Friday, March 7, 2025

Government advised to consult widely before implementing policies


 Nason Msoni
Nason Msoni

A Lusaka based politician, Nason Msoni, has advised the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) government to be consulting widely before implementing policies that affect a large number of people.

Mr. Msoni cited the recent launched of the revised curriculum which compels all pupils from Grades one to four to be learning in vernacular in their respective areas as one of the policies the PF government needed to consult about.

Mr. Msoni stated that the launch of the revised curriculum shows that the PF is not widely consulting relevant stakeholders before coming up with certain policies.

He wondered how pupils from Chongwe District will adapt to the new learning mode considering that their vernacular language is Soli and they are now learning in Chinyanja.

And Mr. Msoni noted there is also need for government to start engaging relevant stakeholders before implementing certain policies which are not affecting them but the people of Zambia.

He has since advised and encouraged government to pilot projects before implementing them fully to ascertain their viability.

The Lusaka based politician was speaking in an interview with QFM News in Lusaka today.


  1. This is but once case in a thousand. It seems consultation is not an option..its all systems go..whatever you dream its policy let it go.some of the Bad decisions and policies made;
    1. Chishimba kabwili ..naming of independence stadium to ” Gabon disaster stadium”and quickly renaming it to heroes Stadium after public outcry.
    2.Harry Kalaba… allowing mining prospects in lower Zambezi National park
    3. Minister of education.. introducing local languages from grade 1 to 4.
    4. Renaming of all international Airports
    5.Failing to recognise legitimately heir to the throne ..Chief Chitimukulu
    6 .Re introduction of of foreign exchange controls
    7.failure to deliver a peoples driven constitution …now this a big one , its like pretending to consult the people and then after the people have…

    • You can only expect retrogressive policies from a mad party led by insane people. They do every thing on the hoof as if Zambia is their personal farm.

    • It is VERY CLEAR how this Government consults before making any decisions.


      Then it ignores the findings or hides them away. The Constitution is the biggest example.

  2. Engagement, engagement engagement!!! please!! i am a supporter of PF but policy implementation has been very poor!! almost everything PF has implementated has had NO consultation. Take the advice please!!! Identify and engage ALL stakeholders and together check the project risks! on implementation also, first conduct your pirot projects (at small scale). where are the proffessional people who are suppose to be advising the government please????

  3. It is really a pity I wish pf gvt listens to what people say. Let them plant spies to hear people’s views about there governance it is a disaster to say the least.

  4. I am just thinking. If HH is the one owing DBZ and fails to pay back what noise would come from the post. If GBM is the one facing the tribunal on abuse of offices what will be the noise coming from the post. If RB is the one running a disorgaised government of inconsistence what more noise. If Chelwa is the current DAP and entering nolles at every turn what noise. If the catholic church in their pastorial letter had praised PF what noise.

  5. GRZ is being run like its constituted by village simpletons selling second hand clothes on a cheap street boutique .Consultations & stakeholders are alien words for them.

  6. Just to emphasise on the valid point the Good Minister has raised… Can we have Independent members of the public to participate in parliament debates ? This will not only give Government an independent opnion of what the general public is all about but bring them close to the real feeling of ordinary Zambians.
    If government want to develop Zambia they have to engage the people at the ground not some dude who never set foot in kwakalingalinga to come up with some nonsense like we have heard this week!
    I suggest Government officials take time to read our blogs if they are seriously considering doing the right thing!

  7. One of the most serious blunders. Will not forgive them for not consulting us the parents on this one. Let us get them out 2016 before our beloved country remains with nothing to write home about

  8. The pupils in Chongwe like other parts of Zambia would also utilize a local language of wider communication (lingua franca) in the same manner that they were utilizing English. The only difference is that the lingua franca is more user friendly than English was. This policy is all about being user friendly. The linguistic distance between Nyanja and Soli is relatively shorter than the linguistic distance between English and Soli. That is the reality on which the new policy is based. English will still be one of the subjects to be learned for the children. After Grade IV, automatically the chidren will then make their transition into Englsih Medium, as usual. If you are still confused, then consult any qualified psychologist.

    • I did consult qualified psychologist, and in his opinion, who ever decided such idiocy is in urgent need to consult qualified psychiatrist.

    • …this ‘local language’ thing tops the ever piling ridiculous and senseless ideologies being imposed on citizenry in modern Zed…..what a confusion…

    • Dr ooh “my armpit’ ..not even your own constitution is translated into these local languages. Your doctorate thesis if you ever did it, wasn’t done in Bemba i guess.English yes is not as simple as yes and wonder the students should have a basic command from an early age nursery to be precise.What resources are there to teach these languages?.The best your PF govt should have done is to encourage schools to offer these as a second language..tell me how these teacher will teach Fractions in silozi???

