIM unregistered cards, the Government is arbitrarily abridging the said guaranteed rights.
There is a serious erosion of citizens’ rights under the SIM card exercise which must NOT be glossed over; Part III of the Constitution covers this. I contend that SIM deactivation is in breach of Articles 11 and 20 and other laws. Article 20 is particularly apt, when it declares regarding protection of freedom of expression, that “20 (1) Except with his own consent, a person shall not be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, that is to say, freedom to hold opinions without interference, freedom to receive ideas and information without interference, freedom to impart and communicate ideas and information without interference, whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class of persons, and freedom from interference with his correspondence”. There is a good reason why certain rights are embedded in Part III; it is so they are not tampered with by the State unless the due process of the law is followed. The blocking of the Zambia Reports and Zambian Watchdog without due process is one such serious breach.
The ZICTA mandate is derived from Section 64 of the ICT Act 15 of 2009 via the elusive S.I. 65 of 2011, which contains the Regulations for the Registration of Electronic Communications Apparatus, couched in the following terms:
“IN EXERCISE of the powers contained in section sixty-four of the Information and Communications Act 2009, and in consultation with the Authority, the following Regulations are hereby made ….” then follow the Regulations.
Section 64 of the ICT Act 15 of 2009, reads in part as follows:
“64(1) The Authority shall be responsible for the establishment and publication of technical standards relating to all electronic communications equipment intended to be used in Zambia; (2) In establishing the standards referred to under subsection (1), the authority shall (a) seek submissions from the public, in particular those persons likely to be most affected by the publication of the standards…”.
I know that there have been NO such submissions by or calls for submissions from the public. ZICTA claims, inter alia, that SIM registration will help in combating crime and retrieving of lost phones! There are other agencies to combat crime and a plethora of legislation covering security and other crimes. The said laws include the following:
a. The Penal Code.
b. The State Security Act.
c. The Preservation of Public Security Act.
d. The Public Order Act.
e. The National Registration Act, which really provides for the registration of all persons, and
f. The Zambia Security Intelligence Service Act.
The ZICTA legislation is surplusage.
Today the mandate for the registration and custody of information about citizens is the preserve of the Ministry of Home Affairs. ZICTA should be primarily concerned with service delivery and not usurp powers under the NRC Act. As far as I can ascertain our Mobile Service Providers (MSPs) are foreign-owned. What is the justification for ZICTA to include the Voter’s card as one of the documents for registration of SIM cards as contained in the ZICTA Registration and Business Rules? Why was ECZ not consulted?
If indeed there is need to register SIM cards this should be under the Home Affairs Ministry. Currently our personal records are NOT just with the foreign MTN, Airtel and ZAMTEL (which was owned by Libya) but may be with other foreign governments. Detailed particulars should be only with the National Registration Department, presumably not compromised with or linked to foreign security agencies. ZICTA has delegated this function to the MSPs to create, maintain and keep in their custody. By delegating the registration and custody of citizens’ private information (including their physical addresses) ZICTA is itself committing a serious breach of security bordering on criminality by the very institution that wishes to punish us by deactivation so that we cannot use our communications gadgets in order to “impart and communicate” ideas to the general public or to any person without interference!
Although this is a public statement, it is equally copied to the Government (through the Minister and ZICTA). I implore the Government to suspend the implementation of this programme and open dialogue to avoid costly litigation.
[26TH JANUARY 2014]
Distribution To:
Ministry of Transport and Works
Electoral Commission of Zambia
Political Parties
Civil Society Organisations
The Church in General
The General Public
This is backwards
I am on linkelin facebook and skype
What is wrong with that?
Mr Miyanda is old school, someone delusional enough to refuse and discard his party and join a modern party to contribute to the country
The fact that he is still with his party explains his delusional tantrums
What of DVLA (does this exist in zambia) Pensions Funds does he think they have no right to ask personal Information?
We live in a transparent world, and if you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t be worried
My mobile company has my personal details and they sure is nothing wrong with this.
He needs help, just like a lot of you on here.
Ah, thanks ba General, the light bulb in my heard has just been switeched . This is definitely a new argument I did not think about this case this way. Personal records should certainly not be in the hands of foreign companies. I will join the crusade. Now I get it. What do you want us to do. certainly am will not be registering, I think my wife registered, is there a way to unregister?
