Opposition political parties are planning to picket and hold a demonstration outside State House to protest the confrontational stand that President Michael Sata has taken towards national issues in total disregard of the social contract he held with the Zambian people.
The demonstration is intended to show that Zambia was not a monarchy but a democracy in which governments were elected to serve the interests of the people.
Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM) publicity secretary John Banda said the demo was expected to highlight President Sata’s alleged disregard for the Zambian people who included the Church and the civil society who supported his ascension to power on account of progressive promises.
The demonstration will demand immediate commencement of inter party dialogue to save the country from conflict.
“We are fully aware that some political parties may feel that this is not a good idea. We shall not force them to join us because a good number of those spoken to agree and feel camping at Sate House will send a message to President Sata,” he said.
Banda said Zambia stood at a very dangerous break or make crossroad where there was need to work together as one people by putting aside personal and partisan interest for national togetherness.
“In the spirit of national unity, and after concerted consultations with other opposition party leaders, we have agreed to picket President Sata at State House and we shall camp there until he sees us to start a process of national dialogue and reconciliation,” he said.
In a statement, ZDDM accused the Republican President of failure to honour his promises to the people among them the respect to uphold the rule of law, to introduce progressive NGO legislation and reduction of presidential power.
He explained that there have been unresolved issues with the general governance system of the country which President Sata had decided to ignore including the problem of high unemployment and subsequent lack of income to meet the ‘more money in your pockets’ PF slogan.
The opposition parties’ leadership have challenged President Sata to institute dialogue with the people to defuse the tension currently being experienced in the country and create a climate of democracy.
“We cannot continue to watch a few people treating themselves as if they are more Zambian than the majority population and sharing our national wealth among themselves while we watch because Zambia belongs to all of us.
“This is the reason why we have put two things on the agenda of the meeting we seek to have with the president.
“We want to discuss the Constitution and State of the Nation with the Head of State that together, we can come up with the solution to address these issues that have generated too much tension, division, unemployment and lack of a common vision in the country,” said Banda.
He said Zambia had enough resources to make it as one of the top countries on the African continent but all that potential was being lost because of the deeply rooted spirit of hate and failure being carried out by the PF.
“We agree with the people that feel time has come to deal with issues as a nation. If we don’t resolve the issues affecting us as a nation today, posterity will harshly judge us,” he explained.
He appealed for cooperation by putting all political interests behind and focus on national building.
Which party is that and how many MPs has it got. Negotiate with real political parties like MMD ans UPND and not shouting from the terraces. We do not want chancers. Go to Katuba where the opposition parties are.
Yes, its time to stop sitting on our hands and time for some action! Lets show these FULLS that we want our country back!
Country back! what do you imply? gentlemen lets think with our heads NOT influenced by the needs of our greedy stomach.
@ Sun of a beach
you want the country back from what and hand it over to who?
Hand it over to a party that is headed by a devious, cunning, selfish, divisive, tribalist, scheming, egotistical leader?
Awe twakana!!
if you want people to be with you, reform, give us your development plan, your national agenda, become national by embracing others not just for political expediency but accept them as brothers and sisters.
Above all remove the rotten head or you will all spoil
The opposition should simply ask their MP’s to resign leading to collapse of Parliament & necessitating a general election & giving PF the boot – I wonder if they have the spine for it.
Guys please help to to find SAULOSI. I am getting about the dear friend, if he sick, I will mobilise friends to come and visit.
He committed Saulocide! lol
Yes, its time to stop sitting on our hands and time for some action! Lets show these FULLS that we want our country back!
Country back! what do you imply? gentlemen lets think with our heads NOT influenced by the needs of our greedy stomach.
Ifyabupuba fyekafyeka. So nika HH kachitile organise
Ulichipuba sana iwe, nokubelenga tawayishiba. Where have seen HH mentioned in the article?
Like it or not HH haleisa 2016.
@wanzelu your language is turned inappropriate lately how is your family life or are you still working?? You sound really annoyed or negatively sponsored.If HH organizes in the background do you expect he will be mentioned here ? He did it with some chiefs the Chiluba way…
For a start I not like you who makes a living by bootlicking PF’s idi.ocy and feeds off the PF’s recklessness. I am my own man. The sooner you start your massive project that does not depend on licking the bums of PF chief thugs the better. I hope you will come back to your senses start seeing the terrible mess the PF is making of people lives in Zambia.