  9. ….local language as a medium of instruction tops the ever piling ridiculous and senseless ideologies being imposed on citizenry in modern Zed. I’m a Ngoni married to a bemba. My wife and I work in solwezi and both can’t speak a word in Kaonde….. worse with my kid. Which heritage and culture will my three year old boy preserve or supposed to preserve…??..Ngoni, Bemba or Kaonde values…??…The family is in Solwezi just for work. We shall eventually settle in Lusaka where we own a family house. what cultural value will Kaonde language add to my kid…. Lets leave the cultural thing to the parents or guardians to inculcate in their kids from respective homes….

  10. …this ‘local language’ thing tops the ever piling ridiculous and senseless ideologies being imposed on citizenry in modern Zed…..what a confusion…

  11. The beauty of our local languages is:

    1. During political history kids will get to regularly use words like ‘mambala’ frequently

    2. Kids will demand translations in ICT for the torturous Sata FB English page

    3. Kids will no longer get politicians visit as they will not speak all languages

    4. Even the English learn English at school coz they sure don’t speak ‘proper’ in reality

    5. Inter provincial school competitions will provide jobs for translators so kids are not tortured by communicating in English

    There are many positives to be had. The biggest bonus is the politicians can rattle on in their poor English and kids can ignore the torture with no repercussions. Great days ahead. Go kids! No need to torture yourselves any more…

  12. Now I am embracing the changes I would like English to be taught by native English speakers. Locals who wish to teach can apply if:

    1. They sound English but non regional
    2. They speak English with a TV broadcast accent
    3. They have lived in England for a minimum of 10 years
    4. Have an English degree preferably from Oxford or Cambridge

    I desire only the best for my little second language learners so ‘innits’ need not apply. Similarly no Yanks, Kiwis, Aussies, Saffers and Maple leaf flag holders. Visas will be waived for all illicit Brit Zedians who apply. Conditions of service will be deplorable but think of the good you will do. English people note no Brummies, Geordies, Liverpudlians etc coz you need subtitles. Jamaicans are exempt from the above coz we like Bob Marley lyrics…

  13. Why was English chosen as an official language? To my understanding is to make communication with other tribes who may not know our mother tongue easier and for the child to be fluent in any language learning should start at 0 age to 6 after 6 yrs learning a foreign language becomes a problem, they will learn but will only be good in written English not spoken, we are now back to colonial days how can our children express themselves in decision making if they have problems in spoken English, do not kill our children we know yours are abroad studying. Please Minister of Education let private schools operate in English we are not only Zambians in this country. Let us consider our co-operative partners also feel free and let English be taught in private schools for the sake of our visitors.

    • Back in the day many were bullied mercilessly for speaking English well at school. Those bullies are all grown up now and are continuing to wreak havoc on their old insecurities. You make perfect sense as do others, however, the powers that be are pushing this agenda based on a selective reasoning and will definitely be at the forefront of providing their kids as lab rats. Zambians come in all shapes, sizes and ethnicities and some do not have local languages as their first and this is now a punishable offence which reminds me of those school bullies who could not compute that English is the common language for kids from intermarriages, interracial marriages, international marriages, kids raised outside Zed but those bullies had other thoughts in their heads and now clinically deaf.

  14. Change of language of instruction is a big policy change. Wider consultation is necessary. Were the Soli people consulted about how they felt about teaching their children in Chinyanja. I am Nsenga , my wife is Soli. We speak both languages at home but English has been a big unifying factor. Unless all the 73 dialects shall be used this whole policy is headed for disaster(Gabon). It should be withdrawn immediately.

  15. One important rule is that political consultancy ought to be public and transparent.unless fully explained to the public, was likely to do more harm than good.
    Many parents who would wish to give good education for their children have transferred them to private schools- i see as trend that is about to be hapeing. like msoni says “government to pilot projects before implementing them fully to ascertain their viability” now this canot happen uner this pf goverment as they will nor listen or consult with relevent stakeholders.

  16. That’s why their policies are bound to fail they don’t consult the stakeholders. They have adopted a system of know it all. MMD lost the elections because they stopped listening to the people, PF is going the same.

  17. This PF government does not have consultation in its vocabulary.Its led by villagers with a know-it-all attitude even when they stumbling badly.

  18. ….even their ‘colleagues’ the Post, from its editorial (28.1.14), they are disagreeing with the policy…only that they have done it in a polite and diplomatic way…

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