Zambia’s High Commissioner to Malyasia, Mr Miles Kaweche Banda has died. This is according to a press statement released to the press by the Ministry of Foreign.
High Commissioner Banda died on Monday, 27th January, 2014 after an illness in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Mr. Banda was born in Chipata on 4th July, 1934 and obtained his Bachelor of Education Degree from Manchester University in 1967. Apart from his teaching career, Mr. Banda also served in Government as Deputy Secretary to Cabinet.
He was appointed into Foreign Service as High Commissioner to Malaysia in October, 2012.
He leaves behind a wife and eight (8) children and several grandchildren.
Government is making arrangements to fly the body home, and the funeral programme will be communicated to the nation in due course.
he was too too old
Chabipa mwe
Born in 1934! Mwe Lesa…he was 80 years old and working as a High Commissioner?
@ maz
what kind of warped thinking is that?
if he was young you would have said he was too young that’s why he died?
bwana no one will get out of life alive, we are all inching towards the same destination…. death
Lets respect the departed
Sata’s mindset is locked up into those old colonial days. He doesn’t realize that PRE-independence politicians of the KK era managed to fight British colonial rule because they were youthful and energetic. That’s why he keeps appointing his fellow dead wood into critical positions, e.g. Scott, Chikwanda and this late “comrade” Banda. Better, more knowledgeable, competent and educated Zambians have been born after 1964 and our succession planning should be centered around them. I insist that if you were already in politics or a parent at the time of our independence, you definitely have advanced in age beyond that suitable for today’s politics and to tackle modern day needs of society, although you’d be useful as a knowledge on specific issues.
SORRY, Imeant “… Knowledge BANK…”
This is why Zambia won’t develop easily. How can you employ 70year olds in Positions that demand innovation and vigour? Anyway MHSRIP but on the other hand, its an opportunity for the PF to usher in a more suitable replacement.
I am sorry to hear about this
Could someone confirm the man was Mrs Betty Kaunda’s brother
All Dr Kaunda’s brother in law?
Either way gone too soon
The dude was a million years old and you send him to Malaysia? Course he gonna die. Am just surprised he didn’t die on the journey there!
If he was capable of doing his job till his death, good for him and certainly something to celebrate about. My point is that Zambia should quickly raise current retirement age from 55yrs to maximum of 65yrs across the board.Prime productive years naturally lie between 45 and 55yrs. From 55 to 65yrs one’ll have acquired a steady hand and dependable status to groom the next generation.Anything beyond 65 should be exceptional or highly specialised such as research in any field or academia. Political or elective office, should be limited to the age of 70yrs, extendable by 2yrs maximum. Which means one only qualifies as candidate for election to a 5yr term of office if they are 65 or below. Sata touched on raising retirement age to 65, good idea.If still up for the it, I will support him.
That was the private meeting was between Sata & KK, was about their brother-in-law die.
Natural causes, I do not want to live that long. Mileage!!!
This is the agony of apointing old tired people in positions. Just like we have an old tired imbecile running the country. We are tired and fed up of presidential bye elections.
Ubufi, other than the by-election held after Mwanawasa’s passing, how many presidential by-elections have we had in Zambia since independence? The man (Mr. Kaweche) was just a high commissioner, so what by-elections are you talking about?
Old age is a natural phenomenon that awaits each and every one of us the moment we are born. It should be celebrated and not looked upon as a curse. I sure hope you will be luck enough to grow old as well because their are people who didn’t even have the chance to see their 5th birthday.
So if you live to be these men’s (Mr. Sata, Mr. Kaweche, Mr. Kaunda, Mr. Scott, etc) ages, count yourself blessed—especially if you can still function reasonably well. Don’t jinx yourself bwana @Mopao Mokonzi, Karma has a way of slapping !diots in the face!
Like an !diot like you @yambayamba
May His Soul Rest In Peace
So we have got a lot of old guards who don’ t see it fit to leave these national duties to the young ones ? Vernon Mwaanga began his diplomatic career at the age of 19 and at age 21, he served as Zambia’ s permanent representative to the United nations and he was recommended for the outstanding performance he rendered at a tender age. Today, the appointing authorities only consider those in the fossil age, why ? I think Former President Kaunda must be hailed and be recommended for being an excellent groomer and long sighted person although the foundation he tried to lay down has completely been forgotten. In our mordern day, a 21 year old person is considered to be immature just like the way people talk down of HH. Now the question is why have we of late developed that mentality ?
In as much as it is true that we need young people to be appointed to certain offices, young peole these days are not responsible to those of VJ’s days. If you got a twent-one year old guy from UNZA or ZCAS and listen to what they talk about, you would be shocked. They are busy talking girls and beer. They are talking about their night escapades. They are not talking development. How they can they be appointed to positions of authority?
Politicians also have their own problems. They are only looking out for each other. Looking at the nominations for the Katuba by-election. UPND has Jonas Shakafuswa and MMD has Cecil Rhodes. So when are young people going to participate in elections?
the theory that one will never grow old or die still remains a mystery..
