His Excellency Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, the Fourth President of the Republic of Zambia, has today left for South Africa to attend medical review.
The former head of State has since thanked His Excellency Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, the President of the Republic of Zambia, for facilitating his travel to South Africa.
“I am grateful to the President for facilitating the trip for my medical review,” said President Banda who left the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport at 13:30 hours aboard a South African Airways flight SA063 and was accompanied by his administrative assistant Mikatazo Wakumelo.
President Banda is expected back in Zambia at the completion of the medical review. He last travelled to South Africa for treatment in October last year.
Issued by:Kennedy Limwanya
We should be ashamed that in 2014, OUR LEADERS still go to fellow african countries for medical review. Cant he do the review at UTH?
He looks much younger and fitter than Mr Sata what is the difference between their ages?
I wonder why.
Hope all goes well Mr Banda.
This medical tourism must stop forthwith.
KK never went outside the country during his 27years in power and still doe not.
Improve facilities at local hospitals for the common man as well or the entire population must demand to be treated outside
@ Mushota,
What young man looks like that? Have you checked out insekete dear?!
Point of correction, it’s supposed to be which young man not the afore!
Imwe, please keep our father, KK at home where he can rest in dignity. He has lived a full and accomplished life. Let nature take its course. How many of our people get healed in South Africa?
Zambian politicians are very useless. They are even proud ati ” going to south africa for medical check-up” If1puba ifi. Bafikkala echo mulefwila like flies.
No I didn’t. I think you are right he is an older man. Just thought I would compare him with our president perhaps its the stress from Mr Sata.
president of all zambians RB is 1 year older than Sata… but obsessive lying makes people look much than than they actually are. The only sin RB commited is the obsessive love of `small` girls epecially virgins,,, my big man always wanted to be the first in the que… otherwise he is not a lair…
RB even married Tandi when she was still a virgin,,, i dont know about other presidents if they married virgins
For the first time Mushota is right and sensible. RB looks more energetic than Sata. Sata looks like still tired of 2011 election campaigns where he used to faint, fail to address rallies, etc. He looks exhausted and and angry.
why is he going to SA when he build clinics all over as claimed during his campaigns?
The same reason that Sata has his medicals outside the country. They believe our medical facilities are substandard for their likes. Which in all sense is wrong.
You cannot politicise your health. People die of simple illnesses at UTH and, for a fairly young person, Banda knows what’s good for him. Honestly, would you even think twice?
He is in fact, running away from a problem he created to the problems with his unlistening MMD. Lets remind comrade RB that, the mobile hospitals he brought are waiting for him. The ticket monies’ should be in poor people’s pockets and not unnecessarily spending.
After chewing, people are left forsaken by the comrades and stoutly UNIP squeezers.
Why not send one of his famous mobiles hospitals to his home. That way he wont have to travel so far
Well done, remind him, he is the one who bought them and today’s running away from them. Please bring him back to UTH, the Mobile Hospital will pick him up from the airport.
PF also fired the nurses but very quickly to run away to other countries for medical treatments.
RB, the mobile devices turned into squatters are here and stop running around. UTH has never been renovated and repainted from time in history.You see what votes do to the unlistening’s likes of Kaki Koki (KK), Rude Boy (RB) and Machete Crooked Sa-Ta-zania (MCS)?
These UNIP comrades have been in power for over 50 years, for Kaki Koki 67 years and that’s 167 years of “experience” to the TRIO. Alas, nurses have been fired, Rude Boy and Manchete run as Kaki Koki cadre used for political expediency.
Running away from…
Nchito finally stopped his drama, that’s good wish you well RB.
UTH is just a building, they receive a lot of funding but the work culture with doctors and nurses. No wonder most Lusaka residents prefer going to St. Francis hosp in katete than cue up at our failed UTH.
I think he has gone to caution his youngest curb never to surrender even if he hears the sweetest voice of the Male Lion calling!
But why should he go to South Africa and not UTH? Is there something mediocre about our health system? Mr. Rubbish Bin, you should have worked on your hospitals here when you were in power. Rat Bast@rd
While I agree that we need to beef up our own hospital[s], we need to appreciate the fact that H.E. Banda was allowed to travel in the first place. This shows at least some level of maturity on the part of HEMCS.
Second, we need to stop thinking that the government is the only institution that can run a hospital. We as Zambians can set up private hospitals and import not only doctors [expertise], but also machinery to be able to detect and treat diseases.
The way I see it, Zambia only has 4 diseases: Malaria, Diarrhea, Headache and HIV/AIDS. If you have anything else, then you’re dying.
I would like to image that even while in RSA, H.E. Banda will not be at a government hospital, but a private one.
I wonder which box you are thinking out of.
You want to import doctors?? Very clever – we’ve had Cubans (the Cigars could have been better!), Russians, ukrainians, some British, Americans, Eygptians, name it, NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!!
The Treament Abroad facility run by MOH was meant for MEDICAL CONDITIONS WE COULD NOT TREAT IN ZED & NOT MEDICAL REVIEWS FOR A KNEE or a COLD or PROSTATE problem( For the latter, we have very many imminent UROLOGISTS!)
POLITICIANS HAVE HIJACKED THIS FACILITY toallow them fire Medical professionals at will, one politician who has done this more than any other is Chumbu himself
Sata – Kudo’s to you.
Mr President – you have not got much time in this world considering your age. Better to reconcile with your folks and not die in anger. Mind you there is another life after death.
Cry my beloved county. Why cant we improve our hospitals so that ordinary Zambians can also enjoy the proceeds of our copper. Zambians should learn to speak up. People need to understand that your silence will never serve nor protect you. We have to start advocating for ourselves. We only good at bending over to impress aliens or foreigners. Ati ndiye bamahafu, remember only poor flock to Zed as chalipwalala…!
Mr Banda, you are entitled for that treatment. It is not at the mercy of Mr Sata but a government responsibility. Please dont join KK in hero warshipping Sata where theres nothing to worship him about. Anyway, enjoy the trip.
What a surprise, Nchito and Mmembe did not try to block him this time round?
RB president for all zambians
You sound as if you are endowed by Satanic genes. The plight of our former President is well known by most intelligent Zambians.
May His Excellency get well soon and God bless.
what plight are we talking about here? When RB was in power, he used to have a knee problem, honestly, is that the reason he should be going to SA for review on tax payers money, why not our own UTH. Are our doctors not competent enough to treat knee problems? Hey we never heard Mandela being repatriated out of the country for better treatment…..southafricans are proud of their health system, why cant cant our leaders be?
Seriously speaking GRZ needs to improve medical care at home, these medical trips to other countries for such leave a sour taste in the mouth.Build and improve medical institutions around our country imwe ma politicians.
Wish you well papa Rupiah get back soon and help save us from the sickness that is foisted on us daily by these PF cumbus.They’ve ruined the economic miracle you left for us.
… as one man dies on the q at chilenje clinic.
My president safe trip sir the president for all zambians