It is disgraceful and heart breaking for the entire Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba speaking people to be consigned to a grass thatched hut because President Michael Sata does not want him to ascend to power.
Chikondi Foundation president Bishop John Mambo and NAREP president Elias Chipimo have urged President Sata to heed the advice of the Catholic Bishops and the church to stop interfering in traditional affairs, and let Chitimukulu ascend to the status that his people have honoured him to occupy.
Chipimo said that the decision by the PF government to deploy police officers and barricade Paramount Chief Chitimukulu Kanyanta Manga ii from occupying his official palace in Malole was unwarranted and unacceptable.
He said that the continued harassment of Paramount Chief Chitimukulu was a scandal and must be stopped.
He said that it was not the duty of government to decide who becomes the Chitimukulu of the Bemba Speaking people of Kasama.
“This decision should be left for the Bemba people to choose their own chief. Government must leave the issues of tradition to the royal establishments. They should not interfere at all,” he said.
And Bishop Mambo said it was disgraceful for a whole Chief to live in a shack that was not even fit for a school boy.
The Chikondi Foundation president said that what was happening to Paramount Chief Chitimukulu was heart breaking and disgraceful and therefore should be stopped forthwith.
He said people need to start respecting traditional rulers, “treating leaders like this must stop.”
Bishop Mambo said that there was no joy in impoverishing traditional leaders, adding that the main duty of government was to ensure that all traditional leaders were taken care of.
“The PF government must not keep chiefs like they were councillors. What the government must know is that no one can write history without mentioning the Bemba’s.”
He said it would be sad to celebrate 50 years of independence when such harassment was still happening to the traditional leaders.
Mambo said the church prays that President Sata could consider resolving the issue before Zambia celebrates its 50 independence anniversary.
Only a mad person would think he can stop Mwine Lubemba from ascending to his throne. Shame on Sata
Not only am I convinced Sata is mad, but will decampaign him in the entire Bembaland. In the end, it’s Sata that will be disgraced.
Am sorry but this is hilarious. It’s no disgrace to me!
Bembas are so gullible. That kind of treatment to chiefs can only take place in Bemba land not any where else in Zambia. Was the palace built by sata or what? Bembas you are a disgrace to Zambian chiefdoms. How on earth can you let a non entity who begged and lied to be a ruler to decide how you choose your chiefs. Other tribes would never accept such idi.ocy from a madman Sata.
GBM this is your chance to shine. Organise a big protest in Kasama and call on all bembas rise and to push for the enthronement of your granddad. If you can’t do this then your ambition to lead Zambia is highly compromised and questionable.
Bembas are sacrificial lambs in Zambia any one can do they pleases to them without raising a finger.I will not be surprised to hear that has declared him self the…
Bembas are sacrificial lambs in Zambia. Any one can do they pleases to them without them raising a finger.
I will not be surprised to hear that SATA has declared him self the Chitimukulu in the coming months.
Bembas arise and save your chiefdom.
Just a few questions, is this his personal Toyota Prado or one issued by the State? If it’s personal why doesn’t he sell it to arrange better accommodation, if not why did the State not take it away since he is not recognized as such. Where was he living before all this confusion. Is he also trying to exerggerate the situation to make a point or simply to try and gain sympathy. All the same the Bemba poeple still recognize him, so it shouldn’t matter much where he lives.
So traditionally Chitimukulu-Sosala can not go back to his “former” house where his family still is?
Why can’t the “tradition” leaders offer Sosala a different Palace since Sata s interested in the main Chitimukulu Palace?
@ WANZELU, iwe siunvela, kkkkkkkkk
Let it be done to him(Sata) what he has done to others……..What you plant you reap!
Nebuchadnezzar ate grass. He thought no one could take him out of the throne. Woe unto him who thinks that position is an assignment to oppress others
I am not Bemba but Zambian. To see one of us being treated in this manner is heart breaking. I have a feeling that Mr Sata’s ending wont be pretty. His misrule of this country where the majority of Zambians are complaining, disrespected and down trodden will bring calamity for him.