yayayaya the general has a valid argument, but he is telling these 1mbeciles who have a monopolistic single track thinking approach to issues. no matter what people say they think their opinion is the right one. a bunch of dull 1diots running the country
@Mushota; the General is by far more analytical than yourself. Pause a bit and try to get the General’s argument. Is DVLA a foreign entity or a government body? When you get a SIM card in Scotland, does the network provider ask you for your Passport details or even your electral registry details? With all the vote rigging that goes on in Zambia, wouldn’t you be worried that these Mobile Providers, who easily succumb to government pressure may just furnish the government of the day with this sensitive data to be used to the disadvantage of the Opposition? God forbid, a worse scenario is eaves dropping on private conversations of citizens and track and victimise percieved opponents of the government. No one is opposing registration of SIM cards but its the associated data and custodian…
Whereas I wholeheartedly agree with Gen Miyanda concerns and fears over Govts real intentions for this exercise (and I have no doubt that it is aimed at flushing out those with divergent and is strongly linked to their drive against the ZWD and other online and Internet media. Having said that, I don’t buy his argument that “there is an issue at LAW or any compass, that giving personal details to Airtel or any foreign company puts us at risk of any sort. These companies are “service providers” and are entitled to know as much as reasonably possible about their clients, including personal details as long as it advances their business interests and those of its clients. If one doesn’t want to give personal details to foreign companies then Cell Z is the option.. Straight into the lions…
I think the General is right. Most of you just argue without knowledge, this is a serious security concern. thus i would encourage people to register wrong information because, this is very very dangerous. Some of you Zambians, learn to argue with reasoning in your heads.
Mwati ba General batuntulu ?! The old man has outlived his usefulness.High time he combated his fears.There is nothing wrong with this exercise.Ubu bungwa
Mushota, i do not respond to bloggers but I have made an exception so I can learn from you. Yo picture struck me as that of sharp, bright, focused debater. Prove me right by debating the issues raised and persuade me to change my views. Start by discussingArticle 11 and 20; SI 65 of 2011 and Section 64 of Act 15 of 2009. Then comment on Part 3 of the Constitution: do you agree with it? Read the article again with understanding then factually respond. By the way in your “new school” when thieves raid your house frequently do you throw away the lock and leave the door open bcoz of the thefts? Do you also do everything that others do? Waiting to learn from you; Brig Gen Miyanda///
Mushota, Why are you deliberately lying? They don’t have all your personal details. They are not allowed by law to obtain your personal ID #. What they have is your basic info concerning your address so they can sue or pursue you when you fail to pay your dues. Miyanda is very informed and making sound a arguement. Privacy is being violated and yes it is a breach of security.
Mushota is not real. Here is here linkhttps://www.google.co.tz/search?q=african+girl&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=Nxc-aJnaPoavIM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcSJtSwDW9I1I5TZ8fTVsZiir0zwK26zZJcJZ4pzYfE2WVvzd6XyfQ%253B500%253B334%253BLoXue4Q6doQzQM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.nichefoto.com%25252Fview.php%25253Fid%2525253D251&tbs=simg:CAESZxplCxCo1NgEGgQIAAg9DAsQsIynCBo8CjoIARIUoAW3BboGuAa_1BrkGwga1BrYGtQcaIOZ0iDh5mDcG5SoJwIimeJaZNXC8doVwb8kJSr-2UIeLDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIEAyaPWQw&sa=X&ei=6z7nUuazOYrm7Ab39oCIAg&ved=0CCoQ9QEwAA&biw=1034&bih=595#facrc=_&imgrc=Nxc-aJnaPoavIM%253A%3BLoXue4Q6doQzQM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.nichefoto.com%252Fpreview%252F2006%252F07%252F27%252Fafrican_girl_avidimages_251_prev.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww…
Mushota you are a delusional Cunt, with a non functional brain that floats in urine, this is a valid issue, that this man has raised..shut up if you dont have anything sensible to contribute.
Mushota, where you on your periods when you wrote this rubbish? and its LinkedIn you Cunt!!!
Big GM, I may have misunderstood you, you make a striking point
My apology
Before I could even read the body of this story. Let me from the on set state tht Gen . Miyanda u very intelligent and I admire your charisma. You hv a special point in wht you advocating & pls note you speakin on my behalf too & my lovely children
The general has really researched & indeed brings alot of facts to bear – which put to shame the Govt as a whole to shame considering than have various depts which should have researched this rather than simply obeying a command from their master without question, akin to a trained pet doing the same.
The country is baying for leadership that can analyse issues & at least be knowledgeable of our constitution, the current & hopefully the new one once adopted. The General needs a renaissance – team up with the next generation of leaders as we see this last one of the previous generation – he could be chairman or elder statesman to mentor the new generation for surely there will be a lot of work for him & others like him to help out without him vying for presidency. My advice to him, is…
…My advice to him, is TAKE THE INITIATIVE TO LEAD & MENTOR THE NEW GENERATION – for people are fed up of “Personal Parties”, one of which we are now laden. We need the spirit of the “Original MMD”, where the leader was the unified choice of the people chosen in an open & democratic forum – ONLY WITH THAT SPIRIT, Shall we hope to relieve ourselves of PF & lead this country out of this abyss!
