officials from China Civil Construction company and other Government
workers inspecting the roads works on the Lot One of the Chama /
Matumbo Road in Chama District. Lot One will cost about K371 million
from Muyombe Turn off to Luangwa River.
Kanyama PF MP Colonel Gerry Chanda has revealed that he has never visited Chibolya compound since 2008 for fear of losing his life.
Chibolya is a notoriously crime infested area situated just a kilometre away from the Lusaka Central Business District.
In an interview, Colonel Chanda said angry residents of Chibolya have threatened to kill him if he attempts to demolish their illegal settlements.
“Chibolya was earmarked for development and the Japanese through (JICA) had offered support in 2008 for the project. We engaged the residents and they all seemed supportive. We wanted to demolish the unplanned structures, relocate the people and construct new houses for the residents and resettle them and issue them with title deeds.”
He added, “When the time came for the implementation of this project, I together with the Chinese contractors engaged to undertake the project went on site and we were attacked by residents armed with Pangas and knives and we had to run for our dear lives.”
Colonel Chanda said he does not see himself returning to Chibolya as long as the security situation there does not improve.
“You see, the biggest problem with Chibolya is the high influx of foreigners there mostly Congolese and Rwandese. These are the people who frustrate government efforts to develop the area. The foreigners who are mostly landlords of those illegal houses know that they will lose out if new houses are constructed and title deeds issued to genuine Zambians,” he said.
He said it is unacceptable that a place like Chibolya could exist close to the city centre of a major city like Lusaka.
Stop being xenophobic. Stop looking for excuses. How can a project this big be stopped bu a few foreigners? You are just a failure enticing citizens into your xenophobic scapegoats
Chibolya can be notorious, and it has been for years.
Those of us who are old enough remember the song “Ku Chibolya sinizaendako ine”. And also “Ukafika ku Chibolya mpaka ukwatile”.
@Soul Brother…Heeee hee nadabwa, that you can think so right. The best is to change the MP. Did the very MP as for help from Parliament? Just 2 rallies there will change people’s minds.
please my brother napapata!! buy your uncle colonel chanda a pair of good shoes, he is the most upright and honest PF MP, Otherwise if he was coruupt he would have afforded to buy good pair of shoes himself
And what kind of colonel is he who is afraid of civilians, shuwa??
@Ndobo, man I know you asked me to supply ministers with shoes this time around, but are all into schooners.
Ati Colonel afraid of civilians, you know is ZNS colonel. But ku Chibolya kulatinya, I was taken there to change ama dollars, even the dogs dogs don’t buck just ru after cars.
I understand where he is coming from.I have been a lot in Chibolya(twalikosa bakamba) to smoke and buy dobo and i have never felt safe.Those guys are savages nangu naleyakofye nifyo naine nalikosa.
Weak. Especially from a one with military connections, absolutely weak. People need to start thinking proper. Yes Chibolya has this reputation, but it is the duty of those in authority to take the correct approach in improving people’s lives. Residents of chibolya simply need a soft approach, am sure they won’t refuse the opportunity for better housing. Government can spend less on by-elections and prioritise instead on ridding the nation of inhumane living conditions, slums that will inevitably expand, with concurrent slum minded individuals. This is a pressing issue, because Lusaka will expand to Lagos proportions if we don’t man up in this. Pay the slum dwellers if we have to, consult with them for months, it will be cheaper than the problems we are storing up for the future!
In other foreigners are controlling chibolya and the Government is scared sh@tless about it.
Sick Zambians with dull syndrome! Am sure even those chinese boys in the picture are convicts back in china! Mr president sir when are you sending Andrew banda, Gen Kanene, that dancing king who forged his diplomas and the gay lords in prison to china so they can be free and be employed then send forex to zambia?
This MP disgusts me, do your job then you wont have to complain about foreigners envading the country! I wont go futher typing because I may “blunder” beyond repair!
@Cindy, cousin keep cool, how was your valentines day… mwaaa:)!
