Monday, March 17, 2025

I have never seen an old man who lies like President Michael Sata-HH


President Sata at AU Closing Session-1238

Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has charged that he has never seen an old man who lies like President Michael Sata.

Speaking during a rally in Katuba Constituency at Mwanjuni Primary School to drum up support for UPND candidate Jonas Shakafuswa in the forthcoming Katuba Parliamentary by-elections, Mr. Hichilema says there is no doubt that giving the PF chance to govern is another mistake.

Mr. Hichilema says the people of Zambia already made a grave mistake to vote for PF in 2011 and they are very careful of not wanting to repeat the same mistake.

The UPND also expressed happiness with the thousands of people who came to attend the rally saying the people of Katuba are anxious for change and development.

He cautioned the people of Katuba not to give any other candidate a chance to go to parliament because they will never see the light of development.

He furthermore adds that the only credible candidate who can help develop Katuba constituency is UPND candidate Jonas Shakafuswa who has vast experience to develop the nation.

Mr. Hichilema has since urged the people of Katuba to turn out in large numbers next week Tuesday and vote for the right candidate that they think will develop the constituency and not vote for people who lie.


  1. hahahahahahahah! HH you have never seen an old who lies like Sata,,, but this is the same old man you were with in a pact,, you mean you never saw his lies during the pact??

    • Indeed ndobo he should have known the president’s character, that actually makes him look silly with that comment

      Saying that I think we had an idea what the people were getting and who they were voting when they elected Mr sata
      The trouble on the other side of the coin is that, we do not know what to expect from HH.
      The notion of people supporting him is either from the dislike of the PF and or just wanting anything but an alternative to what we have

      Don’t support any of them, but isn’t the Devil you know a better devil than the one you don’t?


    • That is one of the reasons why he left the PACT because he saw signs of a liar. What he did was the right thing. Only a dull person wud disagree with HH that Sata is an old man of lies perhaps worse than ka chiluba.

    • @Mushota, “the devil you know” idiom is a weak way of looking at things. Shipikisha club died in UNIP. We now live in challenge club. There is no need to keep what is not worth keeping just for the sake of it. PF have a mandate to rule until 2016 but they should be mindful as that mandate is not written on stone and ‘we’ the people can tear or burn that mandate by going to the streets like in Ukraine. Governments need to respect the electorate and live up to at least some of the promises. All that was promised in their (PF) manifesto is now contentiously unfulfilled by this government. We held together as a nation forging together in the creation of a new constitution but the president has mishandled this issue. The supporters of PF should know that this document will be used others…

    • …will be used by other parties when they form government going forward. The constitution is not just for PF. It’s a national crisis at the moment. We will remember this and many other broken promises by PF. If you truly love Zambia as I do, then this issue as you know is bigger than any party politics and bickering.

    • If you see anything wrong in MR SATA,just wait for him to finish His term and elect the one you think is capable of being in office than using some bad terms,i am not supporting or against any of the two parties but iam just trying to show respect to the one ruling us as Zambians

    • If voting for PF was a mistake, voting for UPND would definitely have been and would be suicidal for the national.

      There is nothing in UPND leadership, structures, agenda or program (if they have one), character, ability, capacity etc that is admirable and inspirational.

      Tell, me what would compel any sane human being to vote for UPND in its current form?

      There is nothing in UPND that can attract new and forward looking members to join.

      Sata may have lied but people can see what he is doing and he has a national development program.
      UPND reform and become national in character.

      It must also replace its r0tten head if its remain relevant to the political discourse

    • @ Gen
      PF and “structure”?
      R U nut case?
      PF is not a party but loose association of laying deceivers fighting for the spoils of corrupt deals done in the name of “development”!!!

    • @ 142

      and UPND is a tribal, selfish provincial party full of egocentric schemers and economic plunderers, looters and saboteurs.

      They are devoid of any national appeal or character.

      which sane humans can vote for such a gang?

    • He never agreed to the pact as he knew this snake is an old depleted liar. HH is Zambias next president like it or not. Most of us celebrated when RBish lost and what has this f0ol done since? Nada!! he has infact shown his tendency to be a dictator and should therefore concede as Banda did we don’t want a cicvil war.

    • HH is now dangerously in the PF 18 zone!
      PF has now run out of reserves and the only solution is to raise their borrowing from 200million to 13 billion! What a lousy jump?
      Don’t allow them to borrow beyond what they have borrowed already or Zambia will be doomed!

    • @ Peter, @ Gen…it is now clear to me that you are the PF guys who lick Sata’s mess for the sake of wanting to belong to PF. When opposition leaders speak on your behalf there is some element of truth. Sadly when you are tribal and blog in Bemba thinking that everyone who is Zambian is Bemba only shows shallowness.

  2. H.H is digging is own grave before you know it Jonas will want take over from you 2016 you wont be the UPND candidate wait and see i know how ambitious Jonas is


    • Stop deluding yourself. Sata formed a pact with HH for financial reasons and nothing else. How can Shakafuswa challenge HH when his campaign is being funded out of HH ‘s pocket.?

