Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zambia Police to investigate the PF cadre who fired two shots in Katuba


NORTHERN Province Minister Freedom Sikazwe
NORTHERN Province Minister Freedom Sikazwe

Zambia Police has said that they will institute investigations into the incident in which a Patriotic Front (PF) cadre fired two shots during a fracas involving PF and UPND cadres during Tuesday’s Katuba parliamentary by-election.

The cadre is said to have fired the shots to scare away UPND cadres who had pounced on Northern province Minister Freedom Sikazwe.

Police acting Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga told Qfm News that the Police have not yet received any formal complaint in relation to the incident.

Mr Hamoonga however stated that investigations will be instituted to ascertain the circumstances under which the fire arm was discharged.

On the election day, Northern Province Minister Freedom Sikazwe was allegedly beaten by suspected opposition political party cadres in Katuba constituency while voting in the by election was underway.

[pullquote]“They almost killed me today. The situation was so bad such that if it were not for the quick action by the chap who was in our group who had a gun, I could have died,” the Minister said.[/pullquote]

Mr Sikazwe said he was attacked in Shifwankula area in Katuba Constituency where he had gone to check out the voting process around 10:00 hours.

“They almost killed me today. The situation was so bad such that if it were not for the quick action by the chap who was in our group who had a gun, I could have died,” the Minister said.

Mr Sikazwe said a group of people armed with screwdrivers and other weapons arrived at the scene in three land cruiser vehicles shortly before he and his entourage got on their vehicles to leave the place.

Mr Sikazwe said the suspected hired cadres pounced on him and started beating him, prompting an unknown man in his entourage who was brandishing a gun to fire warning shots in the air thereby causing the attackers to scamper.

He said his assailants later regrouped ahead and another confrontation ensued but police arrived at the scene and quelled the situation.

Mr Sikazwe then went on to report the matter at Kabangwe Police Post where he also obtained a medical report before heading to Parliament Motel in readiness to attend Parliament.


  1. Freedom Sikazwe who gave you the freedom to go to Katuba, you are the people who cause confusion? they should have beaten you.

    • what investigating`??… you who they are (mwachusa sikazwe and his group) and you also know that the said gun had no musonko,,,, by the way are you still investigating kabimba`s cadres who pangaed a youth to death??

    • I thought Freedom Sikazwe was a human being? That’s why I always demand for pictures or hear their voice atleast, before I judge a person.

    • @ geo, I was wondering exactly the same thing. What is a Northern Province minister doing voting in Katuba… why is he even registered as a voter there? I know it doesn’t say he was voting and I’m not condining the thuggery behaviour of his alleged attackers but I reckon they suspected that he had gone to rig and temper with the votes or they thought he actually went there to vote when he is not supposed to be an electorate in that constituency.

    • @ geo

      if sikazwe does not have the freedom to go to katuba, who gave your tribalist, the economic plunderer and saboteur, masquerading as a leader to go to katuba?

      in case you didn’t know, the constitution allows any Zambian to go anywhere in the country. That’s why no one questioned your tribalist leader when he went there

    • Police dont have to wait for a report in such issues. Zambia Police is just a rubber stamp no wonder we call you Zabwino Palibe. you cant act on your own unless a cadre tells you so? evidence is there that some one in Sikazwe’s group fired 2 shorts and then what! come on be professional guys. Thats why most police officers fail to leave after retirement because they are used to be lead. wonani tuma uniform natumimba. shame police

    • Ya Avinochaya, Vinulenvile vitalondolwike though I guess that you had some reasonable word for Chief Sikazwe. Landa ningo tuvwe simwana. Ciza uli?

  2. Ba sikazwe Don’t tell lies , God the Almight is watching you .it is only that God does not punish people there and then but remember the more you lie the more you wil loose populality. Filya mwalebepe Mu UTTA pamo naba Nsanda na nomba ta mula leka bufi ? Bweleni kundeke ku Kitwe uko bamwisiba bu Puti . Muletina Lesa . It is you ba PF who are fond of beating people together with your. PF dos ba police , time is coming very soon , Ukabwelela ku kwensha ifisasa fya ma bus kukitwe . What a Minister !!!

  3. Sikazwe, you have by now earned enough to start doing your own business like us all, the so called Mbala Mafias. Your time is running out. Leave politics alone and secure reasonable future for yourself, wife and children. Ama politics yamakukomola, yakushe apanya kalulu. We simwana vite. Ciza uli?

  4. This is one case that won’t see the light of day. It’s like a PF panga wielding cadre investigating a fellow cadre.

  5. Ba Sikazwe, what were you doing in Katuba? You should be ashamed icimpwena , all the way from NP to go and start problems at Shifwankula, Mukombe ngabalikucena ,
    Uibwelemo . Uleikalafye ku parliament where you were sent to represent people of Mpulungu.

  6. Caterpillar by two…
    More like kaponyas by two…

    Both ma uselessness! Two of Africa’s most retarded leaders!

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