Sunday, March 16, 2025

CBU students welcome intention by government to recruit ‘Ethiopian’ lecturers


FILE: Students from the Copperbelt University protesting against management
FILE: Students from the Copperbelt University protesting against management

Students at the Copperbelt University (CBU) have welcomed the intention by government to recruit PhD engineering lecturers from Ethiopia to teach at the university.

Copperbelt University Students Union (COBUSU) president Kinsley Chinyama told ZANIS today that the recruitment of lecturers from Ethiopia would improve the standard of education in the school of engineering at the institution.

Mr. Chinyama said the recruitment was welcome because it further beef up staffing levels in the school that has less man power in terms of lecturers.

He disclosed that there have been complains from the mining industries that the graduates that were being produced were not of high calibre.

He noted that the recruitment of lecturers from Ethiopia will benefit the institution in terms of producing quality students.

Mr. Chinyama stated that lecturers in the school engineering at CBU do not have enough time for the students because they are few.

He also commended the government for improving the education sector.

The COBUSU president has also urged government not to forget its promises of building more infrastructure at institution.



  1. Where are the Zambian Engineering Doctors and Professors? I always read of Doctor so and so said this and that. What is happening to our learnt men and women? Ethiopia?

    • It is shameful and surprising. You find it difficult to spend money to educate your own people but easy to hire someone from outside. All these years, these guys couldn’t figure out how to improve the school of engineering. How about sending those students who graduate every year for postgraduate school to earn PhDs. It is that simple .

    • They are working in institutions like Harvard, Columbia, Cambridge, Oxford, Johns-Hopkins, Cape Town, Witswatersrand , etc. That is where they belong – NOT to be treated by your semi-illiterate president the way Professor Chirwa has been treated.

  2. But why is the word ‘Ethiopians’ in the title in quotation marks? It implies that these are fake Ethiopian lecturers. Just saying!

  3. Surprising that non of the above comments are for the idea,, I think non of them had managed to attend at this level because if they did they should have appreciated any effort to improve education standard otherthan just being sponsored UNDP blogger with strict instruction to be negative at Govt thru and thru….

  4. This is a joke. No wonder Zambia can make no progress. If Zambia want to empower Zambians with just academic paper let it employ Ethiopian lecturers. Zambians will become Tiger papers without practical value. Zambia has enough people with PHD who can deliver and impart the best practical knowledge relevant to Zambia.

  5. In zambia anyone other their own is seen as much better. Zambia has PHD
    Engineers all the world, we are so anti our own. There is no need for Zambia to import engineers, for that matter from Ethiopia. Why do Zambians glorify outsiders other than their own. Its so sad……Sorry but once we get control of Zambia we shall not tolerate such, including the so called local languages at schools, we are living in a global village, if you want to succeed then stop patronising Zambians and given them the freedom to learn in the most influencial languages around the world. The big 5 (Major World Languages) will help zambians more than the local 72 or whatever languages which do not feature one bit in todays global village. We shall restore dignity back to a rich resourced zambia soon.

  6. Ethiopia is not a developed country. What knowledge transfer are these chaps going to do? Ethiopians do not speak clear English, so how can they teach proper engineering if they can not communicate? Zambia, we are a joke Better call back your citizens in the diaspora, more advanced.

  7. From education point of view it is a disaster. Ethiopia does not have a single specialist in so many “in” engineering courses. But good thing is they will come with their beautiful wives and cuties and our men will give reprieve to big butts ugly bemba women. Tonga, Ila, Kaunde and soli women will have to compete for our time.

  8. How can a University have a shortage of lecturers when they are the ones responsible for producing them and the University has been in existence for a long time? This can only happen in Zambia where the few lecturers who are there want the status quo to continue. The same thing is obtaining at UNZA and ZIALE.

  9. What engineering knowledge can Ethiopians bring to Zambia. I made an application to CBU last year and has not heard anything. Unfortunately, I have to continue lecturing here in SA. And English is a problem with Ethiopians.