Truly Yamba yamba. Mapao Wont grew old ,that why he s talking rubbish
Let him tell us his age ,may be he s just a baby.
Very poor.
death does select. old. young babies, die..
Another national mourning after the current one. How significant is national mourning and how does is affect the nation regarding business, radio adverts, etc and recreation. Just thinking the number of days should be reduced.
It’s sheer mediocrity and unnecessary.
kekekeke..mwaona manje./.such an old chap!
Too bad when death strikes ,however lets get younger energetic people working for the people’s government so that the can retire gracefully.Let us learn to pass the button,like TZ and Kikwete.
So, there is something to be learned from these dull non-English speakers after all?
Good one, Andy. Very good one!
….so that the older generation can retire and enjoy their families &retirement packages.
The man has had his share of life. At 80 it was inevitable that he vacates the position, though the sorrowful way, and leave room for young ones to take over the mantle. I hope the remaining over-age government officials will follow suit. How can we have fossils clinging on to jobs when sands of qualified youths are without jobs and leading school-of-hard-knocks kind of life on the streets?
Mr President surely they are young men and women who are qualified to do Zambia proud.This man was old(Mhsrip) and should have been resting and enjoying his last days on earth.
show some respect, mwe bantu! this guy was a very learned person and a very nice sociable ambassador unlike the rest of the people appointed into these offices.As a zambian living in the region i found him helpful, practical and considerate. Please lets behave like africans and show our respect.
Learn to be reasonable….This is nothing to do being helpful ..whatver BUT the fact that he was too old to be in that position. He should not have been sent abroad…should have been enjoying his retirement….
we need a new constitution 80 is too old to be sending someone overseas, that’s why the youth are unemployed and hope the don’t vote for Sata again because he is just going to pack government with his own kind who are way passed retirement.
But this man should not have been working at all — especially very far from home. He was too OLD Man!
Whatever killed him, i call it natural causes, the man was too old. He was probably the oldest high commissioner in the world.
Why was he even appointed high commissioner? it was torture to the old man. No one should be working at 80!
Eiiissshhh Eighty years old was still working. Whatever happened to retirement? Please retire so that those jobs can be filled by the youth! We are roaming the streets in search of decent jobs when you old fellas still cling onto them.
Eiiissshhh Eighty years old was still working. Whatever happened to retirement? Please retire so that those jobs can be filled by the youth! We are roaming the streets in search of decent jobs when you old fellas still cling onto them.
And i like the look on that man( behind the lady in glasses)’s face.
Another state funeral. Be ready for another 3 days national mourning immediately after the current one.
Some of you people who are saying that he was too old for that job are just being unfair, lets respect the dead M.H.S.R.I.P. Bambi tamwakafikeko nakulishalya imyaka.
Learn to be reasonable….This is nothing to do with how old we will become BUT the fact that he was too old to be in that position. He should not have been sent abroad…should have been enjoying his retirement….
MHSRIP dear brother, uncle and grandpa
Even death is another way of someone going into retirement.
I thought the young man Humphrey Chibamda (we called him mbambata at UNZA) was the high commissioner after he was transferred from Botswana.
Any way too bad for the old man. Everyone will have their time, what is import is to run the race well.
I am not sure life is a race. I see it as an exploration of the unknown. Each one with their own set of tools, working at their own pace.
One Munthu. Ur comment that is mistake we make on wanting to make the youth pretend behave not their age. U must know tht its only normal that a youth at that age want to interact with de opposite sex. Want to explore life and dot misquote that we dot hv youth t tht age toking development. I guess you hvnt read VJ`s extra ordinally life get a copy and hear out how he socialised. Dot cage the youth. Give them resonable guidance and freedom. It wud be a risk for anybody mis out behvour of a youth and only to discover it at age of 40 when his suppose to be well settled with his/her family
MHSRIP. President Sata should be considerate to old politicians. Honestly should we have a cap in the constitution to bar over 70s working in demanding positions. Did the late demand to be appointed and later have a state funeral or was he a PF mole who was being rewarded for the charms that made PF win the elections.
Samuel L Kaplan was 73 years when he was appointed United States Ambassador to Morrocco on the 18th of September 2009, so what is the big deal about Mr M K Banda’s age? Is it because he was appointed by Mr Sata?
So whatever is good for the USA should be good for Zambia? That is totally flawed thinking.
Please stop the nonsense! Someone’s father, husband, uncle, grandfather and brother has died and all you can do is say irresponsible statements and insults? You are very immature and soon it will be you or your family.
Indeed this man was too old to go anywhere
Had he remained in Zambia, chances are he would have been still breathing by now.
sata stop this rot mwebantu!!!!
The length of our days is seventy years, or eighty if we have the strength, yet their span is of trouble and pain for they quickly pass and we fly away. Mr. Miles Kaweche Banda had the strength to work as HC up to 80. mhsrip