Ba General you are very right and very intelligent.
The General has a point on this one!!!
Whats the big deal victor? Afterall,our whole economy is in foreign hands….MTN, Kobil , Shoprite , Zamtel, our air travel mkt and even our kantembas are full of 2nd hand shirts and bras from Compton.
I totally agree with the Brigadier’s view and understand where he is coming from. Some Zambian policies are too relaxed and hence allow for the citizens to be overexposed which as has been explained, to possibly lead to security risks.
Foreign entities and companies need to be capped in terms of what they are allowed to see and put their hands on. Its a clear violation of the data protection act of 1998 which, consequently falls under ALL nations but yet we have people who would agree to passing a program like this. I guess this is what happens when fresh and uptodate minds are not put to use, personally I think its absurd to even entertain the idea of such a program, which leaves me to question who is looking out for the people and to what extent?
PutaSk, am not against registration but observing the law. E.G. Why was there no public input as per S64 of the law? Why seize/ forfeit the money in the deactivated account contrary to the constitution? Why include the Voter’s Card? Why has ZICTA surrendered custody of records to the MSPs when Home Affairs are the custodians under the NRC Act? The MSPs should just have basic info such as NRC number. If a crime is suspected or committed they info the Police or relevant organ for action. ZICTA is NOT collecting the data but has delegated it! Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda///
Totally agree, the general is smart on this one and let uss hear what the PF cadres will have to say about giving South African government and the Indian Government my physical address, as custodian as if we don’t have the Ministry of Home affairs.
I think we just shouldn’t be copying and pasting things other countries do, They just remotely aim to manipulate us. I hear SA has sim registration and why should they extend it to Zambia. We need to stand up for this.
Germans stood up to Google for street view in their neighbourhood and won. They just didn’t accept becuase it is done everywhere in the world.
I support the General hear.
l sense danger ..Mr Miyanda has point am just afraid on the part of adding the vosters card.Lets open our eyes
Remember the NIKUV register? Some former president used it to rig elections by way of ghost voters. I can smell a big rat on the part of providing voters card details! Back to UNIP days! The surprise factor and the guts by one COMRADE BROTHER LEADER to keep toying with the already volatile political situation is very frustrating to concerned Zambians and is extremely shocking indeed.
There is absolutely no need to ask for voters card details
Gen. I hv read ur detailed document & I wish to state I even feel endangered hving given my personal documents to these foreign spy agents MTN & Airtel. Not even a lawyer can structure intelligently your idea of this argument you present to us. Never mind sum bloggers like this one above whose commented first. To her so long she’s woken up the followin day that’s all mataz to such mentality personality. She blank on matters that deal with security & intelligencia
Gaddafie, thanx. Pse note that I always welcome an intelligent and factual debate. There is always something new to learn from each other. I want to learn from her and if she puts up a good case I may revise my views. I hear she is in the Diaspora so I expect better bcoz she is more exposed. Let us wait and see; maybe I might even continue blogging!!! Brig Gen Miyanda///
General, plse keep on blogging, we know others were brought up with “insulting tongues”, but we just tend to ignore them till they exhaust themselves of their wicked ways.
Lets make “2014, the year for a real change in zed”.
The problem in Zambia and Africa in general is that we don’t have principles and we spend a lot of time on rubbish things we can take years just trying to f00l yourselves.
Have the political parties agreed the idea of registering voters cards on SIM cards together with personal details? I trust the Zambian people my people will not let this go. This is a recipe for rigging. Are they preparing for electronic voting and manipulation?
QUIT WRITING IN ALL-CAPS!!! IT IS ANNOYING! There, I said it. How do you like to be shouted at?
cat power, you have insulted the general. you are fo..olish id,iot
You have a point!!! I don’t what Miyanda is looking for.
Miyanda just move to the village. Mushota has spoken a lot of sense.
I agree with Ba Miyanda on this one! I didn’t look at this issue that way.
Wasn’t this Gen Miyanda a coup plotter. Guess he has every reason to be paranoid, even his own shadow.
I doubt very much that you have been hunted like an animal Gen Miyanda. So stop exaggerating.
Please Zedians just register your sims. Its done the world over. Why promote anarchy.
@Nigger of Nagasaki ,
General Miyanda is on solid ground and has valid points; Do you understand the importance and rationale of the UK, data protection act of 1998??
Does Zambia gat such instruments before rushing this process???
My fellow country man, I have travelled quite a bit and don’t need to give a resume but NO NO NO!! this is not practiced the world over, for example in the USA, China and Europe arguably home to largest cellular consumer, don’t practice this. I have been a subscriber here for 7 years and have never been asked for information as personal as has been discussed, so kindly break down for me the countries that utilize this program.
