Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Sata Sata leaves Addis Ababa to an unknown destination


President Sata with His Presidential Pilots at Bole International airpot in Addis Ethiopia-1864
President Sata with His Presidential Pilots at Bole International airpot in Addis Ethiopia-1864

President Michael Sata and the First Lady Christine Kaseba has left Addis Ababa to an unknown destination for a 14 days working holiday.

President Sata was seen off at Bole International airport in Addis Ababa by Foreign Affairs Minister Wylbur Simusaa, Agriculture Minister Bob Sichinga, Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Susan Sikaneta and some senior government officials.

The Presidential Challenger Jet carrying the President, the First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba and the President’s Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chellah took-off about 10:00 hours local time.

The President was in Ethiopia for the 22nd African Union Heads of State and Government Summit closed last night with the leaders resolving that there is need to make the continent more stable and safe by fighting terrorism and tightening security.

President Michael Sata leaves Addis Bole International airport on Challenger plane-1888
President Michael Sata leaves Addis Bole International airport on Challenger plane-1888
President Sata boards the Challenger  airforce one from Addis-1880
President Sata boards the Challenger airforce one from Addis-1880
President Sata with First Lady Dr Kaseba boards plane in Addis-1894
President Sata with First Lady Dr Kaseba boards plane in Addis-1894


    • @Debo,
      Reasons have repeatedly been given why the people of Zambia have the right to know where the president travels to and the purpose of such trips. Can you tell us why you think Zambians do not deserve to know the whereabouts of your ‘great man?’

    • The president is the leader of Zambia, therefore everyone needs to know where he is going. He is using are our money .It is only under the leadership of Michael Sata we have seen total madness and confusion everywhere in the country.

    • Are you out of your mind? Who pays the piper calls the shots. The taxpayer must know how and where their money is spent. He called RB president of the air.

    • And he is leaving in same grey Cerious suit he has been wearing for last 2 days.
      What happened with the brown brazer we sent him?
      I hope & wish BamukaYama Kili, will go straight on maternity leave

    • So what difference will it make in your life
      (assuming wrongly here that you have one),
      if you knew where Sata is spending the next 14 days?
      It might provide empty conversation in taverns and drinking places,
      but will not change what you eat, drink, where you sleep, etc.

      In case you do not get my meaning

      I am not surprised even pseudo-intellectuals
      like Magande are bleating the same chorus.
      Very sad.

    • Debo – Was your name supposed to be DEBO or DOBO. You seem more confused that you really this.

      Sata has gone for his Prostate Cancer operation. We all know he will die from it.

  1. He is certainly not going to Europe. That plane is not allowed to fly in European Airspace, unless he goes and packs it in Dubai and connect from there. I think I smell India as the final destination

    • Spot on..And we are paying for this. ..only in Zambia as there id no need to take that jet further afield. Imagine if we have this national airline and how these people wull misuse.

    • This is what happens when your father has run out of options,,, misused all his opportinities, everything become a secret, he tell hes going for a holiday kansi is to meet buyers of your house…

      Thats Sata for you, you will be shocked he has sold Zambia to india or china,, thats why traditional chiefs banned sellingl land,, that why he is also fight bashilubemba, knowing the will be problems, thats maybe why the national pack has been sold
      So when i see alot chinese or indians coming to settle in Zambia owe! zambia solid
      This is saturday drink, think and laugh, maybe he(sata) is coming home with a bald thats why secret

  2. The man is going to India,, no doubt, spititual strengthening,, so! bald head chizimba mix inside,, there is a very popular temple where most global leaders go to,, i think thats where masumba is for his retreat!!
    KK has send him there!!

    • Christine Kaseba has been turned into a bodyguard. She’s following the King instead of being in front as a lady and wife. That is Sata for you. Ki silonyana!

    • @Golcaves, good observation, what kind of a man leaves a wife behind, unprotected? Umwanakashi kumubika pa front, if can’t walk just a step behind her, then let her bokosi swing just above man’s zipper!! And that what we call “a man is a protector”.
      Anyway, there is no natural marriage between Kaseba & Sata.

  3. @ London Eye, Sata does not have to answer to anyone. He is the best president Africa has ever seen and has a heart for the people. Just let him enjoy, he needs a break after all the sacrifices and hard work he is doing for our country. Infact he should go for longer than 2 weeks. Lets all be proud of this legend.

