The Zambia Police Service has reiterated its appeal to all wrecked car owners to clear off their cars from police stations around the country.
Zambia Police Service Acting Spokesperson Rea Hamoonga has since threatened that wrecked vehicles that have stayed at police stations for a long time would be sold off.
Mr. Hamoonga told ZANIS in Lusaka that wrecked cars have congested police stations hence the need for the owners to collect them.
He said the process of getting rid of wrecked vehicles will contribute to the achievement of the keep Zambia clean programme.
Mr. Hamoonga said most of the wrecked vehicles would be taken for scrap metal if they are not collected.
He explained that the police would inform the court for permission to start the exercise because the wrecked cars at police stations have different cases.
He has since advised members of the public to comply with all lawful directives issued to them by officers either from the Zambia Police Service or Road Transport and Safety Agency.
Also once the police report is written let owners take their vehicles from the crime scene to their preferred storage
…and cause more wrecks
Why are they towed to the police in the first place? Had an accident in Lusaka and towed my car to my friend’s yard where the insurance picked it up a month later. The law should state clearly that no accident wreck should be towed to the police station. They are a sore sight.
Spot on! !
At present zambia is littered with all sorts of vehicles as if government is without traffic laws. To begin with all wrecks of cars at police stations is unlawful (learn from UK) police stations should be free from such vehicles. Any vehicle packed at police station should be subjected to penalty fee payable within 7 days. Police are not to guard general public vehicles, state has employed them for orderliness in the country. Rea Hamoonga and the police should not go to the press over this matter laws exist to rid all wrecks at police premises which has made cities and towns look dirty. Police together with RATSA should identify owners of vehicles parked at police stations to clear them after paying s fee within 7 days and failure doing so should auction vehicles to recover parking fees.
Abenensu ku UK. Awe sure we continue be insulted even over wrecked cars… ku UK ku UK.
Stop dragging vehicles to your yard if you can’t keep them. You thought the owners would bribe you over minor traffic offences but to your surprise they went to buy new ones!
ya look at manda hill y r those cars there i did write about this over 2 years ago but nothing was done but to day u r talking about it this should have been done a long time ago
Inspector Hamoonga could you please also disperse the street venders from the streets as you dispose of those vehcles! On second thought, assemple the cars in one spot and the street venders can sell their ware from there!
The solution to this problem is simple! issue licenses to private individuals to create car breakers yards where parts could be recycled and metal sold for scrap. Police should then have contracts with car breakers to tow these vehicles straight the the breakers yard rather than a police station. If the police need to carry out extensive investigations on the causes of accidents then they should have designated yards for this rather than dumping cars in front of police stations. People’s mindsets need to change. Each police station has a commander or someone in charge. Why don’t you send a journalist to ask questions why these cars are dumped in police stations in the first place?
Its is in Kitwe especially at the so called filthy Kitwe Central,Mindolo and Wusakile police stations. You might think these vehicle came from Syria or Iraq were there are wars.Police just invite the car breakers to do the job.
Abana Mablazer incinto iyo yamuneka.
If they were smart they would have co – partnered with relevant councils build secured impound yards and charge a fee for parking or placing cars in them and maximising their revenue.
@ Nostra
Its depressing each year I come home and assess developments in my country, many questions remain unanswered. Just KKI airport greets you with poor structures of buildings (50 years after independence) and our leaders have left from this airport to other countries airports with much advanced airport buildings and they come back basking to Zambians as VIPs returnees danced upon by poor Zambians. It sickens me and has now resolved to return and change things in my country. Watch my blog in the next 15 months, I feel the wind of change.
The country has even become more useless under pama fi. You mean to say the police don’t have a yard where they should take accident vehicles? Rubbish. Also in this country police just shoot dead its citizens and says these are wanted criminals and were shot in an exchange of gun fire. Same story all the time and nobody investgates them. This country is a big joke.