Sunday, March 16, 2025

PF to adopt Monde if expelled from UPND – Guy Scott


UPND Itezhi-tezhi Member of Parliament (MP) Greyford Monde
UPND Itezhi-tezhi Member of Parliament (MP) Greyford Monde

VICE-PRESIDENT Guy Scott says the Patriotic Front (PF) will adopt and field Itezhi Tezhi member of Parliament Greyford Monde in any election if UPND leadership decides to expel him from the party.
Dr Scott said he is ready to go out to Itezhi Tezhi and campaign for Mr Monde so he can return his seat.

The Vice-President said at a rally at Uphill Primary School in Itezhi Tezhi on Friday afternoon that it does not make sense for people to vote for a member of Parliament from a party which is not in government.

“If they chase him we will support him in another election here on PF ticket. I will come [here] myself. Nizafokotoza, ni zakamba za campaign (I will explain Government programmes and campaign for him).

“There is no point in voting for a candidate of a party which is just waiting for power. UPND is waiting for power, they can wait for 20 years or 30 years. In 20 years or 30 years mu zafa (you will die),” Dr Scott said.

Dr Scott said Mr Monde is an agent of PF development agenda in Itezhi Tezhi and should be supported.

He said UPND has been planning to expel its lawmaker from the party for no apparent reasons, adding that PF welcomed him because he was development-oriented.

“When your MP came to see us, exactly, a year ago saying he was interested in seeing development in Itezhi Tezhi, we welcomed him. But his party, UPND, is trying to chase him chifukwa chachani (why expelling him)?” he said.

He also reminded the people that they should not vote for MMD, the former ruling Party, because it is a dead political party.

“This is your MP [Mr Monde] whether he is on UPND ticket or PF ticket, this MP is our agent for development in this area,” he said.

Dr Scott said PF government is not interested in tribalism and does not make political statements it cannot fulfil.

He said the PF government has come to change and improve areas that have lagged behind for a long time.

And Dr Scott said when the construction of Mongu–Itezhi Tezhi road is completed it will open up the district.

Dr Scott said the construction of the road will kick off this year and expected to finish by next year, adding that the contractor has since been selected.

“When that road is opened you [the people of Itezhi Tezhi] will become part of Zambia and part of the world. Even your mangoes, the people will come to buy them, now they don’t want to buy anything here because the road is very bad.

Speaking at the same function Mr Monde said UPND leadership discouraged him from lobbying Government to develop his Constituency, the action he did not agree with.

He said the people of Itezhi Tezhi are not interested in mere politics but in seeing development in the area.


  1. Guy Scott thinks with his leg. He has just insulted the people of Lusaka Central who voted for him when he was in opposition. Lets not vote for old people any more.

    • And you seiously want people to vote for tribalists egotistical and selfish under fives?

      What kind of warped thinking is that?

      You are indeed confused and unpatriotic


    • We thought Guy Scott is working on KCM’s scandal!? I hope he can get bitten by a tsetse-fly so we can have both Sata & Scott out of the way, President Chikwanda is running Zambia by himself anyway.

  2. In my lifetime, I have never seen an imbecile whiteman like Guy Scott. His politics belong to the dust bin and each time he opens his stinky mouth, he vomits nothing but rubbish. Isn’ t it difficulty for this lunatic to shut his beak and learn to examine his thinking base ? What is so special about Monde and Scott’ s useless party, the PF ? They ascended to power through lies and out of the lies they gave to the Zambians, they have failed to fulfill not even a single promise. While this is taking place, their president is busy changing goal posts at state house because he doesn’ t even know what to do. Monde’ s belly got empty so he wants to use the people of Ithezi Tezi to fill up his belly through lies. Don’ t forget one thing that you can lie to man but not God.

  3. Scott was in a viable opposition which had vision & distinct.Here he’s talking of a party which can go to bed with anything as long as it takes it state hse!Alas no character ntanyonnwi party & distant 3rd earner!But look at behaviour as if already in ruling.

  4. Truly, Monde was expelled by the UPND way back. I hope it was a slip of the tongue by the veep, but if nt, then it makes me feel worried coz there z no way the entire veep cannot knw the truth about Monde. for his information, the issue of Monde z in the Supreme Court where he z challenging his expulsion. But why challenge if he thnks he has the support from the gov’t. and the electorate?

  5. People of Itezhi Tezhi PF are liers. They are now using Guy Scott and Mmembe. You and me only have Zambia as our country, other are from DRC and are not developmental. They migrated to Luapula/Northern and added no value there, then left to ransacked CopperBelt and made it ghost towns and now are destroying Lusaka , next it is Itezh-Tezhi, after which they will go elsewhere.See how much debt burden they have put on you and me in 2 yrs. We should stop this. Let us work together to propel HH up to develop Zambia. HH can do it, Mwanawasa tried, Magande has the formula. They will call you Tribalist just to scare you. Ignore this it is a political gimmick.

