![Pamela Chisanga](https://i0.wp.com/www.lusakatimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/pamela_chisanga-360x298.jpg?resize=360%2C298)
Zambia’s High Court yesterday granted an injunction against the government’s overturning of an earlier decision to reject a Large Scale Mining Licence for Zambezi Resources’ copper project in the Lower Zambezi National Park.
The decision of the Minister of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection the Hon Harry Kalaba, is stayed pending the hearing of an appeal. An interparte hearing is scheduled for 18 February 2014.
This follows the filing of an injunction on Friday 31 January by the Lusaka-based Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Forum – supported by ActionAid Zambia -, which refutes claims made by the Minister that all potential impacts of the project would be addressed by cost effective measures and technologies.
ActionAid Zambia Country Director Pamela Chisanga said:
“We fully support the High Court’s decision to halt this project while the case undergoes an appeal. There are concerns raised by the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) as part of its rejection of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) which must be seriously considered.
“The government has failed to address the negative impacts of mining on the livelihoods and wellbeing of citizens and it is strange that they have decided to authorise this project when Environmental Impact Study failed to meet the required standards.
“The rural communities who live in the areas around the park will certainly suffer if the mine goes ahead, particularly due to the pollution of their water sources.”
Oh my word! Pamela Chisanga is ********!!! rooaarr!!! Ok, thats out of my system, to the matter at hand, didn’t these Zambezi resources guys say just yesterday that no injunction had been filed? Did they expect PF to quash and so made a premeditated assumption?
But wait!! Alarm bells are ringing in Chibesakunda’s bedroom and she has slunk down to her underground lair to put on her cape and like a superhero, overrule this injunction!! It’s an old script.
Have respect chikamba iwe. Woman is married
@#1 I really feel saddened, is that what Zambia can produce as *********. The only *****woman is Charlotte. I even wonder why she stopped fighting for poor Zambians.
Is ActionAid a really NGO or its an opposition?
Well done Zambians you are fighting for your our childrens land.Thumbs up to ZCBNRMF,ZIEM,ZCCN,CRHWCT,Green Living movement and David Ngwenyama.If you need help with paying the lawyer fees please inform us the ordinary Zambians we are willing to help.
iwe Jo, so her being married does not make her a S.E.X.Y. B.e.a.s.t? Ba lsk times nabo, who said that word is an insult naimwe? yaba!
LT you posted that picture for s.e.x-ness. and she had handbag, why not put sunglasses there, and hot to try to look tombeble?
Of all people involved, why her picture? Why not pictures of villager in Lower Zambezi?
it seems there was confusion as the letter was addressed to Mwembeshi resources and not Zambezi resources
This one, i wouldn’t mind! Its Mwembeshi resources trading as zambezi resources.
I just analysed this Bemba woman photo if u check her hands and fingers has coca cola and fanta. Ajalimbura. Jalibu and deprosone she is an FBI
Not all bembas are bad mwe.. look at Pamela chisenga standing against big bazungu organisation,, she`s got guts..yes!! bemba guts,,, I think zambia need these useful bemba for protests, riots, throwing stones in order to unseat PF but the only is crruption and stealling is their blood,,,yaba
Kanshi naimwe ba Jo mulalandako ifyamano mwa. I am truly imprest. Keep it up!
Dudelove you are right, ChibesaKunya will ertainly do as you predict!!
I am very surprised why you people don’t get it..PF is in control and in control of media and all the judicial system..A-CJ is our puppet… what makes you think this injunction is going anywhere…Anyways to be seen as a transparent party we will allow the system to justify our greed for control…Mark my sentiments….
@ Chiq……
“What makes you think this injunction is going anywhere?”…….is the naturally-endowed right to think in whatever direction and dimension one so desires as this cognitive process does not constitute any offence; Just as you are at liberty to your OWN opinion.
I hope (but i suspect) Chibesankunda’s courts are not bought and compromised by Sata’s terrible regime to rule in favour the Australian mercenaries at the expense of our unpoluted heritage.