HH is not involved in this. If he was involved he would have been the first one to say it. HH is not a coward like most of these tuntemba party leaders. He takes Sata head on.
I can strongly confirm that HH is not involved in this because he busy consolidating Shaka’s support in Mungule. How ever if the right channels of communication are used and he is invited , yes we will take part in the protest.
Viva UPND…
@wanzelu your response and language is really I appropriate,I blogg objectively and follow the running I will not sit here and read your always negative sentiments but reply.Yes they may error they are only human but they also make positives, outline them similarly.My name is chinyama even in real life i am well learned and work here in Livingstone,I don’t depend on any one for my living,I have not met the area MP not even masumba my home MP, but lets be objective and mature when we blog mwana.What are you doing now?HH is not God look for work you may reduce on frastration,here LMA,ZSM was sold by HH’s friend Chiluba so few jobs here…
Meant Inappropriate wanzelu language …
I work for my self in the UK .
Your language is now toned down ;which is good . Lets start to debate issues troubling our country objectively and as we do that lets not forget that Sata is just a tenant in plot 1.
We need to call a spade a spade and nothing else. I need hear from you things that you know PF is not doing well, so that you can have the courage to standup and advise them to change course now before its too late.
Do you think what Sata is doing about the constitution a good thing?
@Wanzelu ,,The constitution is a tricky subject similer to the barotse land agreement ,that’s why all the other presidents didn’t give us one,but with time it will be effected,the delay is not occurring well its evident.
ZDDM: is’nt this the party of lunatics?
According to Hon. Kambwili, lunatics voted for PF
Zambia has a current constitution in place and we are not in a crisis.
we agree but it’s a defective constitution .We want a new constitution like yesterday..
We have a person in State House that even ignores the CURRENT CONSTITUTION!
Illegally appoints his unqualified relative Chief Justice!
Uses public taxpayers money for unbudgeted expenditures like unconstitutional payments to his wife!
And more… must I specify them ALL???? There are enough to impeach him ten times over.
We have a CRISIS!
Police fired tear gas AGAINST ANC “supporters”!!!
As to the uncalled threats of “bloodbath”, please publish your picture if you have guts.
Otherwise, collect your pieces of silver and enjoy another meal at the expense of fellow Zambians.
What de hewu is luapula. Zambia is not luapula and how many are you. mJust bcoz you were given 1km of tared road then what
Ba Luapula naimwe Sata called you ba ‘Munyela pa menshi’. What have you got to show up, Luapula is part of pre independent region. People want to bring Sata to account to Zambian people and that is progressive democracy. President Sata has never addressed the nation since he came to power, now he says there is no need for a national constitution which he promised to deliver within 90 days (NO ZAMBIAN FORCED HIM TO MAKE A PROMISE OF 90 DAYS). Sat can not bake a cake and eat it himself and tell the nation how sweet the cake is. We will not let him off the hook till he departs from us.
HH can never be president of Zambia, let alone ‘North Western Rhodesia’ because of his rabid tribalism.
Lets concentrate on policies not tribe,, I personally don’t care who rules but how well they will rule us,HH worked well with Chiluba during the privatization,and a lot of people cried & are still crying, hence he is not my best there are a lot more straight people that can be considered otherthan this active Participant in company sales that brought misery on people’s lives..what ever his benefits were!!!
Everyone used ,to say the same over Sata. Even KK once said Sata can never be presida. God hears the cry of his people and sata will be out come 2016
You will always be submissive – always! Some country were meant to suffer until Jesus comes again. You are the centre of sin.
Sata has NEVER said any such thing, you dimwit. You are telling blatant lies in your misguided campaign too distort history. YOU WILL FAIL!
Rely, read his speech after swearing-in ceremony.
You try and you will see
“We people from North Western Rhodesia should unite. If we give power to these Bembas, we’ll never get it back?” Do you reckon my Betonga kids will forgive him? Were both Chiluba n Levy Bembas?
