Friday, March 14, 2025

UPND’s Shakafuswa officially declared Katuba winner


Shakas 3

The opposition UPND has scooped the Katuba Parliamentary by election which was held yesterday.

Returning officer Mutandi Mwanamwali declared the UPND candidate Jonas Shakafuswa as duly elected MP at about 10: 20 hours this morning.

Mr. Shakafuswa who beat six other candidates polled 4,781 votes followed by his closest rival Moses Chilando of the PF who polled 2,747 votes.

MMD’s Cecil Homes polled 734, NAREP’s Joseph Mushalika with 566 votes while Patricia Mwashingwele of Alliance for BetterZambia polled 393.

UNIP candidate Allan Malawo only managed 124 polls with National Revolution Party’s Shakespeare Mwakamui polling a paltry 23 votes.

And speaking to journalists shortly after being declared winner, Mr. Shakafuswa said his election is a wakeup call to the PF government.

“I just feel there is a lot of work in Katuba that needs to be done. I will be going to Parliament to go and wake up the useless PF MPs as the President refers to them,” he said.

A total number of 9,481 votes were cast out of the over 28, 707 registered voters.

134 ballots were rejected.


    • What a catastrophe in PF. Losing erections so close to Lusaka? They shouldn’t even dare to change GBM.
      Thank God GBM didn’t help the, this loss is on Sata, Kabimba, Guy Scott , Nsanda (Chimbwi Safaries), Sikazwe, Sampa and Judge Ngoma’s gunmen.

    • Am burning my PF party card to ashes right now,am joining UPND.Please accept me back.There is nothing good for PF,come 2016,Sata will be in Chitulika village.

    • This might have been rigged either way, I think it makes no difference

      In all honest it should be a measure of anything because the PF is in control, they are probably toying with UPND because to be honest they didn’t care much about this seat

      Either way, you should have a good luck up yourself and have your head examined if you think UPND is going to form the next government

      Grow up all you people acting like sissies or 5 year olds

      I am not impressed.


    • Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
      Thomas A. Edison

      This idea that the PF is losing a grip on things is delusional. It has taken almost 20 years for the PF to get rid of the MMD and by the law of averages it simply means the earliest the PF can get removed is in 2021.
      If a poll was taken right now from south east people prefer Mr Sata to be carrying the torch.

      He has the torch and if you give it to HH he wont know what to do with it. Inexperienced

      To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.
      Mr Sata has this in abundance.

      Here is the important bit : I don’t think there are UPND supporters in Zambia, there is just people who hate PF (big difference).


    • 2011 Results
      MMD, Chikusu 6 388
      UPND, Shakafuswa 3 531
      PF, Mwewa. 1 622

      2014 results
      UPND, Shakafuswa 4 781
      PF, Chilando 2 747
      MMD, Holmes. 731

      PF gaining ground bantu botatwe territory

    • @ Action Man:

      PF is gaining ground you say? Well….. another way to look at the results would be:

      Governing party in 2011 (MMD) = 6,388 votes (55%)
      Governing party in 2014 (PF) = 2,747 votes (33%)

      UPND in 2011 = 3,531 votes (31%)
      UPND in 2014 = 4,781 votes (58%)

      Sure, PF got only 14% in 2011 and 33% now, but is still quite a (delusional) stretch of the imagination to believe these results are “good for PF” and point to victory in 2016 as you claim.

    • Please subtract 1400 votes from PF because they were gained using under hand methods and intimidation. So in essence PF got 1250 votes. Besides , many people shunned the election because of PF ‘s violence. Other wise Shaka could have got more than 4659 votes.

      Which ever way you look at it PF has been thumped hands down despite all the vote buying and intimidation by the A team.

      Haleisa Haleisa fumeni munshila ba PF.

    • Though I might not have voted for the guy who won here , I am happy that the Zambian people have once again shown that they can vote for who they want ! If it means kicking out the incumbent , it shall be done !This should be noted by all ruling parties , both present and future ! NO EXEPTIONS AND NOTHING PERSONAL ! PURELY BUSINESS ! ( N.B. I am not saying PF will get kicked out in 2016 , but can get kicked out if the Zambians decide to do so)

    • I can only worry if PF lost in Kasama. Katuba is a BANTU BOTATWE area for UPND. All PF needs is to lose with some dignity in opposition areas and the thrash the opposition in PF strongholds. PF got more votes now that fewer people voted. Wait for 2016 and see how Sata gets more than 50%

    • @ Spuds

      Thanks for simplifying my analysis: PF has doubled its share in Katuba from 14% to 33%!
      Now, do you expect this trend change in 2016?