Tumbuka Pride, I am keeping the faith and hoping our courts will stop these mercenary Aussies right in their tracks. Let them go and pollute Australia, we are not that desperate as to sell our souls to the devil!
well done..beautiful Pamela
Did she do? I don’t see what she did apart from posing herself like Dora Siliya.
Chacing investors is not sexy at all. If they want to talk about “environment” then let them go and clean streets of Lusaka and everywhere, and build latrines in the lower Zambezi. Take development to people, don’t starve.
She wasn’t party to this injunction, just praising & supporting the initiators!
The pressure pot is now on. Need to reach out to the Australian media too, to highlight how much damage this company intends to do to our heritage which deserves to be found by the next generation.
but this ******** the whole day
****************** what about this ba LT?
Phew!…..Next phase please.
Good morning
This injunction will only yield the desired results if the government respects the democratic principle guaranteed in the seperation of powers.
It would be good to see the project halted not only for of the benefit of the rural community and the wildlife in Lower Zambezi but also for the sake of professionalism in dealing with issues of public welfare. We are watching…
If we were talking about a reasonable government, then maybe yes. But there is the Chibesakunda factor and deep down you know that she will squash any ruling by the high court that is contrary to government’s desires.
Sata, as the Muchinga Bembanised President, is the very embodiment of the democratic case for a the secession of North-Western, Western, Central and Southern provinces from Zambia – and he knows it. Secession will squarely put Lunda, Lozi, Kaonde and Bantu-Botatwe’s future in our own hands, and will mean we will never again have to endure corrupt, clueless and nepotistic Kolwenic governments, presidents and policies we didn’t vote for. With the current Chimbwi no Plan strategy, the destinationis doomsland, they should not be allowed to take everyone to Armageddon.
Wabe T Namazai wakantu iwe
Do you even know how many other tribes are in the provinces you have mentioned? Lozi, Lunda, and Bantu-botatwe my @ass! You think other tribes in these Provinces subscribes to your kind of TRIBALISM and SHALLOWNESS?
Central Province is NOT for Ilas and Lenjes alone, wechinangwa iwe. You find Lalas, Swakas, Limas, even some Solis, etc. in Central Province. So what makes you think these tribes share in your stup!d ideas about how Zambians are suppose to interact with one another?
You condemn the “Bemba-tribal-hegemony” and yet you want to replace it with your own preferred version of the same—how ridiculous is that!? TRIBALISTS like you should keep your silly tribalism confined to your own tribal enclaves where such rubbish is tolerated and applauded—leave rest of us alone!
Ok ba LT, where comment/response to this useless post from @Mulenga fimo fimo???
C’mon now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As Zambians we should stop misdirecting our energies fighting unworthy causes. We should be fighting to own maybe 50% of the mine since the copper is ours in the first place except we are unable to dig it ourselves. Those who are making noise about the environment should lead by example by practicing open air defecation since the toilet bowl, hand wash basin, taps and sewer pipes are made of materials mined from somewhere. Toilet paper is also made from trees!
And this useless topic you are debating will put food on my table. ikalafye kapoli iwe
Stop writing in Capital letters coz not many read your posts.
@zemuntu, he is yelling at you for your nonsense!!!!
Chisenga is always yelling, Yambayamba @14.3
Please grow up, you are portraying yourself like a very DULL embicile, one who can not discuss important issues. People like you make me want to puke. If you want to be schooled in some mannerisms, please call me, anytime!
Hahahahaha @ zemuntu taumfwa……. ….. You’ve made me laugh……Its so stressful pa Zed.
While attending the AU summit, CNP quickly notices Zuma’s bald head for which he has a well documented fobia. He walks over and in typical CNP style asks, and quote:
CNP: What’s the difference between your head and eggs?
Zuma: Eggs get laid and you don’t!
CNP was left mauless with egg on his ugly face.
