Saturday, March 15, 2025

General response to online comments on SIM Card article


By Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda

On 26th/27th January 2014 some online news media (including Lusaka Times, Watchdog and Zambian Eye) kindly posted my statement titled  Update on the Case Against Registration of Simcards in Zambia It was an update because I have been writing since October 2012 on this issue. There were comments that prompted me to break my word never to join in blogging due to the level of debates. Clearly some bloggers were uninformed and genuinely desired to learn from others. Others were partisan; and yet others were plainly anti Miyanda! After blogging for several hours (from 27th Jan to the early hours of 28th), prompted by one aggressive Mushota, my last post at 02.53 on 28th Jan which stated ‘I am outa here till Kaya’ meant I had done my part by responding to some bloggers (5,114 views and 113 comments). On resuming surfing I noticed that the level and quality of debate had steadily been rising and I learnt something that I did not know, that there were countries that had reversed their SIM laws and abolished them!

I thank all who participated in the debate, both for and against. Most of those on ZWD and Zambian Eye understood and debated the issues against SIM registration intelligently. A good number on LT were clearly against me as a person or as a Heritage member and did not debate the issues other than saying ‘it is done everywhere!’ I thank them all but I wish to single out a few below:

‘Mushota’ finally responded after I had signed off; I wholeheartedly accept her apology without reservations. She must just remember that to develop as a nation we must pay attention to all angles of any dispute; cross-pollination will enhance and accelerate development.

‘Gadaffie’ I may have misunderstood your comments but all is well that ends well; thanks.

‘Bankupi’ and ‘Copy paste’ deserve special mention. They really brought the debate home; I learnt a lot and I urge them to continue. We may belong to different political parties but we are NOT enemies to seek to destroy one another. As we declare in Heritage, WE ARE ALL SHAREHOLDERS in the Zambian enterprise and we demand of the managers we have employed (President Sata and PF) to submit to us by opening dialogue and explaining contentious issues and accounting themselves directly to us by press briefings.

‘Dontcare’ ordered me to shut up; this I now do though I shall continue by raising pertinent questions of national importance without blogging. But I advise him/her to assess his/her contribution: what value did ‘shut up’ add to this important national concern? Give yourself marks for your effort!

In conclusion I reiterate that I was discussing Part 3 of the Zambian Constitution, particularly Article 20 which I reproduced in my earlier statement. This SIM card crusade is about constitutionalism and the respect for the Rule of Law. The SIM is a means to communication. Each Zambian president makes a solemn Oath of Office to “uphold and maintain the Constitution and Laws of Zambia.” President Sata took this very Oath in addition to his own solemn but voluntary Declaration to rule Zambia by the Ten Commandments! He should be among those supporting and defending our grievances about the lack of regard for the Constitution BEFORE introducing the ZICTA law that is now being abused to deactivate phones and related communication gadgets. ZICTA is acting outside the Constitution and its own law. This is a non-partisan crusade. Let us all persuade our Government and ZICTA NOT to go ahead with disabling SIM cards until concerns raised are addressed, by providing legal guarantees for the protection of privacy, personal data and other proprietary rights.

For those who have registered against their will you can still be part of this Indaba with our Government; you registered by coercion and threats and even bribery, when you were offered free airtime minutes if you register! We now await Government/ZICTA action and/or response. We prefer dialogue rather than litigation. We are ready, ready, ready for whatever.

[29TH JANUARY 2014]

Editors Note:

Lusakatimes would like to encourage our readers to debate the different topics presented on the site intelligently.Please acquaint yourselves with our Comments Policy


  1. Mr Miyanda have you stoped representing your party or what? for sometime now all I read is ‘your concerned citizen” . let us know if you are about to ditch your party

    • Kandile, read my previous statements; search the archives on LT, ZWD, Z EYE, Daily Nation(Zambia) and read with understanding.
      For the SIM card crusade I explained that I did not sign as Heritage to avoid a partisan label and debate. I will not be tempted to debate Heritage even now. Brig Gen Miyanda///

    • Hi General, it is difficult to make everyone understand. Some will understand your point but because they are cadres to some parties they will choose to differ while other may try by all means to grasp a point in a statement. Now despite all these you as a leader know that you have some followers and on the way more will join the crusade. My encouragement Sir is keep on help us in main issues that affect people in this country. Will always love you and keep raise above hate. God bless you as soldier on in leading many.