  6. People of Itezhi Tezhi PF are liers. They are now using Guy Scott and Mmembe. We should stop this. Let us work together to propel HH up to develop Zambia. HH can do it, Mwanawasa tried, Magande has the formula. They will call you Tribalist just to scare you. Ignore this political gimmick has the formula. They will call you Tribalist just to scare you. Ignore this it is a political gimmick.

  7. Let us work together to propel HH up to develop Zambia. HH can do it, Mwanawasa tried, Magande has the formula. They will call you Tribalist just to scare you. Ignore this political gimmick

  8. I love Guy Scott. He is a hard working man, its only tht his BEST FRIEND-Sata has greatly dissappointed him and there is no way out.
    But all in All UPND is the only Party people can see the value of Musungu wopusa.
    On the contrally Monde is digging his OWN GRAVE. GOD IS SEEING YOU.

    Viva HH Viva UPND Zambia Forward.

  9. People of Itezhi Tezhi ignore PF , they are liers. They use Guy Scott and Mmembe to call you Tribalist as a political gimmick to scare you . You and me only have Zambia as our country .See how much debt burden PF have put on you and me in 2 yrs. Vote HH to stop this. We work together to propel HH up presidency to develop and re-unite Zambia. Mwanawasa tried, Magande has the formula.

  10. Its not true 2 say that PF has failed 2 deliver promises.Its true that they’ve bactracked on some promises, e.g. the constitution.
    But all in all they’ ve scored in some areas, e.g. kalabo_mongu road, kapasa makasa university, tarring of urban roads especialy in lsk, rural electrification and the mitigation of load shedding & the expansion of the kariba north bank.
    My only worry with some leaders in PF is that they’ve bcm arrogant and are puffed up with pomps and pride.And this is an element or rather malady that has plugged many black african countries.If we r 2 develop we nid leaders who are selfless and delligent.

  11. Development cannot be refused especially the Road into ITezhi Tezhi later on a milling plant to avoid taking maize into Lsk and meal back for sell.

    A yr. and so living in Itezhi Tezhi has shown me how poor the roads and infrastructure have been with little initiative to improve the economies of the district No libraries inadequate hospital and social amenities though the local people themselves hard working and willing to improve situation. Remove politics and work towards the development of the district without waiting for a particular party to come drive the agenda

    Look at the namwala Itezhi Tezhi grave road and surrounding villages all the way into choma its a sorry sight Be level…

  12. If you have an agent of development work with him Otherwise the economies of Itezhi Tezhi The poor local people mainly pearsant fishermen and subsistence farmers feel the effect of the hush conditions No schools No clinics and very apart No deeps No access roads No houses No markets No support for small scale fisheries and farmers no meat processing plant for animals No reliable transport for locals into lsk especially with almost impassable roads both on namwala and mongu ITT routes
    If you have an agent of development If you are given the opportunity why not use it and bridge between the locals and Gov. remove politics and power scenarios work for the people and help the situation

  13. No distribution network for water phones later on power for the local enterprising communities including chiefs and palaces In some places because of good politics Rural Electrification Authority has been able to electrify and distribute power to support development

    Itezhi Tezhi should be another example of Cape Town boulevards because it has that tourism potential in every sense therefore remove politics in most cases that do not benefit the least of the poor but non Developing the area is what is paramount to the local most poor and venerable It should be like Capriv or Kazungula the other side on Botswana similar economies

  14. Not sharing the spoils from the two , Planes landing in Bots or Capriv then tourist cross to see Vic falls travel through siaoma via Kafue into ITT through namwala to choma then Lusaka Luangwa eventually Malawi then east with very few trickle to Itezhi Tezhi.Work on the air strip lodges and market the dam and the area also allowing tourists to fly directly into Itezhi Tezhi instead of “oasis first” then packaged and charter vehicles and bookings all the way into east Africa Kenya and Tanzania

    Remove politics and work for development

  15. UPND can even adopt the Itezhi tezhi DC and beat Monde pants down. Whoever can stand in Itezhi tezhi under UPND will win cos Ilas are a very intelligent type of Tongas who cannot be easily fooled.

  16. ” it does not make sense for people to vote for a member of Parliament from a party which is not in government.” Just how could the PF have won the elections when they were in opposition?

    • In UPND there is no boat but well defined policies for uniting and developing the country.It is you boat wich has sunk.

  17. All true Zambians must support UPND to re-unite Zambia. Sata and chi-PF have divided us. Sata sends Kabimba, Mmembe and Scott to call others “Tribalist” or second class Zambians.

  18. Some areas need development please Politics aside One Hundred cattle behind a thatched house without electricity and water later on schools and Hospital True leadership is shown by even doing one yourself in the country side as a mark of accomplished leader It starts from Jerusalem.

    Support progressive ideas and any opportunity seize and develop some areas for the benefit of the poor who cannot come and stay in Ibex or Kabulonga

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