    • @ SPUDS

      You Claim:

      “PF is gaining ground you say? Well….. another way to look at the results would be:

      Governing party in 2011 (MMD) = 6,388 votes (55%)
      Governing party in 2014 (PF) = 2,747 votes (33%)

      UPND in 2011 = 3,531 votes (31%)
      UPND in 2014 = 4,781 votes (58%)

      Sure, PF got only 14% in 2011 and 33% now, but is still quite a (delusional) stretch of the imagination to believe these results are “good for PF” and point to victory in 2016 as you claim.”


    • @Action Man 1.14

      PF still failed to gain as large a share of the votes as MMD did the year it lost the national elections. Yes, PF went from a very low base of 14% to 33% (a gain of 19 points), but UPND went from 31% to 58% (a gain of 27 points!). Also, consider that PF went from being 17 points behind UPND in 2011 to 25 points behind them now!

      I applaud your bravery and agree time will tell, but honestly don’t see much comfort for PF in these results. Certainly, I don’t see any clear sign of unstoppable growing popularity as you claim. Rather, despite all the benefits of govt machinery, the results show PF is falling further behind the curve and failing to earn even the same support as the (much reviled?) former ruling party did in the year it lost.

    • Mene Mene Tekhel U-PF-sin, UPNDtake NOTE meaning PF you have been weighed in the scale and found wanting, your days in power are numbered and shall be transferred to a force like a whirlwind from the south. Also meaning that UPND should take note and organize and not allow this victory to go their heads! That the days of lying and skulduggery shall soon be over.

  1. UPND will cry blood in 2016 with these fake victories, who doesn’t know shaka is the son of that place. its like having a by-election in kasama and PF picks HH as its candidate and UPND picks GBM, who is going to win its GBM of course.

    • Pf has lost. No excuses for loosing other than that PF is not wanted anymore. wasnt Shaka a son of the place when he lost in 2011 as blogger 3 is saying?

    • How do you interpret the UPND victory in a ward in Chililabombwe? Do you need an angel from heaven to convince you that things are falling apart in PF? Infact, the boat is sinking so fast. I did not expect PF to loose ground so fast. If you are in the boat, I advise you to dive into the water and swim to the shore for your own safety.

    • Bloggers, especially from the Upnd camp, why is it difficult for you to understand that it’s MMD that lost the seat and not PF? Looking at the 2011 results as compared to the current results, you will understand that those who voted for PF in 2011, even this time did not change their minds if anything the number has even gone up by a thousand +.It is the MMD camp that shifted to UPND.Nevers Mumba must be very worried and not PF with regard to Katuba constituency.

  2. Guy begging for votes in Katuba,thinking he could dupe the electorates ,give us another 20yrs,government cannot be changed like underwear.What an uttermost stupidity!!!!!.Guy, we are not your children ai?,this is nothing but a tip of an iceberg.Armageddon is coming.

    • This is uttermost stupidity,did your useless geography teacher taught you that,Katuba is in Southern Province?The same tribalism,regionalism sentiments are the ones that make you lose elections and at the end of the day you also lose your erection and unable to ejaculate.Plz i encourage you to leak the wounds of humiliation very well and stop bringing your unproductive sentiments.

    • @Big Giant
      What @JUDGE is trying to say is that if PF continue playing the tribal cards, UPND will continue winning. He’s not saying UPND is tribal. In short such attacks coming from Past Newspaper and PF are what is propelling UPND to prosperity

    • Judge, am sorry, really sorry the problem is that am too drunk with excitement so failed to comprehend your comment so well.Please am sorry,i hope u will find room 2 forgive me.

  3. It’s good for democracy , projecting for 2016 is hallucination. Let us look at previous elections and the answer is too well to suggest.


  4. Am so so happy coz upnd has just taught pf a political lesson and it goes to show that sata is nothing and he has no control bcoz his party is confused as he calls his ministers useless and he is also useless viva upnd viva 2016

  5. With due respect the margin is too big. It’s clear message which PF will ignore at its own peril. Constitution, high prices, selective justice, etc? It also shows that it is curtains for MMD and I mean unfortunately.

  6. Had you not intimidated the voters with violence ba UPND, PF was going to take the day. So I cant congratulate you on this one

  7. Dont be excited. They will be no elections in 2016. Prio to elections their will be violence and HEMS will cancell the elections til further notice

    • If Sata cancels the elections we will then smoke him out of plot 1 just like the Ukranian president was sent hiding a few days ago.

      He is actually very lucky thanks to democracy, other wise Zambians would have lost it already and smoked him out.

      If we want we can tell him not to come back from Congo. He should stay there if he wants.

  8. Congratulations Shaka, I liked this man in MMD and I still like him in UnDp, because he is very objective and sincere his interviews are very interesting and educative.add value my brother..

    • Whatever insults you can throw at UPND,PF mwaitaya.Munaitaya mweka namboza yanu and the infighting in the party.Your party is directionless so people are seeing what is happening and can not support you guys any more.

