Sunday, March 9, 2025

Zambia has not become polarised as regards to the Constitution making process-Wynter Kabimba


Wynter Kabimba
Wynter Kabimba

JUSTICE Minister Wynter Kabimba has assured that Government is not resisting giving Zambians a people-driven Constitution.

Mr Kabimba said this in his Ministerial statement presented to Parliament yesterday saying it is incorrect to suggest that Zambia has become polarized as regards the Constitution making process.

“It is not correct to suggest that our country has become polarized as regards the Constitution making process. It is also not true to further suggest that there exists one group of stakeholders which is championing the process on the one hand with the Government resisting such a demand against the people’s interest on the other,” Mr Kabimba said.

He reiterated that Government was committed to Constitutional making process to the extent that the programme remained wholly owned by and was also representative of the views of all citizens of the country.

He said that one of the reasons leading to the delay in the handover of the report was the attempt at one point by the Constitution Technical Committee to hand him the report instead of the Republican President, who was the appointing authority.

“I objected to such handover and I returned the documents to the office of the chairperson of the Committee pending my consultation on the handover date with President Michael Sata,” he said.

Mr Kabimba said he had now been advised by the Chairperson of the Committee that the final draft report was ready for handover to President Sata and that accordingly he was consulting with Head of State for a suitable date within his schedule of work for such a date.

He said Government was dismayed with public statements by stakeholders ‘insinuating’ lack of political will or good faith to the process.

He said it was not true to suggest that the country had become polarised as regards the Constitution making process.

“We as Government appreciate the fact that in a democracy, like ours, the people will express their views through different avenues on how the Government should undertake various programmes. This is what democracy entails. However, we should be careful and guard against projecting puritanism in such instances,” he said.

The House also welcomed newly elected UPND MP, Jonas Shakafuswa who took oath before the Speaker.


  1. “Puritanism” in politics?
    R U sure you put marker on the right page in thesaurus?
    If anything, Ten Commandment has been used by you as a remainder of what NOT to follow.
    As to the democratic values, no body shall accept lecturing from a person which has NEVER been elected to any position at any level either of the party or Government.
    Open your eyes “comrade” Wynter. People have spoken notwithstanding reign of malpractices and terror imposed upon them by you and your associates.

    • Not that his not been elected before, but that his stood 4 times and has BEEN REJECTED that many times, starting from ZADECO, RP and PF.

      He either joins us the people or we continue ignoring him. No 2 ways about it.

    • The results of this week’s polls have made them realize where they are at. Kabimba try to reconcile your statements with that of Sata re constitution.

    • The more red lips talks the more he does not make sense….

      You delusional president says the county has a constitution

  2. Not sure it’s worth commenting on whatever comes from Wynters mouth. His thinking is no better than a 6 months old baby.

    We have pretended you do not exist, and will soon start refering to the ZWD released People Driven document as a Constitution. You either get on board or you continue been ignored.

  3. My simple advice to the PF is that NEVER take Zambians for granted. Ask Super Ken, FTJ (MHSRIP) and RB. This people driven constitution may well be your waterloo IF you think you can dribble Zambian out ofwhat they principally voted you into the office for to deliver. As for me, I did not vote for Sata for economic acumen because I knew he was deficient. I was deceived by his fiery rhetoric aided by propaganda vuvuzela aka as goebbels m.embe to give me this sacred and illusive document withhin 90 days. That was the music in my ears that made me wake up at 03h30 to go to que at Chibelo School to vote for pabwato. But Kabimba, just know that I have not thrown away my voters card. I keep it locked in my gun safe!

  4. This chap is dull indeed!
    A chap who can’t even read the mood of the nation accurately?
    Your days in power are well numbered.
    Watch this space!

  5. I knew that nothing meaningful was going to come out of his address. He was supposed to give us something worthwhile not what he gave us we deserve better.

    • The fool is saying it like getting 5 minutes of the presidents time is impossible! From December he has failed to get a slot? Just how foolish are some of these people? Everyday they reach alarming levels that make me wonder just how low they can go!

  6. Not too long ago we were told that Cabinet was studying the document before it could be released to the public . Which constitution was Cabinet studying if they had not received the document from the Technical Committee. ? C’mon spare us the crap.

  7. its dull to speak ill of sata now for those of you that gave him the vote because you just like him you are part of the cause of misery that has come to zambia please don’t blame president sata for your mistake, the was never a time he lied about him changing from his ways from unip to mmd and now pf he never said he changed but a group of clowns voted anyway and are now complaining shut up and sleep in the bed you made

  8. Of course Zambian are not polarised but united in demanding a new constitution, it is you PF who must be polarised amongest yourselves.

  9. Constitution, constitution, constitution…….. Winter, by the way where did you get authority to talk about this issue when your commander in chief said you are to ignore all talks on this issue of constitution, constitution? If it is true you are talking about the constitution and not dochi kubeba, then it is a sign that your leader is not being obeyed, which leaves much to be desired as to who is in control… Stop taking us for granted and just deliver the constitution, constitution, constitution. Opposition MP job well done on this one.