      Without HH ‘s backing UPND is doomed financially. Thank God he is a selfless man who detests cutting corners. He is holding UPND firmly unlike Sata and his PF which is in disarray.

      All my hope for a better a Zambia is primarily on me and secondly on UPND and HH.
      For I know that ,for any serious minded individual to exploit his full potential he need the support of a government which ensures that fair justice, rule of law and freedoms are upheld by all means. All what the government needs to do is to create an enabling environment for individuals with business skills to innovate and create employment.

    • You mean how much is power worth?

      I agree with you, the absolute abuse of power by this current regime is appalling.


  3. In yester year old men were respected because they had integrity. Todays so called old men are shameless. It would certainly be stupid for voters to be cheated again after ‘money in your pockets has been transformed to money out of your pockets’ by PF theough lifting of subsidies, price increases and most embarrasing the endless depreciation of the kwacha.
    This is the worst the country has ever been. Why on earth cana sensible voter waste his vote on PF. It would be stupid to do that

  4. @ndobo n mushota
    This is the reason the pact failed and HH moved out.Yes in2011,zambians simply wanted change,i don’t think they will choose HH,SIMPLY AS AN ALTERNATIVE,He offers more than simply an alternative,take time to listen to hh and you will confirm my words he is the only hope for 2016.we cannot continue with the devil you know syndrome. Zambia forward with HH

    • i hear you,,, but that statement of lying should have been just when the pact broke, i understand relatively speaking HH is better than Sata,, but am looking for the best option not better,,, i dont just follow politicians mungulu NO! mungulu following is what has got Zambia in this mess,, oh and am not afraid of asking questions in my search for the best option

    • ndobo i have been following yo debate.yu are so narrow minded.HH is the best among all presidential candidates.He has managed to run himself,his familly and UPND for 8yrs now.Its not easy.He presents the best creditials the only problem yu Zambians yu look at tribe.we dont eat tribe but policies .Mwanawasa demonstrated that but we cant see.

    • @Sido mark
      No need to be emotional mr man… so you who is wide minded, can you tell me or explain what part did HH played in the failled privatization of many Zambian industries which brought misery to Zambians?? how did HH end up the chairman of sun international (z) ltd when he(HH) was on the privatization board on behalf of the Zambian govt when they selling intercontinental hotel to sun international??
      Forget Sata, am NOT his follower,,, am talking about HH here

    • @ndodo, these are simple questions that can be answered by our “competent” ACC, not sidomark. We cant be going around the circle on this issue with base-less allegations, come-on ndodo, I thought you were better than this. Are you telling me that if the Govt can jail Mpombo on fuel imprest money, they can let HH, their arch enemy, scotch-free over these allegations of corruption during privatization.

      Let the ACC bring-out the charges of corruption, otherwise we will assume that HH did his job well handling the privatization

    • @Ndobo

      Do you honestly think, HH would have been spared by Sata if he had a case to answer concerning privatisation? Sata was warned sternly not to drag HH into the mad over privatisation because the company HH worked for knows all the dodgy deals that Sata and the late Chiluba were making with that privatisation money.

    • @wanzule
      Sata is damn to understand “white collar adjustment in finance management“. They adjust the money and adjust the book to balance to the `new figures`. Very learnt people dont steal like stealing tomato on the market and running,, they calculate everything and balance from start to finish,,, you think Sata can understand that?? and let alone prove it in court?? zip! he cant!
      My point is yes HH is relatively better than Sata by far,,but he is not as holly and as corrupt free as worshipped

    • @Sido. Careful. Sata was in opposition for 10 years. I feel it does not matter how long you have doing things on your own. Running a Government is not the same as running a party or a family. The dynamics are too wide. You need a very good team that will understand and support the vision carrier (the President). Or else all the political parties will continue to have the similar scenario election in election out and we as Zambians will continue having the same type of analysis we are giving PF now. I hope we will analyse these issues differently as we need the generations to come to continue enjoying our peaceful and lovely Zambia.

    • @Ndobo

      I agree with you that no one is totally corrupt free under the sun except the dead. The only thing I must say is that certain types of money grabbing activities like HH’s do fall under the category prosecutable as corruption because they do not involve direct influence of the public officer to get a favour from a private person and vise versa.

      More especially in HH ‘s case, its not his personal company that that carried the privatisation process but a company for which he was an employee. HH did not bribe any government officer or minister to get a contract to execute the task. Thats why his case can not be classified as corruption.

      I can accept a case of extortion in HH’s case but then how many private businessmen and women extort prices to make huge profits?…

    • Correction

      I meant’ to say:The only thing I must say is that certain types of money grabbing activities like HH’s do NOT fall under the category prosecutable as corruption……………

    • @Chills. Wait and see when HH becomes President (if he will be one that is) then you will have a better analysis of the so called stealing you are mentioning now. Running a Country is complex business. There are people who visit with alot of promises and carry alot of money with them. Its tricky my country man. Lets look at the bigger picture of what PF is doing with developmental projects. Stealing is a very broad and complex term. I am sure even you, you have stolen before.

