President Michael Sata should replace his press aide George Chellah because he has hugely mismanaged the presidency with his immature way of handling matters of national importance, says MMD youth diehard coordinator Bowman Lusambo has said.
Lusambo said the MMD youths are happy that the President is back in the country but they wanted him to replace Chellah as his press aide because he had failed the presidency in handling serious national statements.
“We want the President to change Chellah with a mature person bearing in mind that he uses tax payer’s money when he does not know how to do his duties,” Lusambo said.
Lusambo said Chellah does not communicate to the people of Zambia in the manner befitting the presidency especially when dealing with the public relations surrounding the presidency.
He said the Landon holiday trip; Chellah in his statement did not mention the President’s delegation and that the President’s working holiday had been turned into a fiasco because it was hugely mishandled.
“We wanted to know the delegation the President went with to Landon. Know one knows which Minister accompanied the President to Landon. He just said the President was having a 14days working holiday in London,” Lusambo said.
He said Chellah never informed Zambians which investors the President was going to be meeting in London.
Lusambo said the country needed a press aid who was mature and not someone who would be just saying yes to whatever the President told him to do.
“Chellah has failed the people of Zambia because he is just a yes bwana person to the president. He needs to be disagreeing to certain things which the President wants him to be telling t us. He must be telling the president what is right and wrong when it comes to information of the State,” he said.
Lusambo said the country needed a mature person who would be explaining to the people of Zambia in details concerning the president’s trips unlike what was happening now when Chellah was the President’s press aid.
He said this was why in 2016 the Zambian people would replace President Sata with MMD president Nevers Mumba.
you were speaking sense only to mess up with a stupid conclusion.in your own senses if you are sincere enough with your self which zambian do you think can vote for nevers mumba?
nevers is just taking MMD to the sewer just like tilyenji has taken UNIP to the gutter.
george chellah must be replace,the statements coming from his office are always leaving a very bad taste in the mouths of many a zambia.too childish
Ka george chella nika toilet paper fye. Very stup1ty and immature. This is the boy whi write on behalf of the old serpent’s facebook account and press releases. Hence immaturity.
Ba Lusambo naimwe muli chipuba fye, mwe chipuba mwe. How can you end with that statement? You think Sata will win 2016 elections? In the first place, is he gonna make it there?
Chloroquin,in HH camp.Always reacting with a sewer mouth when HH is not mentioned on this internet campaign platform for HH and UPnD.May the Lord deliver you,you the misled HH followers.To stop this self overated characters,let’s wait for 2016.
Why is that always the HH and UPND minions have vulgar lannguage especially where their preferred candidate is not mentioned as the 2016 president.And how can God redeem Zambia through these non-God Fearing pipo.God does not use bitter and non-God fearing characters.HH change for the better,together with your sympathizers.
I agree George Chellah is very immature and he acts like he never went to school!
How about his Boss?
Lusambo is right, there is too much misinformation and concealing of the truth. Looking at the president’s arrival pictures one notices that the so called first lady is missing and the whereabouts of the presidential jet are kept secret.
As for George Chellah he is nothing but a boot licking PF cadre striving to make a living.
Chellah is only doing his Job! How do you know the president dictates to him or only puts his signature down? Every aid acts and plays differently with every diffrent Boss! Move him aside and the new aide will do exactly what Chellah did though in a different tone! In short… dont blame Chellah he is only carrying out his duties unless you want him fired for not following the command!
If his boss is happy with how he does his work, it means that is his boss’s style of working. Remember Chella is answerable to his boss only. Unfortunately, this boss is soooo happy with him, period….
Spot On!!
Ise bena Zed siti nvela bana ti uza ba SATA ati ni ba “Donchi kubeba” -campaign slogan. But we still voted for them. What do we want to know from innocent people who declared that they were “donchi Kubeba” We should really be blaming ourselves for voting for don’t kubeba. They are fulfilling the election promise they made. As for G Chella one does not know what to say. I wonder how many presidents in Africa have the calibre of Chella as a press aid for head of state. Looking at the responses from state there is no justification for the tone state house has set in response to genuine criticisms which are normal i a democracy.
Is ‘Chellah’ a Zambian name? If it is then the rascal cannot even spell his own name correctly!!
Sometime in the 80s the fashion of adding ‘h’ at the end of a name whose letter was a particular vowel (especially ‘a’, ‘o’ and ‘I’) went viral, to borrow a cliche. Hence the offspring suffering questioning of nationality today… Of course Chandah, Bandah, Mwazih and Choongoh failed to take off, among others
Lusambo: Are you mature yourself. Talk of monkeys laughing at each other backsides (ifipato). This is a perfect example!
A president’s mouth piece must be a proffessional fixer whose not afraid to make bold decisions bordering on preservation of presidency and national security. Not just because. Foresight and the ability to analyse the mood of the people is key for this job. Chellah lacks these qualities, thetefore a waste of tax payers money.
Remember Sata throwing a fit of rage that a letter addressed to him was also copied to others? That’s the caliber of educational dwarfs running GRZ .For all his misfiring George Chella is just flocking with fellow birds of a feather.
One doesn’t need to be very wise to come to this conclusion.
Ba LT naimwe……. Landon instead of London. Also you have written KNOW ONE KNOWS….. when it should read No one knows….
I suggest that Chella should be replaced by one mature Kenneth Maduma.
Leave George Chellah alone,and who does Lusambo think he is ,he is just a parasite who shud not even be interviewed by any meaningful journalist who understand the ethics of jornalism.
Look people, we had Sakala during Chiluba also that young man under RB. They were both drunk with power and arrogant but projected some importance of the highest office in the land. You could feel that that office is important. With George Chellah, state house seems so childish. There is no dignity but pomposity about state house. He behaves like those spoiled rich kids who just exist to enjoy the money made by the father without knowing and caring how he made it.
Honestly UPND must easy down,they should not overate themselves with insulting other parties.I for one with a voters card won’t be voting for UPND or PF.He who laughs last,laughs best.
Lusambo is MMD not UPND.
No mention of UNDP in article.You have issue with UPND?
UPND is a one Province party. That is why l left it some months ago. They will not win 2016 election come rain , come what may.Let Lusambo be appointed then so he can work better than george.
what do you expect with a certificate from Evelyn hone George..kekekeke
Zambians are so jealousy of one’s achievement and instead of supporting your fellow youth over his achievements you are busy throwing tantrums at each other. No wonder we can not achieve anything tangible. You are the same chaps who have been complaining day in day out that this govt is full of old fellows in strategic positions and yet again you can,t support George chellah your fellow youth(jealousy izamipayani). What can Bowman Lusambo offer to the people of zambia,Have you forgotten how he used to behave with his fellow MMD salvages?To start with even his level of education is very low and he can,t even speak fluently in english as compared to George. Foolish thinking by some of you muzafa na jealosy. Viva George Chellah brotherman
Does George Chellah got a training in public service administration ? If not then, there is a big problem because it seems he is only good in journalism.