Correctly said. And this is it. Insults to all Zambian traditional rulers by PF government is out of place. We are now calling all Zambian citizens and the chiefs to condemn this un warranted attitude.
@ Luapula Deriere
You are back with usual dumb-a*** comment. Looking for few pieces of silver?
you are more retarded than that dog vormit who you support.
This ka ma chief is fake! How can he falsely tell us he is living in this ka ma hut? Mwilatusebanya . Atase!! ifyakutumpa fye.
I do not believe the Chitimukulu-elect lives in that small hut. It does not add up. Where did he live before he was to ascend to this position? Where is his family? Why cant GBM give him better shelter? GBM left Govt because of the ill treatment the Chitimukulu is receiving at the hands of Govt. Can someone enlighten.
Look they are rituals that the chief goes through form that hut and he must go to the palace and not anywhere else after he’s installed. He can’t simply go to his house
The chitimukulu, and zambians in general are being punished for choosing Sata. Sata is a dictator at heart, despite being an elected individual. Lessons to be learned and not forgotten !!
What has happened to Paramount Chief Chitimukulu and for this long now is extremely shameful and utter cruel. I can see also what happened to Nurses who could have only forfeited their pay for the days not worked but end up being fired and so many of them! Even when their are legal issues surrounding the Bemba Paramount Chief govt cannot come in with such sustained heavy hand. Just who then is the right person to rise to the throne? Some foot prints PF is leaving behind are too grossly wrong, even denting many good things they have been achieving. There is always a better way of dealing with issue. The PF instigated Chitimukula saga is too awalfully smelly to live with. Some one will pay for this. Passage of time has solutions.
Bishop, just leave Sata alone. Do him a donchi kubeba. This thing is defintely going to backfire in 2016 elections. If he is given some sense as you are doing to solve it, the Bemba vote may still be his in 2016, if not (assuming our northern brothers can ever vote for other tribes) Zambia will have solved her biggest huddle to good governance and effective and efficient development. Give him enough enough rope to hung himself properly by just ignoring the deliberate act now until near 2016.
For how long will this saga continue? However I do not ba Sosala live in that hut.
What if Solala dies before the issue is resolved? Sata will have to carry the curse on his head. Maybe he has already been bewitched.
All you people commenting here to do understand the issues surrounding the ascendance to Chitimukulu including this” Bishop”, so I urge you all to do some research before making uninformed comments and pronouncements. What you should under stand here is that according to the Bemba Kingdom rules from its foundation in Zambia, Two chiefs Namely Mwamba and Nkula are supposed to ascend to Chitimukulu on a rotational basis. However, what has been happening in the recent past is that only chiefs from Mwamba Chiefdom have ascended to the Paramount Chief giving no chance for Nkula chiefdom. This has been very unfair to the people on Nkula chiefdom and in particular Inchinga (present day Chinsali). So banishing of Sosala by the President is correct and meant induce equity. H.E M.C SATA is right
But is that SATA’s duty to see who becomes chitimukulu and who doesnt?
@King fisher or Chembe, you are missing the point. H E M.C.S has the obligation to ensuring equity as a President, a citizen and for that matter A Bemba with roots from Inchinga. He may not have the duty to appoint Chitimukulu and he has not appointed one with regard to this issue. All he wants is equity, Chief Nkula this time around to be Chitimukulu period!. Get facts right than allow your sentiments to be influence by cheap propaganda.
@LUAPULA PREMIER ……..did I miss your comment on the President Sata’s ban of debate on constitution? And this is not meant to disrespect this important discourse on traditional affairs which as able bloggers have rightly advised should be left to bashilubemba.
Unless otherwise, this story and the image in it is suspicious to me and is meant to make up some controversy. Are you guys really telling me that this guy never had a proper home before being nominated Paramount chief? why not return to his house while the case is still being debated etc. Please don’t tell me such an old person and king to be, related to one of Zambia’s riches person has lived in such deplorable state all his life.
