Alliance for Better Zambia (ABZ) president Father Frank Bwalya has noted with concern that some sections of media have abandoned media ethics in their reporting on certain issues.
Father Bwalya told Qfm News in an interview that certain stories being published in some sections of the media leave much to be desired.
Father Bwalya who is also a journalist by profession said it is only right for journalists and media houses to promote objectivity and accuracy in their reporting.
He noted that the current crop of journalists should aim at informing the public with facts and not their own words or opinions.
Fr Bwalya has since advised journalists to keep their integrity by being factual and objective in their reporting.
Father Bwalya is like flu, that you want to go away, but is busy troubling you, knowing it wont kill you, you just soldier on and ignore it
I am beginning to dislike him
worst response
If only you knew what a pain in the a.s.s you are Mushota!
Worst response
It is a challenge to journalists because they are writing to attract “comment” on internet. And for sure they worst our productive time.
Just like on this above, I thought Fr. Bwalya has fantastic examples, unfortunately this is story is just additional mess to internet.
I agree with Mushota. He is like a flu which makes you realise you are sick, but you cant exactly point at the sickness. Father Bwalya needs to be tangible in his insinuations. i.e. Name the media houses that lack credibility we know them also.
Bwalya Please give examples. Like the Post newspapers. You even a better example they sent an ‘apology’ to Col. GBM
Wa bamo mwaice. Read this column if you want to know the truth about you and ndobo.
Shi mapalo did you know that if the Post wanted they would have left the story remain as they wrote?
Mwana, it takes a man to say sorry. Apologies are for men and not boys like you.
Will you ever see the watch dog apologize to anyone?
FATHER Bwalya, I am surprised he is called a journalist by profession? He is supposed to be called a priest or politicial by profession. That is what it is. On the issue of ethical reporting, where do you draw the line. If its the Zambian Eye, Tumfeko and Zambia Watchdog, all is well they are morally upright and ethical. When it come to the Post, The Times and Daily Mail, you begin to question their journalism. The media landscape needs control because it is unethical to call a head of state ‘ailing dictator’ and other such titles. Not even Mugabe, Idi Amin, Kim Ill Jong or indeed Hitler deserved such title.
Yes, he’s a journalist coz after becoming a Priest he studied journalism some do medicine, accounts,economics, law, engineering they are educated chaps those.
Hitler apparently deserved worse than this!
Leave my Bwalya alone…….he is BLOWING the whistle pyepyepye.
“Even u readers r ignorant…”I beliv he MENTIONED LT” the reason they ve brought the issue. Be analytical.
LT cheated tht OUR LOVELY PRESIDENT IS IN UK whilst he is India.
Viva Bwalya Viva HH Viva UPND
Media houses are a shame in Zambia now.The Post reports that GBM is on the copperbelt decampaigning PF and the Watchdog reports that Sata arrives in India ?welcomed by officials from the embassy while other sections of the media i.e Times of Zambia?Daily Mail and the rest run screeming headlines that Sata arrives in London?What the hell is going on this country regarding our informants?the media.Time we started scrutinizing these so called media houses.Their agendas have the possibility of leading this country into oblivion.I agree with Frank?our media is proving to be rubbish.For instance the watchdog today reports one of Sata’s children died in unexplained circumstances puuulizzi?I am not a Sata fun but come on people….you guys are the same.Post?Watchdog?Zambian Eye?Daily mail rubish?
Ke ke ke ke.yaa bwafya mwee
Fr Bwalya uzd 2mek sense wen He ws @Change Life Zambia bt nw He jst a comedian wth no direciton.He hs lost it.He uzd 2 condemn MMD bt 2de they r hs frends.I v stopd folowng Him.De soona He gets bak Church de beta.Thx
There is a way english is written and spoken and you learn that in school.