Zambians do not learn for growth; it is just a couple of years ago, another Canadian company called Spirit of the River messed up in Mongu and caused a strange disease for fish in the Zambezi River. Here we are courting another Canadian company to do more harm to the mighty Zambezi!
Chimbwi no plan approves plans to disrupt the Chibwi’s natural habitat. This is very ‘chumbu mushololwa’ like
zemuntu mwandepaula mwe. ati nanchumfwa ati napaluba amaso pang’anda, i ye imwe
Wasted and misdirected energies!
What I know is that NGO’s usually get a lot of funding for making such kind of noise.
They are fighting for their pockets as usual. What a betrayal and Injustice for the suffering masses in Luangwa/Chiawa.
Can someone tell me any tangible development the Tourism/Lodges have brought to the area despite paying some guides & chefs usually imported from Lusaka and are already off-season(Seasonal)?
People do not know much about Luangwa that’s why there is not much tourism. In order to take people there, it has to be advertised and people should be encouraged to go and invest there. The current government is fighting for there individual pockets only. More money in there own pockets.
Its good that the High Court has granted an injunction against the Large Scale Mining Licence for Zambezi Resources’ in the Lower Zambezi National Park, however we know what the out come will be knowing PF!
Secondly, in as much as we can talk about the environment etc, how much is the Zambian gvt/citizen’s benefiting from this park. How many Zambia’s can afford to stay in some of the premier camps with rates as high as a $1,000 per person per night? How much are ordinary Zambian workers actually getting that work in these camps especially the junior staff? This mine might be an answer to some local villages in this area
This mine might be in a wrong place but I think it might help lots of the villagers get a decent pay and support their families
The villagers in this area might benefit (which is a big doubt) for only 25 years, the projected life span of this mine. But the environmental calamity the mine is likely to leave behind will affect these same villagers and the wild animals, in and around the park, for decades upon decades to come.
Man, you should read about the environmental damage mining in the USA has done and how the US is struggling to contain the mess left behind. And the US is a rich economy, so how do you expect poor Zambia to deal with the MOST LIKELY scenario of Surface and Ground water pollution that this mine will leave behind? These mining companies can give fake assurances all they want, but experiences with the frequent pollution of the Kafue river in the C/belt should be warning enough!
Without Cecil Rhodes’ BSA & later AngloAmerican & yet later again ZCCM mines, coupled with KK’s free education from the copper proceeds, A LOT of Zambians would be miserable village folk in remote places. I shudder to think how poor and how miserable a place to live Zambia would have been without the copper endowment! We ought to give due respect to copper resource endowment and not despise it. Now some muzungu “colonial” game warden is feeling threatened with loss of niche & status quo by some other financially stronger fellow muzungus from Aussie! Town dwellers who have never set foot in rural Luangwa are up in arms. Others for an easy environmental dollar from donors, others blindly, very few constuctively!
Yes @Blocked by LT; And other town dwellers who have never set foot in rural Luangwa are happy to see this natural marvel destroyed for a few dollars in their corrupt pockets. While others are supporting this venture for an easy ‘Copper’ dollar from ‘easily manipulated Africans’, others with very little understanding of the environmental impact mining can cause, and very few with honest!
@Yambayamba: You can count me among those debating with HONESTY because I was in Luangwa rural in 2010. You turn off to the right at a fish market on GER just before Luangwa river bridge onto a dust bumpy/potholed road traversing a sparsely patchy thorny bush vegetated, hot, dry, rocky, hilly terrain. Occasionally you come across a concentration of local populations around shabbily thatched homesteads and roadside tuntembas with idle youths imbibing tujilijili from the sale of poached game from the GMA. Thank God tujilijili have been banned. I know for a fact that those village folks would like better alternatives and none of us (myself included) should dictate to them! Of course we can advise.