  10. Wynter should not insult the intelligience of Zambians worst still the intelligience of the committee led by a well learned and seasoned justice Silungwe.Learn to READ the mood of the nation this is what made FTJ a political genius.

  11. If indeed the draft constitution was delivered to Kabimba, common sense would suggest that the technical committee told him in advance that they were bringing it to him and at that stage he should have told them he was not the right person to receive it! Be that as it may, the govt spokesman told us cabinet was studying the draft, the VP said the draft had been returned for some additions now this Kabimba story!

    • Haaaa…..Matrix! I salute you….perhaps in the past I have judged you harshly cos of your tribal blogs. Today, you are in the mainstream. If PF doctors (or manipulates) the constitution from a people to an animal driven one; they are gone. True. Wynter listen to Matrix.

  12. We are at it again. These pf are nuts. They all seem to come from the same mother. What do they talk about when they sit in as cabinet to discuss business? They are concerned about how they should come back in 2016.

  13. ‘ am I dreaming or what?’ I thought we were told earlier that the Final draft Constitution was handed over to the President by the Tech. Committee, and later that the Cabinet was studying it?? Later on we were told it leaked and then we saw an angry Sata saying he had ‘not received’ the Constitution, that it was never handed over to him?? And now this rubbish? Who the hell do these guys think we are? a bunch of Zombies? I hate lies!!

  14. Nosense Kabimba. This constitution will cost you something. Anyway continue on this path. This is a cerebration for the opposition. Keep it up Kabimba. This will help the opposition to kick you out. BYE.

  15. half of the vote i cast for PF was the constitution and the other half goes to opening the rural areas, media freedom, farming improvement not MAIZE only but so far its maybe the stalled road works i can say are progressing the rest is down to 0. as for the constitution, you are buying nails for your coffin the cadres were carrying in the streets of lusaka not too long ago. at least the coffin didnt have nails now youve just bought them. if you are thinking we are joking continue on the same trajectory we will see who will be where in 2017. mark my words even the people you claim to be with you will soon show their true stand. after your MPs are paid their gratuity you remain with Dr Guy and a few people that are not seeing what we are seeing

  16. Kabimba and your ilk stop treating Zambians like trash, see what has happened to your PF in Katuba, eye opener learn to be humane, 2016 is just a stone’s throw away

  17. I really applaud the WATCHDOG for releasing the 11th copy. Ala ba Watchdog epashili pakuleka, thankyou. WYNTER, UKWA and their minions have been left scratching their heads, they cant doctor the constitution because we know what is in there. WYNTER SOUNDS STUPID WITH THAT EXCUSS. just give us the constitution…..kekekekeke

  18. What do these constitution-obsessed people plan to offer people who have no food? The constitution to eat? Will treatment in hospitals be done with the constitution? Will the constitution build roads and telecoms to connect the country?

    Try to manage to comprehend the concept of priorities please

    • If you do not understand priorities in a society which is subject to the rule of law, there is no point explaining why, how and because of the importance of the Constitution.

    • Iwee chiclutchplate whatever you are so dull and retarded to understand that developement in any progressive country starts with a well concieved people driven constitution. Minus that there is no direction.

  19. This guy is deluded or he does not know the meaning of ” polarized”
    of cos zambian politicians in opposition and the public are not polarized on the draft contistution- do a reality check- if my observations are accurate the majority of well meaning zambians(except for sata and his useless MPs and CADRES) are in unity & wanting the new contitution given to them as promised by PF party when in opposition.
    Zambians have proved time and time again that unity,persistance and dialogue is the best way to deal with important national issues and not just saying ” IGNORE THEM” because we have seen what political polarisation can do to a nation ie has caused civil wars in certain countries.
    My advise…pres sata to address the nation and begin dialogue with stake holders.

  20. Gents seriously Zambian politics are so boring i feel sorry for the media because the only thing news worthy is cho chise this one says this today the other one answers the next day no constructive news uluse ine

  21. It’s un-natural for a short man to be endowed with a short brain. This man seems to have it all. Dr. Isaac Watts once said ‘the mind is the stature of man’. In that sense, Mr. Kabimba is a toddler of a man. And it is not as though we should expect that he will grow-up, because he won’t. His time for that expired.

  22. It is difficulty to understand this man(Kabimba). You are supposed to be a justice minister and there are terms of reference attached to the handover of the constitution but you choose to be mute about the terms of reference which among others requires that not only your president receives a final copy but the owners(People of Zambia) as well receive a public copy simultaneously. So for a so called lawyer to be making a statement that means nothing it is very worrying indeed. It is also difficult to understand what this Govt of CNPs is hiding if this constitution is really for the people of Zambia. By the way your president doesn’t need it for obvious reasons. The people of Zambia constitution know exactly what is in it. We demand ours while your president waits for ths animal…

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