Saturday, March 15, 2025

Pupils escape unhurt as classroom wall collapses


Pupils at Chifulube basic School in Luanshya’s Kankwiba resettlement scheme this morning escaped death when a 2×1 classroom block collapsed following heavy rains.

The over 15 years old classroom block made out of mud bricks gave in to the rains around 10: 00 hours while a teaching session was in progress.

Kankwiba resettlement scheme Chairman, Godfrey Ndalima told ZANIS in Luanshya today that the classroom walls on the left side of the building fell outwards while the pupils were in class.

He described the situation as near fatal saying it would have resulted in loss of life if the collapsed wall fell inside though the pupils escaped unhurt.

Mr Ndalima said various school properties including building materials such as window panes was lost in the other part of the classroom block that was being used as a store room.

He has since appealed to government through the provincial administration to come to the aid of the school and enhance the expedient construction of the 3×1 classroom blocks that government embarked on in 2004.

He said so far, only one classroom block was completed and that all pupils from grades 1 to7 would now have to be accommodated in the three classrooms which is a 1×3 building block.

Mr Ndalima added that until now, the fallen building was accommodating pupils from grades one to three.

Luanshya district has been experiencing heavy rains this season and has recorded a number of incidences where buildings have had their roofs blown off and walls collapse resulting in loss of property.



  1. Praise be to God for his protection and deliverance.
    It is a miracle in that the building collapsed outwardly and it was not an inward collapse.

  2. It would have been better for those kids to be crashed , for engineers to determine the exact crushing strength of the mud bricks

  3. & we ve an out spoken MP(imbwili) talking about issues away frm lya wen his hse is fallng. wat a shame. ubufi bulapwa nomba mukalalanda inshi? u former copa copa.

  4. Thank the Almighty God no life was lost. Government should build permanent structures instead of just giving lip service, all old schools made of poles & mud should be pulled down & new ones be built in all provinces.

  5. Poor education planners, instead of improving school infrastractures they bring in teaching vernacular in delapidated buildings unsuitable for human habitation, ati tuleteka mulifipuba pf malabishi!

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