CONTD: When Kavindele wanted to build NWR jealous Zambians throw in spanners, Jacob Sikazwe wanted to build a Legacy hotel in Livingstone the same spoilers throw in spanners! Why can’t you initiate your own projects instead of being jealous & sabotaging others. I am waiting to hear what the local Luangwa folk, their headmen & chiefs will say! They are key stakeholders whose opinion should weigh in heavily. I would rather fight for indigenous Zambians to have shares in the ownership of the mine and the local community to entitled to an agreed % of profits from the mine to plough back into community/chiefdoms for development i.e. trade schools, university scholarships, clinics, maternal health etc
@Blocked by LT, when did local people (headmen, and their subjects ) were ever consulted on projects of this nature? If ever, then it is just for show. But real power lies with Govt big wigs in Lusaka.
How long have copper been mined in the C/belt? And have you been to rural c/belt to see how chiefs, headmen, and ordinary folks have benefited?
Read the Constitution. Any minerals under the Zambian soil belongs to the Govt under the stewardship of the President. So where are you getting this notion that local chiefs, headmen, and people have sway on such matters? Those people living in Lower Luangwa are better off leaving that copper underground until we Zambians learn how to equitably benefit from these resources. Maybe future generations will do a better job of it, not us!
@ Yamba yamba: Even with the constitution saying what you have quoted. There is nothing that stops us from amending the mines and minerals Act so as to ensure indigenous Zambian participation in the ownership of mines and allocation of a given % of profits to local communities. It’s a historical lapse that needs correction. This the battle patriotic Zambians/NGOs should be fighting. The same constitution puts all land in Zambia under the president. But govt has imposed a ban to alienation of customary land to foreigners and if the govt is serious about this it can legislate against the practice WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING in the constitution. SAME TWEAKING can be done to the Mines & minerals Act
You got that right … besides, this project will proceed before the end of this year. Detractors can slow progress but they can’t stop it overall. At one time the whole Zambia was a National Reserve Park with cavemen everywhere.
The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise will prevail over greed, jealousy and any amount of low information. For instance, the new road network to create an Inter-Provincial network could also be classified an environmental hazard in some places.
The whole city of Lusaka is an environmental hazard because it sits on one of the best limestone reserves the world has ever seen. There is a beautiful city 1000 feet below the city center.
All the garbage and other waste management issues are an environmental hazard to the limestone underneath!!!
@ Lad don’t be stupid okay! I am really happy the case is gone to the courts hope justice will previal
I would rather you counter my arguments point by point than call me names. Suffice to say I have never and will not allow myself to sink to the level of name calling or insults!
CONTD 2: Yes the environment is a concern and mitigation measures are necessary. However, these muzungus sponsoring the injunction are in reality are afraid of competition. That’s why they are even celebrating that they sabotaged Protea from building a convention centre in LZNP and complaining about a tarred road! Who doesn’t want a tarred road? Aren’t there tarred roads, hotels and even savvy filling stations in the world renowned Kruger National park in SA where some of the spoiler come from?
The locals from Rural Luangwa/Chiawa, Area MP,Chiefs & Headmen can not wait for the project to take off. Just the other week I saw some news clips in the media where Snr. Chief Mburuma, Chief Mpuka, Chieftaines Chiawa & Area MP Hon. P. Ngoma thanked the GVT for the landmark decision.
Who do the NGO’s/Activists speak for?
They seam to be a bunch of “BROKE/FRUSTRATED/SELFISH” individuals funded by BAZUNGU’s who do not want to see development in the area save for their expensive night camps.
Am watching. NDELOLESHA FYE!!!!
Ba chanda beu dry joke tafiweme….
Ha! ha! ha! I really love that name ” Kanitundila Banda”
For Lawyer fees please we are ready to contribute for this good and just cause. This is for our country, our generation and for generations to come. We must protect it jealously. In Australia those guys would not be allowed to mine on heritage land even potential heritage land.This is also a fight against selfish, greedy and corrupt politicians in our current government of Zambia.
