The opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) now seeks the immediate international intervention of the US state department, European Union, SADC heads of states and governments, African union (AU) and indeed the United Nation’s secretary-General on the dangerously stalled constitutional making process in Zambia.
APC President Nason Msoni has urged the international community to immediately compel the PF to engage into meaningful political dialogue with all political stakeholders to iron-out the sticking points without resorting to state intimidation and threats.
Mr. Msoni says all successful Zambian governments in the past have ended-up duping the masses on the adoption process thereby ending-up with the current subsisting flawed document which gives more excessive powers to the presidency.
He notes that the PF regime finds this defective document suitable as opposed to the new draft document which is instilled with internal mechanisms of accountability and institutionalized mechanisms of democratic governance.
He has urged the international community to act decisively in unison and quickly compel the regime to put the process back on track and to hold talks with all stakeholders.
He says there is no-doubt that the polarizing and deteriorating political situation in the country is slowly spinning-out of control over the hijacked constitutional-making process requiring outside intervention before it’s too late.
And Alliance for better Zambia (ABZ) President Father Frank Bwalya has charged that Zambians will not entertain jokes from President Michael Sata over the constitution.
Father Bwalya has told Qfm news that the recent jokes by president on the constitution amounts to disrespecting the majority Zambians.
Father Bwalya says Zambians will not entertain jokes because when the president was making the promises for a people driven constitution he never joked.
The ABZ leader has since stressed that president Michael Sata should deliver his promise than joking about such an important document.
Father Bwalya has also appealed to Zambians not to relent in demanding for a people driven constitution.
they tried Commonwealth in the past but to no avail.
Mwafwa nomba ilyo yamawa, even Nason Msoni has got involved? The MMD knows better than Sata. He gave Sata headache at MMD conversion, I remember that, Sata was saved by Dason Lupunga.
Kwati chipuba! When are you people going to be independent? No wonder nobody respects Africa!
why seek international intervention if the constitution making process is just stalled?
The intervention being sought would have been justifiable if the process was cancelled
Engage your own govt first
@Nubian fimo fimo, it takes a whole village to raise a child. we live in a global village. one day, the child shall be fully grown and she will help in raising others.
Thank you
@ Gen
R U trying to become fully fledged clown?
Stop wasting time with the international police! They dont constitute anything solid, only after you kill yourselves if you know what I mean and only when there is something of substance attracting them to your country.
Nason is a big fooooooool, at this time going out wen all means are in our hands.
Do not degrade our sovereignty, Nason, You are a big fool.
Juvohabe, rightly so!
Zambians must be courageous enough to take on the PF govt and stop wasting time with the international community and organizations when they have a record of failure world over! Zambia should simply unite and make their voices heard period. The problem is that Zambians are cowards and are not united. It is high time people got organized, Msoni organize yourselves and start gathering on the streets of Lusaka and pressure govt to act!
Way to go! We don’t need outsiders. The new Constitution is OURS! And this PF government PROMISED it to us. We must hold them to this promise.
Show Sata this is no joking matter. This is SERIOUS.
When are we going to march on State House? I will be there.
How many million US dollars of allowances did people with kantemba political parties like this receive in MMD years for sitting and endlessly “discussing” the constitution? Time to find a new job guys
Another chabe chabe man talking rubbish.
You are right @Nubian. These people are so dull. What kind of leadership thinks like this? Do they even know how countries are governed?
Nason, it is irresponsible for you to be yapping just to make headlines like this one – you lose respectability – we haven’t failed to get our constitution, we will get it – crying for the international community, what do you think they will do for you that will get chumbu to give us the constitution? You seem to lack political situational awareness, Sanctions by the West, will be like pissing in the wind, cause China, who are taking most of our minerals won’t buy into such
Please impeachment should sound the alarm to his majesty. Be careful Mr president you are tip-toeing against 14 million people of 80% live in poverished conditions. which of course you dont give a damn. It is really a sad site on my mother country but be aware and learn from Egypt and Ukraine if at least there is a 6th sense left in you!!! As Albert Einstein once said, ” The world is becoming a dangerous place to live in not because of the evil people but because of people who see evil happening and dont do anything about it.” That exactly describe our parliament full of useless MPs who dare even smile at the president when he tells them that they are useless. Worse more the injustice, unstructured judicial sysytem…. But alas… time is catching up. Watch out…….
No! Just No! Seeking international help over the constitution undermines the countries sovereignty. Next think you know the gay agenda will be forced into our constitution and we’ll accept it like the fools we’re being represented as. As a young democracy the only way we’ll learn, is to deal with the challenges we face head on, by ourselves, so that we can develop a much deeper understanding and appreciation of democracy as a people. We are a young nation we must learn to try stand on our own feet and also learn from the mistakes made by other nations if we are to ever develop as a nation.
Useless politician. Fuulish rantings really. So what if you report to USA? You have great inferiority complex man, only a Musungu can give you a constitution. What a dull person you are Msoni..shame on you. You are even the guys who have been hammering the constitution money year in and year out. Please gives us a break. shaaa.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.