Friday, October 18, 2024

President Michael Sata visits hospitalised KK


President Sata and First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba arrives at Lusaka Trust Hospital where they  visited  First Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda on Feb 23,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Sata and First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba arrives at Lusaka Trust Hospital where they visited First Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda on Feb 23,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

PRESIDENT Michael Sata yesterday visited First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda who is admitted to Lusaka Trust Hospital.

President Sata arrived at Lusaka Trust Hospital at 10:45 hours accompanied by First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba and his Special Assistant for Press and Public Relations George Chellah.

Upon arrival, the President was ushered into Dr Kaunda’s side VIP ward where the alderman who was been admitted to the private facility since Friday evening, was found seated looking upbeat and relaxed.

“Imwe Shikulu, how come you are now sick when you never used to fall sick while my sister was around?” Mr Sata asked Dr Kaunda in an apparent reference to the late former First Lady Betty who died last year.

Dr Kaunda who wore a black leather coat told the President and the First Lady after an exchange of pleasantries that he was feeling much better and was recuperating well.

President Sata later posted on his Facebook wall that he and the First Lady had visited Dr Kaunda at Lusaka Trust hospital.

“The First Lady and I have just returned from Lusaka Trust Hospital where we went to visit our founding President Dr Kenneth David Kaunda.

We were happy to find KK in high spirits. Get well soon Shikulu,” Mr Sata said on his wall.

Meanwhile, Dr Kaunda’s daughter Cheswa said her father was feeling much better and that the family expected him to be discharged soon.

“He’s feeling much better, thanks. He’s talking, reading and very relaxed. We are just waiting to hear what the doctors will say for us to know when exactly he will be allowed to go back home,” Cheswa said.

Dr Kaunda, 89, was admitted to Lusaka Trust Hospital on Thursday evening after he reportedly complained of fatigue

President Sata visits  First Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda at Lusaka Trust Hospital on Feb 23,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Sata visits First Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda at Lusaka Trust Hospital on Feb 23,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Sata visits  First Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda at Lusaka Trust Hospital on Feb 23,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Sata visits First Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda at Lusaka Trust Hospital on Feb 23,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba greets First Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda as President Sata looks on. This was  when the First Family  visited the former president   at Lusaka Trust Hospital on Feb 23,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba greets First Republican president Dr Kenneth Kaunda as President Sata looks on. This was when the First Family visited the former president at Lusaka Trust Hospital on Feb 23,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA


    • Get well soon KK. For a Man of your age I fell you’re being abused by Chumbu. I would rather you took on a much more private role and not be seen too much in public.

      Let Chumbu fight his own battles without using you as a shield.

    • He has time to ask for forgiveness from his creator because he lives on. He may already be saved.
      With all his failures, he had many success too.
      -sugar plantation and refinery
      -Ndola nitrogen
      -kafue textiles / mulungushi textiles
      -Namboard (used to see stockpiles of maize along the line of rail)
      – Tazama pipeline and rail
      – Kariba hydro power
      – Maamba collieries
      – Kapiri glass
      – Operation rail system Kafue & Luangwa
      – Operational state of the art coach service (Zambia Motorways)
      – Yellow & black UBZ bus service well organised with conductors and ticket machines
      – State of the art cab services with transmission radio and electronic charging meter (zamcab)
      – KK foundation printing company (May have been his downfall – too much propaganda )
      – General…

    • But the president looks sharp people, me very proud with this look infact my doctor looks like the mother for the first time! KK you are not going anywhere dude not now!

    • Right now we need a president who will harness the revenue collection system for the country. Introduce congestion charge coming into the three main city centres: Lsk, Ndl and Ktw. This will ensure only genuine traffic will come into the cities and as it is a paid service, there will be considerable reduction in traffic congestion. We can then concentrate on cleaning up the cities by legislating to landlords to modernise or sell their derelict properties in town centres for demolition and developing modern looking buildings in the heart of these cities. It’s a shame the Chirwa project is dead and buried under water. That would have helped link the cities with a modern rail system especially that our very good friends the Chinese would want to have a sequel on the rail system in Zed.

  1. A true statesman who made a turn around when his friends, Bob, Saddam, Gadaffi,Mubarak,Chairman Mao,Brezhnev etc continued on am authoritarian path. Look what a sad end most of them came to. Our leader can be called a statesman. Lessons should be learnt from the Shikulu. Get well soon KK. For those criticising KK on his continued involvement in politics,Mandela’s advice was always sought by the government; Lee Kwan Yu of Singapore is always active in the political arena as founder of Singapore; Abe Lincoln would be considered were he still living. These are nation builders not plunderers. Most people die within 10years of retirement due to inactivity and lack of mental stimulation.How many of us will life to see 60 let alone 89?
    Long live the founding father of our beloved Zambia!!!!!!!