  2. General you are starting to look desperate for attention. Seriously, this issue has been exhaustively tackled and its safe to say the majority of Zambians have understood what their Government is trying to do. In a democracy, the majority wins so give up and go campaign for your candidate in Katuba

    • Musana, desperation is never one of my attributes; I am a warrior and when my rights are threatened or trampled on I stand and fight to restore them. I urge you to adopt the same spirit ( by the way that’s how we got our independence). Why are citizens calling for a new constitution with new rights? Bcoz they feel threatened. The only problem is that they are fighting to defend a constitution which is NOT yet law and neglecting to defend the one which is law and is being abrogated. All you join the SIM card protest. Brig Gen Miyanda///

    • The General has a point here! that data base must done and maintained by home affairs Not mobile phone providers. what should happen here is that is those services providers should just have a link to the home affairs data base if a constomer allows it..

      I mean in sweden we have whats called personnumber, which is the NRC is Zambia, the swedish home registeration office will have all the citizen`s data record, address, phone number, employment status, etc,,so that work should done by home affair not some foreign bussines people who are running phone companies in Zambia

    • Msana Wanzili- really,is that all you can come up with? When you say majority of Zambians which figures are you looking at.I have not heard of any survey done documenting that Zambians have understood all the implications of sim registration.when you say the issue has been exhaustively tackled- whom apart from general Miyanda and Kasebamashila have publicly voiced their objections. Ofcourse obsequious cadres/politicians have ranted here and there without talking of the laws they are breaking.I applaud the General for doing what generals do best – lead into battle

    • Musana Wazili,Its bloggers or people like you who make the majority suffer because of the ‘I don’t Care Altitude’ or it does not concern me.What the General has been debating or trying highlight is a fact that the PF government or the previous one-MMD just imposing things/rules that infringes on our basic human rights.How many people are privileged to know and understand that blocking your sim card is a violation of your human rights with your consent? To the General thanks very much for bring up this debate that really exposed how toothless and undemocratic ZICTA is

  3. Evaluation is the most important factor in all activities. I have registered my SIM Card more than once. Don’t know how serious this process is.
    Waste of time.
    I have a slip to give evidence with, right now.
    Time is precious. Lets value it.

  4. Nice to see that Gen Miyanda is an issue oriented kinda politician.Well done but Mushota is the last person he should have paid attention to.Almost all LT bloggers know not to pay attention to that rascal.

    • @ Tumbuka,
      I think though Mushota might seem as a character of fiction, it’s important to note that, half or one quarter of her acts has some truth and sense in it, I wouldnt disqualify her completely!

    • @cindy
      mushota is not only fictious, but a good day dreamer who can nicely pen her thoughts and dreams down to grab attention…well done Mushota

  5. General, next time blog using a pseudo name so that we can feel free to either support or criticize your point of view. Some of us have respect for people like you and would feel reluctant to engage you.

    • Spartan, do not fear me but respect me as I do you. I raised the SIM from October 2012, so when I am challenged I cannot hide my identity. But debate issues and there should be no need to fear. Anyway soon I shall stop blogging after clarifying issues that are being raised. Depending on what action ZICTA take we shall choose one option. Brig Gen Miyanda///

    • msana wanzili. Its not stupid blind respect. Its just RESPECT. The general has earned my respect even though I don’t agree with him most of the time. He is resolute, focused, calm respectful to others including people like you. He is indeed a warrior! As a matter of fact, he is leading the way in responsible blogging. Not just posting graffiti like you have just done.

