Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Student Unions Launch Fight for the Release of Final Draft Constitution


Students from all institutions of higher learning have decided to launch an independent fight for the release of the final draft constitution.

The students through the union mother body, the Zambia National Students Union have since held a meeting to formulate a road map on how the fight is to be undertaken.

University of Zambia Students Union-UNZASU President Steven Kyengula, Copperbelt University Students Union-COBUSU president, Evelyn Hone College Students Union President Timmy Chellah, National Institution for Public Administration-NIPA Student Union President Enock Chiwati were among student leaders that attended the meeting.


  1. No need the issue is already being looked at,as soon as the president is thru it will be released.Every body, be patient.

    • I personally welcome students voice on the demand for a promised constitution.
      Come on students fight like we used to do in them days when we crippled KK’s regime. No amount of intimidation should scare you. For now sent a clear ultimatum to Sata to act quickly. Give him say two weeks to act .

      Don’t take any advice from these PF minions who are saying Sata is studying the document. How can a man who can’t read and comprehend any thing beyond a text message study the constitution? Why has he left it up to this point where every body including villagers are now aware of his treacherous ways?

      Its too late to let him carry on ducking and diving on the constitution issue. He has had ample time to study the constitution so he is not to be allowed more time. Sata needs to man up…

    • Every Zambian should have the freedom to express their views. 50 years ago that is what our founding fathers fought for.

      And WE KNOW that Sata and his PF are liars and cheats. They promised us 90 days and now it is THREE YEARS.

      Go for it students, this is YOUR FUTURE. Make sure your voice is heard loud and clear, and no more delaying tactics!

  2. The problem is that your so called president has no priorities. He can abandon a noble cause as the constitution and go and attend a wedding for Mugabe’s daughter that has NO bearing whatsoever on people in Kaputa, Chama or Shangombo. It is shameful that people can still have hope on this man.

    • My friend even in times of hardship life should go on. Do u turn down an invitation for drink up or wedding when your dota is crying for a dress? We are not in a crisis. We have a constitution at the moment and all is well. The new constitution will only bring few changes in our electro process mainly, but life will go on as usual.

    • It’s very socking that you want to portray negativity at every opportunity.In between studying the constitution the president can’t attend a key function? Come on we have no constitutional crises in Zambia, we may go up to the election and most of you may not even notice the difference.Be patient when the president is thru studying the document he will advise the nation ,meantime concentrate on what your parents sent you to school for & stop mob psychology ask the disgruntled nurses for guidance.

    • @ Chinyama Don’t make such silly jokes! You know that Sata has not even managed to read the PRESENT Constitution that he swore to uphold. That is why he appointed too many MPs, an illegal, and unconstitutional, “acting” Chief Justice, and made many other mistakes.

      If we wait for him to “study the document” we will wait for ever! This man cannot even read the TEN COMMANDMENTS!

  3. When student union leaders were credible, before making a decision in the name of the student populace, they would call a general meeting (GM) where they would propound and expound and conscientise (sic) the unconscious. Not these chaps who call for a demonstration after hearing a rumour that their fellow student has died of suspected typhoid.

    • Gone are the days when we used to be expounded and propounded and conscietised at the monks square. By then we had well informed momas, monks,walking sticks,mojos, lumpens and matures. oooooh those were good old days.

    • Really those where the good old days. I do not remember us stoning and over turning vehicles of the citizens like now. Please most Zambians are suffering and sacrificing a lot to acquire the property they own. Demonstrate peacefully and no damage to any property that way you shall earn respect of the people

  4. I personally recommend the initiative by the student body. Government should stop malingering with the draft constitution, wasting time and people’s peace. The constitution has/had been part of the many issues that PF was voted into power, promised peaceful Zambians a transparent and speedy process. Sadly, only them in government know why there is a stall, which I strongly believe is unnecessary. The setting in itself has shown a lot of underhand gimmicks only bound in their sense to making the country so volatile politically, economically and otherwise. Let every government supporting individual and groupings be supportive that the constitution release be dealt with once and for so that the nation may concentrate on the pending ahead challenges soon to rain down on the country. with love

  5. I suspect the so called student leaders have been bought.They should know that strength is in the numbers but they have fallen for divide and rule tactic!

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