Cindy, I feel just as you do. our votes where wasted on that man I tell you, Am a resident o Kanyama and every time I drive through chibolya or look around my neighboorhood and compare the works other MP’s Like Miles Sampa and Edger Lungu have done, he has nothing to show for. He is a loser and I wish we can kick him out today. And ba DEC, if you really conducted that bogus operation in chibolya I heard of last week. How come am still finding WEED being sold in Kg’s and not tu ma grammes. I’ve the photos on my Ipod , I wish I could upload them. Shame
Really? Mr. Chanda. Is this the best reason you can come up with? I would be personally ashamed to even let the media know of this. You have all the government tools at your disposal and you sit back with such a desperately weak excuse. Shame you not so honorable MP. You embarrass us dearly. Even if that was the case how can foreigners take over your land and hold you at ransom. Shocking! We have/had a opportunity to bring sanity to Chibolya and your inexcusable reason is just so annoyingly unacceptable!
@smoking chakuti…
…I cannot put it any better than u have done my friend…..embarrassing and shameful indeed
Very sick excuse right there! A total failure to implement Change Management to a community he promised change to. I suppose it is the usual bull-dozing mentality characteristic of ZAMBIAN politicians once they get into office of thinking they do not need to WORK at engendering change. Jerry! COLONEL Jerry! Sit up and get back in there and do your commission! Malingerer!
“You see, the biggest problem with Chibolya is the high influx of foreigners there mostly Congolese and Rwandese. These are the people who frustrate government efforts to develop the area.”
Is this person really in govt? And a minister for that matter!
This man is not fit for office…its no surprise he asks his govt secruity guard to polish his shoes.
What about Makeni? You have never been there either, you failed MP. If you had been to Makeni you would have worked on those deplorable roads. Perhaps its too close to Chibolya?
This is a very lame excuse from a government minister who also happens to be retired colonel.Whatever happened to our law enforcement agencies.
Extreme cheap excuse. the state can not fail to execute a project that will add beauty to that area with all its machinery at hand. Does he mean that Zambia is classified as ungovernable entity?…………..
Yes….Blame it on Johnny Foreigner….pathetic politicians are all the same worldwide.
And who is the woman in the picture and what is she smoking?
She is your sister, phone her and ask her.
Chibolya ma place.I miss ichamba twalebaila ku chilis mwe.
These same people in Chibolya are die hard supporters of PF and voted overwhelmingly for this muppet.
This MP is a big embarrassment, honestly he is even acknowledging that foreigners have held him hostage in his own country and constituency sure. ….kekekekeke!!….the calibre of leaders we now have a really a joke. If he know they are foreigners and may have gotten the land illegally, it will be the more reason to act. and if at all they are genuine landlord, why cant he sit with them and assure them that they wont loose out on the deal. ….BA MP, use your head sure
Go to Highbrow Jo’burg n see foreigners reigning supreme. Muziyenda ba mambala.
Nifunako iyi trousers yavala kamuchocholi iyi yasolo mucakwatu olo draughts muchizungu. Ninga ipeza kuti muzambia?
Gery chanda Chipuba atini? Is that the excuse he can give? We have the commando unit, the army n the police n all he can say is that rubbish! Stupid Gerry n he should know that development is cardinal to Zambian n if he can fail to handle such an issue then he s a total failure! A disaster!
The Chinese guys in the picture are not prisoners but engineers by profession. If you want to know more about them go to Chinese Centre along alick nkhata road,longacres.
what kind of soldier are you..?kekekeke
it teks a mad dog to forget the plate that feeds it.surely hw do u say u cnt set ur foot to the pipo who made u who u r now?shame.this z an insult to de pupo of chibolya in general.however,most notourious guys in chibolya dnt stay there.they go there conduct businesses which l believe z illegal and smock.most chibolya residents r in goat,village chicken and goat skins business.infact jerry was not voted for. pipo voted pf.what did he do wen he was in mmd? opportunists l conclude.
Colonel Gerry Chanda do not lie because apart from Chibolya, even JohnLaing you have not been there and people do not even know there Member of parliament. Since the time we voted you as our earlier member of parliament on 21st September 2011, you do not show up. We live in John laing but we cannot access clean water and yet Old Kanyama have piped water. I am a resident of John Laing for 14 years and yet only a small potion has piped water and yet we Constituency development funds are there. What iz this money for please. Take a look at Hon. Miles Sampa the hard working MP. Most of the time he interacts with his people and put up development and Take a look at his excellency the republican President Michael Chilufya Sata’s passion to develop the nation and help him in your…