  9. The results should send shivers in the PF camp. PF has lost popularity so fast and the general election in 2016 will be worse for them. Eastern, and Southern are no go areas for PF. Northern province is also divided following the resignation of GBM. Most youths on the Copperbelt are jobless hence they may not vote the way they did in 2011. The Constitution is another thing that will make PF loose popularity so fast. What about the subsidies? The declining of kwacha? Lack of stable or permanent jobs. Well the list is endless. I think in a nut shell most Zambians have realized that they were duped. I don’t know the lies PF will bring forth in 2016. I don’t see them going far unless they engage in vote buying during the general election which not going to work either. Congratulations UPND.

  10. It appears NAREP only has one candidate Joseph mushalika who they keep trying everywhere. Last time he stood in Chilanga and lost and this time around he stood in Katuba and got a humble pie.

  11. This is the reason why Sata had to beg GBM to declare that they are very good friends despite what happened. They know PF can only win genuinely in Muchinga Province.

  12. It has been said before and will say it again that p.f will rule only one term. Moreover the boat remains static and directionless if there is no hand to move or control it.. Forward with HH.

  13. Rather than do the mature thing and take a lesson from this, I imagine PF’s next move will be to cry foul and contest the results. Just wait for it…..

    Some leadership, huh?

    • Uh….. what does the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have to do with this?

      I know the UN has been criticized for being ineffective at times, but don’t think so much for starting civil wars!

  14. A duly elected murderer! Shaka nonsense is corrupt and Katuba will not prosper under his leadership (mobster cartel). He is a man with no integrity and has a track record of stealing constituency funds etc. One day he will face justice for the murder he committed. In 2O11, he only had 3531 votes and did not gain many votes in this by election. One day he will face justice for the murder he committed. Only of 9,481 votes were cast out of the over 28, 707 registered voters!

    • Ati ma jealous! you know what uchite get out! Shaks is the man the people of Katuba wants whether you like it or not.

    • FILI UKO TULEYA- Savage get back in your cage with Shaka nonsense.There is no place for grade 7 animals in Zambia. Better still shoot yourself and rid humanity of worthless nonsense you are.

  15. Congtraulations Honourable!! Now it is time for work. First things first. We people of Yenga Yenga village need a bridge for vehicles to connect Kasupe mission area to yenga yenga village. We are aware that the Late area MP Chikusu had lobbied for funds for the same bridge and monies were allocated. Please follow up. Cheers!

    • Congratulations parliament motel prostitutes. Your customer Shakafuswa is back in town. Raise your prices girls he will be desperate.

    • @ Mutale Chikwanda
      So according to you which part of Zambia is a good yard stick to convince you that UPND and HH are gaining support country wide?

      This latest victory will convince all the doubting Thomases that UPND has now become a force to reckon with,except people like you who are too blind to notice the political change sweeping Zambia as a result good leadership provided by HH in UPND.

      Very soon all those who left UPND and PF members will now start pleading to get back or join UPND for fear of losing their seats.

      Come 2016 If stand against Guy Scott I can beat him hands down in Lusaka central.

    • At least illiterate Sata will go down in history as the 5th Zambian president unlike the educated you who will never be remembered.

  16. Here in the UK people don’t read too much into results of by elections as they are usually protest votes. Results of general elections tend to be different. Also, Katuba is not a good yardstick for obvious reasons. Try to win in Lusaka, Copperbelt and Northern Zambia.

    • @Mutale Chikwanda

      Do you know Zambia or Lusaka very well?. Katuba stretches from Independence stadium on wards. In fact Katuba shares boundaries with miles sampa’s matero constituency.

      Let Sata create a by election in Lusaka and see how PF will beaten hands down. Infact in Lusaka it will be worse because people know first hand how useless PF has become unlike villagers who just hear reports on radios.

  17. Sata formed the pf and he has destroyed it himself becouse he has U turned from his promise of what the people need. They have nothing to tell zambians at any campain rally. They have nothing good to atract a vote in western province. Nothing good for the bembas becouse the president has rejected their paramount chief who is the castodian of the bemba voters. The president has finally abandoned the people driven constitution after spending billions. Is this not abuse of office. Today like many other pf members. I have withdrawn my vote for the opposition. come 2016.

  18. New Zambian Politics!


    “Na Muntu Wafwa Pamunshi, Wa Mukowa Wafwa Pamushi, Mwamana Kulila, Mbutwakalila Kuno Kuli Ba Chikusu, Mulakala Nobamukowa Kubandika… Simulyazhina Saa… Mulabika Mutuba Na Mulabika Wa Mukowa?”


    “UPND Belongs To Bantu Bo Tatwe.”

