Monday, March 17, 2025

President Sata should honour Mung’omba’s legacy by giving Zambians a new constitution


MMD die hard youth leader Bowman Lusambo captured during the gathering to demand for the release of the Zambian draft constitution.
MMD die hard youth leader Bowman Lusambo captured during the gathering to demand for the release of the Zambian draft constitution.

Press statement for immediate release

President Sata should honour Mung’omba’s legacy by giving Zambians a new constitution

Lusaka, 19.02.14, Following the death of Mr Willa Mung’omba, State House has released a message of condolences to the Mungomba’s in which President Sata has described the late Mung’omba as a distinguished lawyer and business executive of many years.

The Head of State said the late Mung’omba leaves behind a rich legacy of promoting democracy, good governance and upholding peace and stability among the people of Zambia.

As MMD youths we find President Sata’s message interesting and has prompted our response.

We believe that if one was to be sincere and discuss late Mung’omba’s legacy, they will not do so without acknowledging the late Mung’omba’s efforts in the constitution making process.

We can only speculate why State House avoided highlighting the late Mung’omba’s work as Chairperson of the Constitution Review Commission in President Sata’s message of condolences.

As MMD youths, we wish to remind President Sata that the late Mung’omba worked tirelessly with his team of honourable men and women to deliver a draft constitution and report as a key step towards enacting a new Republican Constitution.

The late Mung’omba’s led a team of distinguished and patriot Zambians who traversed the length and breadth of Zambians to hear people’s submissions on the kind of constitution they wanted to give to themselves.

Under the late Mung’omba’s leadership, the Constitution Review Commission produced a report within reasonable time which was generally accepted by all stakeholders.

For us, mourning the late Mung’omba without finishing off the work he had started off on the constitution making process will be a disservice to his legacy.

Even granting Mr Mung’omba a state funeral will not measure up to the honour that the late Mung’omba deserves.

We therefore submit to President Sata that granting Zambians a new Republican Constitution would be the most apt manner of honouring the legacy of the late Mung’omba.

Merely issuing statements mourning Mr Mung’omba’s death would be tantamount to showing crocodile tears.
Our final call is that the lives of gallant men of the soil such as late Mung’omba, late Mainza Chona and late John Mwanakatwe should be celebrated and their legacies upheld by giving Zambians a new constitution.

When President Sata stubbornly refuses to give Zambians a new constitution stating that the country already has a valid constitution, he is pouring scorn on these great men who showed greater love for this great nation.

We appeal to President Sata to move the debate forward from issuing messages of condolences to releasing the final draft constitution to the Zambians.

We also appeal to the Head of State to constitute a Referendum Commission and set the process of having a referendum in motion.

The work of the Technical Committee Drafting the Constitution will add to the already piled up work of the Mainza, Mwanakatwe and Mung’omba gathering dust in Government offices if President Sata does not gather his political will to give Zambians a new constitution.

President Sata is sitting in a very unique position to leave a lasting legacy on Zambia by giving Zambians a new constitution.

If President Sata delivers on his promise of giving Zambians a new constitution, we know the kind of obituaries people will write when his time to go and be with the Lord comes.

It would be sad if people would start adding President Sata’s name to the past leaders who have failed to deliver a new constitution.

President Sata has a chance to mourn the gallant men and women who have worked on the constitution making process by releasing the final draft and allowing Zambians to have their say on the matter via a referendum.

May the soul of our gallant men continue to rest in peace and may they continue inspiring the youths of Zambia in pushing for a new constitution.

We offer our warmest sympathies to the Mungomba family, his friends and the entire nation on this untimely loss of a giant who fought for a better Zambia.

Issued by: Bowman Lusambo-MMD Die Hard Youth Wing National Coordinator


  1. It should not be an honor to Mung’omba but a right entitled to 13 plus million Zambians. The Constitution of the country should not be treated as a charity case.

    • My condelences to the Mung’omba family, MHSRIP.

      Now, on his refusal to release our New Republican Constitution can Sata tell us:
      1. If all costs incurred in the constitutional making process can now be ragrded as FRUITLESS and WASTEFUL expenditure, and
      2. Who should be jailed for authorising and/or wasting such huge sums of money?

    • Condolences to the Mungomba family. What a loss to Zambia. It should be Chumbu dying not well meaning Zambians.

      Is it by coincidence that all the people who chaired the constitution making process are dying just a few months after finishing the exercise.? I am beginning to think there is something fishy here.

      Sata should be reminded that we shall get that constitution by force if he continues to be arrogant and stupid.

    • Sata don’t care about the current dead, because he knows that his funeral will be worst ever. Even at Chiluba’s funeral, it took Emmanual Chenda to sleep in Sata’s sitting room begging him to go and atleast body-view Chiluba.
      God be with the Mungomba.

  2. That said, sincerest condolences to the Mung’omba family for their loss. It is a national loss indeed.

  3. This is like imploring the ‘omnipotent’ Michael Sata to ‘please hear our cry’! A sad development indeed for what is supposed to be a democracy, a government of the people for the people by the people. As a people, why must we not consider ourselves insane to try to convert Sata into a Kim ll Sung?

  4. @Wanu
    May God forgive this vampire for lining his pockets while 70 percent of Zambian People live on less than $1 per day or worst while some of them were dying of hunger…

    • My friend most poor people have only themselves to blame. People should wake up and start working hard you go to the compounds and they are dirty like hell are you telling me they would be that dirty if everyone cleaned their sh!t. Most Zambians allow corruption themselves.


    I only hate crooks, thieves and looters
    You do not seem to know what was going on…

    Could you explain why a so-called recapitalisation of ZCCM-IH is needed while First Quantum Minerals owes ZCCM-IH more than $600 million, $100 million swindled and invested in Mauritian Banks, $300 million misappropriated by Glencore ????

    a great man for Zambia indeed !!!!

  6. @ Pa Zed
    I never blame uneducated and uncultivated people for few ngwee but always those taking advantage of their education or their position to plunder Zambia

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