Sunday, March 16, 2025

LAZ demands release of final draft constitution


LAZ president James Banda
LAZ president James Banda

The Law Association of Zambia has demanded the release of the draft constitution by whoever is holding on to the document.

LAZ president James Banda whose association is one of the conveners of the Oasis Forum has told Qfm in an interview that they have been able to confirm that the technical committee has finished its work hence government should release the document.

Mr. Banda states that it will be irresponsible for the constitution making process to fail at this stage considering the time and resources invested in the process.

He says responsible people should behave in a responsible manner, stating whoever is holding on to the document should release it instead of having scenarios where the document has to be leaked through the media.

Mr. Banda adds that government should release the draft constitution and state clearly what the next step is in the constitution making process.

He states that the next stage of the constitution making process should not be a mystery as government had promised to inform the Zambian people of next step once the technical committed had completed its work.

The LAZ president adds that as the draft constitution is being released, the referendum commission should be put in place stating that the Electoral Commission of Zambia can be converted into referendum commission so that they start preparing for the referendum.

Mr. Banda is optimistic that the country will have a new constitution as long as Zambians do not relent in demanding for their constitution.

And Opposition United Liberal Party (ULP) President Sakwiba Sikota has charged that the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has no excuse not to pass the Access to Information Bill in the current seating of Parliament which resumed seating yesterday.

Mr. Sikota says this is because the process of enacting the Access to Information legislation has been long outstanding and there should be no further pretext of not passing the bill the current seating of Parliament.

Mr. Sikota has told Qfm News in an interview that failure by the ruling PF to pass the bill will be an indication that government has no political will to enact the law.

And the ULP leader has implored government to prioritize the release of the final draft constitution.

Mr Sikota says this will pave the way for Members if Parliament to start deliberating on the document


  1. Agreed! Didn’t know that the 50%+1 was such a pain to any ruling party, fearing for one term office. I hope all those making noise in the opposition understand the implication. Us, we want the constitution; we want to be able to change parties that don’t perform like dirty clothes! What do you do with dirty clothes that you can no longer wear in public – discard!

  2. The people’s draft constitution was not a classified document for Kapeya to start saying it was leaked. Its actually Winter Kabimba who wittingly released the soft-copy to the social media being the most read and influential media platform every Zambian has an eye on.

    As such, the publication amounts to nothing illegal but an act of patriotism. Zambians deserved to see a comprehensive dossier of their submissions and value for money gone into this constitutional making process.

    Now everyone has seen it which is good for the country and inclusive democratic process. It’s a people’s document and a PF’s proprietary copy.

    • I meant

      “and not a PF proprietary copy”.

      PF should immediately stop taking Zambians for granted. They risk an internal implosion from a tired populace of PF culture of dangerous lies and incompetency. Zambians deserve progress and not these kitchen sink theories synonymous with a lamentably failing Groupthink.

      A constitution is a very serious document and source of civil strife in many countries if mishandled. Throughout history, manipulative dictators have been crashed in many others countries. Be careful of people power.

  3. Releasing the draft constitution will spell doom to PF rule! That is their outmost fear. The draft constitution pose the most danger to the rule of PF than anything else in Zambia today. clauses like 50+1 and running mate are a big danger to the PF. Suppose HH and Mumba decide to be running mates, it means total wipe out for PF and that is their fear.

  4. LAZ are serious hypocrites! They talk about the constitution and yet they are mute on the rotten justice system starting from ZIALE.

    LAZ please clean up your closet!

  5. PF should just do the right thing and let the people know what is in the draft. If they are not happy they can campaign against it. Simple . They have ran out of excuses for not releasing the document .

  6. Mwanawasa’s legacy was fighting corruption and bringing the economy back on track, Chiluba was liberilising the the economy, Kaunda was education and unifying the country, Banda just continued where LPM left off. I wonder what will be Sata’s legacy?

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