Saturday, March 15, 2025

Mr Hichilema should refrain from talking about tribalism -Kambwili


MINISTER of Sport, Youth and Child Development Chishimba Kambwili
MINISTER of Sport, Youth and Child Development Chishimba Kambwili

Sports,Youth and Child Development Minister Chishimba Kambwili has cautioned opposition leaders against speaking ill on Government pregames.

Mr Kambwili said that he was dismayed that the opposition political party leaders like UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema was fond of talking about tribalism.

He said Mr Hichilema he should refrain from talking about tribalism because it was a recipe to disunity.

Mr Kambwili said Mr Hichilema should stop politics so as he can become a traditional leader in order for him to be free on tribes.

He said co existing among the tribes was important in the country like Zambia which had enjoyed peace.

He said in Kenya due to tribalism,another election was marred with confusion which even led the sitting president to be dragged to court.

And Government has said Eastern and Central provinces will this year receive double allocations in the Youth Empowerment Development Fund.

Mr Kambwili disclosed when he paid a courtesy call on Eastern Province Permanent Secretary Dr Chileshe Mulenga yesterday that the Government would double up the payments to youth fund this year because the youth from the two provinces did not recieve the allocations in 2013.

Mr Kambwili apologized to the youths in Eastern and Central provinces for not receiving the youth empowerment fund last year and said he would soon launch the youth empowerment fund for 2014 disbursement.

“Eastern and Central provinces youths will receive double allocations because they did not recieve last year.I wish to apologized to the youths in the two provinces for not recieving the empowerment funds,”he said.

He said Government was committed to the empowerment of the youths in the country.

And Dr Mulenga said the province was not well represented in parliament because it had only one ruling member of parliament.

He said the province had receive a share in national development and said the youth empowerment was important.


    • Chishimba “Tubeless” Kambwili, it is your part Pathetic Failure that is breeding and fanning the flames of tribalism.

    • Kambwili if you are ashamed of the tribalism being practised openly in PF and feeling powerless to stop it don’t put the blame on HH.

      I think the whole lot of you in PF suffer from amnesia. How can you forget that your SG Kabimba and PF vuvuzela Mmembe said that tribalism is destroying the PF party not so long ago.

      By shifting the blame on HH you are simply avoiding to tackle the real tribalism in PF . If you don’t sort out this mess it will surely sink PF, because the Easterners now feel alienated after the dodgy elections in which Mulenga Sata was elected and Banda humiliated and forced to backdown so that Mulenga could sail through unopposed.

      And today you shameless fo.ol want to blame others for people perceiving PF as tribal party. For your info all the other tribes…

    • Preaching against tribalisim while he is with Easter Province PS by the name Chileshe Mulenga? Am I missing something here?

    • PF members are the ones who should refrain from talking about tribalism because what such rhetoric is doing is drawing the political battle lines between the Bembas and the rest of the tribes.

      If most Easterners and other tribes won’t leave the PF as 2016 approaches because of open tribalism encouraged by Sata through his “wako ni wako” stupid ideology I will be utterly shocked beyond belief.

      For sure if PF cant see it coming then they are bunch of fools.

  1. I am now wondering where some of these people with PhDs obtain them. How can Mulenga say that Eastern Province is not well represented in parliament just because the MPs from there are not PF? It very saddening that such useless utterances can be attributed to such a person we look up to as an intellectual. This clearly shows how retrogressive the PF is. If we allow these imbeciles to continue running our country, one day we will wake up and there will be no Zambia. These idio.ts don’t seem to know what governance means. Everything has been personalised forgetting that they got the mandate from the people of Zambia. This is a chaotic regime that thrives on confusion to get round. Kambwili is apologising because he knows we have elections in the provinces he has mentioned.

  2. Kambwili don’t fool people/Look at your Lusaka District elections who were voted into people.All of them were Bembas and you harassed HH in Northern province.

    You are the most tribalist government in the history of the world.

    PF is not the government to lecture Zambian about tribalism.Zambians are analysis issues themselves.
    Ask Winter Kabimba and will tell you what part campaigns on tribalism.
    Abashi Kambwili.