Ok,I get it,this means pf has already won the 2016 elections,because the pf govt will use our personal details to make some voters cards using a foreign company in either RSA,India or north Korea.the general is smart.rigging has already started and yet the main opposition parties are dreaming of winning 2016:wake up hh,nevers mumba.cry my beloved country.
Miyanda should just give up! This is a changed world. If I google you Bwana General, I may find a lot of info about you.
@Dontcare; surely you may find alot of information on Gen Miyanda, however, the question is, unlike the government, are you in a position to do anything with that data to advantage your position? The government has the capacity to use that information for instance to rig elections given they have your voters details and many other sinister acts. That is what a big brother state is capable of.
True. Dontcare you are right. Just found a lot of information about the General on google.
The General has a valid point, but unfortunately it is not backed by legal framework on the use of electronic data. There is need for the country to come up with a comprehensive data protection act. What about the data collected by foreign NGO’s researching for HIV, these data is sent electronically abroad for analysis, is it legal? I guess not. What about data collected by private employment agencies, do we know where they take it? What about personal data you provide to social networks like Facebook? Are you in control of it? Someone please provide some answers here… I know in Europe, mobile operators are not allowed to host national HLR in a foreign country. Naleka
Wherever Personal Data is collected, there is an appended caveat explaining what the use of that data is & with whom it may be shared, an individual then decides whether they agree with it or decide to opt out, in reality, it is difficult to opt out because you are in need of a particular service, however in this case, we have had this service without the need of such compulsory registry – its need is imposed on us by a govt which has lost the confidence of the people that put it in power & as such we have a choice to refuse such imposition!!
The General is spot on BUT the Zambian audience is too docile to understand the issue at hand.
I hope the General could come on board on “No Mining in Lower Zambezi”…please get the General on involved.
TOO TRUE! this is one issue that stands at the same level as the “NO THIRD TERM” issue.
WE should mobilize, Copper is a wasting asset, Whilst OUR WILDLIFE & ENVIRONMENT are SUSTAINABLE REGENERATIVE ASSETS!
Copper is short term, but more so, the organisation tasked to look after OUR ENVIRONS, has REFUSED TO GIVE THE PERMIT – these are people who are non-partisan & are simply public workers relying on the best evidence to manage our resources, YET WE GET AN ARROGANT MINISTER WHO OVERTURNS this ruling without good reason, leaving us to surmise that he probably has received SUBSTANTIAL KICKBACKS!
Ba Miyanda your fight will go nowhere! Apparently, this is an exercise being done in most parts of the world and eventually in some parts of the world these numbers will go public. Unfortunately leading mobile companies are foreign and we seem not have a choice on this one. An alternative is not to have a cell phone and you will be at peace from your fears. As for voters cards that is a different issue altogether. Why should someone get the details of your voters card when you have given them other personal details? That is a little too nosy!!!
Kayla, I am not “fighting to go anywhere”! Am fighting for my constitutional rights and liberties as you should. Since you doubt my info about voter’s card I quote from ZICTA ” SIM Registration Business Rules” Rule Number 3.0 Legal Requirements
3.1 Every Mobile Cellular Service Provider shall be required to register its subscribers; both post- paid and pre- paid, and maintain a database including the SIM Card serial number, name, date of birth and physical address of the subscriber. The subscriber should present any following means of identification: NRC, passport, Driving license, voter’s card END OF QUOTE. WHY INCLUDE Voter’s Card? Good morning; Brig Gen Miyanda///
General Miyanda,
If a voters card is included as part of ID, it does not imply that the information will be used for rigging as most people use NRCs and Driving licences to register their simcards than using voters cards. Seriously, they added voters cards just to give the masses option of IDs to be used to register rather than restricting it to Passport, NRC and Driving licences.
So the general is happy with people promoting hatred and slandering others while cowardly hiding behind their computers? If you are not committing crimes which includes terrorism using your sim card, there is no need to worry.
Spartan, where in my statement have I supported those promoting hate speech? Our current laws are sufficient to deal with defamation and slander. Before you arbitrarily block ZWD sue them and let them defend themselves in court but go with concrete evidence that supports your claim. Be factual and discuss the issues I have raised, especially Article 20 which I have reproduced verbatim in my statement. Good morning; Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda///
Good morning General! I am not a lawyer but I think sim registration does stop any one from communicating or sharing information. You can still do whatever you want but as you exercise your right don’t infringe upon other peoples rights and freedoms and no one will bother you unless they are criminals. whether you register or not, America and other countries can still locate you like they did to bin ladin courier. I like you general because you are open though not always right like in this case but don’t be a lone ranger. Join others!
I don’t think our laws were crafted with the fast changing internet technology in mind. They may be inadequate in dealing with cyber crime. We are proud to be part of the global villager but we seen not prepared to face the negative aspects of it like foreign governments having access to personal information.