  6. hi GENERAL,
    i think registering our sims is the best thing we can do as long as they keep our information confidential.Here abroad this has really helped in finding lost things , people as well as catching culprits. As for as i am concerned this is a good move by gov and another tempting reason for some of us to unabandon zed. I for one have learnt a lot from you and i have come to understand that very few be are as calm and wise as you are. But on this one you might be wrong DAD.

    • Zambia abandoner, I am NOT against SIM registration but against abridging constitutional rights. There must be safeguards in the new law that respect and protect your privacy and proprietary rights. ZICTA says they captured only 70 per cent of subscribers, so about 4 million still not registered mostly bcoz they are not aware of the exercise. Why should they deactivated? I got my SIM cards before this new law. What happens to my accrued rights? There are other security concerns not addressed by the law. Also read the contributions of Bankupi and Copy paste in previous statement about countries that have reversed the similar law after three years bcoz of unforeseen outcomes. I could be wrong but that’s the whole point of debating so we can learn from one another. Brig Gen Miyanda///

    • General. I am also against deactivation but am afraid thats the only way people will register there sims .we blacks (sorry for this word )we always want to do things at the last minute. When i came to zed for a holiday it took me less than 5 min to register my new sim . WHY cant someone who has been living there all this time fell to do so?I agree that there are implication for this but u know that boma ni boma .Even if we refuse to register they will just deactivate us and they can still spy on us if they want it doesnt depend on sim registration.If the USA can spy on its citizens and the whole world what is Zambia?The last thing anyone one wants is blood shed over sims. If you choose to demonstrate u can do so peacefully lawfully. With all due respect.

  7. Musana, even you I respect you and your views. No need to quarrel but to exchange views and learn from one another. What do you say about Article 20 and SI 65 of 2011? Do you agree with ZICTA? Debate factually. Brig Gen Miyanda///

  8. This issue seemly originated from few individuals in world. I previewed on how one country tracks its citizen, not forgetting other developed nations.
    Law on privacy is in place, such that only the migration ( home affairs) keep personal data.
    I was just debating with my Chinese, Aussies and others Nipal. No one can access your information without properly procedure.

    In Zambia, my concerns is that people will register details of the deceased, friends, stolen NRC numbers, fack details. The problem comes when your personal details are found wanting without your knowledge, for example Mulder.

    How do explain that the details on the phone number are not yours?
    I know some will argue, but we had a case where, individuals used payslip for others to get loans.
    I support the General.

  9. Zambia abandoner, I think we are not on the same page. I urge you to read previous statements on this subject. It is difficult to respond to your latest comments. Also read Article 20 of the Constitution then raise your specific issues. For now am signing off for other activities. Enjoy a blessed day. Brig Gen Miyanda///

    • Hi General, it is difficult to make everyone understand. Some will understand your point but because they are cadres to some parties they will choose to differ while other may try by all means to grasp a point in a statement. Now despite all these you as a leader know that you have some followers and on the way more will join the crusade. My encouragement Sir is keep on help us in main issues that affect people in this country. Will always love you and keep raise above hate. God bless you as soldier on in leading many.

  10. General you should realise that your audience is limited to the people with access to the online publications and as such your views are only being heard by a very small percentage of the Zambians.Im sure u have realised that most people that make comments on your simcard registration issue are not resident in Zambia.Why are you wasting time posting your views?If you want to be heard by the mojority why dont you organise rallies and or public gatherings to air your views?Do you think people in rural areas where they online publication are not available are able to read your views.Im not in Zambia myself and Im in a counytry where registration of simcards is a must for anybody to even buy a sim card.Please spare us the trouble and start holding rallies or else your party is drying!!

    • What a life, I am surprised at your rationale. Is that your understanding of social media – that it is for those outside Zambia? So you in the Diaspora do not think you are important for us to interact with you? And since when do people make comments or ask questions at rallies really!? You are NOT compelled to read my comments but I would welcome your comments as long as they are relevant and factual. I ignore your comments on party politics as they are out of place. I am NOT campaigning. By the way I do get comments from within Zambia via email and by phone. Brig Gen Miyanda

  11. General Miyanda has valid point, in the absence of Data Protection ACT and redress in view of any violations no sensible Zambian should accept this Sim Registration. The govt must emulate other countries in protecting citizens. The reason the UK enacted the Data Protection Act 1998 –is for such reasons the General is contesting.
    In fact PF SI 65 of 2011 is in violation of Article 20 of the Zambia constitution! The vwrA constitution, Sata sown to uphold.

