Sunday, March 16, 2025

Womens lobby condemn the brutal beating of a 35 year old woman by Police


The Zambia National Women’s Lobby would like to add its voice to those condemning the actions of some overzealous police officers in Mazabuka.
We are appalled by the brutal beating and harassment of Emily Manyoni of Zambia Compound by the said police officers without due regard of the law.

We must hasten to state that such barbaric actions are not only unacceptable but also a drawback to the progress so far made with regards to the respect and observance of human rights.

By inflicting such harm, the police officers denied Manyoni of her right to be presumed of innocent until proven guilty by the courts of law.
We therefore call on the Inspector General of Police Ms. Stella Libongani to discipline the erring officers and provide the victim with redress through the laid down procedures because it would be unfortunate for the police who are the custodians of the law to condone such illegality.

Further we implore the police command to put in place safeguards that will ensure that such actions are not repeated in future.
As a Civil Society Organisation concerned with the welfare of women, we will not sit idle while the rights of women and other citizens are trampled on with impunity.



    • LT really??? How does one support a cause without background info. Give us something to chew then we can decide the direction of the spittle. An update would be appreciated.

    • @ Nakabalika
      Really? Irrelevant of what she did, who give right to the Police Officers to “administer justice”?
      Have you by any chance heard of Rule of Law?
      It looks like you are one of those prehistoric animals which enjoy violence.

  1. Ba Beauty Katebe, help the woman to seek legal redress, do not just be (NATO) No Action Talk Only. This is where your funding should be made use of.

  2. “By inflicting such harm, the police officers denied Manyoni of her right to be presumed of innocent until proven guilty by the courts of law.”

    Hang on….. what does this have to do with it? Even if found guilty she (or indeed any person!) should NOT be subject beating and police brutality!

  3. These Women’s lobby people, will they only act i a woman’s rights is violated? What about all other humans who get beaten everyday? We want human rights, not rights forspecific groupings. Otherwise we men will also stop caring if it is not a man who has been victimized.

  4. Beating by police are illegal , Period. Once people start doing something about it then maybee there will be a change. To those of you who might consider that police beatings are somehow inevitable or necessary to maintain law remember that there is no evidence that police brutality anywhere in the world has made anyopne safer or reduced crime, rather its a sign of a repressive and backward society.

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