    • Yawn yawn !! So what?? They were both right. Ok, now answer this question: Bembaland is to Bemba candidates as Lenje land is to . . ……………. candidates. (Fill in the blanks)

  19. Fire GBM and UPND will grab the Kasama central seat. Fred Mmembe, George Chellah, Guy scot are destroying PF. PF has become useless because the price of mealie meal are high, fuel is expensive and traveling has become costly. All basic needs are just too expensive. When RB left, a bag of Roller Meal was at K 24 and breakfast at K32 but now you buy a bag of mealie meal at K90. Tunazigonga. Chanda Chiimba warned us and we never listened.

  20. My role is simple. Is to congratulate the victor UPND who have scored this tym around. A win is a win whether it ws achieved by a single vote difference. Thank to UPND & our fellow comrades of Katuba for expressing their displeasure wth this administration. Let the race begin… The party with useless MPs can as well speak more louder that they are all useless.PF I can assure you, cum 2016, my vote doesn’t belong to u

  21. Congratulations UPND for winning Katuba.This win has no bearing for the 2016 elections of which none of UPND,PF,MMD,NAREP,UNIP will win the elections.The elections will be won by another party which will be formed soon to kick out these incompetent,corrupt,thieving old politicians who have no heart for Zambians.What will Shakafusha do in parliament?Wake up sleeping PF mp’s?People on the ground need to touch,see and feel development.The is good for his pocket but not the people.The battle continues.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  22. This is an indication that PF is a Party that is for Democracy. Congrats Shakas! Remember you were in that constituency for 10 years and Katuba is just the same hope this time around you will do something. Educate HH on tribalism as this will not take him to plot one other wise he will always remain in opposition. All the best we shall meet ku shaka’s kraal pa weekend.

  23. Bloggers, especially from the Upnd camp, why is it difficult for you to understand that it’s MMD that lost the seat and not PF? Looking at the 2011 results as compared to the current results, you will understand that those who voted for PF in 2011, even this time did not change their minds if anything the number has even gone up by a thousand +.It is the MMD camp that shifted to UPND.Nevers Mumba must be very worried and not PF with regard to Katuba constituency.

  24. Its even annoying that there are Zambians who can still vote for PF. I don’t expect any sensible person to vote for such a gang .

  25. Now Shaka intends to bring development to Katuba, yet he once served Katuba for 2 terms. Same individuals….equals same result. More money is his pocket. The illeterate masses are losers once again.

  26. Its encouraging to note that our electoral system, flaws and all, seems to work. I will not be surprised if this result is challenged by PF as they seem to be good at wasting resources and people’s time. Let’s see what happens with the remaining by-elections.

  27. Siamunene of Siavonga and Monde of Itezhix2 are always insulting and mocking HH. Now ma guys have you seen the avalanche come to smoother you into dust of history??? Greed bane is not good in a democracy.

  28. Its intrestn’ readn comments by u pipo. Bt a matter of fact, no mattr hw much we frm th pf camp try to confort our selves it will nt help. We hv seen upnd scoop seats in mufulira and chililabombwe. Hw surley do we intrpret this? As fo me wethr we put past recod it will nt help. Upnd is growing,hence need to strategize.

  29. UPND Congrats for beating PF in Katuba! With all their machinery at hand you still beat this useless Party not to mention the alliance of Nevers and Frank Bwalya (734 + 393= 1127). Continue being consistent and continue making in roads on the copperbelt. Eastern Province is yours for the taking because these guys have messed up RB, the son of the soil. Lusaka is yawning, North West and West are already yours and we cant even talk of Southern Province for that’s your bed. PF may remain with with Muchinga only if they do not sort out this Chitimukulu issue. And Luapula is dicey. Start the work UPND now please. Viva UPND!

  30. Congratulations Shaka… please start work right away. Parliament is boring and empty without MPs like you,mulusa, and a few UPND Mps. The rest are just there4 to fill their big bellies. They have even stopped demanding for the new constitution

    • This Shaka garbage is a CHIKOPO!Do yourself a favour and shoot yourself and rid humanity of the worthless nonsense you are. You have contributed nothing to Zambia or the world at large. You are only famous for murder,addiction to prostitutes,spreading HIV and stealing from the people of Katuba. Your tomb stone should read worthless garbage good riddance to bad rubbish.

  31. PF I am happy with your projects but work on your administration and public image.your votes are stagnant and strategy needs to change.

  32. I hear there is a million dollar reward to bring parliament motels prositute’s best customer to jutice. Slow and painfull.

  33. This Shaka garbage is a CHIKOPO!Do yourself a favour and shoot yourself and rid humanity of the worthless nonsense you are. You have contributed nothing to Zambia or the world at large. You are only famous for murder,addiction to prostitutes and stealing from the people of Katuba. Your tomb stone should read worthless garbage good riddance to bad rubbish.

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