Monday, March 17, 2025

President Sata’s disparaging remarks against single parents is insulting -Grillo


NGOCC chairperson Beatrice Grillo talking during the meeting that was held to demand for the release of the draft Zambian constitution
NGOCC chairperson Beatrice Grillo talking during the meeting that was held to demand for the release of the draft Zambian constitution

President Sata’s disparaging remarks against single parents is insulting and demeaning to hardworking women who raise children single handedly often because of irresponsible men who shun performing their duties as fathers, Non-Government Coordinating Council (NGOCC) board chairperson Beatrice Grillo has said.

President Sata she said had insulted women for questioning the parentage of United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema and has advised the Head of State to stop trivializing important national debate at the expense of personal and petty.

Grillo reiterated that it was only mothers who knew the fathers of their children and therefore talking about someone’s parentage in the manner that President Sata has been doing was counterproductive and an insult to all mothers, including single mothers who worked very hard to bring up their children.

[pullquote]“In any case it is only the mother who knows the father of the child and even those who claim to know their fathers should consult their mothers. Talking about such issues at the expense of development is an insult to us women,” Grillo said.[/pullquote]

She has chided President Sata, telling him that it was the exclusive advantage of a woman to know the true parentage of children in a family and that the attacks on Hichilema were politically and morally baseless and trivial.

“We are not happy with the leaders who are insulting us. All these insults will never bring any food on the table, and we are calling upon the President to restrain from such statements because he is the father for the people,” Grillo said.

She said it was unacceptable for the Head of State to continue attacking Hichilema’s parentage because it was a bad example to the next generation and such should not be supported by right thinking Zambian.

“In any case it is only the mother who knows the father of the child and even those who claim to know their fathers should consult their mothers. Talking about such issues at the expense of development is an insult to us women,” Grillo said.

She said the President as the current father of the nation must show good leadership which young people would be able to emulate.

Grillo said that the country still had major challenges that needed the leaders to look at and find solutions to them and yet they waste time attacking one another.

“When is Zambia going have leaders who speak about national development? What we hear is politics of character assassination which has become the order of the day,” she said.

She said that the role of government was to make the enabling environment in which the people would be able to see the benefit of having a government whose pledge was to improve their lives.

She emphasized that women movement in the country would not support situations where mothers were insulted, and advised leaders to tone down their abusive language which had remained a medium, whenever they were responding to each other.


    • There are different ways of sending the message forward. Believe me this message will still get to the desired target and soon the government vuvuzela will issue a reactive statement

    • The Lesson Zambians should learn from the 2011 “votegate scandal” is that you must VOTE FOR and not VOTE AGAINST.

      As you go about getting rid of someone, it is even far much more important to focus on whom you are bringing in. Your VOTE is the most important weapon for NATION building.

      Once again I say, VOTE FOR, not VOTE AGAINST.

    • This woman is condoning immorality among women by proclaiming publicly that its women’s exclusive right to know the real father of children.

      And if president Sata asks HH to tell the nation who and where his father was why should that be misconstrued as an insult?

      supposing his father is/was a foreigner, then he fears that the constitution bars him(HH) form standing as presidential candidate.

      As a nation and especially that he (HH) aspires to occupy the highest office i the land, we the people of the land have an exclusive right to know his parentage without any doubts.

      So asking HH on behalf of Zambians, President Sata was very much in order to challenge that so called women’s exclusive right which has the potential of promoting immorality with impunity.

    • How many Children has Sata got?
      Is he raising/ taking care of all those children?
      Is he the TRUE FATHER of all of them?

      Sata is not father of the Nation, kaili we are also doubting whether he is the true father or not. He is only a step father for now.

    • We know that at any given time men only have enough blood to either go to the brain or the pen’s. When either is at work, the other is dead. I feel sorry for any woman who doesn’t know this scientific fact.

    • Infact Sata insulted HH’s mother by implying that she did not know the man who impreganated her.

      I think thats the worst insult I have heard from a fully grown man at a higher level in politics insulting the parent (s) of his political competitor.

      What have we done to our nation people?

  1. So HH was born outside wedlock? Is this a confirmation. If yes then is he going to be president since the constitution says both parents must be Zambians? Someone help us to understand this.

    • @Dontcare, which constitution the old or the new? And you must be useless like Sata’s MPs, you never seen HH on Presidential ballots before?

    • Typical PF cadres. Never serious. Always to divert attention from a real issues.

      @Donchi care. At least HH has nothing to hide unlike one Mr. Michael Chilufya Langford Mubanga Chanda Sata. aka CNP

    • @Nostradamus. HH could have been on ballot papers illegally since this fiend of his is talking about him coming from a single parent. Don’t we have only one constitution in Zambia? What do you mean by asking which one?

    • @ Dontcare,
      Sata himself has alot of children born out of wedlock. Does it mean that the children are not Zambians?
      There are many people born outside marriages, even Kabimba, Masebo have them, ain’t their children citizens of Zambia? Yes they are.
      Therefore, Hero of Humanity (HH) whether born outside wedlock or not, he is Zambian as long as both parents are and were Zambians. Yes, he can and will be president whether born outside marriage.
      HH is Zambian even if Sata likes it or not.

  2. Dreams about Hakainde becoming are a waste of time. You educate your Hakainde to also refrain from attaking ba kateka. HH na miobola coz achepa kuli Sata.

  3. Christina Kaseba is not mother of Mulenga Sata. Also that other dirty son of Sata who got married is not young brother of Mulenga Sata.

  4. I don’t hear any condemnation from this Grio when Hichilema is insulting President Data. One supposes its because Grio is Tonga or something.

