Sunday, March 16, 2025

Probe on who leaked the Final Draft Constitution still on – Kapeya


Chief Government Spokesperson Mwansa Kapeya
Chief Government Spokesperson Mwansa Kapeya

Chief Government Spokesperson, Mwansa Kapeya said investigations into the leaked final draft constitution circulated on the internet last month are still ongoing.

Mr. Kapeya could not however say how long the investigations will take to be concluded.

He however said that government will avail the public with the findings of the investigations once they have been concluded.

Asked what is government’s position on the constitution making process which seems to have stalled, Mr. Kapeya has told Qfm News in a telephone interview that government is first dealing with the issue of the investigation into the leaked document.


  1. Dishonorable Minister of Misinformation and lies, please take note that one can only “leak” a document that is classified “Confidential”. The Draft constitution was never such a document but a public document. Therefore you should be seeking to know who “shared” the public document with th rightful owners.

    • PF is really a joke, is this man just confirming that, what was leaked is actually the final draft??? if so then whats the hold-up all about??? With this confirmation from the Honorable Minister of Information i declare that you all go ahead and download the document..its the final one!!!

    • Whats all this stupidity about leaking the constitution? I thought the constitution is no secret document and it is supposed to be seen and accessed by every body.

      Only such things as an exam or state secret can be leaked. Unless Sata and the PF have decided to make our constitution a secret and a preserve of a few top PF useful idi.ots its no secret at all.


  2. First you claim that the draft has not been availed to GRZ (state house), and then start investigating the source of the leaked document.So how do you know that the leaked document is the same draft that should have been handed over to your boss?

    • Surely the government is confirming that the leaked document is the final document. How else would they institute investigations pertaining to its “leakage”? Zambians do not have to be rocket scientists to figure out this one.

      Government, please take heed of what Zambians are saying by delivering the constitution. Let us have the new constitution, please and get on with development. Zambia is a rich country and we do not deserve what we are getting from our God-given natural and human resources. You in government are getting your salaries, gratuities and retirement packages. The rest and majority of Zambians look to you as government to create an atmosphere for the economic and social empowerment of ALL Zambians. Please do these things.

  3. And I suppose they’ll be investigating this till after the 2016 elections? God help us! And I’m not talking about TB Joshua’s prophesy.

  4. This govt is now playing with us. Does it really matter whether the final draft document was leaked or not?! Does it, really? if the contents are legitimate, why not proceed to the next steps as you carry on the so called investigations?

    These guys are taking us for a ride. They leaked the document so they can have an excuse to delay the process and hold the 2016 elections under the old constitution.

    We are watching…

  5. It is spectacular that this minister is even paid to release such statements. What is the problem is not that the document leaked, but what are the next steps considering that multiples of 90 days have gone by. Really this is all your govt is investing in, in this time and age it is difficult to cut off leaking of documents of that nature while there are soft copies on people’s computers.

  6. Government has not received the copy of the draft Constitution, meaning they don’t know what is contained in it. The government has not confirmed the authenticity of the leaked copy. Now could this be a confirmation that the leaked one is the draft copy we have been crying for. I think its easier to release the leaked copy to the public than to investigate who leaked OUR draft copy to US the RIGHTFUL OWNERS. Zambians are more interested in the Draft Copy of the Constitution than the investigations!!!!

  7. When will this drama come to an end sure? God forbid, can the probing of leaked constitution today become a reason for not giving us the much needed people’s draft constitution? Tata wee……

  8. Watchdog gave us the 11th copy which the govt is now studying,kekekeke…..i wonder why thy have abandoned the ‘original’ copy. I echo the sentiments of one zambian who said that ”the leaked copy looks good, why cant we adopt it?”

  9. One would have thought that Kapeya’s recent ‘working holiday’ in the USA would somehow open up his eyes but alas being one of the countless PF illiterates that was not possible. Just look at his sheepish ‘smile’.

  10. Like the proverbial foolish man who leaves a burning house to pursue a fleeing mouse. You know that the people of Zambia are only interested in the swift enactment of the new constitution and then you go on a fishing expedition to investigate who ‘leaked’ a public document. Could you people in PF do any worse?

  11. Hon Minister, it is pointless to chase rats when the house is on fire. Use your precious time to put out the fire and save the PF house from destruction.

  12. This man was very good when he was hosting Kabusha takolelwe bowa, but now he has joined PF lies. Now they are using the leakage to divert our attention from having the constitution.

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