Sunday, March 16, 2025

UPND Deputy Secretary General responds to George Chellah


The statement emanating from State House and attributed to President Sata’s Press Aide George Chellah is amateurish and only helps to cement further the speculation that the office of the President of Zambia is trapped in a quagmire of mediocrity.

Typical of an intellectual pygmy, George Chellah has deliberately decided to veer off the main subject of President Hakainde Hichilema’s address to create a side distraction on tribalism, racism and merchant of death.

We have come to a sad realization that it does not matter what national issue we bring to the fore, Mr. Chellah’s response is predictable – tribalism, racism and merchant of death. This is how shallow minded the officers responsible for communication in the President’s office have become!

We wish to put it to Mr. Chellah that the term ‘merchant of death’ best describes his workmates who in the recent past fired nurses, pharmacists and Midwives and caused mayhem at University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and other medical facilities nationwide. Queer and morbid best describe his friends who run the Bwinji Mfumu Outfit.

We wish to remind Mr. Chellah that Mr. Sata is a State President whose expenses are paid for by Zambian tax kwachas. That being the case the citizenry are at liberty to find out matters regarding their President including health and holiday matters.

We also wish to put it on record that President Hakainde Hichilema and UPND’s prayer is that Mr. Sata should live long enough to see his electoral defeat in 2016 and thereafter see the economic acceleration that will take place. Clearly this is not a death wish to a competitor as Mr. Chellah alleges. Only a person whose medium of instruction while at Journalism School was in a forced language other than English would misunderstand such a simple prayer.

Finally, our advice is that George Chellah should quickly get back to his sense as he has absconded from quality reasoning for a long time. We urge him to give satisfactory answers to the nation on the following:-

1 Why does Mr. Sata take unannounced holidays each time he attends international meetings?
2 Why do we see the impatience in Mr. Sata’s party on who will succeed him?

Failure to address these long standing concerns will give sleepless nights to ‘frightened political lilliputians’ operating at Plot 1 each time President Hakainde Hichilema speaks.

Kuchunga Edwin Simusamba


  1. simusamba you have hit the nail on the head. tell this dunderhead boy who thinks state house is a n extension of past paper. infact you are very diplomatic unlike the 1diot you are responding to

    • Info reaching me says that Sata is actually on SICK LEAVE NOT working holiday for unknown number of days but certainly longer than 14 days due to slight medical complications.

      So Zambians lets pray for him.

    • Ha ha ha ati so that he see HH come to power in 2016.You bantustans gat to be serious.You need more than your Tonga vote to win elections.

    • Faka more pressure iwe George ! This quick response is a sign that you hit them where it pains more.Keep it up !!!

    • As expected , each time UPND points out the terrible mistakes PF and Sata are making, PF zealots scream tribalism.

      The unfortunate thing is that, many people in Zambia have realised that UPND is the only party with honest and trustworthy people. UPND always raises real issues affecting many non gullible people up down the country.

      Is it not common sense that the merchant of death is Sata who fired nurses at the time Zambia is facing a critical shortage of qualified medical staff? Chella should calm down when responding to UPND and select the right words to avoid the message backfiring.

      Even a preschool kid can tell you PF guys that the merchant of death is the one who fires the nurses after giving them his Bufi rhetoric.

      Sata enjoy your SICK LEAVE. GET WELL SOON.

    • Simusamba and the UPND have a point – not necessarily the language in which to express that point – in asking State House to urgently learn to engage the nation in a mature and foul language. Opposition parties are representatives of the people and they have the right to raise matters that they consider to be of national importance on behalf of their members. And State House has the obligation, I would say the responsibility, to respond to those raised concerns in an engaging , satisfactory and respectful manner, devoid of name-calling and ad hominems, and focussed exclusively on attending to the issues raised.

    • However, I should add that I find it very strange that the UPND is urging George Chellah, Special Assistant to the President (of the Republic of Zambia) for Press and Public Relations, to comment on a political party (PF) matter of succession. In what capacity can Chellah speak on this subject? It appears this country lacks like-minded and discerning people to fend off the growing tide of ignorance, yes, on both sides of the political spectrum.

    • I meant to write ‘non-foul’, as opposed to foul, language in my first post above. I hope this apology is enough to avoid litigation of defamation from the English Language!!

