Sunday, March 16, 2025

LCC to start charging Bars and night clubs opening early and closing late in the city


Lusaka City Council has paused charges on the bars and night clubs that will be opening early and closing late in the city.

Speaking in an interview to Lusaka City Council Public Relations Manager Mulunda Habeenzu said the LCC have implemented civil laws on bars and night clubs that are to be followed and if they are broken punishment is given.

Mr. Habeenzu said the normal time for the bars to be operating is from 10hrs to 22hrs and night clubs is from 16hrs to 24hrs.

Most councils in the country have un- implemented by laws such as public nuisance laws that have affected the councils smooth operations.

Meanwhile, Mr. Habeenzu says bars and night clubs next to churches will be demolished.

He said the council will demolish the infrastructures if they are found not operating under the conditions they were built at first.

Many bars and night clubs in the city are operating next to churches and they disturb church services with their loud music , among others.

He also appealed to the parents not be sending there children to the bars and urged the operators to be very careful when allowing the youths to enter their bars.

Mr Habeenzu has since advised youths in the country to divert their energies in productive activities that will contribute to the growth and economical development of the nation unlike spending their time and energies on beer drinking.



    • @1.Where you drinking last night?
      Wow wow Ba Mulenga Sata has moved. The guy I was drinking with kuma 02am, and he was the one pleading us to stay in pub until 05 am for security reasons? Thank Mulenga, I think you saved my & friends lives 3 years ago.

    • Iwe Nostradamus you mean you cant read that first sentence? And does it make sense to you? I should be asking you the question ” Are you drunk?”

  1. This very good!The councils must start implimenting bye laws.There must be sanity in the country.People should not be drinking al the time monday to sunday!It affectsdevelopment and makes councils fail to maintain order,!Lusaka can actually win the dirtiest city in the world should there be a competetion!Beer drinkng has greatly contributed to the dirt around the city.People urinste anywhere and most toilets in bars are pathetic!!In other countries like Botswana and South Africa bar and liquor shops opening times are regulated and people know when to buy beer because it is sold all the time!What is wrong withnZambia?

  2. Interesting: Bars will be demolished if the play loud music that disturb the worshipers – don’t the worshipers also make noice for the drinkers; what is the bars were built ealier than the churches in such areas? While I do not condone bar noise, I feel there may be issues with this resolution to demolish noisy bars!

  3. Ba council mwilapenena ku fya bwalwa. Ebutusunga few bakwata utuma tavern. Aku kusenifye ifisoso mu Lusaka. Utuma priorities twenu tuli kwii??

  4. Meanwhile, Mr. Habeenzu says churches next to bars and night clubs will be demolished.
    It seems freedom way will still survive selling chibuku on the street.

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