I’m will versed with regard to the UK data protection act. I have used it when suing some entities in this dear UK. I just believe Gen Miyanda has the tendency to exaggerate. A storm in tea cap, a mountain out of a mole hill, sort of thing.
The Gen just loves to hear himself talk while propounding falsities, I might add.
I’m will versed with regard to the UK data protection act. I have used it when suing some entities in this dear UK. I just believe Gen Miyanda has the tendency to exaggerate. A storm in a tea cap, a mountain out of a mole hill, sort of thing.
The Gen just loves to hear himself talk while propounding falsities, I might add.
Nigger of Nagasaki, UK does not have a written Constitution as we do. We have Part 3 of the Constitution which is titled “Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual”. Read Article 20 quoted in my statement and then comment. Then I will hear you, otherwise it is you who has said nothing but you are listening to yourself. Comment factually and if you are convincing I will discard my views and support you. It is citizens like you who create and encourage dictators; Brig Gen Miyanda///
how about the account u have with fnb.which infor did u give them general.
There is no issue of security here. Most providers in Africa, Europe and the rest of the world require you to register. Why? Simple if you loose your handset/SIM card is faulty, they can provide a replacement and not only that it’s being given to the right person.
I am surprised who is replying on this blog.
Mya, you contradict yourself. If there is no security here as you declare then why are they collecting data? It is for security. I am criticizing the disregard of the law in implementing the registration, deactivating the SIM and seizing the money still on the account and including the Voter’s Card which is for voting when we are NOT voting! Discuss the issues I have raised. By the way a SIM cannot fight crime. If the info is to locate your lost phone why the voter’s card and physical address where the voter stays? Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda///
Most of the countries in world have their details registered with mobile phone. Why? most citizens will own a phone and the number can easy traced to all other details, like physical address, bank account, credited cards, where you are at all times.
The General may be criticised by l think he a person who takes time to understand issues unlike those person who blindly rush to accept issue. Why voters card?
An NRC is enough.
Consider the number of Zambians employed by foreign firms.
I live in Canada.I should have consulted General Miyanda before providing my physical address to Rogers and Wind Mobile when I was getting my prepaid phone.
Some people’s thinking really amazes me.
Independent, do not compare eggs to oranges. What laws govern SIM card registration in Canada? What data protection? Did they just arbitrarily deactivate millions of SIMs? Each country can design/craft it’s own laws but you Zambians accept anything and everything. But since you are in Canada do as the Canadians do; then when in Zambia observe the Rule of Law as per Part 3 of the Constitution. Brig Gen Miyanda///
The contexts are very different. What’s the probability that the Canadian Government could use voters’ information to influence an electoral outcome in one way or the other? Or track and tap on political opponents? Would that be the same in Zambia? Do you think in Canada the government can have an overbearing pressure on private company to avail it info (for whatever purposes) the same way as in Zed? How much foreign is the Mobile operator in Canada compared to Airtel & MTN? Do you think the Govt in Canada enjoy the same trust levels as that in Zambia in as much as rule of law, etc and why?
I live in Australia and in Zambia, I would not be registering either. I have registered my sim here but the difference is Australia has strict privacy laws that give me some protection. My concern would be what privacy laws are in place to stop these companies from using my details in a way that infringes on my rights?
Gen Miyanda should not forget that he too wanted to close TV programs that were seen to obscene in his eyes, eg channel O.
However, I agree with him on intelligence agency trap, a crusade that started in the USA after Sept 11 attack. It saw the start of free facebook to link the whole world, their friendships, relatives and then the data sold to the CIA and Zukerberg became a billionaire overnight in an industry were it took Bill gates 16 years to make billions.
Now the UN security council came up with another trap sponsored by agencies that u register SIMcards to catch criminals. This data is usually sold to the intelligence agency by these companies as you too would do.
The question is, if we dont do it, will it be difficult to catch criminals or is it helping our govt to find…
The question is still the same. What challenges did we have that prompted the need for sim registration crusade?
So if any of you were in govt and in the interest of national security, would you go for SImcard registration idea though you know that this has inherent weaknesses due to data leakages? probably yes.
Even if home affairs kept the data, IT chaps there can sell the database to the CIA.
So if the Zambian Govt is going to benefit from a security point of view, they would go it.
We know what facebook was meant for as CIA consultant SNOWDEN revealed. But stopping facebook in Zambia would cause a big problem. It helps us to get USA visa as they can tell quickly who you are based on your internet and social media activities.
So be careful the way you release data even if the recipient promises to never compromise it. The motive is always disguised as some good reason.
Similarly, donors come to Zambia and donate or develop software for govt departments so that when they capture the data in it, the database is copied and taken to the donor country for intelligence and other studies.