Let me not mince my words here; The Bemba leaders have messed up our country big time. The country only almost recovered from the brink of destruction when Mwanawasa a Lenje (Bantu botatwe) and Banda ( wa kumawa) took over. During these leaders’ era Zambia was getting better.
Under Chiluba and Sata both Bembas, just look at the havoc that one wrecked and the other one is wrecking to the Zambian people. Sata and Chiluba(RIP) will go down as the worst Zambian leaders.
Its good that all manners anti Sata are viewed in HH’s spectacles because this strengthens his resolve to stand firm and continue to give Sata sleepless nights by being the only credible voice for the voiceless. You , Sata, and the rest of you in PF know that HH’s words are connecting well with the…
Write in English not in. Luapulangish. Otherwise, do us a favour by shutting the fcuk up!
The home affairs office will be ready for such lawlessness they wil be met square.This will be an example of solutions to growing despondency and luck of respect under the pretext of democracy.
Its better you just enjoy the bread crumbs that Sata and the PF are giving you to blog against us anti PF freelancers. You would be fo.olish to think that what we blog here does not get into the public domain. Just look at the likes we get each time we blog against PF.
Who you are to threaten us? How old are you by the way to forget how we mobilised and trounced KK’s brutal regime?
Right now Zambian people are patient trying every democratic tenet there is to put pressure to Sata and his PF to deliver for what they were voted in power for. If they do not see it happening by the end of this year, then they will resort to old age effective methods of teaching disrespectful regimes.
Do not say you were not warned. Ignore my advice at your peril.
UPND and HH! I am…
I was at CBU and work in stone I don’t know any politicians,but I appreciate the development the PF has brought here in Livingstone.You should come home and see an not hide behind the key pad brain washing your fellow Opposition paid bloggers.Congratulation my president for the development we see here in southern province streching up to Choma, ha! Well done.
chinyama, the only reason for that development, a reason you are totally aware of is coz of that tourism conference. if it had not been for that, livingstone would still have been the village little town it was known to be. I should know, i lived there for almost ten years and saw the beginning of the said development. As for sata, the chap is a nostalgic old man who misses the iron kind of rule KK used to do, the times Zambians used to scamper in fear at the mention of Kaunda’s name. That is what he is trying to emulate. His only problem is people are not naive anymore and will not swallow any gibberish (apart from Chinyama and friends) about how swell they are doing in running this nation. That is why he has the guile to misuse the challenger. where is Kaseba and our plane????
No no these projects where just boosted by unwto but have always been on the plan.Have you been to Choma lately it’s coordinated development my cousins are very happy with the happening,Choma even has street light sure it’s not unwto in Choma it’s PF boss.
Ulibe Nzelu commonly known Wanzelu is a lunatic who suffers from inferior complete. Luapula don’t waste your time on this keyboard campaigner from one of the poor areas in UK with no papers always contributing none stop. I have recently advised him to contribute with decency by preaching peace and love. Zambians have been known to be loving, peaceful and have always live side by side regardless of our political differences or affiliation. There was Kuku. Maestro, senior citizen we used to contribute and agree and disagree. Maestro and Senior said Sata will tumble in 2011. Sata will won. Maestro said HH is the next president after Mr Banda till to day I have never seen any contribution from maestro or senior Citizen. Insulting Sata does not only expose the hate but uncultured behaviour
Welcome to the debate. If you think I live in the deprived areas my friend then you are hugely mistaken. I do not live live like sardines in match box houses like most people with out proper jobs do.
I am blogging every now and then because I can afford it many times over. I have the time to run my projects and still remain with enough time to blog against Sata and his PF. Don’t you just get surprised that some one in the UK where people work and kill themselves 24/7 has all this time to him self?
As for you just continue to work very hard like a slave here in the UK for your bread ,and chippy food. You will do us alot of good to shut it if you have nothing to contribute to the Zambian political discourse.