But why is he living in a “shack that is not even fit for a school boy”?
I find this whole sentence very backward and enslaving. “It’s not fit for the chief but in a way it would be fit for some ‘boy’ ?” Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery…no one but ourselves can free our minds. We still believe, in our African mentality which is synonymous with backwardness that a village should be a place without electricity, running tap water, tarred roads and many more amenities found in cities – wrong!!!! Archaic and barbaric way of thinking. A village should have everything and the only difference from the city is that it will be smaller and have mostly people from the same clan or related in one way or the other – not mandatory though
@Monk Sq Analysis:
You can not be President of Zambia if somebody else is occupying State House in Lusaka. That is why anybody overthrowing the government has to occupy State House. In the same way Sosala Kanyanta Manga II can not be Chitimukulu in the real sense if he can not occupy his village accross the Kalungu river. Since it appears he has been prevented from crossing, he has to stay as near as possible “mu nsakwe” ready to cross and take the capital at the earliest opportunity. That is what that hut means. In ancient times he would have mobilised an “impi” and staged an assault on the capital accross the river.
Has he really been kicked out by force or he himself got out as a way of protesting like those guys in prison who opt for hunger strike? I dont believe the whole lot of that Chiefdom would allow such a thing to happen! Zambians yet again dramatising events making a mountain out of a mole hill.
The problem is that we are not getting the stories from state house about why the president does want this chief on the throne.
In its fairness, this is not where the chief to be, I can say can be living. May the president have his own reasons that we a Zambians can see because whatever the president does is not good, this I say let him stick to working and make Zambians happy, then the good from the mouths of people will come.
Only the truth can set some one free. Am from the east and I dont favour any tribe because no tribe is superior to another. So be HH, Chipomo, Sondashi, can lead but must lead bearing in mind to unit all of us and work for the sake of our children so that when they are not there the country will be prosperous. God help Zambia.
Does someone the real reason why Sata is so pissed off with Sosala. I don’t believe this alleged planned imposition a bisa chief in collusion with Luo. It must be some serious differences between the two men which MCS has taken “personal”
Don’t not be cheated my friend no Bisa can become Chitumukulu. True Bembas are also found in Mpika. A good example is Chief Chikwanda of Mpika. H.E MC Sata is not Bisa but true Bemba from Mpika with roots from Inchinga. Ready widely about the Bemba Kingdom and get your facts right!
sorry ment to say: Does someone know the real reason why Sata is so pissed off with Sosala. I don’t believe this alleged planned imposition a bisa chief in collusion with Luo. It must be some serious differences between the two men which MCS has taken “personal”
It’s up to Sata to clear the air! But he’s donchi kubeba all the way. Hilarious!
I find this had to believe, people do you honestly think that Chitimukulu cant afford decent accommodation. If he is truly GBM ‘s relative. why has let him live in such conditions. …. lets try to be realistic
Sata is totally misplaced on this one. He has created division between the bembas and bisas which will take time to mend. surprisingly it seems no one in PF apart from GBM is advising on this crucial and embarrassing issue. Even the educated ones like Prof Nkandu Luo istead of giving good advice to Sata they were in the forefront try to confuse bashilubemba in the choice of their Chief. They bembas have a saying that ngulungwe bwalya umwaka umo washika nobuchinga. Is Sata going to go back to the bembas to ask for a vote?
@Kalungu Wa Lubemba, I can assure you that there are no differences between the Bemba and the Bisa people. They are blood brothers and nothing can separate them. The Bemba Kingdom is for the bena Ngandu and no Bisa can succeed to the Bemba line. The Bisa Kingdom is for the bena Ng’ona and no true Bemba can attempt to usurp the Bisa line. The Boundaries were divided and agreed a long time ago and the two lines from Mukulumpe have been living close together. In fact two Bisa Chiefs, namely Chibesakunda and Kabanda in Chinsali are surrounded by Bemba Chiefs. Mr Sata should be fighting to re instate and bring Chief Kambwili back from Lundazi to Muchinga Province.