In other countries, they wouldnt allow you to develop software for their depts but in Zambia, nearly all our systems are developed by foreign firms who have not even signed confidentiality agreements.
Unintended consequences of mandatory prepaid SIM registration.
An analysis of case studies and media reports from countries where the registration of prepaid SIM users had been mandated indicates that such a policy often leads to negative unintended consequences including:
Many socially and economically disadvantaged consumers rely on prepaid SIM cards for access to mobile communications. Poorly drafted rules mandating prepaid SIM registration tend to have an adverse impact on vulnerable people including those who:
• Are homeless, live in informal housing or in remote communities, or are from less well documented groups;
• Are family dependents who may be unable, or find it inconvenient, to leave the family home to register;
• Fail to hear about or understand regulations and relevant deadlines due to inadequate or poor awareness raising campaigns; and
• Are reluctant to register due to concerns over the possible violation of their privacy or freedom of expression. These groups are most at risk from being cut off from access to convenient and affordable communications, as a result of mandatory registration rules that are inflexible, disproportionate and which may fail to take into account national and regional conditions.
Past examples:
In many cases the national regulators had to extend the ‘cut-off’ deadline repeatedly to give mobile users more time to register. In Rwanda, over 485,000 SIM cards were
recently deactivated, as their holders failed to register them by the latest deadline, despite this having been pushed back on several occasions.
Countries that have shunned mandatory SIM registration.
1. Philippines: industry opposes sim card registration
In two position papers submitted to the House of Representatives, the Philippine Chamber of Telecommunications Operators (PCTO) opposed the SIM card registration proposal noting, among other things, that it:
• Runs counter to the Government’s present and prevailing universal service policy as it impacts on citizens’ rights including their right to access telecom services;
• Is an unpractical and ineffective solution due to the absence of a reliable identification system;
• Is not based on any evidence that it would deter criminal activities in the country; and
• It would face administrative challenges as more than 90 per cent of SIM cards are…
Very goood points. I was enjoying reading the points but suddenly the post ends…! Could you complete please?
In Mexico, mandatory SIM registration was introduced in 2009 but repealed three years later after a policy assessment showed that it had not helped the prevention, investigation and prosecution of associated crimes. The reasons cited by the senate for repealing the regulation included:
(i) Statistics showing a 40 per cent increase in the number of extortion calls recorded daily and an increase of eight per cent in the number of kidnappings between 2009 and 2010;
(ii) The appreciation that the policy was based on the misconception that criminals would use mobile SIM cards registered in their names or in the name of their accomplices. The report suggests that registering a phone not only fails to guarantee the accuracy of the user’s details but it could also lead to falsely accusing…
Finally, a breath of fresh air that is a very good example of where the system fails and that is with an aspect of crime, can you imagine the effects on a white collar crime level? and couple that with the common criminal its a disaster!
May I be enlightened by those affected, what sort of person information are you handing over? Is it name?, address?, gender? NRC number? what else? God forbid NOT a list of illnesses, or girl friends or when you lost your virginity?
Gen Miyanda stop misleading people. There is nothing illegal about giving personal details to a legal entity. What would be wrong is passing that information to a third party without authorization from the owner. You seem not to have recovered from your capture and torture from the then Zaire by the KK regime after your failed coup attempt. You seem to be suffering from post traumatic disorder flashes at every shadow. Please seek medical attention about your phobia of arrest.
I have been waiting for Mushota’s response for hours! This is my last posting; the quality of debate has just been raised, especially by Bankupi and Copy paste. Most bloggers don’t read and have fixed positions hence contribute little or nothing atall. But thanx all, I am outa here till Kaya! Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda/// 02:51 on 28th Jan 14
General, you shall always be great! What a great mind you are. My hope is that you shall directly participate in governing this country again. If not, due to blindness of us Zambians, continue to participate indirectly. At least us with sober minds will continue hearing you. Always following you.
Thank Gen for your kind remarks
BGGM as always is the only voice of reason in this country, at this very moment. How I wished he headed a consumer protection organization. It’s a shame the country doesn’t utilize his full potential for the benefit of the people at large.
This ‘forced’ and mandated registration of SIM cards is only unnecessary but it is also illegal as aptly argued by the General. First the hiding behind prevention of mobile phones theft and deterrence as the reason for this exercise is in itself hypocritical. You can’t really trust the PF govt to have access to citizens’ private info and citizens must be wary and suspicious of their intentions.
By the way Section 64 of the ICT Act 15 of 2009 that mandates the establishment and publication of technical standards has nothing to do with SIM card registration. Technical standards implies such standards like the 3GPP Family (GSM (2G); UMTS/UTRA (3G); LTE Advanced (4G)); Usage of Fibre or CAT5 cabling; etc. Nothing to do with registration of SIM cards whatsoever.
