Tuesday, March 18, 2025

ECZ disappointed with Katuba violence



The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has expressed disappointment with reports of alleged malpractice and incidents of violence that characterized poll day the Katuba Parliamentary by-election.

ECZ Acting Public Relations Manager, Sylvia Bwalya, has told QFM News in a statement that violence during elections contributes to apathy among electorates.

Ms Bwalya says it is important that all political parties abide by the electoral code of conduct to avoid negative consequences that may arise from abrogating the law.

Ms Bwalya has appealed to political parties to exercise patience, restraint and tolerance in future by-elections.

Ms Bwalya has also clarified that the delay in the declaration of the results for Katuba Parliamentary by-elections was due to the challenge in receiving the results in three polling stations.

She explains that the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) helicopter that was contracted to provide logistics in the three polling stations was unable to access the three polling stations early this morning due to bad weather.

Ms Bwalya has since commended the media for fair and balanced coverage of candidates during the campaigns leading up to the Katuba parliamentary by-elections.


  1. Iwe double vision what re u implying .
    just because UPND has won fyamibaba
    Their end is near no matter what PF bakanya amafi in the next 2 years the truth is kuya bebele.
    Some will rot in heaven like Meembe who has killed the party.
    Mulenga Sata and cisekeseke we chipuba kasebana.
    Think the nurses she fired Kaseba are happy

    • If it was UPND instigating violence in Katuba, ECZ would have gone for the UPND ‘s jugular . But because it is PF, the main culprit they have resorted to mumbling instead of condemning them in the strongest terms.

      The delay in announcing the results had nothing to do with transport logistics. They were waiting for instruction from Sata after informing him of the PF’ fate in Katuba.

      Any way what ever the case big thumps up to UPND HH and Shakafuswa.

      2016 PF kuya bebele unless they remove or impeach Sata and replace him with a reasonable forward thinking person.

  2. The ECZ needs to be able to identify and call out the parties causing the violence during these elections. That is leadership. Condemning the violence in general terms creates the tail wagging the dog impression where the ECZ is intimidated and controlled by some or all the political parties.

  3. katuba is Just an inch from LUSAKA how come some areas are inaccessible? UPND was very unfair to choose JONAS again bringing a recycled politician , who likes women like his beer, Now katuba Ladies be ready for this man to disapoint you further, will remember late CHINKUSU

    • @ anyoko

      Before issuing warning to women regarding Jonas appetite, can you compile list of PF “dignitaries” parentage outside of wed-lock?
      Like that you will be busy for next couple of months.

  4. Shame on Ms. Bwalya for not pointing out that pf people were responsible for the violence and vote buying. She should spade a spade and not a big spoon.
    Zambia forward.

  5. Miles Sampa in a civilized country would have been fired for being caught buying voters cards to reduce the numbers for the opposition, but since he is a nephew to Ukwa nothing will happen to him but come 2016 all these cases will come up and people will be locked up in three months not the circus that has been going on where people go to court for years – it is a joke.

  6. Why cant they learn from the mansa elections , is it because of the tribe involved is violent , I think so so we should respect those who conduct themselves with out violence as great

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