    • Na wanzelu, if I was not atheist, i would never waste a prayer on sata. the only prayer I’d have would be for him to come back in a box.

    • @dudelove

      I hear you my brother. But my problem is I do not want him to die and take the secrets of where he is hiding the money he is stealing through RDA to the grave like what Mobutu and others did. I need him alive so we can recoup all the proceeds of corruption gained by awarding contracts to the Chinese and that Gower opusa. After this is done then he is free to die.

    • That’s what it is when you pick a hungry poor little bastard from the dusty and potholed streets of Chilenje to be a presidential spokesperson. He thinks his job is to protect ichipoto as he has never and failed to be successful on his own without political influence and corruption. This Chella is so immature, myopic and clueless of his job description. His main function is to keep the presidents office in esteem and communicate in a way which gives his president good ratings. He has just decampaigned his master, according to analytical minds like me, who don’t think with tribe. Imagine if Jim Carney, Obama’s spokesperson replied like this? Obama will have to resign, but in Zambia we understand as most Zambians are f.o.ols.

  2. Mr Sata is ill here in UK defeating all the hulla baloo of hiding where our president is going for supposedly 14 day holiday. Zambian nurses in UK are on duty where Sata booked for medical review.

    • So he is in London not on a ‘working holiday’ but on a ‘working sick bed’??? hahahahaha!!!!! You f.o.o.l.s. this is what it means to be a useful i.d.i. o.t,i, c , blind follower of the blind. The way you support PF is like a ‘namazai’ (toilet leaner) who lives and works in a t.o.i.l.e.t. and who eventually will begin to defend the toilet as being good as a kitchen and dining room for preparation and eating of food. This is how you PF uncircumcised followers are: busy living and eating PF’s daily waste in the t.o.i.l.e.t.

  3. They are now reacting to you George keep it up. Since they are Underfive be the one to handle them and not HE

    • The reply is from a Deputy secretary General.Tells you enough on how HH is rated. Chellah is just a ranting mouth without brains backing him….Typing a letter seated next to a dictionary…Childish is you ask me. Viva revolution!!

  4. this is a great piece of work. who does this chellah chap think he is kansi? he’s become a petty cadre really.

  5. “We also wish to put it on record that President Hakainde Hichilema and UPND’s prayer is that Mr. Sata should live long enough to see his electoral defeat in 2016″…ha ha ha you jokers when are you going to stop wishing ? For the past three elections Hikainde has always been under an illusion that he will rule.It will never happen.He might aswell invest more shares into Zambeef or something.If only wishes were horses !!!!!! Talk about pipe dreams.

    • @sailosi
      my brother stop deceiving your self from that mission abroad. I am right here on the ground on the copperbelt and I can assure you that pf is long gone in the dust bin. even the strong holds are coming down. so just start shifting item by item to your mother land before you are finally recalled in 2016

    • @matipa ha ha ha.My friend elections are funny.Just because you buy some youths(most of them without valid voters cards) chibuku and they raise their UPND symbols in their drunken state doesn`t mean that they will vote for you.HH has been standing and losing in the three previous elections because of people like you who sees the promised land on top of your artificial mountain just for it to dissapear the moment you descent down the mountain.High time you woke up and smelled the coffee.Your man will never walk into state house.

    • @sailotsi
      I feel pity for you my brother. people used to say the same with sata. we all know the story today. how many times did sata attempt? besides, the people have realised that the sata team go’ngaad us and they even admit it. deception is your worst enemy especially self deception which you have. wake up and see reality down on the ground unlike from behind a keyboard there in europe. fire GBM and gauge your popularity in kasama then you can confidently say pf will win in 2016, try lubinda in lusaka also

    • Saulosi ,compare the response from the your town mouse chellah ‘s vocabulary and that of the response by Mr.Simusamba.
      It’s embarrassing to say the least.He does not deserve to be private secretary but UTTA GATE KEEPER AT KAMWALA BUS STATION!

  6. There’s no chance, under the sun, that upnd, the party of pastoralists, will ever ascend to power in Zambia.

  7. Bwana SC we also wonder who will succeed HH? and MR HE MCS wants to kill two birds with one stone unlike coming back and going again.

    • Dream on mwana…. PF is sick. Keep on holding on to that sinking ship, which is your constitutional right. Lies will not work this time around…. ati man of action, 90 days, decentralization, more money in your pockets, smaller cabinet kwisaaaa? We now know the king is naked.