    • So you don’t know your father? You’re one of the few who don’t know their father. At least I know who my father was (MHSRIP).
      You see, not everyone is like you.
      Instead, you should have said that, majority of women know the REAL father of their children would sound empirically logical. Hope you can know who your real father is or was, if deceased (MHSRIP).

  5. This woman is an *****, Is it an insult to women when you ask some one to name his father?. You are really a very dull woman and an ***** for that matter. If this chap was born out of adultery why shouldn’t we speak about it. The President did not insult any body, neither did he be-little women, no. You stupid woman you are just exhibiting your stupidity.

    • Have respect for Ms Grillo, she’s fit to be your mother. Grow up and start respecting our women. Go to the labor wards and see for yourself what these women you’re insulting go through.
      Are you cursed? Dear child without women you wouldn’t be yapping like this today and please grow up. You need Bashibukombe and its not too late.

  6. this man should behave like a father..and yet he has a lot of children who may have bastards as well..stop insulting HH who is hardworking and employing many Zambians ..

  7. we need to contact the queen of britain to edit the dictionary. pantu pa zed nachilila. ‘fact=insult’ ,’obective=ignorance’ , ‘democracy= unless we are there’ , ‘development unless its us there’ , ‘freedom of expression= we can say what we want about them but they shouldnt say a word’, ‘president=ailing dictator’, ‘opposition= keep talking’

  8. This Grillo is not leader of an NGO but an opposition cadre for HH. The simple question is, who is Hakainde Hichilema’s father? Is there a Mr. Hichilema or not? It is a curious question any reasonable person would ask a pompous, disrespectful and ranting Hakainde. There is no insult to women or even to my mother if someone asks her who is the father of Mundetelele?
    Now that we are reading about fabrications of insults, our curiosity is being raised higher, who is Hakainde Hichilema’s father or is it that Grillo knows that the mother to Hakainde doesn’t know who his father is?
    As far as I am concerned, I would rather listen to Chigunta who has advised all political leaders to embrace development and issue based politics than politics of insults and pettiness.

    • Mundetelele,
      Walai letelela weka. Even when facts are there in front of you to see, alas, blindly yapping with your unsubstantiated allegations. Don’t attack Ms Grillo for your failure to read and comprehend facts.
      Wondering when you will ever grow up!

  9. How many Children has Sata got?
    Is he raising/ taking care of all those children?
    Is he the TRUE FATHER of all of them?

    Sata is not father of the Nation, kaili we are also doubting whether he is the true father or not. He is only a step father for now.

    • There are many women who have children with Sata but decided not to talk about it because it is an embarrassment, what will become of these children. I remember one lady a journalist in Chilenje who when she ditched him he took back all furniture that he had bought for her, it was the talk of that area. He gave all his girlfriends city council houses and once you ditched him you made sure that your rentals were paid or else he sent the wolves after you to evict. The man is a disaster, I always wonder how he got to Plot 1 with such a dirty background. I am not suprised that he is not functioning anymore it is a curse and a blessing to women, I can imagine how many women he would have abused if his gun was functioning.

  10. This is fit for discussion only in those African societies that have completely abandoned their traditions.
    mama Grillo here speaks as an African mother, (adult if you like).
    Now you who answer back even before you digest it, which platform are you speaking from?
    or do you want your very tradition minced for you pa LT?
    Just wondering….

    God be with us all

  11. I totally agree with Madam Grillo. “Fathers” are only told by their wives that they are pregnant and they conclude that it is them responsible. For all I know, it could be their gardener, neighbour or brothers. Only a woman knows the real father of her child!

    • Grille says; President Sata’s disparaging remarks against single parents is insulting, what is the insult about a woman without a husband but having a child from a gardener, neighbour or brothers? HH just needs to provide details of the gardener, neighbour or brother who fathered him, just in case he is Zimbabwean and disqualifies his son from standing as President Heghi Heghi. Has HH’s mother not told him? Remember Grille can grill anything.

  12. “She has chided President Sata, telling him that it was the exclusive advantage of a woman to know the true parentage of children in a family “…How is it an advantage to know whose the father…it sounds deceitful. Just like thinking that you are spokenperson for women group’s then it makes you express the views of all women. Keep lying to youself.

    2016 will be about what has been done and is it enaf to warrant second term. If not go back to the old party MMD.

  13. The main problem in Zambia now is the church, which has been drawn into politics! This is very dangerous, politics and religion do not mix well. We need to chain these so called bishops and pastors in their churches, they are just bringing confusions in the political scene.
    The parentage clause is their in the constitution and it is a requirement for any candidate and politicians are free to question it! Their is nothing vulgar about it, HH should just point to his father and shut up Sata. HH should be careful, these people who are talking about his parentage are just raising more questions and can easily jeopardize his candidacy in 2016. What if people start asking whether his father was Zambian?

  14. Can someone tell me one good thing Sata has done since he became president of Zambia? Does anyone think Sata has love for Zambia? And why are people like Scott, Mmembe, Kabimba still supporting this man? What is Chikwanda still doing in this government?

    • Your first name has it all. As for the men you’ve mentioned above, they are only there to EAT tax payers monies. Politics of the stomach. Mr Munkombwe, minister for southern province declared so.

  15. To shut up a 24 carat foool in state house, HH should simply erect a bill board at Keke International Airport with his parental details and his picture. You will see how rabidly the foool will ask to have it removed.

  16. the president should stop insulting the mother of HH coz she is not a politician and instead the president should salute her for single handedly rising a great child. He is a wealthy young man. IF NOT CAREFUL THIS ISSUE WIL BRING PF DOWN, let his advisors do thier homework.

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