Sunday, March 9, 2025

It’s not right for PF to give GBM a 14 day ultimatum to resign-Alex Ng’oma


Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) President Dr. Alex Ngoma
Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) President Dr. Alex Ngoma

Political analyst Alex Ng’oma says it is not right for the patriotic front to give former defense minister Geoffrey Mwamba an ultimatum to resign.

It was reported on Thursdays yesterday that the Northern Provence Executive has given Mr. Mwamba a 14 days ultimatum in which to exculpate himself.

But Dr. Ng’oma has told Qfm news in an interview that there is need for the senior members of the PF to consider inviting Mr. Mwamba for dialogue.

Dr. Ng’oma notes that it is not right to do things in the manner the PF Northern Province is handling the issue of the former Defense Minister.

He explains that conflict is a natural aspect of human interaction hence the needs for the party to discuss the way forward than to force him to resign.

He stresses that it is also time for the PF administration to show leadership and maturity in everything they do on the matter of Mr. Mwamba.

The political analyst has also appealed to politicians in the country to have the spirit of reconciling as opposed to attacking each other on petty issues.


  1. Dr. Ngoma, what is your problem? Just leave the PF alone as they commit suicide step by step. Does the PF deserve saving?

    • Why not 14 minutes.

      The executive in N Province are clueless, because they have run out of ideas
      or what to say.

      I would remove the whole executive, in that province to start with if credibility is anything, you want


    • @ Mushota
      Can you please (as learned Phd) translate from Zamglish to English your paragraph:
      “””I would remove the whole executive, in that province to start with if credibility is anything, you want”””

  2. I am totally confused…please someone help me understand if it is a crime to resign from any post whether political or otherwise. Should people always wait to be fired even if they realise that their certain circumstances renders them ineffective to work and deliver? Is it because the President’s ego was bruised by denying the joy of firing GMB? Them man GMB must be commended for being honest and believing that he cant serve two masters at the same time. He is way beyond most if not the entire PF government officials. Look at Kabimba….he cant even step aside for a moment to let the tribunal run smoothly. He should be the one given the ultimatum to step aside or resign from PF. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY? HOW DID WE LET DOGS COME INTO POWER?

    • People are petty and the biggest problem is that people do not want to differ on policy and principle. Our country has seen a trend were the president is a master who should be worshiped and cannot be opposed otherwise you are against him etc. Our leaders need to open up to criticism and allow their fellow followers to differ with them on policies and issues that concern the nation at large!

    • If the truth were to be told, most of the people serving in government are financially dependent on those positions hence it’s anathema for them to even think of resigning. Unlike GBM, who might have some dish, he is capable of keeping himself, however, from the vitriol from the PF, all they want is to hound GBM out of the party for exercising his rights.

  3. Breaking news, Upnd & HH have received over 100 defectors from Pf party in Matero Constituency. Go HH go, go Dr Banda go, go Mr Kapita go, go Mrs Nalumango Mutale go, go the Upnd team go! Go Zambia go for better Zambia for all Zambians.

  4. “And there was war in Heaven…” (Revelation 12:7-9). It is not up to GBM to expel himself from PF. He should stay put, after all he has not done anything wrong. He should just wait for those who think they have cause to expel him to do so and in this was he will gain even more public sympathy to propel his next political moves!

  5. GBM you are welcome in UPND but DO NOT RESIGN let them expel you from the Panga Party then we shall meet them on the ground and teach them a lesson they will never forget. The political landscape will definitely change as soon as you join UPND. Forward!

  6. Even if GBM is expelled from pf he will still be an MP like SIAMUNENE of UPND. This movie never ends in pf. Running a country is not like rearing chickens or pigs.

  7. It’s like a dirty cop trying to make it look like the vivtim had taken his own life by forcing him to pull the trigger! GBM, dont do it so we can see how man enough they are!

    • Scott has no spine that’s why he is just bucking any how, takwata pakufikila ng a twamutanfya. Shi Mwamba mwaume do not resigne let them kick you out and they will see what munsholomwe saw. If Sata can not comment on this issue who are they bushe ebo mwalakile nabo..? Bravo shi Mwamba they are just making you populer and look more wiser than them.

  8. Learn to forgive and tolerate ba PF. You will eat your vomit in 3 years time. Why are you destroying what you sweated for for 10 years. Wake up from your slumber.

  9. Why Should GBM be punished for resigning? Just as he has a right to accept an appointment voluntarily he has a right to resign. ‘to u ba pompwe’ resigning is same as committing MURDER???????????

  10. Scott and your panga family or forest whatever you call it you have all the instruments of power to discipline any erring member of that family forest. Why not just expel him and meet on the Bashilubemba ground? Am sure each time you imagine of by-election in Kasama your spines crack. Try it. Don’t say you were not warned

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