Behold, there will be hell-fire, very, very soon…the govt has spilled it; this will be Rambo in First Blood …ancestral anguish was always a very bad omen in ALL human cultures – wina azavina yaku St. Vitus…very very soon !
If according to some info coming thru from some privy individuals is to go by; chieftainship cannot be shared. The lineage should be known and not this line one day and the other the next! Disband chitimukulu and install chitimunono so we can wipe the slate clean and start again.
Their is nothing wrong, the chitimukulu is a Villager and all his life has spent in grass thatched houses, what should change NOW? he is under Probe so no need of building him a mansion, u can take a villager from a village but not his village ideas
You are another ignoramus. Kanyanta Sosala is an educated man not a villager. He is however umwina Ng’andu so when time came for him to become a chief he went back Ku Lubemba. Also, if you have any grey matter in your head, you should not believe everything you read but do your own research.
Not only educated by but one of early engineers with flying colours in academia that Zambia has produced produced.
Even this BKB is not making sense. The fact is that there is bashilubemba there who decides who acsends to p/ chitimukulu and sata can never undertake the mission of harmonising by means of exhibiting so much hate for the man (Sosala). Besides has Sata told anyone why he has blocked sosala from Ascension? Sata as a president can only be informed by bashilubemba whome they have deemed fit to occupy the paramouncy. So don’t confuse people and make a declaration that sata is right, he is wrong.
@ uwakaele u seem to be think skinned. Please do not be misled, according to the history of the Bemba kingdom it is either Chief Mwamba or Chief Nkula who can ascend to the throne of Chitimukulu. But your so called Bashilumbe for reasons best know to themselves have not carried out their duties according the Bemba royal establishment with regard to succession to Chimukulu as in the recent past have NOT rotated throne but sided with Chiefdom (Mwamba) were Sosala is coming from. What the President is saying, me included is that Sosala is not the rightful person (Chief Mwamba) to ascend to the throne but Chief Nkula Period!
@ 18.1 BKB
Thank you for enlightening the ignorant people. They think that Mpika is all Bisa. What they don’t know is that Kanyanta Sosala is former Chief Mpepo of Mpika. Even the last Chitimukulu, the late Chilufya Mwango, was formerly Chief Mpepo of Mpika. Most previous Senior Chief Nkulas of Chinsali have been former Chief Chikwanda of Mpika. This shows that the Bemba part of Mpika is very important Ku Lubemba. I have also said several times on these blogs that Sata is not Bisa but Bemba but they choose to believe the conspirators. By the way I am not a Sata supporter but merely stating facts.
I am NOT disputing that Mpika has bemba chiefdoms especially to the north. However sata has himself STATED that he is BISA eg when he was assaulted at UNIP MP shart banda’s funeral who was chewa.He shookit off as traditional cousinship between chewas & bisas. This reminds me of LPM who insisted was lenje but lambas wanted to claim him. 2ndly it your own bashilubemba who have been spinning this yarn that Sata & Luo want to impose a bisa chief which ridiculous bcoz sata cant take a chief from bisas and impose him on bashilubemba. Bottom line is that there is serious hatred/difference between sosala & sata. The sooner the root cause of this hatred is addressed the better the chances of resolving the standoff. The refusal to recognize sosala is just a symptom so find a cure for the cause.
@26.1 Quest – Don’t lie. Bashi Lubemba never called Sata a Bisa or accused him of wanting to impose a Bisa chief. What they questioned was why Sata hates Kanyanta Sosala and why he wants to recognised Chiefs Chewe and Chimbuka of Chinsali – these by the way are Bembas but from the banished Ngoshe Mukote lineage. This is what Bashilubemba said ” Umupamba twaisatola twatola ukutila ilyo tulelwila ukuti naifwe umubemba nao atungululepo icalo kanshi twaifwanta icimuti palukasa”. So don’t lie my friend.
Lambas are a confused tribe. They are a breed between Bantu botatwe and Bisas. They are quarter Bisa and three quarters Lenje. Just listen to their dialects for you to know this fact.