  2. The sickness came out as a result of barotse land issue.its eating the old man up.On 22 feb..the barotse issue was on.

    • The Barotse issue is a closed chapter in as far as we are concerned as Zambians.Remember that Zambia is a unitary state with laws governing it.Any body trying to divide this united country will face the prescription of the law which deals with division

  3. LT, let’s infuse some decency on your blog. These nyama nyama comments from watchdog lovers must be censored. There re too many mental patients’ comments you allow.

  4. how many km to the grave or is it a mile. hahaha twalixhulile nomukalamba uyu. pack up and go. we will follow wen we go beyond ur age.

  5. In pic 2 ,my daughter putted at sata as the patient ,I tried to convince her that it was the man in black coat.its funny but check it.get well soon kk,no man is perfect but avoiding human bloodshed is the honorary thing u did that’s want makes u a states man.

  6. OK help me out here? Who is sick in the pictures shown above? KK or Sata? lol. Complexion-wise, facial ……ummm who is older by the way lol. Ooh dear kinda confusing.

  7. hahaha

    Look at Ukwa’s thin legs…. its just a matter of time. Ati kuya bebele you can both say good bye to each other… don’t think Zambia need you at this time

  8. I am trying so hard to find a good memory for his rule without trying to direspect our sick elder: Was it the queing for oil and sugar on a saturday afternoon while been supervised by cadres carrying sjamboks, or waiting for supa loaf to arrive on a sunday morning smelling a bit stale, or rushing to school at 0630hrs to be able to find a chair and desk in a class sitting of 45 on average, or going to a government hospital to wait the whole day for a doctor to see you or been abused by overzealous police officers while hiding under the so called humanism which was basically communism???? Maybe he is the lucky one who can get a private VIP ward when most of our fathers died at the mercy of panadol prescriptions!!

    • That was about 23 years ago and at least he built you a school to go to. Had supaloaf, Tetrapak milk drink, free pencils, books, textbooks and hospital to wait to be seen to etc… You were coming from the yokes of same slavery – colonialism. You had to be given freedom in doses otherwise you would choke. This was all from inception and a lot of mistakes were to be made though things started unfolding. Last time I was at the Royal Free London A&E, I had to wait 4 hours to be seen by a doctor.

    • Spot on boy, twalitantama twanaka. It was good riddance on 1 nov 1991. Not these other gentle men who are trying to be patronising for nothing. They must have been born when we had kicked him out!


  10. Long live KK, Get well soon. Engineer of Australia or engineer of hatred, wonder if you are a real engineer as you spend 90% of your time on Lusaka times posting negative propaganda about PF. You will die early and ba Sata will remain, you dont know what life is. The bible is spot on, wish someone sickeness or death not knowing you are lessening your own days or your fathers of breathing. “Who shall ever digeth a pit shall fall in it”

  11. At least KK is admitted locally unlike our Sata who needs a presidential jet and commercial airliners to sneak out at great expence to the taxpayer.

  12. @ Manhar- My friend you forgot a few things to your list. No power outages, no pot holes, free education, free hospitalization, liberation of our neighbours south and yes KK11. The man was not perfect but he did what he thought was in the best interest of the nation. He could have been a billionare like all the others who worshipped money but instead he never stole a single ngwee. Ask the scotland yard whom Chiluba called upon to find out where Kaunda’s cash was hidden. Couldnt find a penny anywhere my friend..

  13. Fake Engineer

    You are the devil himself.Get a life , I bet you never grew up with your parents, imbecile.
    ama fee yer car yer car.

  14. @one hit wonder correction Kariba Dam was built in the 1950s by the federal goverment to supply power to the mines and to the two Rhodesias thats why there is Kariba North and Kariba South research before you mis lead many.

    • @Agressive Muntanga: I think you should be the one to pay more attention.
      I clearly said Kariba Hydro Power and not Kariba Dam:
      Power generation[edit]
      The Kariba Dam supplies 1,319 MW of electricity to parts of both Zambia (the Copperbelt) and Zimbabwe and generates 6,400 GW·h (23 PJ) per annum. Each country has its own power station on the north and south bank of the dam respectively. The south station belonging to Zimbabwe has been in operation since 1960 and has six generators of 125 MW capacity each for a total of 750 MW.[5] On November 11, 2013 It was announced by Zimbabwe’s Finance Minister, Patrick Chinamasa that capacity at the Zimbabwean Kariba hydropower station would be increased by 300 megawatts. The cost of upgrading the facility has been supported by a $319m loan from…

  15. ….China.

    The north station belonging to Zambia has been in operation since 1976, and has four generators of 153.5 MW each for a total of 614 MW; work to expand this capacity to 1,080 MW is expecting completion in December 2012.[7] Lake Kariba, the reservoir created by the dam, extends for 280 km (174 mi) with a storage capacity of 180 km³.

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