  5. My Tonga brothers really have a huge problem. Their hh talks no issues but people that makes him just a joker. Let him tell us what he has in store with regards to ending power shortages, unemployment etc and just selling a man that abused Parliament motel whenhhe turned it into a “slaughter house”

    • mr chinyama what ever yu call yo self,iam inviting yu to read the UPND manifesto and listen to HH at rallies for sure HH is no longer a tonga issue but a seriouse national asset.His companies feeds the Zambians and politicaly his libareting the oppressed poor people.Dont reduce HH to a tonga tribe but a saviour for many Zambians.I pray yo God should show yu a better side of other tribes.

    • Which companies feeding Zambia does he own? You re so blinded by his rhetoric of being rich. Let him grow up and talk issues if serious people will take him seriously.

    • @Albert Chinyama

      Work hard for bread crumbs off Sata’s table before dumps you.

      About HH , tribe aside, he is the only hope for Zambia , because he is educated, young ,in touch with modern trends in politics, has made his billions in a clean way, and he is less likely to get into government to steal massively like Sata and you guys are doing. Right now he is the biggest employer in Zambia at a personal level.

      As for you continue burying your head in the sand and exposing your back side to sata for him to leave you some bread crumbs off his table to feed your family.
      If you are a business man then your Katemba is one of which its survival heavily depends on you supporting Sata and his PF otherwise you would be out of business.

      One thing for sure is most Zambians are in tune…


  7. If you see anything wrong in MR SATA,just wait for him to finish His term and elect the one you think is capable of being in office than using some bad terms,i am not supporting or against any of the two parties but im just trying to show respect to the one rulling us as Zambians

  8. I believe HH must not misuse his “I have never seen” speech. It is not as useful as the “I have a dream” speech. First it was I have never seen muzungu opusa; now it is nkote yawenye… I hope the third time will be more interesting.

  9. There’s no question that, as a politician, Mr. Sata has, on numerous ocassions, lied to the Zambian people. However, what is more appalling is the expediency and acceptability of his lies to us. Our failire to hold him accountable is creating a precedency and making it part of our culture in the way we are going to be transacting state business going forward. Lying by politicians ought to be a NO, NO.

  10. Ask The former zanaco management how HH was given the contact to liquidate Luanshya mines Ramcoz . HH had no heart for the miners (Copperbert mines) otherwise he would have served Luanshya mine by finding equity partners ,but took that as a chance to pay himself heft amount of money as management fees which he later laundered he is a very selfish man tell me the man does not give to the poor nor donate to communities he donates money to his region party no Sane Zambian unless as usual his regional sympathizes who can vote for him trust me

  11. Haikona Haikona only knows how to grab money and insult. He will never be president so why not stop wasting time and just get on with life? Unless he has been the subject of so much investment by foreign powers that he cannot walk away, he belongs to them

  12. @mukwita
    i hear you, however youre judging someone who is innocent.HH is guilty of nothing except he is a victim of jealousness from sata and his cronies. The concern here is sata is in charge on the nation and so far he has failed us lamentably. there no single arm of gvt that is working efficiently…NONE, zero.everywhere is chaos in the country including his party itself. How can we stay idle refusing to open our eyes just because pf is squandering national resources? Please lets wake up….i beg

  13. I think action speaks louder than words.I remember very well that Mr Sata promise change within 90days,that is a political language.let’s support PF and give them another term so that they finish what they have started.Sata is following the footsteps of Kaunda.

  14. This is just talk .. and thats what politics is about.. has Sata lied ? Yes! Has HH lied? Yes!. the problem with politics is that to the ordinary eye it seem all things are straight forward… be president and say i dont want this, i want this , abolish that implement that, stop borrowing, stop corruption e.t.c… the fact is , the governance system has been running longer than you… its been ther before you were born. Most opposition think just like the PF thot that they can just walk into power and do a..b..c…. because ther in power. its the same illusion we all had when we were young, put simply; ”dad earns a lot of money, why does he keep feeding us beans and porridge?” .. its only when you grow up when you realise that actually daddy was not that rich..

    • @Matrix. See it does not kill you to speak like a Zambian instead of fanning ethnic hatred as your blogs have been. You can be useful. Zambia belongs to Chipimo, Antonio mwanza, sata, rb, yourself as much as it does for hh, nawakwi and the rest of us. Stop apartheid.

  15. Mr HH, please tell us about developmental plans you have for Zambia. How are you going to end poverty , how are you going to create employment, how are you going to increase the salaries of civil servants, how are you going to build modern hospitals, etc. These are issues we want explained by you sir….not these jokes you have been vomiting every day.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  16. 90 days is equal to lies. I advise people never to do anything that requires 90 days to accomplish because it will be a lie.

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