  10. Don’t lie bloggers what most of you are getting where you are is much more than CBU can offer,,unless you are fired you won’t come to take on a low paying job,what’s wrong with Ethiopians ? You bloggers don’t even know that they are intelligent and highly dissiplined people.Under the agreement their govt also gives them an extra salary coupled with our peanuts they can survive.

  11. ‘For that matter from ethiopian,’ that’s our african confusion. Knowledge and fluency in colonial language particularly the so called English should not be taken as complimented each other. Knowledge can be transferred from any country to any country. Don’t undermine each other we are being an African. Let’s try to change our colonial warship mind.

  12. Our support for foreigners continues. To our detriment. The aim should be to train local PhD’s. The task is not hard as long as we can change our mindset that tells us that anything foreign is better.

    • It’s not foreign is better but cheaper,who will leave England to come lecture at CBU for a third of his salary. Ethiopian Govt also pays them for survival..if you are good at Maths you are just good regardless your country of origin.Good move.

    • Zambia does not lack PHDs. Just look at South African Universities. The diaspora is awash with qualified Zambians. The problem is that in Zambia we have something called ‘expatriate conditions of service’. Foreigners are more respected and paid better than Zambians. This is what will be happening here. From day one these Ethiopians will be better treated and better paid than the likes of Professor Chirwa. It’s a Zambian thing!

  13. Most of the comments are focused in language skill of Ethiopians’. You probably right but one thing is certainly true, the are highly competent in any scale regarding their technical knowledge. It is common to see in international medias to watch highly professionals who are originally from Ethiopia,In computer science, engineering and medicine field of study. For your information, there are many who are working as a teaching/research assistant in US universities while they are studying their phd.Before you say something please come up with facts and try to surf the net about Ethiopians if not i will attached some of the stars profile soon. It is a bit annoying to hear such disrespect from our brother country.We all are Africans ,we will change our continent if we are working as a one.

  14. LET ME TIPPED YOU ONE :MOREHOUSE COLLEGE(Famous black American college) CLASS OF 2013 VALEDICTORIAN SPEECH MAKER BETSEGAW TADELE.He had a 3.99 GPA. He graduated with a degree in computer science and a minor in mathematics. He won departmental awards in math and the school’s computer science leadership and scholarship award, led Morehouse’s Computer Science Club and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.during his speech he said”There is no impossible. There is no unbelievable. There is no unachievable, if you have the audacity to hope,” Tadele said during his speech, paraphrasing the name of the president’s 2006 book, “The Audacity of Hope.”…… US president Barack gave him hug during the ceremony…please watch the video. IT IS TIME FOR AFRICA, LET US WORK TOGETHER FOR OUR MUM LAND.

  15. LET ME TIPPED YOU ONE :MOREHOUSE COLLEGE(Famous black American college) CLASS OF 2013 VALEDICTORIAN SPEECH MAKER BETSEGAW TADELE.He had a 3.99 GPA. He graduated with a degree in computer science and a minor in mathematics. He won departmental awards in math and the school’s computer science leadership and scholarship award, led Morehouse’s Computer Science Club and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.during his speech he said”There is no impossible. There is no unbelievable. There is no unachievable, if you have the audacity to hope,” Tadele said during his speech, paraphrasing the name of the president’s 2006 book, “The Audacity of Hope.”…… US president Barack gave him hug during the ceremony…please watch the video. IT IS TIME FOR AFRICA, LET US WORK TOGETHER FOR OUR MUM LAND.

  16. I think Ethiopian doctors will not go to zambia as they used to consult many industrial and constrruction projects and are getting better income
    But if they go, they have a better potential than many Asian staffs
    Many of the doctors have got their PHD in US and Europe and not in Ethiopia
    If Ethiopian got scholarship in Europe or US,it is normal to see many Ethiopians stands first
    so stop worshiping the white or Asians
    For that matter,I will welcome if a zambian lecturer come to my country as I have issues only to his head not to his identity

  17. first of all hatred among ourselves,we have alot of people with phd in engineering from zambia,and you cbu president don’t be too fast in accepting useless decission.”shemu to all the people supporting the idea”.what is ethiopia to zambia?

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