    • @Debo,

      I apologise, after reading your posting where you claim Sata is the best ever African president I have somehow realised that you actually don’t mean what you say, you are just being sarcastic.

  4. What a president! Where did Zambians get such a man? Why did they vote for him? Really what were they thinking? Ati bakateka! Really! Were you out of your minds!

    • Think of it, he is president because it was ordained by higher forces beyond you and me that this man would rule Zambia at this particular time. He is there to do his work, not to do as you please or to make friends with everyone. Some people can’t stand him but still have to give him respect.

    • He is the president because zambians voted for him. God häs nothing to do with politics. If God häs a hand in it, then according to you he made a mistake with Bwezani?

  5. Iwe Chumbu!
    We all know why you don’t want to disclose your whereabouts. How can a president just disappear in thin air leaving us all wondering where he will be hiding for 14 days.
    Thanx to watchdog we will know the bed you will be wetting!

  6. I have never known any President anywhere in the world not disclose his whereabouts for a working holiday. Yes, he is human and entitled to take a break but because he is a public figure holding the highest office in the land, he does not have the luxury not to inform the nation of his whereabouts. Obama goes to Camp David, Hawaii, even done the Hamptons a few times, at least everyone knows. That’s why I miss the Kaunda days, when it was clear that his short holiday or working holiday would be taken at Mfuwe. Whether he was working or not is besides the point BUT at least everyone knew where he was.

    • In fact as a country that is trying (admittedly not very well) to market itself as a great tourist destination, I would have thought it highly inappropriate for the president to take holidays abroad. If he does not like Mfuwe, he can go to Kasanka national park which is not far from Chitulika village, which am told is currently missing its *****.

    • He has gone to meet his Mechanic to work on him. Where else do you think he is going? He will be admitted into the hospital after hitting into Zuma’s bore-head. Kulwala.

      It is a PF style of leadership dear

  7. The man appears “VERY ILL” as he struggles to board a Presidential jet in Addis Ababa. Kaseba should have been ahead of Sata but she is strategically positioned to save her husband in case he faints and falls. The photo reveals a lot on Sata’s health.

    We pray that God will soon answer the people’s plight for having accidentally voted for a tyrant as Republican President.

    • Was wondering why the first lady is at the back instead of being in front and the first to board the presidential challenger jet.Why is it that with PF everything is opposite from others presidents or presidential etiquette.This seems to be small issues to others but it speaks volume.

  8. it reminds me of a film I watched in my youthful days entitled ‘now you see him now you dont’. it fits very well with these 1diots who do not take pride in telling the truth. even if you dont tell us where he is going, watchdog will still ‘smoke you out’

  9. # 12 Matipa I watched that movie too when I was young ” Now you see him now you dont” I would really love to watch it again. I have looked for it every where but nothing. Very funny movie!

  10. This is a classic example of lazy journalism. These fo0ls have not even bothered to ask. When did Zambia have airforce one?

  11. Well the majority put him in the highest office of our land and with scorn he does not think he owes the people of Zambia any explanations whatsoever on what he does or where he goes is his prerogative. Country men and women let him go wherever he wants misusing the presidential privileges but one inescapable fact is his final destination is Zambia no matter the direction he may take. It is also fact that there comes a time when the Zambian masses have been asked to join hands in prayer to save souls of even those that despise them when the going is good!

  12. He’s coming to keep me company here in lonely Guantanamo Bay detention center.Its free room and board plus the bonus of very restricted press.Karibu sana bwana cumbu mushololwa.

  13. Are we going to ill treat each president like this?THEN we dont need presidents.The man is working tirelessly for your tamies and then all that is coming out are insults!Complain like the way our learned teachers do, at an opportune time, and not like did the nurses, you are just like them.Viva President Mike,you were not only good inthe opposing side but also good inside, as a leader and defender of the oppressed,the rural bare footed lads.

  14. From the Chinese style suit our Presido is wearing, i sense he has a liking for “Red Capitalism” of China. That’s good, its one of the most successful economic development models in the world today. Am sure that’s why we are bringing back INDECO. My hope is that our Presido is heading to China to get some tips on how to successfully implement “Red Capitalism” in Zambia. This can benefit our country.

    Am sure his “working holiday” is to kill 2 birds with one stone. To woe investors and maybe a medical check-up. If medication is involved, then yes we need to be told so that we can remember our Presido in our prayers!


