The Ministry of Local Government and Housing has re-launched the newly re-branded “Clean up Zambia” healthy campaign.
Speaking during the launch in Chawama constituency today, Local Government and Housing Minister Emerine Kabanshi said lack of cleanliness has been a major source of concern to the government.
She noted that garbage collection in the city has been a serious challenge hence the move by the ministry to initiate and re-brand the keep Zambia clean a healthy campaign to “Clean up Zambia”.
Ms Kabanshi explained that the keep Zambia clean campaign failed to yield the desired results.
The Minister said heaps and mountains of garbage are a common sight in most parts of the city indicating that the make Zambia clean campaign failed.
Ms Kabanshi stressed that the newly rebranded clean up Zambia is aimed at giving impetus towards garbage collection and general cleanness of premises.
And speaking earlier at the same function, Lusaka City Deputy Mayor, Mulenga Sata said the local authority has embarked on an ambitious programme to improve the welfare of the people in Lusaka by providing clean and an enabling safe environment for all.
However, Mr Sata bemoaned that frequent disease outbreaks have become a common feature in the city due to indiscriminate disposal of waste which has prompting the council to join hands with the Ministry of Local Government and Housing in enhancing the collection of waste management.
I wonder if Zambia will ever be clean because there’s nobody to enforce laws on disposal of waste.In Chingola there are now more waste collection companies but waste collection is not compulsory.Some residents register for this while others do not and some streets are blocked by domestic waste, Come to Chingola just Mwengele road where the MP’S office is partially bocked by indicriminate disposal of domestic waste.Its an fair to find that in one street some residents observe the cleaniness of enviromnment while others throw all over the drains,roads and any open space.PF government must do something.We had so much hope in this government but nothing has changed.GOD HELP US.
I am falling in love with this woman Kabanshi. I like HARDworking women.
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
If we are truly a christian nation, such campaigns would not be necessary.
The christian nation clause in the constitution needs to be removed because all the filth we see is putting the advancing the very opposite of what christ represents.
It is taking the name of the Lord in vain and you will pay dearly for this.
Mark my words.
True this woman has common sense which isn’t that common amongst some of her fellow ministers. How can we have pride in our selves as christians if we live in dirt and are blatant to the throwing of rubbish anywhere, this makes us a laughing stock to other nations in SADC such as Namibia, South Africa and Botswana. But garbage collection and clealiness must go hand in hand with civil and housing planing, no to corruption in the granting of works to projects that just destroy the beauty of the country, we are not Congo okay and we need accountabilty all the levies and rates that are paid are suppossed to pay for garbage collection and town planning amongst other services.
The cry of the Minister is showing that you have failed.You can not implement the plans of others.
Keep Zambia clean when you have allowed illegal trading in streets va Minister.
We call you the Minster of filth and dirty.
You will go in the history as the government which allowed dirty to be part of there Manifesto.
I wonder if you have ever gone to any country and see how your fellow Ministers are keeping their countries clean.
And you say you will promote tourism in such dirty environment.Va Kabashi shame on your dirtness
z problem wit most of us we critise without factts l live in windhoek z cleanest capital in africa but stil street vendng is comon.lusaka is dificult to mek clean bcoz of population boom wat we nid is relocation of z city.somtimes startng afresh is z best way luk at manfa hill ad acardes.
The reporter should have given more information on the “new” strategies and systems the local govt intends to use. Personally I am interested in knowing the root definition of the situation:
“a strategy/system to do (WHAT), by (HOW), in order to achieve a clean and safe environment.”
I echo your sentiments. I don’t have to write much and repeat the same things.
May be later not now.
You can re brand and even triple re brand but if the mindset of the majority of the Zambian people remains the same,nothing will change.If you keep on doing what you’re doing you will keep on getting what you’re getting.
Hon.Minister here are some suggestions;
1.Mount up an education campaign to teach people on the importance of keeping our environment clean.Along side it ,come up with promotion campaigns for the whole country to keep our environment clean
2.Remove street vendors
3.Construct dumping place where rubbish can then be picked by waste management companies.
4.Introduce heavy fines for individuals and organizations disregarding the law on littering.This can be a source of revenue for financial cash strapped councils.
Job well done. Let’s hope your suggestions will be considered.
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
If we are truly a christian nation, such campaigns would not be necessary.
The removal of the “christian nation” clause in the constitution is the first thing that needs to be done. All the stinking filth we see is advancing the very opposite of what Christ represents.
It is taking the name of the Lord in vain and you will pay dearly for this.
Mark my words.
We are waiting for your latest idea about garbage collection.
Please outline the new strategy to the public. We would like to know it so that we can monitor implementation together. That way you will be getting constructive criticism from the public. Try it. I am very positive that some Zambians will make a positive input. We’ll push your officials if they do not do as outlined in the strategy.
With street vending, she must be joking. Root cause?
Kabashi is looking nwa!
If Lsk was as clean as her, as beautiful as her…
Everyone would have been going for it.
Work hardest Mama, achieve what others have failed.
You can not have a clean Zambia without Sata’s command. He sanctioned street vending for PF votes. So if you want a clean Zambia, you should first remove the root cause, that is street vending. For as long as Sata wants votes from street vendors, Zambia will not be clean.
Madness is defined as doing the same things over and over again but expecting different results. There has to be a significant change of mindset among Zambians before we can see a difference. Throwing things out of moving vehicles, vending everywhere, dumping into drainages, incompetence by the councils, stealing of fuel meant for garbage trucks for personal use and greediness will need to be addressed. Slogans and speeches won’t take us anywhere. Let us all firmly apply the law, and meet our expectations and obligations.
There is just too much lip-service paid to this issues by Govt officials since the 80s, if not earlier! How can you clean up a city when the President himself punishes his Ministers (e.g. what happened to Minister Kandu Luo) who are trying to deal honestly with real root causes of the rubbish in our cities? Some of the causes of ugliness and dirt in our Zambian cities are:
1) The mushrooming and growth of unplanned settlements (shanties). Sometimes you feel we have no trained/qualified City Planners in Govt anymore.
2) Allowing trading (vending) on nearly every street in our cities. Trading is good, but it has to be controlled and regulated. How do you expect clean streets when there is virtually no garbage collection/sanitation facilities on these streets?
3) The merging of politics, corruption, and public health. How do you expect a minister to perform when they are afraid the President might rebuke them with a demotion if they step on the toes of his law-breaking political allies; the “Donchi kubeba” cadres? 4) The lack of real initiative on the part of local/city councils to come up with working strategies to enhance their revenue generation. Always looking to the Central Government even for things like garbage collection is really the height of incompetency.
There are so many things city councils can do to organize businesses in their cities and generate revenue which they can use to take care of things like refuse collection. And the President should stay out of such issues and let his Ministers do the right thing!
This woman Kabanshi may be demoted for disturbing Sata’s constituency. Luo ended up being misplaced to pursue controversial agendas not befitting her academic qualification. Apparently, all PF Ministers have resigned from using their brains because they just need to service their Parliamentary GRATUITIES as 2016 is around the corner.