I hope this proposal is Scrapped & never sees the light of day, so these ” Mining Mafias”, can hustle our CORRUPT officials to return their bribes
1. I have never argued ” for arguments sake” & know Mining IS essential for our development & survival.
However Zambians needs to be the “Mine majority Owners” /beneficiaries, reaping most of the profits so we & NOT foreigners call the shots, unlike what happened when (Shame)nda was bootlicking to a ka foreign Mine executive pleading “Yes Boss, Yes’s Bwana”. If you go Australia, USA, or Europe, locals call the shots!
2. Only ETHICAL (GREEN) Mining should EVER be allowed in Zambia, & Capital Punishment should be the sentence for anyone convicted of polluting like Glencore.
YES!!!! About time someone stood up to this corrupt government! I Don’t even know why they still wanted to go ahead with the mining after the advice of the environmental agency, the PF’s doesn’t care about the Health & Safety of the citizens
A short summary of the natural resources that have the potential to be impacted by mining activities in the Lower Zambezi National Park. It is critical that these unique resources be identified, the threats to them recognized, and all efforts made to protect them. The Nature Conservancy believes there are many questions that need be answered to make sound policy decisions on this issue.
What is the exact location and extent of actual strip mine
Expansion plan – what is the potential scale of this mine 5, 10, 50 years
How much water (actual) will this mine use, where will it come from and how will it be returned to the system
What will be leached from the exposed rock, how will this be contained from reaching surface and ground water and how will it be treated
What impact will…
What impact will this mine have on surface and ground water
How does the groundwater move away from this site and what impact will that have on local communities
How will the mine impact surface water, quality, quantity, timing and temperature
How will this project impact endangered species
It is our hope that due diligence is done so that thoughtful and informed decision are made on how to proceed with any mining operation in this area. It is an area of the state that The Nature of the National Park must be Protected at all cost, why will you allow Zambezi Resources to come again to Rip us off our Resources, from the look of things the minister who sign for this must have obtain money from this Zambezi Resources to come and Rip us off our Copper again, we must learn from…
, we must learn from experience we had with MMD Government in regards to Copper Mines. Right now we are still losing Millions in Dollars for our Copper.
Good news…we won’t just sit on our hands and watch …. you chose the wrong decade. Enough is enough! !
Let b practical ‘people who ve been to school’ ve defend & protect the UNLEARNED and the ENVIRONMENT we can a HEADMAN KNO about the environment.
@Block u r TORALLY WRONG. There r things u can frm CHIEVES HAEDMEN & VILLAGERS not this.
This is what the Opposition should be spearheading instead of dwelling on the whereabouts of the President.
They probably have business interests too! I feel no politician can be trusted goes with the job
The animals in Lower Zambezi have been praying for this. May their prayers ascend to the throne of mercy. Why must they be denied the right to live in their rightful habitat the way they have done from creation?
Like the kangaroos of the Australian desert, these animals of Lower Zambezi deserve a life. These money hungry capitalists will do anything to get what they want. They are devoid of even an iota of morality.
A white man thinks that an African is easy to deceive and manipulate.
That is the most racist thing I have ever read here apart from some utterances from HH on Guy Scott. If you think of white people like that why are you still living among them? Do you play an instrument, Mel.
Have you ever played a piano before? It has white keys and black keys!!! You can play a melody with white keys alone if you want to and you can play another melody with black keys only but for harmony you need a combination of black and white.
Grow beyond race my friend, you will accomplish more in life. Every race has issues with can denigrate them for but look beyond that and see the best in fellow human beings, you will live a happier life.
Facts are stubborn things and life is a serious enterprise, my friend.
This project will proceed before the end of this year. Detractors can slow progress but they can’t stop it overall. At one time the whole Zambia was a National Reserve Park with cavemen everywhere.
The smart people of the Zambian Enterprise will prevail over greed, jealousy and any amount of low information. For instance, the new road network to create an Inter-Provincial network could also be classified an environmental hazard in some places.
