Sunday, March 16, 2025

Introduce sexual reproductive health in schools – Womens Lobby


Pupils at Kamwala secondary school outside their class during learning hours.
Pupils at Kamwala secondary school outside their class during learning hours.

The Zambia National Women’s Lobby (ZNWL) has observed the need for government to seriously consider the introduction of sexual Reproductive Health in the School Curriculum.

This follows a study that has reviewed that over seventeen thousand pupils dropped out in School last Year due to pregnancy related cases.

ZNWL Board Chairperson, Beauty Katebe Phiri said introducing sexual reproductive health in the school curriculum will help teachers discuss freely with pupils the dangers of engaging in sexual activities.

Ms. Phiri noted that it is a taboo in any Zambian culture to discuss with children about Sex and its consequences hence introducing sexual Reproductive Health in the School Curriculum will allow not only parent but teachers as well to have a lighter burden of discussing the topic with their children.

She said Women’s Lobby is disheartened that Zambia has lost it in area of morality as teachers and parents are not moving in the right direction in guiding children leading to moral decay in the country.

Ms Phiri has since called for concerted efforts from government and other stakeholders to come up with sensitization programs in schools.



  1. Iwe Beauty, there are no dangers in engaging in sex! It is a natural phenomenon that strikes anyone who has attained that productive stage in their maturation cycle. What is at issue here is your alangizi who swoop onto adolescents and teach them how to please a man! Attack your subject matter from both ends of the stick and you will see where the fault actually is. Stop tainting our educational curriculum with your hopeless requests.

    • You mean there’s no sex education in schools? That’s preposterous! How are kids supposed to know about sex. Most Zambian parents are not free to discuss sex with their children.

  2. Its sounds good as long as abortion is not a hidden agenda. Silent Voices doing well too is sharing with youths on the responsibity that goes with sexual activities.

  3. Why should it be a taboo to discuss sex in Zambia with your own children that were begotten via the natural sexual reproduction act? Whom do you want to teach my daughter about the dangers concerning sex outside marriage and STDs? Uncle Chendabwamba next door? I will teach my children about it. These taboos are a deterrent to imparting of knowledge if you ask me.

    • Look at the sexual immorality in Zambia. You have abandoned your children as regards to imparting knowledge about this subject matter! Do not shun your responsibility and do not mark me down unless you have children of your own. Most people can father children but it takes real clout to be a parent!

  4. Kal! I think you are missing the point here. Adolenscent Reproductive Sexual Health are very important to developing and developed (mature) persons. The lessons help a lot in understanding/controlling the changes which are happening to their bodies (good for Grade 5’s). Lessons STI’s & STD’s (good for developing and developed persons). About alagizi my friend that’s my culture they teach what is right….

  5. The parents should be the first to discuss about sex with their children, not to hide in the word TABOO no, just say the truth of negatives of early engagement in sexuality. Then the teachers and the ministry of education will implement it. How many young ones who have gone to the Father ? And how many young boys, girls and adults who are on the waiting list to go to heaven because of sex? Thanx to God for TOP UP(arvs).
    Well done Ms. Phiri

    • Just a note: I have read many stories on this LT that a teacher in the mbundus somewhere in the sticks has impregnated x number of children. Sexual educations at home as well as charity does. There is no substitution to that. Teach your children at home before they surrounded by wolves in sheep skin (kafundishas)

    • Just a note: I have read many stories on this LT that a teacher in the mbundus somewhere in the sticks has impregnated x number of children. Sexual educations begins at home as well as does charity. There is no substitution to that. Teach your children at home before they are surrounded by wolves in sheep skin (kafundishas)

  6. So u think teaching sexual reproduction in schools is the answer to the number of pregnancies in school. Children of nowadays have an access to a lot of info, they watch sex films right in their homes & on the internet on their smart phones. What do u expect after they watch such films ? Answer is engage in sex, this world is sex crazy. The is medea is busy promoting sex as a wonderful thing. Sexy look, body, clothes etc. The children are bombarded with sex. Parents should talk to their children about the dangers engaging in early sex.

  7. the issue of sex reproduction should not only focusing on teaching pupils on dangers of diseases, pregnancies and what not, it should also focus on teaching pupils of age safe sex. its even a shame in some places for a 20 year old to buy a condom, thats why they dont engage in safe sex. stopping pupils from having sex wont work, they’ll still do it cuz they are human, so its best to let them know that if the time comes to do it, let them do it safely. like someone said, you cannot solve a problem using the same kind of thinking you had when it was created, lets be wise and realistic about this.

    • thats why the level of HIV in zambia is high, this is due to the lack of sex education. because i assure you, the level of sex activities in certain european countries is way high than zambia, but their HIV levels are low, why? its because of sex education

  8. I urge all bloggers on this site to stop pretending and being hypocrites for once. Lets be truthful at what age and grade did we come to know that if a man and a woman have sex a woman has a high chance of getting pregnant? Truth be told most of the girls who get pregnant know the consequencies beforehand. This is a social issue which needs deeper analysis and research before we come up with a panacea. Reproductive and sexual health my foot!

  9. What I know is that sexual education is already there except that it is taught at later stage where a student will be able to understand. And again this goes to the teacher as well, they are the ones abusing the children, so they must be the first students of this subject. A grade one student will not understand this, you will just spoil the kids. They will practicing it at a very tender age, and it will be disastrous.

  10. Howmany subjects are our children going to learn ? That is why Education standards is going down every time changing curriculum. I have seen now day Grade 2 having 10 exercise books meaning learning 10 subject where on earth? children are getting confused. Grade 2 starts learn Human reproduction . These NGO’s and the so called LOBY Groups they just want to show their funders that they are working. In Europe you will not find pupils learning 10 subjects and most of these subject are irrelevant. Please stop confusing children

  11. Only LONE RO has come close to what is on the ground. Most of the comments including the Ms Phiri in the articles have no idea what is on the ground. I am a parent with kids in grade 4 & grade 1. I come come across sex education in their books when assisting the with home work. My kids are only * and 5 respectively and I feel it is a bit too early for such topic. One gets questions such as what is sexual intercourse, what is puberty, what pubic hair, & I am supposed to be explaining that!!!. I believe start such a subject around grade 6 or 7 may be more appropriate. For those who what proof that there is sex education in schools, take a look a break through science for grade 1 to 4

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