However, it’s also a shame that when BGGM was government he never used his position to influence political change for the common good – MMD was just as notorious on infringing on citizens’ rights as the PF are doing today when the General was a Vice President.
Considering that you get your NRC, Voter’s card, title deeds, etc from Government, isn’t it fair to say that government has your details already?
….most bloggers who are in support of SIM registration motion are using fake names…..WHY..??
by the way , I’m in support of the General…..I’m not registering and can’t wait for 31st January….
Good Point General, This has caused abuse of personal information to an extent that some people are being targeted by PF government. Ministry of Foreign Affairs should have control as to who get what Information. Voters Cards?? OooH now, now they will check who voted for who?? We hope this will not be Abused in 2016. Because the Boat will definitely go down under.
It makes me sick to hear people trying to make sense of what their general is saying. Have they closed that hospital near Munali? This long retired general, says he has been hunted for thirty years! The man is delusional to say the least. Who has been hunting him? By the way, ask his wife, there is a debate everytime she calls for supper. Like I said last time, general please use your time doing something fruitful. Boring.
Nga ku bank???
What is eating up the General? Every time I buy expensive gadgets and equipment like a laptop or smart phone, I routinely complete registration forms that come with these and send them to the manufacturers. These forms require information such as my name contact information. The only thing I don’t give them is my NRC number. This information is used for purposes of guaranteeing the equipment in case it malfunctions during the guarantee period. It is also useful in tracking the equipment – using satellite technology – in case the equipment is stolen. At my bank, which is foreign –owned, even more detailed information is required – including biometric information now. I have never had sleepless nights over this. These are realities of the 21st Century the General just has to live with.
I failed to finish reading the generals article because it is too long and gives me an impression that the general has a lot more say than just a few paragraphs online.I think the general should have the courage to hold public rallies and air his views to a wider audiance than post these articles which seemily have little or no effect at all.Public rallies will also mesure General Miynda’s popularity than posting bits and pieces of his views online!!
Freedom is a virtue. People have died for us to have freedom, that’s why we have the RED colour on our National flag. Therefore, no one has the right to take away other people’s freedom for personal gain. No one. Sata’s short history in power has evidently shown that he is hell-bent on taking away people’s freedom by hook or crook for personal gain. There is absolutely no question about it. This is wrong and must not be allowed.
So lovely to observe Ba Gen engaging with us on this platform a million thanks for this advocacy that you spearheading . Sadly I already registered my sims otherwise I was going join this noble duty and thanks being such a mentor to many us the young one Ba Gen and I have learnt a lot from you and your character. You have such a strong belief in yourself . In life, even when a million pipo hold a contrary view from a person who might be seen to be one. You are never bothered and you carry on with your belief and you dot do things like many of us Zambians that just becoz everyone is doing it. Bravo Gen you are a Presidential material
The concerns of BGM are genuine as regards voter information. But the exercise of SIM registration in general should not be discarded entirely. What should be excluded is the requirement for voter details. In most countries you can not buy a SIM without your ID, or passport if you are foreign to that country. what ZICTA are saying regarding fighting crime is genuine and should be taken serious. with registered SIMs its easy to track criminal activities. Regarding home affairs, i do not think they have capacity now to capture and maintain personal data online. nonetheless most Zambians have Bank accounts with foreign banks where they have submitted personal data. i don’t see why CT companies can not be privy to personal data under stipulated terms.
For the First time I agree with Mushota. Bo Miyanda you are full of contradictions. What about the personal details we have given to foreign Banks, Insurance companies, schools etc? What is your take on this General? To day your argument centers on foreign companies not keeping Zambians personal details but yesterday you were against the whole process of registration whether with a Zambian company or foreign. You see Bo Miyanda, its like you are thinking backward and just for the sake of saying something. Please we are tired of your rantings which some times dont make sense at all. What are you really trying to hide which you have not hidden with the Banks and DSTV? DSTV a South African company collects the phone number, house number, email address, your full names etc.
General Miyanda I greet you in the name of our lord Jesus christ. Please Gen make me understand this, are you raising these issues for politics or just for hatred? You point is mainly centered on security especially personal security. However,Gen why have you not raised the same issues with the trend on the same concerning banks? Whenever one is opening an account, the same personal details we are giving are the same which the banks ask for! Am not against your concerns Gen but I would love you to point at the differences. General, am aware that you are very much aware that most of the banks are in foreign hands and as long as Gen you have an account with these banks your personal details are already in foreign hands
Have you run out of good ideas and dwell on an issue which you know is best practice world over?
What is the difference between MTN/Airtel and foreign banks that operate in Zambia?