  8. and when will airtel bunddles for these hired pf thugs here finish? they talk so much rubish and one wonders if by any chance they even reason before putting fingers on the keyboard

  9. Even if i dont like Sata i wud never want to see somebody who ascended to the presidency of his party using tribe to be in plot 1

  10. Great George continue hammering them, and I know with that arrogance and stubbornness you have you will take them on. Atleast they should be dealing with you and not HE, he is too big for Underfive Hichilema and UPND. If an online election were to be held today, Hichilema would win with a landslide, coz he has always won online elections. but when a general election comes its the usual 18 percent like in 2011 and 19% in 2008. What a shame that someone could hold on to a leader who gets 18% in elections, with 82% of the population rejecting him. Only UPND supporters see that normal. That tribal leader will never amount to anything in Zambian elections, not even when ECZ allows cows to vote

  11. And surely people I thought an opposition leader is supposed to be the most popular person, in the mode Sata was when in opposition. But if facebook likes where anything to go by then HH has failed categorically on this score. You mean an opposition leader has been on facebook for the past two years and only has about 34,000 likes, and the President they say is unpopular just joined facebook two weeks ago and has already hit 72,000 likes. I can assure you if it were Sata in the opposition people would be flocking to his site to hear what he was posting daily

  12. There are other serious questions: Would the Prime Minister of Britain get out of England silently, without telling his nation where he was going until he arrived in the country of destination? How does it feel to be the State President of another country taking a quiet holiday in the country belonging to another president? How does the Prime Minister of Britain feel when he hears that the President of another country is quietly on holiday in his country? Can he respect such a president together with that president’s nation? Why don’t European presidents come to our country to spend their working holidays here?
    One thing is clear though. These people’s country’s must be very good for our leaders to be wanting to get there at every opportune time.

  13. George Chella,
    You should know that the indigenous Zambians now know that calling others ” tribalists’ is a name coming from people with evil mind whose motive is to continue to suppress others through political ruling and language. You chella you will see the problems of ethinic hatred you have brought in Zambia through your carelessness and lack of forecasted knowledge. Recall that before you came to power, Zambians used to live side by side, but now not. Cant you see that? one day soon true Zambians will rise against you the perceived oppressors of true Zambians.

  14. I still do not get it why chela got incensed over HH’s remarks just as I fell to understand why chela is written as challah.

    • @ liberty: I respect your assessment of the young man’s unfortunate mental state. As a non-medical professional, I had nailed it down to a rare case of BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER! My apologies for misfiring.

  15. After lamentably failing in his previous 3 attempts ( 2001 – were he was the last out of 9 candidates, 2006 and 2008) Sata changed his strategy and employed ‘BUFI’ on gullible ‘ Bembas’ to cheat his way into plot 1 in his 4th attempt in 2011. How can it take an experienced politician 4 times to make it on the same position? FTJ was right – Sata is not presidential material. He is only fit to work in Lusaka as a Governor. You see, though BUFI travels very fast it actually has short legs. TRUTH & REALITY on the contrary has LONG LEGS. TRUTH & REALITY actually caught up and overtook BUFI 90 days after the 2011 elections. BUFI has been gasping for ‘breathe and life’ since then in trying to stop TRUTH from galloping away to the 2016 finishing line. The gap between the 2 is increasing…

  16. The presidency is at its lowest rating at the moment because of illiterates at state house. a diploma in journalism will not be the best qualification for someone who has to represent the presidency. A diploma and 20 to 30 years of expirience could have sufficed. Chellah is not fit for the Job because his knowledge of how to handle the office of the president is very scant. It is time Sata moved him to another portifolio because learned men of UPND are having a field day rediculing the president’s office and exposing how mediocre Zambians can be to let such a man be in state house.

  17. It is sad to note that PF still tries to label others to be tribal. Yet the writing is on the wall, look at their Lusaka District Party executive, all are with the correct names from Muchinga. There after ask in what language was the key note given by the grandfather after his grandson worn? Yes, you have guessed right it was in Bemba. A sure sign of how much tribal the party has gone.

    • they dont try to label…. numbers never lie. a whole bunch of a certain province will vote for one candidate with an accurate prediction of 99.99% even the dupont model cant be that accurare.

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