The whole city of Lusaka is an environmental hazard because it sits on one of the best limestone reserves the world has ever seen. There is a beautiful city 1000 feet below the city center.
All the garbage and other waste management issues are an environmental hazard to the limestone underneath!!! Facts are stubborn things!!!
@B R Mumba, Sr: Yes “facts are stubborn things” albeit only in Africa. For hundreds of years the white man convinced the poor African that a mirror could hide him away from his enemies and danger and for that piece of glass, the poor African was willing to sell away his children, brothers and sisters into slavery.
Today, hundreds of years later, the African is still willing to sell his country and beautiful heritage for a nostalgic smell of tar, in the name of ‘development’.
See how Africa’s elephants and rhinos have been decimated by foreigners just because they happen to have horns! At one time, some whites convinced KK that they could make parafin from certain kind of grass found in Eastern Zambia. But do you know exactly what it was they wanted?
@Mei Matungu ati “elephants have horns”? Take some time to visit Zambia bro
@Clutchplate Banda: Elephants have elongated incisors normally referred to as tusks, equivalent to what one would call horns in other animals. Thanks for being mindful of hair-splitting. The subject matter at hand is of a much more serious and urgent nature.
It’s good that it’s out in the open and being challenged in court – these are signs of a healthy democracy.
It’s an interesting point that absolutely all the pollution from all the mining and all other activities in Zambia either ends up in the Zambezi or the Congo. So all the pollution from the Copperbelt has been going into the Zambezi via the Kafue since mining started there a century ago or more.
People should argue their points anyway. It’s a shame that the Facebook groups etc. that have been formed insist on accusing the government of corruption and criminality. This means any government supporters (some of whom could be very helpful indeed) will not associate with those campaigns as a result of that confrontational, finger-pointing position they have adopted.
@ Mei Matungu “… At one time, some whites convinced KK that they could make parafin from certain kind of grass found in Eastern Zambia.” You always amuse me!!! I don’t really know how best to qualify your arguments because almost always, you are either misinformed or simply not well-informed.
Ever heard of switchgrass? Mu Cibemba ati imisanse … its ideal as an energy crop: It grows fast, capturing lots of solar energy and turning it into lots of chemical energy— cellulose—that can be liquified, gasified, or burned directly. It also reaches deep into the soil for water, and uses the water it finds very efficiently.
Those same scientists left Zambia and moved to Brazil when you all were busy laughing at KK and today Brazil is the world capital of cellulosic biofuels.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) believes that biofuels—made from crops of native grasses, such as fast- growing switchgrass—could reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign oil, curb emissions of the “greenhouse gas” carbon dioxide, and strengthen America’s farm economy.
The Biofuels Feedstock Development Program (BFDP) at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), has assembled a team of scientists ranging from economists and energy analysts to plant physiologists and geneticists to lay the groundwork for this new source of renewable energy.
Included are researchers at universities, other national laboratories, and agricultural research stations around the nation. Their goal, is nothing short of building the foundation for a biofuels industry that will make and market…
Their goal, according to ORNL physiologist Sandy McLaughlin, who leads the switchgrass research effort, is nothing short of building the foundation for a biofuels industry that will make and market ethanol and other biofuels from switchgrass and at prices competitive with fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel.
Can you imagine if the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise took this challenge up, worked with KK and the original team of German scientist in collaboration with the University of Zambia?
our Zambian Enterprise would have been an epicenter of research in ethanol development and marketing strategies around the world. We would have been the go-to nation and an authority in this industry. The Germans had the technology but their country is too cold to grow imisanse.
One thing remains true my friend … KK was a formidable force and under UNIP we brought excerated development to the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise than any other party has so far. We, the party stewards can see what some of our remnants are doing under PF and we applaud that.
The MMD took us back 40 years and up to now have no real infra-structure to point to after 20 years in power. 90% of what you see in Zambia today was built by us, you branded KK as a thieve and after all investigations the real thieves ended up being those from the MMD.