  15. Well, we’ll see because for all I know that watchdog has a bug planted on Sata’s bollocks. Sooner than later, they will out him where ever he is hiding in the UK or in Mumbai, getting radiotherapy for disintegrating dick and malete! And no matter what he does, it’s a waste of taxpayer’s time and money, his malignant cancer has spread. Any medication is just going to delay the ultimate, death! Kuswana feela inge mutu ya tukufalezwi ku laba sisepe ni mukaiso wa likomu kuli a shatule Lwambai ang’umelanda iyoyo naMbanga! Ki mbaamba!!!!!

    • Life is precious, no matter how terrible the person, they are entitled to live. In fact it is better he lives to see how HH will do better!

  16. Dr Mwanawasa was the first to observe that Sata was also appearing unwell. This is when he claimed Mwanawasa was too sick to discharge duties as demanded by that office. Sata had been on a campaign trail on the Northern Province. Later Sata was reported to have suffered a heart attack and was evacuated to S.A. at the request of Levy. though he later on claimed Levy did that our of malice. As if to confirm his failing health it was widely speculated that Sata had collapsed as he tried to embark from a chartered aircraft whilst on campaigns in WP. People still went ahead to vote for him overwhelmingly. On the day of voting Sata appeared on TV flanked by Dr Kaseba to deny reports of Zambians having elected a sick president. All this was being engineered by Mmembe who was fully aware about…

  17. ”President Michael Chilufya Sata left Addis Ababa Airport yesterday to an unknown destination” – very strange indeed, what’ s wrong with telling the nation where he is going to spend his 14 days working holiday ? He just disappeared in the air in the challenger jet and went to heaven and if so which heaven ? It’ s unfortunate some Zambians are still uncivilised to an where they don’ t even know that they have got the constitutional right to know where their servant is going because after all, he is not a king but just an elected person.



  19. Why should HE hide from the people that employed him? Why go on a working holiday in a foreign country, working for who? What crime will HE commit by telling us where will bé? As fathers, guardians we say bye to our families! It pains to see the person you trusted and voted turn against you. I hear about Obama’s whereabouts but do not know about my president. Its a shame!

  20. Who can give me even three reasons as to why President Sata should continue to keep PS Seyuba in gvt ? Is he really adding any value other than decampaigning PF ?

  21. Imwe tekanyeni! Almost every blogger here is commenting from some country in the diaspora. So, which taxes are you paying to Zambia for you to know the whereabouts of the President? Let the Zambian people alone!

    • @Shi Mwape,

      You seem to think one can only pay tax to the treasury by being in Zambia and working in Zambia. Any money I send to Zambia or Botswana is taxed by the receiving bank and the recipient of the cash spends it in Zambia, it circulates in the economy of the country. I have bank documents to prove that.
      I am surprised you don’t know this because even a marketeer at Kabwata knows something about tax collection.

    • @Shi Mwape,

      You got it wrong to think that people only pay tax to the Zambian treasury when they live and work in Zambia. When I send money to Zambia or Botswana the receiving bank charges tax/commission and of course the beneficiary spends the cash in the country thus keeping it in circulation and boosting the economy. I have bank documents to prove that all my remittances abroad are taxed.
      I am surprised that you don’t know this because even marketeers and street vendors know something about tax collections.

  22. The problem we have is that there are characters who are hell bent on criticizing anything or everything from the presidency. Do you know why, many are vagabonds in diaspora and they are looking for a way to come back if God forbid their relative or tribes mate becomes president. I remember vividly when Mazoka won and was dribbled, a number of these characters borrowed money for a ticket only to borrow more for return ticket plus what they borrowed in America. Some of these chaps are sponsored to insult the President day and night. They restricted themselves at the watchgalu site but realised that descent people who grew up in descent homes don’t normally visit that evil site hence finding a place at LT another potentially evil site.

  23. They use bemba pseudo names or something else not to associate with their tribe. Word of caution insults will never win you freedom from the bondage you re in.

  24. Work hard Mr President, we want good news after 14 days KASEBA should be expecting TWINS like RB the real NSENGA BULL chinakafasanayo ka thandiwe mpaka nakumkosi then TWINS came out dont JOKE

  25. Mwamona nomba, after talking too much, kanshi Ba Kateka bali fye pa London. Mwatemwa nomba ba pompwe? So, how has knowing the whreabouts of the President changed your lives? Get a life people. Just work yourselves to the bone and pay for rent and food in the diaspora!

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