Sunday, March 16, 2025

Prof Chirwa refused to relocate – Musonda


Professor Clive Chirwa
Professor Clive Chirwa

The Lusaka magistrate court has heard that former Zambia Railways Limited Chief Executive Officer Professor Clive Chirwa defied the board’s directive to relocate from FALLS WAY lodge twice.

The board issued the directive for Professor Chirwa to relocate on grounds that the said lodge was expensive as the beneficiary was only entitled to 28 Thousand Kwacha housing allowance.

Patrick Musonda, the Zambia Railways Limited Company Secretary says the board in a letter dated February 19 2013 directed that Professor Chirwa relocates from Falls Way Lodge as his continued stay at the said lodge was not budgeted for.

Mr. Musonda has further told the court that the board also directed Zambia Railways Limited management to find an alternative accommodation for Prof. Chirwa.

And Mr Musonda has testified that Prof Chirwa in one of his submissions to the board recommended that CLAVEL incorporated be engaged to train key Zambia Railways Limited personnel without declaring interest.

He says it was at this point that the board requested to be furnished with details of shareholders are in CLAVEL incorporation.

Prof. Chirwa, 58, of plot 206/101, Ibex Hill, is in the first count charged with failure to disclose interest contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

Prof. Chirwa is in the second and third count jointly charged with Regina Mwale, 50, an accountant of High Ridge in Kabwe and ZRL finance director for abuse of authority of office.

The duo is allegedly to have authorized payment of over 72 Thousand Kwacha to Fallsway Apartments for Prof Chirwa’s accommodation, an amount which was beyond his entitlement.

Their action was held said to be arbitrary and prejudicial to the rights and interests of the government of Zambia.

The matter has since been adjourned to FEBRUARY 25 2014 for continued trial.


  1. Dont worry darling about relocating, find him guilty and jail him of he has done anything wrong

    This case has dragged on far too long for anyone’s impatience

    Get your act right


    • Clive is an international connman and all charges before the courts point to that very fact. A connman needs to be “seen” to be “it”. Live lavishly and one only needs to look at the lies in Chirwa’s CV together with the “mansion” he claimed to live or own in the UK, to see that this was simply an extension of the lies in order to bank roll through CLAVEL.

    • @Nostradamus
      ati boobs;;, iwe boobs te mabele in chibemba? does it you you like mushortage`s boobs.
      elyo mushota you should that man Nostradamus was a chicano(xicano) for wife Basop!!!

    • Mushota, that is justice from your brother Michael Sata on those that have gone further in education than yourselves (especially from Northern).

    • stuupid id1ot. So you are an illiterate PHD student
      PHD in your case stands for: Permanent Head Damage!
      You are irreparable Mushota, Stay in the Scottish scrap yard and you will keep sinking low now that the sheep shuggers want out of UK.

  2. What crime did regina commit by carrying out her duties in effecting payment of Rentals to falls ways, owed by ZRL by virtue of CCs stay ????? Maybe Im cookoo

  3. The man stayed the bill came, comapny paid. Next action, dicipline him, recover funds and ensure he sticks to his entitlement period

  4. Though i feel this case should have been approached differently Chirwa has shown that he is a typical Zambian.Why hasnt he gone back to Fallsway Lodge now that he has to dip into his own pocket?

    • Have you ever heard of perks and benefits? Why should I be paid the same as you when I contribute more than you intellectually! Just level the playing field by attaining a higher calibre of education and the company you work for can throw goodies and freebies at you. Some are wise but some are otherwise lol

  5. Quickly expedite this case. We know he will be found guilty, jailed over the weekend, and then bailed for ever and ever amen!

  6. @kal if the case if quickly disposed of for whose gain will it be! The prosecutor, the judge, or chirwa’s lawyers will all be at a loss, that would be characteristically unzambian, pipo must make money first… take your time baba nthawi iliko tizafika.

    • That’s your job Chris! We don’t want freeloaders in our country. Wake up every morning and correct our typos. Twaaimya ilofwa!

  7. Bene Chirwa ni ba Conman.

    He grew frm the “VILLAGE” then went to UNZA he wud stayed in a small House and work to see the PROJECT HE CAME FOR FULFILLED THEN DEMAND MORE.

    The CEO pf BARCLAYS BANK as per today he REFUSED A $2.7 Million bus untill he sees HIS BANK THE Way he wants it.

    Chirwa is not genuine tho PF r also not Genuine.

  8. I wonder why people still refer to Mushota as a woman. He is a man who has been using a female picture and masquerading as a young lady. Look closely at the picture you will see that it has even some caption across to deter copy right infringement.

  9. The Clive Chirwa story illustrates how all Zambian parastatals got crippled. The top brass stayed & dined in top hotels in Lusaka, London etc. while the company wallowed in debt. Remember the Francis Kaundas, Pat Puta etc. Remember the Zambia Airways saga. This new IDC will also follow the same route.

  10. What a waste of time and money on Chirwa’s case. At a point that the board requested to be furnished with details of shareholders are in CLAVEL incorporation, Clive disclosed. At that point it was up to the board either to engage or not engage CLAVE incorporated after knowing Clive was a shareholder. The board had done due diligence by not engaging Clavel Inc. Prof. Chirwa, is charged with failure to disclose interest contrary to the Laws of Zambia. Since Clavel incorporated was not engaged and no money was spent and the board was aware after asking Clive, what crime (corrupt) is he going to be charged since Clive’s intention was stopped in the conception stage? Is a person changed for stealing or intention to steal?

  11. I do not know why huge some of money and time is being wasted on Chirwa instead of ordered him to pay the difference between his entitlement and the actual money paid to Fallsway Apartments. Regina Mwale, should not be dragged for abuse of authority of office, there was no way she was going to say no to the boss, otherwise she was going to be fired. Secondly, the board failed to carry out it’s duty by firing Prof. Chirwa for failing to relocated. The action taken by the Former ZRL board and it’s failure to carry out duties with due diligence is not in the interests of the of Zambia people. More money is being spent and wasted on simple case of Chirwa. Chirwa should pay what he owes to ZRL and the case should be closed.

  12. This man was a con guy period. why is he now living in a less than K10 000 house if indeed his life is that luxurious?? Pure cone man really.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia

    • @truth hurts/hates (no meaning) see my answer to one of your grade 4 dropout friend. You and I cannot be paid the same.
      You get more because you are very educated. I get more than you because I am the CEO and have perks and benefits.

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