  12. What the General is saying here is very simple. Whatever you may think of the person, try to argue with the facts. Where I live SIM registration is not an issue and will never be an issue. They just dont find it necessary. In as much as it can be argued that it can be ised to fight crime, it can also be used to clamp down on percieved enemies. Infact, even the methods used to fight crime in this manner would be illegal and privacy violations. We need to think these things through. The General runs a party, but he is also a citizen who is afected by the same laws that affect all of us. Let’s try to see this thread from that point of view.

  13. Zambian Abandoner could you mind your language please? there is no person created in the image of God Jehovah called “blacks”. no wonder your name reads it.

  14. Ba General, you have not answered which country has reversed the SIM registration laws? In southern and eastern Africa close to home majority of the countries have introduced SIM registration. Wait are you going to say that all these countries want to curtail peoples rights? I understand where you are coming from after surviving KKs jail but sometime I think you are just plan paranoid.

    • People@hotmail, I encourage you to read the contribution by COPY PASTE and BANKUPI in my earlier statement ( go to the archive). Some people in the DIASPORA Research!!! Brig Gen Miyanda

  15. Gen. Miyanda. Your resolve on this hot agenda item is highly commendable on our behalf as Zambian, my kids and our future generations. Once again I wish to state I admire your spirit of courage & high intelligence. You shall go down in history as a man who fought his race on behalf on the voiceless. I’m ever in support of your stance on this noble cause sadly you might hv misunderstood me in my position but I hv not and I wil not shift my firm position of thought. Gen u are a great son on my country- Zambia

  16. Wish to start that its sad that some pipo fail to understand the advocacy roll as a civic responsibility that the General is executing here.
    Why question that why isn’t he representing Heritage Party. This issue is non partisan comrades. Let’s be above board & be objective and stick to values of this topic and pick out sense and add value on how this will add substance to our country

  17. General I am 100% supporting you. ZICTA should address all the raised concerns before deactivating sim cards for innocent citizens.

    • Matasise, Gadaffie and ALL, thanks for the chat.
      ZICTA has reminded me that by midnight they will cut me off from civilisation. According to news more than 3million will be affected. So this is my last posting for now till the matter is sorted out. Best wishes for those still connected. Brig Gen Godfrey Miyanda///

  18. Freedom is a virtue. Thats what the RED colour on our National flag should remind us. Therefore, no one has the right to take away other people’s liberties for personal gain. No one. Sata’s short history in power has evidently shown that he is hell-bent on taking away people’s freedom by hook or crook for personal gain. There is absolutely no question about it. This is wrong and must not be allowed.

  19. General , I am glad you’ve managed to induce a sense of seriousness among bloggers. I hope and pray people will see a clear and present danger looming.
    Personal liberty and privacy is a virtue. Thats what the RED colour on our National Flag should remind us. Therefore, no one has the right to take away other people’s liberties for personal gain. Absolutely no one. President Sata’s short history in power has evidently shown that he is hell-bent on tanking away people’/s liberties by hook or crook for personal gain. The evidence is as clear as daylight.

  20. General, I you have managed to induce a sense of seriousness on this topic among bloggers. I honestly hope and pray that some people will see the clear and present danger looming. Personal liberty and privacy are a virtue. Therefore, no one has the right to take away other people’s liberties by whatever means for personal gain. No one. President Sata’s short history in power has evidently shown that he is hell-bent on taking away people’s liberties by hook or crook for personal gain. The evidence is as clear as daylight.

  21. General. My salute is mine to you. Bravo our Leaders. Same to those giving strength of support to this idea & the General

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