  3. So when you are day in day out practicing tribalism in the way you create policies, make appointments etc, no one should say anything?

  4. Its true ba kambwili ,HH clear hate for the Bemba speaking people is shocking.shocking will never win their support never. kabimba was right he is a dangerous leader to be allowed to ever became president.

    • @kantanshi
      unfortunately dear 1diot bembas are not the only voters in zambia and besides not all bembas think with their tribe like you do. next presidential elections zambians want a president with grey matter in the head not a riff-raff who thinks sitting in front of a computer as an 80year old is running a country. ati nipa face book. rubbish

    • Bwana that’s NOT True that HH hates bemba’s you can NOT prove that,just like I can’ t prove that SATA hates youths hence appointing older men then him to respresnt Zambia abroad as ambassador’s hence having one passing on at the young age of 80 MHSRIP

  5. Somebody help me understand ths man, who in the recent weeks was shoutng about hw PF is gettng finished due to the tribal in-fightng? Is it not the same man? Some pipo shud check themselves out if they ar the ryt ones to say certain remarks – coz even wen they mean well, it doesnt mek sense 2 us coz we dont forget wat has been said by them b4.

  6. what tribalism does people from PF have the right to talk about when the other day they were having their Lusaka district party elections conducted in Ichibemba, just listen to Chikwanda’s address. he spoke all in bemba disrespecting other people who do not understand bemba.

  7. Who are the tribal crique in PF? Kabimba tho brital can easily see thru them. Are we not told Kambwili is one of them.

  8. Stupid Kambwili the kenyan tribalism is better.At least it led to a new constitution which punishes tribal incitement,a more accountable govt and a more equitable resource allocation.Your PF is doing the exact opposite.

  9. Please Kambwili you’re not talking to children. You a$$holes in the PF are the ones who like talking about tribalism and labelling others as tribalists. You do this day in and out through your rubbish newspapers including Mmembe’s Post. It is not so long ago that you started using this weapon of tribalism in your own PF when Labikba was pitted against GBM. The TRUTH of the matter is the PF Government is a nepotistic and tribal government. So Kambwili my advice to you is to deal with the Vice in your own government that stinks of tribalism!

  10. HH hates bemba speaking people period. Who does not know this….I pity him because he has no political strategy for winning elections. Instead of embracing the Bemba speaking people he always push them far away from himself. Its really sad for HH.

    Peace and Prosperity for Mother Zambia.

    • Yes, he hates them so much and that is why he wrote to Sata to tell him to respect the bembas and Chitimukulu not so Mr. truth Hates?

    • When did HH ever say he hates Bembas? You F000ls if you have nothing against HH just shut up! Pf & the past newspaper you cant fool Zambians. HH has been raising critical governance, developmental issues but pf kept quite. We need to hear you useless ministers what plans u have to develop your ministeries not this rubbish accusations.

    • @Matipa

      You are spot on. How can HH hate the Bembas when he trying hard to advice Sata to let the Bembas choose their traditional leader. If there is one person in Zambia who hates the Bembas its the Sata and some Bembas under his control.

      You so stupid that you can see what and understand why GBM resigned?

      This around Zambia People want a leader with the right acumen to run the affairs of the country with prudence irrespective of the tribe.

    • I am just laughing guys…your HH always brings issues which would according to HH bring other tribes to hate the Bembas so that he gains political advantage. This strategy cant work guys. Other tribes have eyes and ears , hence are able to analyze issues intelligently and rationally. People know that HH tries by all means to antagonize Bemba speaking people as a strategy to lure other tribes to his party (UPND), a strategy which has failed so far. I really pity him because he is just losing a bemba vote. Let him change strategy to one which is not based on tribe???

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  11. HH himself is a tribalistic.
    Zambians cannot be fooled by people who are pygocentrus.
    Zambians cannot be fooled by people who are ethnocentric.
    Zambians cannot be fooled by people who are Self Centred.
    Zambians cannot be fooled by people who are Regionally Oriented.
    Zambians Should be Respected Regardless of Position in life.
    Zambia Is for Zambians.
    Zambia is not Southern Province.