General,your piece is excellent and well researched.i join hands with you on this noble crusade.i want you to enlighten me on what sort of litigation those of us whose sim cards will be deactivated yet they will be un used talk time in the same cards and what will happen to the monies we keep in the same sim cards account under mobile money especially airtel money.will i just lose my money given that i have followed your path and not registering?besides are you on FB so that i follow you?
Thumbs up to General!!! U have done what you can. I have discovered that most bloggers have no time to research before giving their side/opinion. As youth lets show the elders that we can research more than them. Moreover he has been in a security wing for a long time plus / hes following the rule of Law.
His critics has a ground and is sound.
Pliz General do wht u can for mother ZED. All he is doing is contributing to current government.
I salute Gen for always standing up for the voiceless. Think it’s high time we appreciated heroes of our time. He’s continued to offer guidance. Its time we took wise counsel seriously before Neo colonialism/dictatorship takes ugly root thru Zicta.
the gen.i think that is why u are called the general.what a brilliant analysis.what next?have these guys responded.we need security of our country and that of individual zambians.this is serious
BGGM is the presidential material
Shocking to hear some level of debate from some of colleagues on this page. Which bank ever asked for your voter registration details? Which bank ever listens to your conversation and your dealings online? The two scenarios wouldn’t be any more different.
It’s the ‘intention’ stnpid (to use Bill Clinton’s foul language). This entire exercise was spearheaded by government, giving lame excuses when clearly their intention is to muzzle dissent and opposing views. They want to track and know who is posting comments on critical websites such as ZWD and this website. They want to infringe on your freedom of expression.
The General I’m sure they are already trailing him and he knows that… his only concern is for you and you sit here vilifying him. Shocking indeed!
@BGGM; Apart from the voter card issue what other demerits are there in SIM registration? in my view unregistered SIM poses greater national & personal security risk than a registered one. @ Maverick; Well noted your concerns of Government trying to track down dissenting views. But why should this worry a law abiding citizen more than the risk of criminal activities; even terrorism being perpetrated using unregistered SIMs? if am a perpetrator of crimes, certainly i will be against registration? My point is registration is a must; albeit in a transparent manner observing the rights to privacy of the citizenry. This will help the country deal with internal as well as external security risks.
Dear Alfred. Non of us is disinterested in our national security which is paramount & key 4 our lives. Pay attention & see wht meets beyond ur eye intentions of this sim registration exercise. Let’s no cry tomorow when crap down starts guys to sayin cryin PF dis PF tht. Let’s watch out. The General in my view is even cleaner than than any of these bloggers. Since his departure from govt hv u ever heard any law agencies investigate him or something like that. Very few of our politicians depart our govts with clin records. Alfred? If I may ask? Do you know Slowdown the American now leaving in Russia whose exposed how the American govt abuses these technologies?? Do u know tht its taken this youngmans exposes for the amercian govt to start reforms on laws governing facilities such as fons…
Freedom is a virtue. People have died for us to have freedom, that’s why we have the RED colour on our National flag. Therefore, no one has the right to take away other people’s freedom for personal gain. No one. Sata’s short history in power has evidently shown that he is hell-bent on taking away people’s freedom by hook or crook for personal gain. There is absolutely no question about that. This is wrong and must not be allowed.
Freedom is a virtue. People have died for us to have freedom, that’s why we have the RED colour on our National flag. Therefore, no one has the right to take away other people’s freedom for personal gain. No one. Sata’s short history in power has evidently shown that he is hell-bent on taking away people’s freedom by hook or crook for personal gain. There is absolutely no question about that. This is wrong and must not be allowed. I am also a concerned citizen and I wholeheartedly support Brig. General Miyanda’s view on this matter.
Did Miyanda register as a voter under NIKUV? Where was he?
In as much as General Miyanda has a point being from the Defence and Security background, it should be noted that it is not only SIM Registration that requires private entities to get personal details; private banks get even more details; Residential Address (with proof by demanding Utility Bills for water & electricity), Phone Numbers, Employer (including Payslips), Work address and phone numbers, Next of Kin and their details, collateral (Title Deeds of Property owned) etc. If SIM Registration is really of breach of security safeguards as ably observed by our revered General, then let us stop it even in other institutions that get our personal details as well.
Please be advised that the SIM registration has nothing to do with the government. It is the beginning of the NWO (New World Order). Even the NRC will soon change. It is not only Zambia but the world over. The pressure is from the elite sons and daughters of the devil. Soon it will be micro-chipping of the world on the right hand or forehead. Failure to do that will entail no buying or selling. Banks, mobile providers, companies will harmonize the data base. They sending messages thru Hollywood movies etc. However the SIM registration itself is not bad. What will be bad is when you forced to receive a mark on your right hand or forehead. All citizens at one time will be monitored. However for a true christian, it is something not be afraid of. Jesus is there for us.