You called KK names … “fonko”. He told you ine nine muleita ati fonko, muka fonka pa mala. Those words came to pass, abena Zambia abengi bali fonkele pamala. KK is the man, one of the greatest men, I have ever met.
@B R Mumba, Sr: Are you one of them? You sound excessively desperate. Why have you decided to change the subject matter of discussion? No one ever chased the researchers you are talking about from Zambia. They left in bad faith and on their own accord.
Different schools of though exist regarding the legendary KK, his accomplishments and misdeeds. The subject deserves a chapter of its own and need not be regurgitated within the context of this very important matter, now at issue here. Please don’t try to divert people’s attention from the current topic of discussion.
Meant to say: “Different schools of thought…” was a typo.
Ever heard of a straw man fallacy, Mei? You operate in that realm. You brought about the discussion of switchgrass (a straw tactic) all because you wanted to denigrate KK in the process and when you found out that you had totally erroneous information and learnt something new, instead of owning up you switched again so that you can get back to the topic which you are still losing because your arguments have no facts.
In bringing back the topic you want to stoop lower by becoming person with another straw man by asking me if I am one of the owners of the project in the Lower Zambezi plain with your cheap shot of “sounding excessively desperate”.
Your level of debate is way below mine but to answer your question … No, I am not part of this projects, my hands are full with others.
Ever heard of a straw man fallacy, Mei? You operate in that realm. You brought about the discussion of switchgrass (a straw tactic) all because you wanted to denigrate KK in the process.
When you found out that you had totally erroneous information and learnt something new, instead of owning up you switched again so that you can get back to the topic which you are still losing because your arguments have no facts.
In bringing back the topic you want to stoop even lower by becoming personal with another straw man; asking me if I am one of the owners of the project in the Lower Zambezi plains with your cheap shot of “sounding excessively desperate”.
Your level of debate is way below mine but to answer your question … No, I am not part of this project, my hands are full with others.
The courts of law should never allow such a project to take off. Animals do not think as much as humans do, surprising to see a minister thinking lower than beasts to go and disturb their sanctuary. Surely, we can’t even calling our country a Christian nation if people entrusted to preside over us are not interested in God’s creation!
The courts of law should never allow such a project to take off. Animals do not think as much as humans do, surprising to see a minister thinking lower than beasts to go and disturb their sanctuary. Surely, we can’t even calling our country a Christian nation if people entrusted to preside over us are not interested in God’s creation!
We pray that some elements within the PF Govt can use this opportunity to re-claim their genetic status as real humans rather than opt to behave as hyenas (Ba Chimbwi) in the Lower Zambezi National Park.
This message from the High Court must also be taken seriously by the Australian Govt (or which ever foreign government) which is signatory to protocols of IUCN and Convention of Biological Diversity which are known to champion the conservation of our ecosystems on this planet. We do not expect that the Australian government can promote the destruction of valuable environments in Africa and vehemently protect their own landscape.
The World must come to the plight of Zambia’s national heritage sites, which will never be replicated if destroyed for short-term love for money.
By the way this Zambezi Environmental saga has made international news: w w w.smh.com.au/business/out-of-africa-problems-for-zambezi-resources-20140207-326y3.html
(mind the gaps in between Ws)
Wait and see. The world is paying attention.
These nations are so consumed by corruption they don’t know a good thing from a bad one. It’s the short insight of a band aide solution meaning short term gain and long term economic losses. A sight soon to be declared by UNESCO as a heritage sight with so much tourism potential to be rapped and turned into a copper mining business. It’s not just right because it imposes so much risk and danger to both animals, local people and tourists. Mining firms are notorious for toxic dumping of waste into lakes, rivers and dams. The Zambezi river is the life source of many surrounding African nations. It would be a catastrophe if this happened. If managed properly tourism in Zambia can create employment especially among youth. *****