  12. Is Kambwili a Ngoni, Chewa or Nsenga? I always get amazed to see such kind of a person who tries to defend himself even when he has defenceless points to explain to Nation so that they can understand him. Kambwili is Bemba and let other tribes like Lungu, Kabimba-the useful *****s, Munkombwe -food for the belly speak and defend PF. Even when you Kambwili you quite well know that Northwestern Province has no representation in your cabinet. This is what Priest and other NGOs and the opposition are talking about. You shall regret when time is ripe dear mwaice

  13. HH himself is a tribalistic.

    Zambians cannot be fooled by people who are pygocentrus.

    Zambians cannot be fooled by people who are ethnocentric.

    Zambians cannot be fooled by people who are Self Centred.

    Zambians cannot be fooled by people who are Regionally Oriented.

    Zambians Should be Respected Regardless of Position in life.

    Zambia Is for Zambians.

    Zambia is not Southern Province.

    • Tribalism is good for them, since it will be easy to address people in their mother tongue. I have heard for myself this being the case even at plot……

  14. Kambwili is not the right person to advise people against the dangers of tribalism because he is not only a tribalist but be also belongs to PF; a politcal party which shamelessly practices the most stinking tribalism Zambia has ever seen. HH and every sane citizen should continue condemning the current PF government tribalism which is evident even to a newly born baby.

  15. Like it or not come 2016 Luapula=PF, Northern=PF, Copperbelt=PF, Central=MMD, Eastern=MMD, Southern=UPND, Western=UPND. Tie breaker will be Lusaka but a lot of the people here will be bitter for another 15 more years.

    • My realistic prognosis is that Luapula, Northern, Muchinga will vote PF. But Southern, Eatsern, Central , Western, North western and Lusaka will vote UPND. Come 2016 I don’t know how many Lusaka PF MPs will survive. The trend will repeat it self in all major cities in Zambia.

  16. The problem with UPND and HH they over rate themselves, Please ba UPND do some ground works on the popularity of your president you will be shocked how people dislike his style of politics. UPND can not form governments they are a group of unrealistic, opportunist and selfish individuals. W

    • @Katanshi

      That description levelled at UPND suits PF 1000000%. Most of the people in Zambia are fast realising that PF is a group of unrealistic, opportunist and selfish individuals who are just a bunch of CNPs.

  17. HH never talks nor practice tribalism. He is a well repected man unlike your tribalist Sata. This cancerous PF should be removed from power and Zambia should never ever make experiments in future. How does one have Kambwili as a minister, Zambia has gone to the dogs.

  18. Zambians are mature enough and they themselves know exactly who between Kambwili and HH is a tribalist. In Zambia we know who the true tribalists are just from their dealings and comments hence, only f00ls can be hoodwinked.

  19. i still don’t understated why all these fools open up their mouths when ever m’membe creates a lie………….m’membe is using u to fight HH for his personal gain…………open yo eyes useful *****s

  20. (A) You know, a wise and mature leader has the following qualities:
    1) Knows how to assemble a credible team to work with – a team that will offer meaningful and progressive advice.
    2) Listens to noble advice, interprets it and makes wise decisions that last.
    3) Plans his undertakings and carries out sensible actions.
    4) Knows how to subdue his feelings and channel them appropriately.

    (B) Some people say, the problem SATA has is that he is surrounded by wrong people – Oh!
    If you have such view, ask yourself the following questions:
    1) Who assembled the team for SATA, and where was he at the time – asleep?
    2) Does he listen to advice? If he does, what advice does he enjoy – wrong advice or right one? Why?
    3) With reference part (A) above, using your answers in questions (B) 1)…

  21. 3) With reference part (A) above, using your answers in questions (B) 1) and (B) 2) above to assess SATA; Is he a wise leader or not?
    4) Give reasons for your answer in (B) 3) and for your conclusion.

    After successfully completing the above exam you will receive a Diploma in Blogging from Online University – OU.

  22. We all know how Tongas wish they could rule this country. But one thing certain is that, They will never rule our land not because we hate them but because they hate everyone apart from their own. Now,! who wants to be ruled by such kind of characters.