Wanzelu by name – wanzelu by nature! Wanzelu is explicit in his writings and non of you PF school dropouts can catch him. Try if you can! His writing is structured unlike your gibberish outpouring of our lack of appreciation for what PF has done which is rightly ours – it’s about what they haven’t done. The problem with Zambians is the lack of exposure to see how others live in other parts of the world. Demand more and jump out of your docility jackets. It’s your money not Alex or Sata’s. Why should Sata leave the presidential challenger abroad to be used like an air taxi? You sit there and just nod yes sir yes sir. Bomberkrat…Rasklar! Do not even try to go on slanging match with me….
One hit wonder ,,when someone does well it’s only polite to say well done,,not just sit at akimbo waiting for any human error for you to blow out if proportion.if you look for faults you will find them..meanwhile it’s projects time!! lets built our nation, come on get in the boat before the storm intensifies.also waiting for Ndobo sit reserved already.
Wanzelu people will judge based on your decency and how you treat other people. Possible you are very knew on this blog. There was Maestro who had a sweet teeth for HH and called Sata names. Maestro was one of the worst contributors followed by Senior Citizen. Musana wanzali, Kuku and many more change these guys. Wanzelu people will continue to challenge you as long as you continue with the current hate towards one individual who is more less like you father. As a learnt person
people expect you to contribute with decency by using your God given achievement /means. You may disagree with people it’s healthy to show respect towards old adults as our traditional and bible teach us. Remember you are the ambassador of peace and not otherwise. Remain blessed Wanzelu .
Wanzelu people who have achieved much will never show off. I don’t need to work 24/7 because I’m better for that. What you are describing is people possibly familiar with in London. Who move from one job to another. Personally no way I would not even envy to live in London. But outside where there is peace and fresh air.
Wanzelu your response says it all bragging about a briefcase business in a one bedroom this explains why you hate Sata because you feel the campaign behind a keyboard in a dark room will help to unseat the president of the Republic of Zambia. Your are dearly mistaken you need to go and campaign for HH face to face with electorates and tell them what your HH will do rather constant cheating yourself that 2016 is for HH. Politics of hiding behind a keyboard will never help any politician unless some one with foot soldiers to campaign for him/ her.
These are symptoms of full blown rabies… wat is this opposition by the way? And which people are they representing?
Thanks pafwenamwine pump some sense in this opposite blogger.Home affairs take charge of lawlessness wait for them to group then take them on.inflict pain on who ever will be in attendance regardless of names.You are officially warned.
Chinyama, your guns don’t work. They are all what we de-acts. If your name is truly Chinyama then you are from the very under developed North Western Province of Zambia – a Luvale, Mbunda, Kaluchazi or very unlikely a Lunda. We want to develop that part of the world but with people like yourself it’s futile. I pity you that you can self blindfold and want to teach the teachers! Now listen son! PF are a waste of time and a terrible mistake. Never again shall we expose the country to costly experiments like this one – ever! Do you get me?
**** what we call de-acts^
I don’t know what you refer to in Your reference you want to develop my area,my identity is real and when PF errors I come out to the point unlike you opposite bloggers who turn a blind eye to any positives the PF scores,that’s why of late I choose to open my eyes for tangible deveopment visible to all here in stone, by the way get to the ministry of works and supply see the developmental plan for north western already on the drawing table and funding almost sourced,which other development will you bring when PF is through?even shangombo is electrified did your cousin tell you or again you choose not to listen to this positive..Come on get in the boat the door is still open,storm approaching
Wanzelu ni wanzelu!
Bauze !
Thanks for the compliment but an chinyama not wanzelu..
Zambia’s opposition political landscape is turning into a joke! Too many jokers and losers in the opposition to be considered serious. The major problem is that many of these jokers cannot even manage any support to be MP’s in their own constituencies but they are aspiring to be presidents of the nation!
We have a parliament, if he wants to complain, he should tell his MP’s, if he has any,to raise the issue in parliament and stop wasting peoples time.
VIVA HH2031 HH2031 VIVA HH2031 HH2031 HH2031 …………VIVA MWETWA 2016 VIVA MWETWA 2016………………….
I don’t see anything wrong with picketing as long as the participants don’t destroy other people’s property including that of the nation. Peaceful demonstrations bring about good results. In this case, it will make the president and his ministers to start working hard. Those that care about Zambia must support this initiative.