Opposition Members of Parliament today heckled and forced Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini to prematurely suspend proceedings of the house before subsequently adjourning the sitting of the house.
This followed the Speaker’s decision to dismiss Mazabuka Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo’s follow up debate on Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba’s ministerial statement on the update with regards constitution making process.
The Speaker’s decision against Mr Nkombo did not go well with the opposition Members of Parliament who chose to boycott the subject of debate and the subsequent questions for oral answer session.
As the Speaker called out questions which were supposed to be asked by opposition Members of Parliament, the opposition lawmakers repeatedly chanted constitution.
This prompted Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili to rise on a point of order amidst continued heckling, on whether the opposition Members of Parliament were in order to disrupt the proceedings of the house with impunity contrary to the Guidelines and Standing Orders of the house.
In his ruling Dr Matibini noted that it was very clear from the conduct of the opposition Members of Parliament that they were no longer ready to transact thereby suspending business of the house.
Earlier in his ministerial statement Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba told the house that the PF has a national development agenda and that the constitution making process is but part of that agenda.
Mr Kabimba stated that government is dismayed with statements insinuating that the PF government lacks political will to deliver a constitution.
He also dismissed assertions that the country is polarized with regards the constitution.
Mr Kabimba further attributed the delay to release the draft constitution to the decision by the technical committee to take the draft constitution to his office instead of the President who is the appointing authority.
He says he is consulting with President Michael Sata on the handover of the draft constitution by the technical committee.
Malabishi arguments from Summer Kambimbi
The constitution will be delivered and no one says the process has been cancelled.
PF will deliver on the constitution and other development programs and those of you with regional and tribal parties like UPND will be ashamed.
PF will not disappoint on the constitution that will stand the test of time and it will form part of Sata’d legacy
No sense !!! 🙁 🙁 🙁
Lets face Sata and PF have failed to govern. They have no plan and were clearly not ready to rule. Its not so much about delivering the constitution if so much tax payers money had not already been spent, why did they allow all that public money to be spent on the constitution? Thats the crux of the matter.
Only someone without a plan would behave like that. They set up so many tribunals and when the tribunals brought the results, they were not ready to act e.g. barotse tribunal. So what did they have in mind when setting up the tribunal. Clearly no plan.
Gen – it is not Sata or any person in this shum of a government to say they will deliver a Constituion to us. We will get it with or without Sata.
Please note that any politician standing in our way will be ignored. You can remain with the Federal constituion while we start refering to what we already have as licked by the ZWD.
We’re very serious about it.
I thought your confused leaders Sata warned new appointed civil servants not to discuss the constitution. So what has changed for Kabimba to issue useless dead and buried statement that have bored most of the country.
There is totally nothing new Kabimba said in parly today apart from inventing another lie contrary to what the technical committee said. According to the TC they had handed over 10 copies to Sata , not to Kabimba. So if Kabimba says the TC handed the 10 copies to him then it is plausible that he is the one who leaked the document.
Every one is very vigilant on the constitution making process. If Sata and his PF think the merry go round tactics will help them change the contents of the constitution, they better think again.
Sata knows we mean business, and it’s better he co-operates else we pretend he doesn’t exist.
For Kabimba – we have a copy of the draft document as released by the ZWD, we will refer to it line by line, and do not expect any alterations, else you will all be crashed.
I was actually streaming parliament radio and my honest opinion is Matibini is the most useless and bias speaker we’ve ever had. He is so undecided and his speaking capabilities are terrible.
Matibini chipuba sana.
What Hon. Speaker Mr. Justice Dr. P. Matibini, SC is now being compelled to do is the reason I did not support his leaving the bench. Such a fine legal mind to be messed up like so. Those who are not from the legal fraternity may also appreciate some of his elaborate judgments like the Sata v Chimba and Others (2010/HP/1282) [2011] ZMHC 74 (2 September 2011). A classic!
!many thanks to all zambians who are pushing these evil governing offices to release our constitution.
Zambia forward.
ICHO KAMBWILI THE BOUNCER next time Mr speaker sir allow Kamwili to slap all those UPND oppsition MPS , tongaz for that matter, they will be disciplined, we need legislators who are disciplined.
@ Anyoko
R U promoting democracy of Terror?
If so, try to remember what happened to the original architect of Terror!!!
Sata’s description of his MP’s perfectly suits you. Useless…
You’re talking about a house that under normal circumstances ought to be honourable.
@anyoko – YOU are a big Pathetic Fool.
It is clear that Govt is playing hide and seek games over the supreme document of the land. The technical committee on constitution making process was a high learned one. It is demeaning to the honorable members for Mr kabimba allege that the committee did not know what to do. The dumping of the draft constitution in the corridors of justice ministry was a clear indication that the technical committee did not agree with Winter and his Boss how to “DOCTOR” the draft constitution. Now the volcano is erupting and empty headed Kabimba wants to justify his summer sorting over the constitution making process. Bwana you are caught pants down and evolution is coming which you have no option but face or release the constitution as promised. REMEMBER NO MORE BUFI WILL EXONERATE YOU AND THE A…
The truth is Matabini is full time PF cadre. The Zambian parliament is a sham, headed by a political thug-cum lawyer. It’s now time to give the dishonourable speaker his own taste of unfair rulings.
It looks like there is just so much lack of communication in the PF, what Kabimba is saying and what his Stoopid boss is saying is something that is so disturbing and hence the call to have these chaps checked by doctors. They are so confused and they think they can confuse everyone else! Well done opposition, push them to the limit and we go the Ukranian parliament’s way on Sata!
Lelo,Lelo this is what it means to rule a country ba PF,mulemona
The drafting comit handed 10 copies to Kabimba, how did or does this right protocal delay the delivery of the document to the pipo? It’s kabimba who must accompany the comit to state hse.