@ QUEST In bemba, we say Ilyashi Lya pansaka Musenda Chipuba, this seem to apply to you. You must have head His Excellency on public forum saying He His Bisa, you got it all wrong. H.E MCS is pure Bemba with roots from Inchinga.
@ BKB: Lets agree to disagree. You keep your view and I will keep mine. No need to start calling each other names whilst Sata is probably downing an extra mature scotch after a stressful day. Cheers
Eating is surely a serious issue no wonder uncle Daniel has admitted why he is in government. Hunger made Esau sell his birth right to his twin brother Jacob. I cant believe this is happening in our country and bemba ministers apart from GBM are busy worshiping the emperor. What business has the BRE got to do with HEMCS. Let him just be concerned with so many issues that needs his urgent attention and leave Chitimukulu alone with his subjects the Bemba speaking people.
where are the Bembas in all this mess..?who are they..identify yourselves..apart form GBM..I don’t know any..!lol..how do you allow your Chief in that squatter’s house./…
@26.1 Quest – Don’t lie. Bashi Lubemba never called Sata a Bisa or accused him of wanting to impose a Bisa chief. What they questioned was why Sata hates Kanyanta Sosala and why he wants to recognised Chiefs Chewe and Chimbuka of Chinsali – these by the way are Bembas but from the banished Ngoshe Mukote lineage. This is what Bashilubemba said ” Umupamba twaisatola twatola ukutila ilyo tulelwila ukuti naifwe umubemba nao atungululepo icalo kanshi twaifwanta icimuti palukasa”. So don’t lie my friend.
Ba Mutale Chikwanda: You putting words in my mouth. What I said is Sata has stated in the past that he is Bisa. A point which I have advised BKB @28 that we agree to disagree. Secondly I said bashilubemba have accused him of wanting to impose a bisa chief. To put in another way he has been accused of wanting to impose Luo’s brother chief chibesakunda a bisa (ridiculous). In another twist he has been accused of wanting to impose chief chewe a “bisa” which is ridiculous because since when did chief chewe chiefdom become part of the bisa ethnic group? But I agree with you and bashilubemba that there is SERIOUS HATRED between the two men. The sooner the root cause of this hatred between the two men is addressed the better for both of them and all well meaning Zambians regardless of tribe!
@ 31.1 Quest – I still beg to differ. The accusation of wanting to impose Luo’s brother Chief Chibesakunda (a bisa) is an invention of ZWD and people with an agenda like theirs. What I know is that Sata wants Chief Chewe to become Chitimukulu because he is a PF cadre but Chewe is Bemba not Bisa. I don’t understand the bit where you say “In another twist he has been accused of wanting to impose chief chewe a “bisa” which is ridiculous because since when did chief chewe chiefdom become part of the bisa ethnic group?”
I am happy my cousins now knows why it’s bad to vote for tifuna mubemba (tulefwaya uwa kumwesu).Look at your wa kumwesu has done to you now.Next elections you need to vote wisely & normally for a thinking person weather he’s bemba or none bemba.previously you insulted Mwanawasa a lot and denied to vote for him for the rest of his life because of being from Lenje tribe. Remember tribe has nothing to do without wisdom. L.P.Mwanawasa was wiser than Sata.HH is wiser than sata,people lets support Him.HHHHHHHHHH
In the war of words to discredit the bemba chief chewe whom you refer to as a PF cadre. Some are saying he cannot trace his lineage to Ngoshe Mukote and is actually “bisa” which ridiculous. Yes he may be a “PF cadre” but that does not make him bisa. Maybe this is another ZWD invention
We must understand that the chief is a very educated man, if you have read his articles in The Post before you can agree to this. I believe he has better properties, however, there are procedures before you go to the palace and one of it is that, that small hut is a sacred place where certain rituals are performed as part of procedure. He cannot come from anywhere apart from the hut to the throne. As soon he was chosen chief, he ceases to be an ordinary member of the chieftainship.