    As you are, so shall you be, till kayaa!

    • @ Kadoli In your dream. HH will rule Tonga or not. I.diots used to say same about Sata but today Sata is ruling. Zambia is not made up of Bembas only. Zambia is not only Luapula, Northern and Muchinga only!!

  23. My heart is really breeding, fellow Zambians why can’t we just wait until 2016 so that those pipo who think they can take this country to higher heights are voted into office rather than everyday insulting each other. It puzzles me a lot because even if you insult, it will not change the status quo. Every time tribalism, satan knocks you, ci car lor, what kind of generation are we going to leave to our children? Lets be very careful with the way we are doing things, nobody applied to be born a Tonga, Bemba Kaluchazi, Lunda, etc God sees us as ONE!

  24. Education has very little to do with mental capacity hence we have seen very high educated President in Africa sending is country to knees. HH is a good business man but he has no mental capacity to unite Zambians, he is just imitator who should free himself from negative emotions of condemnation.

    • I bet HH has succeeded in something, what has Sata succeeded in? Marriage, politics, leadership????. What?. I really want to know? Being held at ransom??

  25. HH is too smart to be a tribalist.PF can only divert dull minds from what they are guilty of like some bloggers here. Besides HH hasn’t said anything about tribes. His letters to the president are clear and are issue based.There is substance in Kambwili’s statements.I wonder how it relates to youth funds

  26. Its amazing for Tumbuka pride to say the Violence which was in Kenya is better than what is happening in Zambia. Surely more than 1000 people lost their lives and you tell me that’s better? Go to hell with your evil politics. HH will never rule Zambia as long as bembas are looked upon to be useless. They are 40% population. Nangu mutombe shani ba Hahaha you will never get to that number. DREAMERS and DREAMING

  27. @Kadoti wht r u saying.

    Wht Tribe was Mwanawasa and Wht tribe is Sata ? Whn u will answer this correctly, I will answer u.

    God is giving us credible leaders and the only credible with Managerial skill is HH.

    Guys dont u admire other nations led by VERY EDUCATED GENTLEMEN like Uhuru Kenyata…..!!!

    Lets move from Mediocre leadership.

  28. Wabeja mudala…….Tongas are more thn Bembas.
    Southern , Central and the Outskirt of Lusakas r Tonga land. Bembas r only in Luapula and Northern.

    Infact its not about the issue of Child baring-“Polygamy”. Tongas r just many

  29. “And Dr Mulenga said the province was not well represented in parliament because it had only one ruling member of parliament.” And you even call yourself a Dr, I for one from today on will never call you a Dr but simply Mr. Let me educate you at your level; Parliamentary Representative can either be by an opposition member or from the ruling part. So all those parliamentarians in the province are representatives and it the province is well represented.
    Kambwili: “He said Mr Hichilema he should refrain from talking about tribalism because it was a recipe to disunity.” Tell your boss to stop making appointments and treating people based on tribe….what your boss does is more damaging than what HH does by condemning it. People are just watching and in fact are very much hurt.

  30. When will PF politicians grow up Kanshi. When ever they are challenged by HH on an issue they always take the easy route of calling him tribalist.

    Clearly they have failed to account or are incompetent.

  31. It’s a Bemba mental illness for which there is probably no English name yet, where they practice tribalism with impunity while accusing other tribes for being tribal. Any known cure yet for this malady?

  32. Bwana that’s NOT True that HH hates bemba’s you can NOT prove that,just like I can’ t prove that SATA hates youths hence appointing older men then him to respresnt Zambia abroad as ambassador’s hence having one passing on at the young age of 80 MHSRIP

  33. In 2011 election,my Tonga friends were saying HH will win.I LAUGHED.I think iam yet to laugh more.Dreaming and dreaming.

  34. There is nothing HH has said to warrant this outburst from kambwili. kambwili is just behaving like a dog that is barking at its own shadow. from nowhere he just comes out with this. Here its the constitution issue and the INDECO issue we need answers.Dont sway us away because we are not stupid

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